Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge -- thread closing -- see new thread Part 2!

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Ok, hi, here's my QOTD response:
I'm Michele, on Disboards for about 3 yrs, Podcast fan too. Age 41 next month (hanging on to 40, lol), married nearly 15 yrs and have DS8 & DS4 and teach school FT.
C25K grad 3 yrs ago worked up to completing a HM...and then both parents' got sick with cancer--lost one to that disease and lost a big part of the other to dementia, so I've been basically consumed the last two years. Exercise (and a good attitude) fell by the wayside with pounds creeping back.

I just need to clean up my act, lose the 10+ ish lbs that have crept on, and get the heck out of my rut--I have a great DH and two great DS's to get healthy and present for! :thumbsup2 So this challenge is hopefully just what I need!

I cut off my hair today, super super short, so I am ready for 2010!:woohoo:
GL to us:cool2:
I would like to join. My name is Lori. I will be 39 in January and my family has a horrible history of heart disease. My oldest brother died during open heart surgery at 49 and I have another brother who had a heart attack in his early 40's. I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on a low dose medicine. I am hoping to lose weight and get off of the meds at my 6 month visit. I also have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrom) and losing weight will definitely help this condition.
I have learned that I need someone to be accountable to for me to have best results. I have tried WW and it is a great program and does work but I never seem to stick it out. I am hoping this will get me motivated. It has now definitely become a health issue with me. I am really excited about this.
Good luck to us all. Happy New Year!!!!
I also have a quick question. I do not have a high posting count and tried to send a pm to join and received a message that I can only pm certain people because my count is only at 4. How should I send my weight since I can't PM?
I cut off my hair today, super super short, so I am ready for 2010

You should have waited until after the first weigh-in to cut it. It may have added to your weekly total! :rotfl:

I've been running some BL challenges at work and when people come to see me they take off belts, watches, earrings, and you name it! One guy actually wore running shorts under his jeans for the final weigh in and stripped down at my desk! It was just enough to qualify him for our random drawing of people that maintained or lost! We have a competitive bunch at work, but we've all been burned out and doing poorly over the holidays. I can't wait for the never ending food festival to end. We have three birthdays in my family besides Christmas and retirement parties. I'm not even enjoying it anymore, yet I can't seem to stop. I need help! :scared1:
I'll introduce myself in a minute!

I should warn everyone that I have a tendancy to share everything when I'm on a long term chat like this so I'm warning you, you will know me very well by the end of this. Some stuff you may not even want to know but I'll tell you anyway :lmao:


I'm like that too!

I am only five pounds overweight but those pounds have been hard for me to get ride of! I'm only 5 foot 3" so even a couple of pounds makes a huge difference on me. I am very excited to get in shape.

Same height. And since I've been up and down and so close to goal, and so far...I swear, those last pounds are SO hard! I keep giving up 5 lbs from where I want to be and gaining so much more. I wish you all the luck I've never had with it! :)

I sit at a desk for 9+ hours a day and it totally screws with my metabolism not to mention that by the time I get home after an hour commute, i'm so drained. But NO MORE EXCUSES!!.

I found that working out before work/school worked best for me. It's painful if you're not a morning person, but can definitely be worth it! Plus your metabolism is raised a bit during the day thanks to the early exercise. :)

I have struggled with weight my whole life - I remember going on my first "diet" in 2nd grade. I imagine I will always struggle to some degree, but I am taking action now, before it gets too out of hand and for that, I am proud.

3rd grade here. I was a basically normal-sized kid surrounded by "bean pole" girls. And those girls hated their bodies, too (though I didn't know it then). We all wanted what we couldn't have. My mom always said that if we could have worn saris we would have looked great...but wearing clothes with waistbands and difficult inseams,'s just hard when you're short and curvy.

I had a nasty comment made about me to my husband from DS8's teacher so instead of focusing my efforts on the 240 kids in the building, I'm working on me for a change. We'll see how long they can live without me. :laughing:

Am picturing the Pretty Woman scene with that saying "mistake. BIG mistake." :)

I also have a quick question. I do not have a high posting count and tried to send a pm to join and received a message that I can only pm certain people because my count is only at 4. How should I send my weight since I can't PM?

