Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Lol. I'm thinking you knew that. But yeah, 3 days of WDW and 2 Park to Park at Uni.

So... I'm looking at what...
$25... $30 a day? For both of us?


True! But at least when you go from, say, 4 days to 5, you get that nice price drop. That doesn't really happen when you go from 2 days to 3.

I couldn't remember exactly what it was,
but yeah it certainly doesn't go down much
until you hit more than a couple of days.

Expensive, but you can't really go to Universal for HP without it.

That's what I figure.

Yikes. At least it wasn't *quite* that crowded when we were there! Our Epcot day was the one that seemed the worst for crowds, actually.

The parks seem to be more crowded now,
despite the rising costs.

I asked Disney if they would empty a park for us.

Haven't heard back yet, but I'm really hopeful!

Good luck with that one! But maybe if it's the *only* day you try it...

I think she will if she knows
that it's the only way to do what she wants.
I might be able to get her to wake up early for one day
so we can rope drop one park, then FP another.
And then the next day she can sleep in and we'll FP
the rest of the rides she wants to do.

Nice! And seems doable in a normal backyard, if you have space. But I'm guessing you skipped the palm trees!

Not too many palm trees up here.

Very few.


I've said I'm waiting until I get to Vegas to see any of their shows. I'm stubborn that way. It just seems like the place where I need to see it.

Agreed. Cirque has come to my town
a few times, but I'm not all that interested.
At least not for those prices.
OK hold on...

Lemme get a big cup of coffee....


Allright. Go.

Don't forget to put your fee up!

I'm sure we don't, you don't tend to share until you're all ready, and even then you leave questions.

Who, me?

Nah. I'm an open book!

(Maybe some of the pages
are glued together...)

Well, I did know that but I have no idea what model it is.

I'm such an idiot.
I totally forgot that!
It's definitely not a secret.

Softail Slim 'S' in black.
I suppose the army green
might appeal to some,
but it does the opposite for me.

I had a moped in high school. I don't even think it went that fast.

I've seen people angrily shaking
their fists at moped riders
as they go by.

And that's the pedestrians.

Sounds like a no brainer.


Huh. I had no idea the traveling radius was so small. It wouldn't be a problem in California. I think the state has become so populated that there aren't very many 100 mile stretches without fuel.

I did a little checking.
Real world numbers show my last bike as having a range of 140 miles.
I was probably getting less due to most of my driving being city.
The slim's range is closer to 200.

Huh. You wouldn't think so. I know when I flew to Halifax everyone had to fly to Toronto for connections.

Yeah, it sucks.
Of course, usually, it's not an issue for us.

That sounds like a fair trade. So Vegas I know a thing or two about. But then again you are probably looking for the quintessential Vegas experience, staying on the strip, seeing the shows, eating at the themed restaurants....

Probably. We've done pretty much
all the casinos on the strip already.
But we haven't been to Fremont St.,
so that's on the agenda.

We do Vegas on the more local take. We go there to gamble and eat at places off the beaten path. We stay almost as far as we can from the strip, and seek out tables with low blackjack minimums.

Last time, I went solo.
I spent some time at the M resort.
Played a Texas hold 'em tournament there.
(Didn't do well, my trip Kings with 10 kicker
lost to trip Kings, Jack kicker.)
Went back because they have $5 tables.

I got nothin.

Oh for two...

:eek: Good for her. Not me.

I told you she was nuts about animals...

Universal is fun. You need to be fit and enjoy being "toseed around" on rides. I have problems with motion sickness on some of them, but it's something everyone should definitely experience. Especially if you're a Potter fan. Disney has what it takes to get me coming back again and again.

There's a reason why I've been back to Disney
but not to Uni.
Disney just has that... well, magic.

Oh no, the place we are trying to get out of, they built it. Not with their own hands, but they approved the plans and chose the layouts and which extras that they wanted.


They were big into Real Estate and Fran's father would have kept accumulating property if his wife let him.

Do you guys ever wonder, "what if"?

Well sort of the opposite... but come to think of it, we might have taken just as long to clean out their place as we are taking to clean out our place. :scratchin

So there's a precedent!

I didn't say it was a big meal. I just don't sleep well on an empty stomach.

