Brit's Guide 2004 - Up-date (01/12/04)!

:cool1: WOW!!!!!
Found this forum by accident and found the man whose book has followed me from work to toilet,shower,bath etc.Its done more travelling than me.
The books so good I feel I've been already and want to go back next year.
Well worth the money.
I'm goign to get the DLP book - DH is coming round to the idea of a couple of days there, but just worked out 2 nights in Disneyland Hotel would cost us as much as our 10 days in Cannes this August :faint: :scared1:
MazdaUK said:
I'm goign to get the DLP book - DH is coming round to the idea of a couple of days there, but just worked out 2 nights in Disneyland Hotel would cost us as much as our 10 days in Cannes this August :faint: :scared1:

I could have had half a year in Wales for what I'm spending on this holiday but what the heck!!!!
HI Simon,

I may have missed it, but it seems you don't mention the Disney Fishing excursions in your book (you do mention offsite fishing).
As i said, i may have missed it. But if it's not in there, it's a least worth a mention.
We've done the one that takes you out on the lake that the MK is on (bay lake?) every year for the past 4 years and it was definitely worth every penny. The kids caught a zillion fish , and we could just sit back and enjoy the scenery (we could have fished had we wanted to, but who would want to :) )

And the fishing guides are fantastic. Very patient and great company for the 2 hours or so that you're out there.

Definitely worth a mention.

oh....and in case i haven't mentioned it (though i know i have) both your Orlando guide and your DLP guide are amazing!! Highly recommended.
Hi there Beth

Thanks for the heads-up on this. I thought we had a (brief) mention of Disney fishing, and other watersports, but it seems the fishing mention has been edited out at some point in the last few years without me noticing. We will have to do something about putting it back, as I know from my own observations it is a great on-site activity (along with para-sailing, boating and horse-riding). It is always useful to get first-hand recommendations as well, though.


hi simon,
when is the 2006 book due for release?I am bursting with expectation!!!
hi simon,

are you going to add fiascos dinner show to youre book?.

also why not add a little more info for non drivers?

also what about disney from the air?

just a thought

nick n sara
Hi folks

The 2006 edition is on course for a November release, although we still have a fair amount of editing and proof reading to do. We will certainly be adding Fiascos to the line-up, and a few other additions (notably all the new stuff at Cypress Gardens). We don't have a lot of extra space to play with this time, hence some parts have been re-written (and crunched down a little) to provide a few more pages. I can't promise much more for non-drivers, but we have completely re-worked the Hotels, Dining Out and Shopping chapters to include a lot more inside info that you really only get from being out here full-time. There will be a sprinkling of new Brit Tips, a new Busy Day Guide and a few Brit Picks where space allows (some of our favourites, both old and new). Hopefully you'll notice the difference in these areas and appreciate the extra work that has gone in. We won't be including any of the previews for the new Kennedy Space Center attractions, which aren't due until 2007, as we have to save something for next time! You will also notice an additional name getting co-credit with me this time, for all the work she puts in behind the scenes, with the admin and with her invaluable input throughout the text, up-dating and adding new material. Susan has been my principal research assistant for more than three years, but now she is officially my full-time partner in everything we do, so she deserves full credit here too.

Hope you enjoy the new edition (when we eventually get it finished..........!).
I stay on I-Drive so its central and between them the Lynx and I-Ride trolley system cover both US and WDW but I would personally appreciate some info on transport back to I-Drive after the last buses have gone! For example a rough idea of taxi costs from US,WDW and some of the dinner shows e.g. Arabian Nights to central I-Drive. I appreciate taxi costs will always vary but just a rough idea would be really helpful. I missed out on Illumunations and staying late at the parks because we had to catch the last bus!

Apart from that, the book is excellent - I used it for my first visit to Orlando in 2002 and am using it for my trip back this year. The most important lesson I learnt from the book was to plan each day of the holiday so as not to miss anything or waste time.

Well done on an amazing book!!!

Simon, talking of proof reading, have you notiiced the typo on page 47 for the web address in the box.
Hi Amyrlin. Yes, we have picked that up this time. We obviously were a little tired by the end of that chapter last time. Thanks for the spot, though.
Thanks Simon, just got back from Orlando and your book was invaluable again, keep up the good work. :)

The sons (16 and 14) were chuffed to beat your high score in Men in Black and for the tip about the red button!
Great fan of your book simon, i have got the last four versions i think. You put some great tips in there and i also used the one on Men In Black to beat my mates who couldn't understand how i beat them by som much! I have travelled to Orlando many times since i was young but still find new things to do in Orlando and from your book! Keep up the good work and i will be pre-ordering your new book at my local WHSmiths. Cheers!!
Hi simon-i have read your 2005 edition from top to bottom and have reccomended to many friends.I see the 2006 version comes out in november-my problem is that im going out in october so i will just miss it.
Please can you tell me if the busy parks days have changed or not as this is what we are planning our park days around.
Many Thanks
Apologies for butting in but have you looked at under park updates, an updated quieter days, etc schedule was published there.
keep up the good work simon,is it still on schedule for november as i see are saying october 31st
Hi mrshnn. We should still be on course for November, but I would be very surprised if it will be ready by October 31. If you count on the second week of November, you should be OK.


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