POst more. It's 10 or 15 or something like that posts before you can PM.


Looks like my name got lost in the thread move. I'll PM soon.

I'm Molly. Just turned 40, have been out of control, off and on, for a good 10 years. It's NOT good. I eat a basically good diet, and I don't really overeat, but I'm a person who just NEEDS exercise. Have to have it. But I'd been jogging since I was 10 (when jogging was all the rage), PE in high school, runs with my big dog the rest of my teen years...took a year off as a freshman in college, but joined Crew for the last 3 years. Worked out like crazy while in grad school, got into GREAT shape but I refused to believe it! Couldn't see how great I looked. Worked out hard another year out of school, moved back to WA, and it all fell to pieces. I was just so TIRED of working out and still *feeling* fat. What I needed was a big smack from my friends, but they were never very complimentary. Too competitive, I guess. Weird, to have friends like that.

With my degrees, I *know* what I should be doing. I could get a job as a trainer (but no one would listen to me right now, LOL). I just...don't do it.

But we joined a gym back in Sept, and exercise is now a habit (a habit I can forget about, like I did last week, but today I'm working out in a few hours). Plus DS is signed up for all these classes at the Y, so I work out before or after his classes. I'm there anyway, right?

So my focus is the exercise, b/c it works so so so well for me. In my silly scale nonsense I described in the other thread, I did figure out that I'd already lost upwards of 15 lbs (though I gained about 3 back last week) since starting at the Y. So that's exciting and encouraging!

Beyond living longer and healthier, feeling better, staving off knee replacements (horrible joints on both sides of my family; all but one of my uncle/aunts on my dad's side have had something replaced already), and being able to keep up with my son, I want to be healthy for a future pregnancy (still trying!) b/c I was NOT healthy with my first one and it was miserable. And I'm much heavier now than where I started that one... And also, I want to be able to have a great WDW trip next year, without dying from the heat (if there's heat next year December) or exertion (planning a LONG trip to Orlando).

Lots of reasons to drop this fat!
Hi everyone,

Here's my introduction- I'm a 36 year old single mom to a 17 year old daughter. I guess I've struggled with my weight since high school but gained most when I was pregnant and haven't been able to lose it. I've tried almost every diet and get results and then something happens and I gain it back- like most people. I probably have about 80 lbs to lose and I've decided this year will be the year I do it. I've realized I need to do this more for my health than anything- I'm tired of feeling old and hurting.
I look forward to the challenges and the support that everyone is giving so we can all succeed.:cheer2:
I also have a quick question. I do not have a high posting count and tried to send a pm to join and received a message that I can only pm certain people because my count is only at 4. How should I send my weight since I can't PM?

Hi Lori,

I'm in the same boat- I just joined and don't have enough postings, I have less than you even:goodvibes I guess we will have to get busy posting

I'm not even enjoying it anymore, yet I can't seem to stop. I need help! :scared1:

I'm with you! I have cookie dough in my fridge and I don;t want to toss it and don;t want to make it either. I might just make it for work. Those little cocktail weinies and crescent rolls :sad2: just stare at me too.

I admit to eating a little vanilla frosting from the tub. I've done really well the last 3 days so I don' feel that bad about it :goodvibes

By the way DisneyFam5 I keep seeing your id and think "I didn't write that!"
quick question and I may have missed it but where can we get the biggest loser 9 clippie?

Ideally my goal is to be under 200 lbs intially but my real goal is to buy clothes in regular stores and not the plus size stores anymore.

To all who set this up, Thanks for all your hard work. I look forward to working with everyone here.


Oh man, I can wait for regular clothes, too! :lovestruc

I have not done a challange before so I hope coming on here and having to report in will help keep me on track. I've been sick for the last week and i'm dying to get back to working out bt I think I would fall over I'm so dizzy! :upsidedow

Good luck to us all!!! :cheer2:

Hope that you are feeling better soon! :hug:

My dream is to someday complete a marathon.
Another part of my motivation is to help my family eat better. While my DS is a beanpole, the rest of us are not. I am especially concerned because my sturdy DD will start middle school next year and I know how cruel tween girls can be. My DH has diabetes and had a heart attack 2 years ago. He is 6'5 and probably weights about 300. We are planning to support each other for a healthy 2010.