I didn't mean to imply that you did.
I meant that I did!

The airline was Alaska, the flight was from Seattle.


Definitely by 2018...right?

I'm not making any promises!!
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Sorry for taking so long to reply! This real life business is for the birds

It was way easier on vacation, wasn't it?

I know exactly how that feels

Uh, oh!

Woo hoo! Let the spending commence!

You know... I never thought of it that way.

Explains the hole in my bank account.

Wow I'm impressed!

Well.... the gravy was from a package.
It's Kay's favourite, so I don't mess with it.
The rest was scratch, though.

I love how cities look from that angle

Especially at night.
Love flying into cities at night.

Oddly enough our Florida bound flight was made up of mostly elderly people and their families.

Huh. Interesting that our flights
were so different.

We had a A group boarding position and by the time we got on the plane to choose our seats ( Southwest) the plane was half full already with the old folks and their families that they let board first :scared:


Awesome and not awesome! First row! And brand new shoes, although they look snazzy they can cause problems fo sure!

First row :thumbsup2
New shoes... well, they look nice.

I saw those exact same clouds

Did you name them, too?
Mine were Pete, RePete and Vern.

That's pretty good !

I was actually taken off guard
when we pulled into ASMo.

"We're here already? What?"

Sweet! That should save some wear and tear on the 'ol knees

I'll say yes, since all I know is that
I was never tired from walking
from the bus to the room
at the end of the day.

Yep, still reading

Sucker for punishment, right?

(Secretly very happy that you are.)

Have a photo pass photographer take a pic of you in front of the train station

Skippers Canteen

Haunted Mansion


It wasn't there yet?


Not yet

7DMT, haunted Mansion and Splash Mountain


You, but only because of the way you spell favourite


Love those snarky skies

There's no other way to fly.

175 minutes

(still depending on when you start counting)

I usually start at "1".
But maybe that's just me.

What’s the time limit on counting those up?
There could be more than three.

Nope. Always three.

I can't count any higher,
so I just keep starting over.
And I don't think about it
until I get to three again.

"Things cam in threes today!... Twice!"

Never interfere with folk who are clearly higher grades of human than you…
(at least in their own minds)

(Assuming they have any…)

(minds, that is..)

One guy got overly aggressive
and wound up causing an accident.
They took him to the hospital
and gave him an MRI for a
suspected concussion.

He had nothing.

I mean... nothing.
The shell was empty.

Explained a lot.

Some folks would have told you to just live dangerously.

Of course they neglect to consider the notion of dying dangerously.

I didn't think it was worthwile
to live life stupid.

Clearly you were born under a lucky star.

Sometimes there's an eclipse.

Sounds like a clever salesperson baiting a particularly lovely trap.

I don't think so.
I remember last bike.
No test ride allowed.

Nicely negotiated, sir.

I can't take credit for that one.
The sales guy emailed me:
"We can't get the rims,
so we'll powder coat some for free."

Well... okay.

Cool! Now don’t mess this one up.

Too late.

But that is not a bad consolation prize there.
Don’t see you as a bigtime gambler;

Yeah, not really.
I took Elle to our casino in town when she turned 18.
She's 19 1/2 now and I haven't been since.
Prior to that I probably hadn't been for a year or three.

Way I see it, if I go to a movie, maybe have dinner,
or popcorn and a drink at the theater... it's entertainment.
That's how I gamble.
I'll bring maybe $100 and play for a while.
If I win, great. If I lose, it's the cost of the entertainment.

what things in particular do y’all want to take in down that way?

We've done the strip and the Miracle Mile shops.
We've done the outlet mall.
Heck we (well, I) sold something at
The Gold & Silver Pawn (Pawn Stars).
This trip, I think we have two things
we want to do. See a Cirque show again
(we saw Ka last time. Amazing.)
and see Fremont St.

And don’t call me Shirley.


Probably most of the Dads


She does dream big.

May not get all of the dreams right away, but she should keep dreaming them.

That is a very good point.

The habitat for those is going be taking up a right decent amount of space in your house.

She actually asked.
I kid you not.

Dodged a bullet there

Nah. It's called saying "NO".

