"Booty is Booty" Burger King commercial?

Get over it.

Burger King isn't teaching children anything.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that the commercial is not aimed at children, but adults, and that it advertises a 99 cent kids meal with the purchase of an value ("adult") meal.

It is airing on programming on ESPN, Sci-Fi and other channels watched primarily by adults.

Acutally I have only seen the commercial on Nickelodeon. And SpongeBob IS a Nickelodeon product. Not targeted to children? I don't think so.
If you’re shocked or annoyed by this commercial, my question to you is; where have you been hiding? When considering the question of culture, a valid question is “Who makes culture?” Here’s your answer; Burger King and the ad agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky. Both kids and adults WILL eat this up. The ad agency has cleverly and humorously connected objectification of women with cheap fatty meat and toys. What’s the problem? Isn’t this the culture you’d enjoy living in?

For me, this is really a question of culture and who we pay to create the culture and who we discourage, by neglect, to contribute to the culture. How about schools teaching some legitimate creativity and genuine critical thinking.

When it comes to the welfare and spiritual well-being of your children, griping about about a BK commercial on a blog isn’t near good enough. The reality is; this is what you bought into, and sadly, so have I.

How about considering the quality of education your kids are getting. I know part of being an American (in this current culture anyhow) is your assumed right to be too busy to have a voice. Burger King is teaching your children something, I look down my nose at you and say “wake up!” You might at least consider letting the AD AGENCY (Crispin Porter + Bogusky) and BURGER KING know what we thinbk about their funny little commercial:

call: 305-859-2070 ask for Katie Kempner, Public Relations

BK Corporate Headquarters - 305-378-3000
BK Marketing/Advertising Information Requests - 305-378-7200
BK Consumer Relations - 305-378-3535
HAVE IT YOUR WAY® Cards Consumer Help Desk - 1-800-522-1278

Fascinating first post.
Fascinating first post.

And *only* too :rolleyes1 ...


[ETA: Mr. Blueart seems to have mostly only this one thing to say...he says it over and over and over and over again elsewhere on the Internet...]
Thanks for the numbers -- I'll be sure to call and tell them to keep those commercials coming. This one is worth stopping tivo for! (And the lyrics are hysterical)

Yes, the BK guy is creeeeepy. They know it. That's part of why it's so funny. Remember the first commercials when he was lurking in people's houses?

I love these ads.
That BK guy usually creeps me out,

I had to weigh in on this conversation. First of all, I hate the Burger King guy. I find him to be freaky and odd. I hate his stupid smiling face. *shudder*

My kids think it is HILARIOUS that I despise BK guy so much. In fact a couple of Halloweens ago, one of my kids dressed as the Burger King guy just to freak me out! The costume came with a mask and ever since then the kids make it a game to hide the mask where I will find it unsuspectingly.

I have found the Burger King guy's hideous face in the following places: 1. under my pillow 2. propped up on the lamp on my nightstand. 3. the steering wheel of my car 4. under the piano lid 5. the shower6. wrapped up as a Christmas present and the one that got the biggest scream out of me was ~drumroll~ 7. the refrigerator!!!

Nothings says good morning like the Burger King guy's head in your fridge.:scared:

Back to the Original Topic: The kids couldnt wait for me to see the commercial d/t my hatred of all things BK guy. I thought the commercial was dumb. at best. I definitely did an eye roll. I do think our kids are exposed to way too many sexual images, but it is my job to decide when enough is enough and to limit their television viewing if I feel this is the case.
I saw that commercial for the first time the other day and just found the entire commercial freaky & bizarre.

Of course, my DD saw it and went "OK...the king guy is creepy to start with but that was just *really* creepy"
I had to weigh in on this conversation. First of all, I hate the Burger King guy. I find him to be freaky and odd. I hate his stupid smiling face. *shudder*

My kids think it is HILARIOUS that I despise BK guy so much. In fact a couple of Halloweens ago, one of my kids dressed as the Burger King guy just to freak me out! The costume came with a mask and ever since then the kids make it a game to hide the mask where I will find it unsuspectingly.