It's nice that you and your DH can work on things together. :yay:

Also - I just started a thread for Friday for an exercise challenge. I'm challenging everyone to do some sort of exercise on Friday to get themselves started with a BANG! Anyone game? Come join me.

I'll come join you, Melanie!

And DH & I are going to Vegas when I reach my goal weight!:thumbsup2

Oooh! Vegas sounds like a lot of fun! :thumbsup2

Hi, I'm a 28 year old mostly stay-at-home mom to an almost 2 year old. I work a few days a month in an acute care psychiatric hospital. Like lost of PPs, I am just tired of being overweight. My DH and I would like to start TTC baby #2 sometime next year and I would like to be MUCH healthier than I am now. I am beginning training in mid-January for a 10K on March 27. I am very active in my local moms group and I love to read. I used to be really outdoorsy and ride horses, but that has sadly kind of gone by the wayside since having DD. Of course, I love Disney! I need to lose about 20-30 lbs.

Good luck with your marathon training! We have several folks here who are runners.

I've done WW and did fairly well and might continue with that or maybe trying Sparkpeople. Does anyone use Sparkpeople? I'd love to add you as friends! Looking forward to getting started!

I love sparkpeople -- I am 1313harbor. Did you know there is a Disboards team? We're not as chatty as we are here but anut4disney is doing a great job getting lots of spark points for our team!

I love watching the BL every Tuesday with DH! I got several new workout things for Christmas so I'm looking forward to finishing this challenge reaching my goal! DH and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary last weekend. I currently weigh what I did before getting pregnant the first time. My goal is 145-150.

Happy belated anniversary, tigger813! :cool1:

Hi everyone. I found the BL challenge last January and it finally kept me going on my diet. I won the challenge and lost 62 pounds by July 1st! I don't know why, but having to PM my weigh to a total stranger really kept me going. I was very excited to win the challenge and I felt great!!!! Shopping was awesome. Unfortunately I eventually fell off the wagon and gained about half of it back. I feel awful and poor Kohl's is going to send out a search party because now shopping is depressing and I'm avoiding it! Anyway, I'm ready to get moving again and I guess my goal for the fifteen weeks is to get back to where I was in July.
Oh, my name is Michele, I'm a 45 year old engineer, married 18 years, with three boys ages 17, 15, and 13. Also I LOVE excel and am a geek like LuvBaloo!

Well, now you know what works and what doesn't -- I know that you can do it again!

I cut off my hair today, super super short, so I am ready for 2010!:woohoo: GL to us:cool2: Michele/RutgersAlum

I bet you will enjoy your new short haircut!

I also have a quick question. I do not have a high posting count and tried to send a pm to join and received a message that I can only pm certain people because my count is only at 4. How should I send my weight since I can't PM?

There is a place on the tech support boards where you can post to up your post count, too.

Looks like my name got lost in the thread move. I'll PM soon.

Oops! Sorry! I am taking names from several places and think I am catching everyone but may not be. Please don't take it personally and just let me know. I'll fix it PDQ! :goodvibes

Hi Lori,

I'm in the same boat- I just joined and don't have enough postings, I have less than you even:goodvibes I guess we will have to get busy posting


That works, too. ;)

By the way DisneyFam5 I keep seeing your id and think "I didn't write that!"

I noticed that too!
quick question and I may have missed it but where can we get the biggest loser 9 clippie?


It's also in the first post of this thread. I try to keep the stuff that you would probably want to refer to like the COW, the coaching schedule, etc. in the first few posts.

It's in the sticky post. One of the 1st few posts.

Yep, it's there too!
It's also in the first post of this thread. I try to keep the stuff that you would probably want to refer to like the COW, the coaching schedule, etc. in the first few posts.

Yep, it's there too!

Thanks! with your help and my daughters help I got it:banana:
By the way DisneyFam5 I keep seeing your id and think "I didn't write that!"