Just what fraction of a second did it take to agree to that plan?

Technically, less than zero.
What I wrote was:
"And there are some rides at Disney that I'd like to do."
but what happened was more like this:
"And there are some rides at Disney that I'd YES!! like to do."

Hope this works out.
Y’all should have a marvelous time.

Hope so too!
Lol. Dh and I really don't gamble at all. So, yeah, I know *I* really just want to do and see all the other crazy stuff *around* the gambling.

I gamble a bit... but just a little bit.
If I really get the urge,
I'll gamble for a few minutes.
But probably won't at all... or not much.

Although I did have fun playing roulette at a recent charity fundraiser. I had one more chip, and decided to be all dramatic and put it on 00. So, of course, I won. Later, when I had lost the rest of it, I did the same thing. And won, again. Since it was for charity, there wasn't cash - but you could trade in your chips for raffle tickets. I ended up winning a gift certificate to any Lettuce Entertain You restaurant! So, that's pretty much my only gambling claim to fame. I figure I probably will never be able to do it again, so I should finish with that. :)

I wonder what the odds are on that!
I had to catch up on all the latest news.

What??? You should be completely up to date here!

Sadly, I wish I had time to read the chatter. I'm mostly limited now to just staying current on new updates.

Yeah. I hear you.
I'm doing the same.
There just aren't enough days in the day.

That sounds much better.

I'm thinking of banning all bad threes.

I hate people sometimes. You probably made them arrive 30 seconds later to wherever they were going.

Probably not even that.

She is very understanding.

Just like Julie, I'm sure.

::yes:: Maybe once or twice.:rolleyes1


Wow. I'm taking you to my next car negotiation!

Like I just said to Rob,
I can't take credit for the rims.
The sales guy emailed and said.
"We can't get the rims we said we could.
We can powder coat some for free."

I said okay.

They do say that opposites attract.

Who says that? Who???

Probably single people.

:woohoo::cool1::banana: Great news! Will it be in Philadelphia? Baltimore? D.C.? You could be so close!


Whoa. That escalated quickly. But in a good way!:thumbsup2


Well, sure. Makes perfect sense.

It does?
Hey! You could work for the airlines!

Son of a...

There it is.

Excellent! But that's nowhere near the East Coast. So I'm less of a fan.

And why aren't you and Julie
joining us???


Can't remember if Airplane or Police Squad used that one first.

Was it used in Police Squad? Never saw that show.
Or do you mean Naked Gun?
Don't know if it was used there.
But for sure in Airplane.

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: She's funny. I bet she wants a pet unicorn, too.

Wouldn't put it past her
to clone one later in life.

Radioactive guinea pigs!! Run for your lives!

By the way, that guy looks WAY too happy to have his hand bitten off by a radioactive mutant rodent.

That's the before photo.
The 'after' shot ain't so pretty.

"Stares aghast at bloody stump."

Oh, right. I knew that.

Of course you did.

Beautiful! Sounds like an awesome gift.

I think so.
Fun update! Looking forward to reading more

Thanks! Was editing pictures earlier today.
Getting there!

1. a happy dance
2. BOG
3. Haunted Mansion
4. Midnight
5. because you just missed one
6. 4 times
8. 7DMT, Splash, Haunted Mansion
9. Snake
10. well you are off to a good start so ill say you!

Re: #10...oooohhhh... the pressure's on!

Bonus: fly the snarky skies?

Only way to fly.

2. 196 Minutes

I can see this. I try, for the most part, to be considerate of those on scooters and bicycles. But here people on the 35-mph scooters like to get on roads where the speed limit is 55mph, and that's where I take issue.

I think it's illegal to drive scooters
on roads where he limit is 80km/45mph or more here.

Well, duh. I thought everyone knew this?

It just took a nice lady
to smack me upside the head
to shake the cobwebs loose.

Aaaaaaand that's how they reel ya in.

No. What???

Aaaaaaand I'm okay with that! :laughing:

Oooooooooh. Our plans are to black Joe's entire bike out, put in a green headlight, throw on some purple LED underlighting, and then paint a Viking symbol on the side. Confused?

I thought I had it.
"Aha! A Minnesota Vikings fan!"
But I couldn't figure out the green part.

