Carolfoys last trip - all in one thread - PICS ADDED!!

I would seriously advise a change to Chef Mickeys! really, I was sceptical after reading a few bad reviews and I regret not changing. The character interaction was very minimal, and that is what you pay for.
We slept in this morning, which we put down to the quiet atmosphere at POFQ so we had a late breakfast. I will ponder a while over the bizarre combinations of food at WDW, I've travelled a bit in the states so know that not every where has the same dining habits and I hesitate to tar them all with the same brush but, honestly, why the combinations? In both resorts Callum would order a childs chocolate chip pancakes, now that's 2 pancakes to me and you but these came with a tub of apple sauce(?) either 2 strips of bacon or a sausage (??) and, wait for it, a burger(???) why a burger? how odd, not a burger in a bun but a plain burger. other combinations were a bowl of soup with 2 cream crackers, a packet of crisps with a sandwich, waffles with blueberries and bacon, and meatballs with apple sauce. Is there a glut of apples in the states? 'cos why can't they just give you an apple, at least you could save it for later, but adding sugar loaded apple sauce to every meal is daft. Anyway, musings over.
After our later start we decided to catch a bus to the Florida Mall, when we went to the premium outlets the other day I hesitated to go by the cheap method, preferring the convenience of a cab but it worked out fine, the Florida Mall on the other hand is a different matter, the same bus from TTC took us to Seaworld. But the journey from there to the Mall took us over an hour. We decided we'd definately get a cab back.
Gap had a good sale on so many bargains were to be found there and after raiding Skechers, Yankee candles and spending a relaxing half hour in the massage chairs we had a half hour trip back in the cab. Fare to the Mall = $3.75, fare home = $39. time saving = priceless.
At 8 o'clock we headed to MGM for EMH and Callum fulfilled his ambition of riding Star Tours three times in a row. We did the great movie ride but had a female CM, definately not as good as some of the men we've had in the past. Saw Muppets 3-d which we didn't catch last year and I had forgotten how good this was.
After some more shopping we got back to the room at 11:20
forgot to add this one earlier....
Another late morning start, getting to love those lie-ins. Mooched over to Typhoon Lagoon at around 10 and managed to get a sunlounger on the main beach. Spent a long time on the lazy river and Callum actually went on Humunga Kowabunga - he was so chuffed with himself as he's been working up to that one for years, when I explained it was the equivalent of doing Splash Mountain without a log he was beside himself. We did the gangplank falls but as I said before the raft ride in BB was much better, in TL you have to carry your own raft up to the start and the ride only lasted a few seconds, then it was a long queue to do it again.
Mid afternoon we went back to POFQ and had Clam chowder again for dinner, caught the boat again to DTD and Callum spent the evening in Disney Quest. mum and I bought a load of cd's in Virgin and then joined him for a few games of human pinball and pirates of the caribbean.
Fabulous reports Carol, Im really enjoying them. Hope you have some piccies to share with us soon :thumbsup2
carolfoy said:
I would seriously advise a change to Chef Mickeys! really, I was sceptical after reading a few bad reviews and I regret not changing. The character interaction was very minimal, and that is what you pay for.

Now i don't know what to do as we have chef Mickey's booked the night before DS birthday as it is a friends birthday then who is coming with us and we have CP booked for our first morning there.
Maybe i have just got to hope being his birthday he might get a little more character interaction. :confused3
great reports carol :thumbsup2 i agree with you as regards the bus situation :sad2: it made me really cross last time