I know what you mean! I keep doing that too! I need to replace my little Mickey Ears and maybe that will at least help. I think I'm just getting old and confuse easily. When I saw that you were eating frosting I thought you were in the bathtub eating frosting at first!!!! Sometimes my brain is just scary...:rotfl2:
Worked out like crazy while in grad school, got into GREAT shape but I refused to believe it! Couldn't see how great I looked.

i feel the same way. As a teenager I always thought I had a gut. A few disney trips back, I weighed myself the day I left and I was lighter than I had been in years, still thought I was too heavy. Looking back at pictures, I looked fabulous :) but I didn't realize it then, always thought I had a gut. I don't have a naturally flat stomach so maybe thats where it came from.

I wonder what my 2005ish body would say about my 2009 body.
Melanie - going to join that exercise thread! I've been waiting for January's to go up. :thumbsup2

Tigger813 - wow okay - I thought you were a naturally active athletic person your entire life - I didn't realize it was a fairly recent habit. Now you're even more of an insipiration.:goodvibes I did my BL wii, walked the dogs, and then - in honor of you and Shannon - did wii fit rhythm parade!

I love my bodybugg and am excited for my coaching session tomorrow! I'll tell you what I have been surprised at - just from being alive and doing "normal" stuff every day I burn about 2000 calories! I am sure that varies by height and weight but that shocked me. Also I actually burn more calories on my slow 2.8 mile/hour walk with my dogs for 30 minutes than my red faced sweaty BL workout! :confused3 I'm wondering if that will change once I am in better shape.

I'm almost done with Ali Vincent's book - very quick read but I'm enjoying it, I really identify with her. Ali says that she felt alone because of her weight and used it as an excuse to not do things. I thought I was the only one who felt like that! Now I see that I'm sure many many people do, but because being overweight is seen as such a shameful thing by many people we don't discuss the emotions that go along with it. Okay - I'm done for now. :rolleyes:

Lisa - I've tried sparkpeople, I didn't realize there was a disteam on there. I was a little overwhelmed on the site.

Ziggy - I think I have the crockpot version of that book - I'll have to check that one out.

I made Devin Alexander's recipe for McDonald fries tonight - huge hit with the family!! We only had 1/3 of her serving size, so we had 80 calories and 2 grams of fat per serving. Yum!
Hi Everyone!
My name is Christina (CC) and I'm very excited to be joining BL9. I need to lose about 25 pounds. I lost about 25 on Weight Watchers in about 3.5 months, but since last December I've been going up and down. I'm really hoping this challenge will help me shed the last 25 pounds for good. I just got a Wii for Christmas and my parents bought me the Wii Fit Plus/balance board today. I can't wait to start using it tomorrow or Friday. I've been trying to do the 30-Day Shred, but haven't done that in at least a few days. As of Jan. 1st, things are changing and I'm going to exercise and lose those pounds.
Hey, everyone, I'm Julie and I just turned 48. (dear God in Heaven, I'm OLD) I'm really excited about the BL9 challenge, not only because I love the show-but also because I know that I can't do this alone. I need a community to chat with and share experiences. I hope I can lift someone else up when they need a boost and I hope someone can do that for me when I need one.

I've been a swimmer for most of my life-and I never had to worry about my weight. When you're swimming 3000 yds at practice every day, you can eat pretty much whatever you want. I swam enough even in the off-seasons to keep me as "the skinny one" for a pretty long time. That is until I got into my 30's and stopped swimming....everything I'd eaten during all those years had been hiding somewhere and before I knew it-it was all in my gut, butt and thighs. I'm sick of being this heavy and I made a promise to myself that I would NOT enter the next decade wearing this size.

I've tried the run/walk thing and it's ok-but I really think returning to swimming offers me the best hope to succeed because I LOVE it. So far this week I've put in two really good workouts-only 2000 yards each so far-but hopefully I can get back up to my old distances. My long term goal is to get back to the level where I can do 3000 yards in an hour, 5 days a week. My short term goal is to get up tomorrow and get to the pool before work. ;)

As far as diet goes-I'm making a few adjustments, mostly to my snack and dessert habits. Yogurt instead of cookies, popcorn instead of Doritos and frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. My breakfasts, lunch and dinner habits are good now-I learned those in WW years ago and those habits did stick. It's the mindless munching and inactivity that did me in.
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