Yeah, I was too when he first told me what he planned. But then I realized what he was doing. Our favorite non-Disney animated movie is How to Train Your Dragon. We even went to see the sequel in theaters (and it was the closest I've ever seen him come to crying). So we're making his bike Toothless, in a sense.

Pretty creative!
I like it.
It'll look cool, too.

And I'm.....not quite entertaining the notion yet, but the thought has crossed my mind a couple of times of getting a bike of my own. Mentioned it to my mom, and she had about the same reaction Ruby did at first. And she hasn't warmed up to it. Still thinking of taking the class, if not for any other reason than to be prepared in case something crazy came up and I ended up having to drive Joe's. But that's also a hefty fee, and spare cash is in short supply, but they're done for the season so I have another 5-6 months to make up my mind.

You'll need to get one if I come down
to NC on my bike.
Otherwise Joe & I will leave you behind.
And we wouldn't want that, now would we?

I have yet to make it to Vegas. My friend tried really hard to get me to go along with her (also in December) but we already had two people out at work and being the holidays....I didn't see it happening. And I'm hoarding my PTO.

PTO is Paid Time Off, yes?
Hoarding it for Honeymoon? Other trips after marriage?

Nope. Am I allowed to play the "I'm too young" card here?

No. It's too much a classic.

Joe does too. I told him only when we can afford not to fly economy.

Whoa. That might be a tad
on the pricey side.

As a girl who paid extra to go behind the scenes and pet a sea otter at the Georgia Aquarium.....I see nothing unusual about this.

You can do this????

Now I'm really torn.
If I tell this to Kay,
she'll skip Uni and Disney to do it.
At least I think she would.

oh dear

Dang it. You sure you don't want to go in the summertime? Say, the first week of June? No?

Well, if you're there,
that's one heck of an incentive.

But wanting to go
versus able to go....
So now, I'm getting rims powder coated
(at no charge) and when that's done,
I should have a new bike.

We want pictures when you finally get it!

So Ruby and I are heading down
to Vegas for a quick little getaway
in December.
And the nice thing is, they're direct,
non-stop flights.
Well, it's not London, but you can visit Paris and Venice while you're there. so not bad!

"Did you want to do anything else?" I ask.
"I've never been to Universal." She replies.
And there are some rides at Disney
that I'd like to do."

Well... if you're gonna twist my arm...


No firm plans yet,
but I
do have the last week of March
booked off (Spring break) for her.

And that's development #3.
Um.... AWESOME!!!!

We want pictures when you finally get it!

Good idea. Just sent an email off this morning
asking for an expected delivery date.
We'll see.
I'm hoping the snow (and rain) holds off
long enough that I can get a bit of
riding in.

Well, it's not London, but you can visit Paris and Venice while you're there. so not bad!

And yet we probably won't.
We've done those before
and I'm pretty sure we'll
be looking at doing new things.

Um.... AWESOME!!!!

They aren't just good.
They are the best cookies
on the planet.
Bar none.

Those look serious... Seriously delicious!

"Hi." I said. "Has Purolator come in yet?"

She looked at me as if I had a bug on my head.
I probably would have given you the same look. Never heard of her.

"Yes. Purolator. Like Fed-Ex?" I tried helpfully
Ahhh, gotcha!

Moments later, I saw her striding triumphantly
across the lobby waving an envelope in her hand.
"It's here!" She cried out.
Every eye in the bank turned to her,
and then to me.
I desperately hoped there were no
criminals looking to rob someone, in the area.

Actually, I was too overjoyed to really
be concerned with something so
petty as a common mugger.

I had my card! Yay!
Let the holiday commence!
Yaaayyyy!! No panhandling for pkonz!

By three o'clock, we were out
the door and in the car.
Yes. We.
Not only was Ruby letting me go by myself,
but she was getting up at the crack of OMG
to drive me.
Ruby is a saint.

The attendant then told me that the bag
was checked through to MCO.
Really! No more airport two step?
(Last trip, we'd almost missed our flight
because we had to wait for our bag,
retrieve it, then put it on another conveyor belt,
before running for our connection.)