I have found the Burger King guy's hideous face in the following places: 1. under my pillow 2. propped up on the lamp on my nightstand. 3. the steering wheel of my car 4. under the piano lid 5. the shower6. wrapped up as a Christmas present and the one that got the biggest scream out of me was ~drumroll~ 7. the refrigerator!!!

Nothings says good morning like the Burger King guy's head in your fridge.:scared:

There's nothing sexual about the "phone book in your pants" video if you aren't aware of the original. To little kids it's just silly to imagine people with square butts.

Adults can enjoy it on a completely different level.
I think that Burger King's and the Jack-in-the-Box's ads are some of the funniest and most creative on TV. And I don't even like Jack's food :crazy2:, and eat at BK maybe once every 4 years and usually out of desperation (like at MCO). But the commercials almost make me want to support them by eating there because they are so entertaining.

Anything is better than "I'm lovin' it", or the Quizno's rodents.
Now, the Burger King King freaks me out, but I thought this ad was hilarious. I'm of the right age to appreciate a redo of Sir Mix a Lot, and I like Spongebob too. I agree with most other posters that it is what you make of it - if you want it to be dirty and offensive, then you'll make it that. It's the same thing I say to people who swear that there's dirty stuff in Disney movies - if you're bent on finding something wrong with it you will, making something out of nothing. Even if there were something to it, stuff will sail over kids' heads unless they're already corrupted enough to make something out of it. :confused3 My two cents.
I don't think the commerical in question is anything worth writing about and it isn't something I'd care for my kids to see, but I don't have kids. Frankly, I don't like associating butts with food. :rotfl:

I do have a BK mask though and I enjoy wearing it as a passenger in my husband's car. We carpool every day so it lightens up most Mondays.
I think its hilarious :lmao:

ETA its aimed at us parents who grew up in the day when Baby's Got Back was popular. We are the ones buying those kids meals for our kids now. Yes, it is Sir Mix a Lot at the end.
In one of the Shrek movies Donkey sings that song, its no big deal my kids have seen it a hundred times.

Exactly!! I thought it was hilarious and since my DD likes Spongebob, I am going to go there and get her a meal, even though I never have before!
I hate BK, and we never eat there, but if we did, their commercial would would make me think twice about it. I hate that kind of humor. I live with 2 young boys so we have enough "butt talk" without it being encouraged in our food commercials.
I think it's HYSTERICAL and I loved the Sir Mix A Lot song, too... in fact it was my theme song for years!!! :woohoo:

Man, it's sure WORTH getting a new username and posting about it though, huh? :rotfl2::rotfl2::lmao::lmao:
I'll have to admit...the first time I saw that commercial, DH and I were howling with laughter, then we realized it was for a kids meal! I looked at him and said, "Did they really just have Sir Mix-A-Lot and booty dancing to advertise a kids meal?" My first thought was that a lot of people were going to be offended. Sure enough, my mom said something to me about it the next day, because she knows I love "Baby Got Back."

I got over it, though. Now I just stop and shake my booty whenever I hear the commercial come on, hahaha!

(P.S. We should be grateful they used "Baby Got Back." If they had used my favorite Sir Mix-A-Lot song, it would have been "Put Em On The Glass.":rotfl: )
I have found the Burger King guy's hideous face in the following places: 1. under my pillow 2. propped up on the lamp on my nightstand. 3. the steering wheel of my car 4. under the piano lid 5. the shower6. wrapped up as a Christmas present and the one that got the biggest scream out of me was ~drumroll~ 7. the refrigerator!!!

I think it is a brilliant marketing idea I am 28 years old and after seeing Sir Mix-A-Lot remake that song for BK I was reminded of my youth and wanted to go out and buy a value meal and add the .99 special kids meal for some post game action....So I did and I forgot how amazing the Burger King Whopper is compared to my usual Double QPC that I get from McDonalds...I love how he reworked those lyrics it was a great song back in the day, good stuff :thumbsup2
Though I can appreciate the humor from an adult point of view I do not care for it in advertising a product targeted for youth.

I also feel it is somewhat dumb and classify this as one of those commercials that make me feel like my IQ has dropped by the end of it. :eek:

As far as the "King" character I have found the entire series of commercials featuring this character unappealing. To the point that my family and I have not been to BK since the "King" hit the air. I vote with my wallet.


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