Apparently this had been changed
last December.
Good. It always seemed so stupid.
Thats excellent! Seeing as baggage takes FOR-EV-ER. And if your luck is anything like mine, my bags always the last one out of the chute!

I hate having to put my bag
under the seat in front of me.
That's where my feet go!
But these days, where people
bring a personal item,
(which is usually the size of a carry on)
a carry on
(which is usually the size of a large bag)
and a large bag
(which is the size of a small car)
onto the plane;
overhead bin space is at a premium.
I don't want to be that last person
getting on, roaming up and down the aisle
desperately looking for an open bin,
until finally an attendant tells you:
"Sir, you're going to have to check that."
My dad compains about the same thing. He only travels with his laptop as a carry on and someone will have hell to pay if his little messenger bag doesnt find a spot in the overhead compartment!

The flight is almost completely made up
of families with children.
So instead of boarding
"passengers with children",
they specified "children under 3".
A lot of people who'd lined up
stepped reluctantly out of line.
Well that works out nicely for you. The only airline I feel that its really necessary for family boarding is SWA because they dont have assigned seats.

Oh. And notice the brand spanking new shoes?
This is a public service announcement.
Do not, under any circumstances,
buy new shoes and not break them in
before going to Disneyworld.

Trust me on this.
Very sharp! My DH bought brand new sneakers MONTHS before we left but refused to wear them because he didn't want to get them dirty before vacation.

I've mentioned this before.
My airport dream is to be
the first bag out of the chute.

No! Wait! Let me rephrase that.
I don't want to be the first bag...
I want my bag to be first.
I think you had it right the first time. We all know you wanna come sliding down the baggage chute!!

When I did eventually retrieve my bag,
I zipped up the escalator,
crossed the terminal,
and zipped down another escalator.
SO DUMB. I've never had to take my own luggage for our disney trips because of DME. But this time we were staying at Universal for a few days before Disney so we had to gather our own luggage and it took us a few minutes to figure out that you had to go down the escalator first to take the second escalator up.

Remember that fax I had
Touring Plans send for me?
No? Well I did.
Have them send it, I mean.
I had listed a few rooms
that I was hoping to get.
Two specifically.

I did not get my first choice.


I got my second choice.

And in retrospect,
it should have been my first.
OMG me too! I think touring plans has some kind of "in" with the room assigners. I'll never NOT have them send my fax request again. Our room at POFQ was in the same place as yours, but on the third floor as I had requested.

1. So... what'd I do before even going in?
Took a picture outside the train station.
2. I have an ADR... where is it?
Skippers Canteen
3. What's the first ride I go on?
4. Considering my lack of sleep,
how late do I stay at MK?
5. Why is my wait for a bus 16 minutes?
Two scooters needed to be loaded up.
6. How many times was I asked for directions?
(It just happens to me.)
3 times
7. Dole whip. Yes or no? (as in did I have one.)
Not today.
8. Why yes, I do have FPs. Where to?
Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear
9. What wild animal do I encounter
back at the resort?
A duck.
10. Who's your favourite TR writer?

Did you see it? Be vaguely specific.
Saying yes ain't gonna work
What did you have to shell out for that Ad??

What is my total time spent waiting
for Disney Transportation?

182 mins
So... I'm looking at what...
$25... $30 a day? For both of us?


I think ours cost us about that per half an hour! Per person! :rotfl2: But then again we only stayed until about 11:30 or noon.

Don't forget to put your fee up


Softail Slim 'S' in black.
I suppose the army green
might appeal to some,
but it does the opposite for me.

Ooooh. OK. I think I told you Fran had a Sportster once upon a time.

I've seen people angrily shaking
their fists at moped riders
as they go by.

And that's the pedestrians.


Probably. We've done pretty much
all the casinos on the strip already.
But we haven't been to Fremont St.,
so that's on the agenda.

Fremont Street is fun. Make sure you catch the light shows. There's some good eating to be had around there, and I don't mean of the fancy pants kind.

I told you she was nuts about animals...

I showed the pictures to Fran, and her comment was, "Can you imagine the feast they could have in the places that eat Guinea Pigs?"

There's a reason why I've been back to Disney
but not to Uni.
Disney just has that... well, magic.


Do you guys ever wonder, "

Like had we not sold that 26 unit building and reinvested into seven investments, two of which completely tanked, and one is yet to be seen? The others we barely held onto our shirts!

Yeah we both wonder. I guess we can count our blessings that we didn't lose more.

So there's a precedent!


I didn't mean to imply that you did.
I meant that I did!

Ahhhh. Well for me the perfect after band snack is linguini and clams. I put sliced mushrooms, diced zucchini, clams, herbs and some wine in the sauce. About half a bowl will fill me up and then I wrap it up and have the leftovers for lunch the next day.

But for sure in Airplane.

Huh. I did see that movie, but I was in High school. Didn't even have my drivers license yet.
I'm sorry, so sorry! Last week was so busy! When I had time to Dis I was too tired. I'm going to have to skip about seven pages of chatter if I ever want to catch up. Still love me? Yes, I know I still need to send you the swimsuit pic.
So Vegas in December (for my birthday?) and Florida in March!!! Plus a new bigger bike? Must be nice...
The thing I had you guess about that I did that Saturday was that I snuck (sneaked?) into a closed amusement park. It's been closed since 1978 and is all overgrown. I got some pictures on my iphone they're not great. But I did see a ferris wheel and lots of rotting wood. It was so cool! It was called Chippewa Lake Park.
Also my friend is in training to become a reservation specialist for Disney so I've been helping her with that. She hardly knows anything. I need to get that job!
I think I still have time for guesses so I'll try to get those in soon.
Those look serious... Seriously delicious!

They're more delicious than that!

I probably would have given you the same look. Never heard of her.

I hadn't until this very moment
known that Purolator was a
Canadian courier service.
See them all the time,
so just figured they were the
same as Fed Ex.

Yaaayyyy!! No panhandling for pkonz!

Oh, man!
Why did you not mention this earlier?
It would've been way cheaper to pan handle!

Ruby is a saint.


Thats excellent! Seeing as baggage takes FOR-EV-ER. And if your luck is anything like mine, my bags always the last one out of the chute!

Seldom last, never first.
Lately we've been lucky
and we're closer to the front
then to the back of the line.

My dad compains about the same thing. He only travels with his laptop as a carry on and someone will have hell to pay if his little messenger bag doesnt find a spot in the overhead compartment!

::yes:: I better not be inconvenienced
when I'm following the rules
by people who aren't!

Well that works out nicely for you. The only airline I feel that its really necessary for family boarding is SWA because they dont have assigned seats.

I was surprised when I first heard that.
I wonder if they've done any studies
on how effective
(or annoying) that is.

Very sharp! My DH bought brand new sneakers MONTHS before we left but refused to wear them because he didn't want to get them dirty before vacation.

And how did that work out for him?

I think you had it right the first time. We all know you wanna come sliding down the baggage chute!!

I do!

But I don't want people pointing
at me and calling me an old bag.

At least, not all the time.

SO DUMB. I've never had to take my own luggage for our disney trips because of DME. But this time we were staying at Universal for a few days before Disney so we had to gather our own luggage and it took us a few minutes to figure out that you had to go down the escalator first to take the second escalator up.

Wait. This is different from what we do.
We go down the escalator to baggage,
then afterwards back up the escalator,
cross the hall and down two
(or was it three) escalators.

OMG me too! I think touring plans has some kind of "in" with the room assigners. I'll never NOT have them send my fax request again. Our room at POFQ was in the same place as yours, but on the third floor as I had requested.

::yes:: I never knew they did it.
Now I'll never not do it!

1. So... what'd I do before even going in?
Took a picture outside the train station.
2. I have an ADR... where is it?
Skippers Canteen
3. What's the first ride I go on?
4. Considering my lack of sleep,
how late do I stay at MK?
5. Why is my wait for a bus 16 minutes?
Two scooters needed to be loaded up.
6. How many times was I asked for directions?
(It just happens to me.)
3 times
7. Dole whip. Yes or no? (as in did I have one.)
Not today.
8. Why yes, I do have FPs. Where to?
Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear
9. What wild animal do I encounter
back at the resort?
A duck.
10. Who's your favourite TR writer?


Did you see it? Be vaguely specific.
Saying yes ain't gonna work
What did you have to shell out for that Ad??

Chump change. It's a tax write-off.

What is my total time spent waiting
for Disney Transportation?

182 mins

I think ours cost us about that per half an hour! Per person! :rotfl2: But then again we only stayed until about 11:30 or noon.

Sounds about right! :laughing:

The DIS was super slow when I wrote that.
It kept dropping letters and I kept having to
type and retype the same words.

That was supposed to be "Don't forget to put your feet up"

Ooooh. OK. I think I told you Fran had a Sportster once upon a time.

That's what I'm getting rid of.
Just too tiny.

Fremont Street is fun. Make sure you catch the light shows.

That's the main reason we're going there!

There's some good eating to be had around there, and I don't mean of the fancy pants kind.

There's one place we have our eyes on...

I showed the pictures to Fran, and her comment was, "Can you imagine the feast they could have in the places that eat Guinea Pigs?"

:laughing: I'll tell Kay.

Like had we not sold that 26 unit building and reinvested into seven investments, two of which completely tanked, and one is yet to be seen? The others we barely held onto our shirts!

Whoa. Scary.

Yeah we both wonder. I guess we can count our blessings that we didn't lose more.

A lot of people did.
Did you happen to see the movie:
The Big Short?

Ahhhh. Well for me the perfect after band snack is linguini and clams. I put sliced mushrooms, diced zucchini, clams, herbs and some wine in the sauce. About half a bowl will fill me up and then I wrap it up and have the leftovers for lunch the next day.

My go to for midnights
was usually spaghetti Bolognese.
Love that stuff.

Now my go to for midnights is...

Huh. I did see that movie, but I was in High school. Didn't even have my drivers license yet.

Me too!
Loved that show - also the first Cirque show that I ever saw. Watch out for the splash zone!

Did not know about a splash zone!
Thanks for the heads up!

DD23 and I used the busing system on our trip, and it worked great. Not that we're big drinkers, but it was nice not having to drive and nice not having to hail a cab.

I'm pretty sure we're going to rent a car.
Not thrilled to find that more and more
hotels are charging for valet parking.
I suppose I can offset that by not tipping.
I will assume that if I pay for valet,
that means you (as in the hotel) are
passing on the profits to the valet staff.
I'm sorry, so sorry! Last week was so busy! When I had time to Dis I was too tired.

That's okay.
I totally get that life gets in the way.

I'm going to have to skip about seven pages of chatter if I ever want to catch up.

I do the same on other TRs.
It's either that or I quit my job
and DIS full time.

The job would be more interesting,
but the pay would bite.

Still love me?


Yes, I know I still need to send you the swimsuit pic.


So Vegas in December (for my birthday?)

That's the only reason it's happening.

and Florida in March!!! Plus a new bigger bike? Must be nice...


The thing I had you guess about that I did that Saturday was that I snuck (sneaked?) into a closed amusement park. It's been closed since 1978 and is all overgrown. I got some pictures on my iphone they're not great. But I did see a ferris wheel and lots of rotting wood. It was so cool! It was called Chippewa Lake Park.

That's cool!
Send photos of that too
and I'll post 'em for you.

Also my friend is in training to become a reservation specialist for Disney so I've been helping her with that. She hardly knows anything. I need to get that job!

I knew it!
I knew the reso people weren't
super well versed in Disney!

I think I still have time for guesses so I'll try to get those in soon.

Don't wait too long.
I'm starting to write the

next update tonight.
Finished editing and uploading
all the photos last night.
What is my total time spent waiting
for Disney Transportation?

Closest guess wins.
No duplication of guesses,
first come first served.
No changes allowed.
All guesses must be in
before September 15 update.
(After the next update.)

I hope we're not too late with this guess.

T_Man: 72 minutes
Lady H: 130 minutes
I hope we're not too late with this guess.

Nope! You've got until just before
the post after the next post.
(Since you already know
how long I wait for the bus
at the end of the day.)

However, I noticed you haven't
posted your guesses
to the other contest questions yet.
And you've only got a day or two
for those.

T_Man: 72 minutes
Lady H: 130 minutes

And noted.


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