hope you have some piccies for us !!
really enjoying your report :thumbsup2
Guess what? yup! its hot again today, although I think we've got it sussed now - spend days in resort by pool and go to parks in the evenings! so that's what we did. We sizzled by the pool and had lunch at POFQ before venturing over to Epcot around 3pm. We had to ride Soarin' again (mums fave) and to add to the much discussed topic on these boards we still can't smell the ocean! all the other smells are definately there but the ocean? not so much. Mum and I went to Mexico so she could buy a silver bracelet for her friend like the one I'd bought myself a few days earlier $12 bargain, really pretty silver bracelet. Callum whiled the time in innoventions again. We were hungry by this time so after stopping for a sample of icewine at the Canada food and wine stall we had fish 'n' chips in the UK, eaten whilst watching The British Invasion. Callum and mum really enjoyed theirs but I thought it was greasy and not cooked particularly well.
We caught Off Kilters act after this and they were brilliant. Callum wants test track AGAIN so we agreed to go single rider as the queue was huge, Cal and mum end up in the same car anyway then its time to pick up wristbands for the EMH. I really thought this system would be a hassle but its not, very easy and efficient. I'm still trying to persuade Callum to try MIssion:Space as I know he loves simulators (they make me feel a bit sicky) so he queues up with mum but has a meltdown inthe final waiting area just before boarding and emerges embarassed and tearful. I agree to ride it with mum first and if its too intense he doesn't have to try it again. So Mum and I join the very short queue and end up in a group with one other guy who also had never done this ride before, we were all giggling like nervous fools and panicking when we realised we were one short to 'land the shuttle successfully'. Help! never mind, it was so easy and I really didn't feel queasy at all (not that I'd be brave enough to do the 'real' version). I explained it to Callum and he agreed to ride it so off we went again, and again, and agaian! He's now kicking himself for giving away the fastpasses we had last week.
Another test track and spaceship earth before retiring to meet Mr Bailey again.

growing a MIckey pumpkin at Living With The Land
Another morning by the pool before heading to MGM for around 2pm, we were in time to get a good spot for the parade (I do love the Stars in their cars). Mum went to catch the last Beauty and the Beast showing and Callum and I went to meet Lightning Mcqueen and Mater at the streets of America.

He then rode Star Tours again before we met up with mum to check in for the Hollywood and Vine Fantasmic dinner package. The selection of food was great, I had Chicken with peanut satay sauce, salmon, Prawns, pasta with scallops, rice, green beans, broccolli and cauliflower. Callum had meatballs, pasta, bread rolls and salmon, Mum had the same as me but with less chicken and a HUGE piece of steak. The bill for this came to $75 inc tip, and was certainly worth every penny, the meal was huge and was by far the biggest dinner we had, I couldn't eat a buffet more than once a week though.
We shuffled off, all fat and plumptious to One Mans Dream, I always feel this is the most overlooked attraction in any park, Walts story is truly inspiring and the stills and museum pieces are great to look at.
The Man whose vision inspired us all...

We had a slow wander back to Fantasmic and managed to get the front bench seats.
Fantasmic is the best evening entertainment on WDW and I love this show, there was a family behind me who had a son aged around 4, they had obviously never seen it before and after it finished to rapyurous applause the little boy turned to his dad and said 'Daddy, that was the best thing I've seen in my WHOLE life' I have to agree, I know exactly what he meant, I'm sure the dad was sniffing back a tear or two as I was.
The only thing that can follow Fantasmic is an early night with Mr Bailey!
Very excited today about MNSSHP, Callum is dying to get into his stormtrooper outfit first thing but I manage to persuade him to hold off til later, all that plastic in the sun can't be a good thing! So again, a leisurely morning spent by the pool before reaching MK at around 2. We manage to catch the parade before treating ourselves to ice creams from the Main Street parlour. We queue up for Pirates of The Caribbean and Callum is delighted to come across another Callum in line, this little guy was about 7 and was from Toronto and his mum was saying how noone can understand her sons name, I agreed that we have the same problem in the states, they just can't say or get the word Callum, and as for buying anything with his name on, its impossible. We had a discussion about the origin of the name and I explained that being 2 'L's meant it was Scottish and 1 'L' was the Irish version, she was delighted to hear she'd chosen right as their last name was Murray.
After POTC we wandered up to Cosmic Rays for a cheeseburger (I love the toppings bar!) and I let Callum change into his Stormtrooper suit,
my own stormtrooper at the MNSSHP
we picked up wristbands just before 7 then watched the hoardes as they left the park. What a great evening! everything was a walk on, The Haunted Mansion was great fun, being patronised by the Doombuggies fans, we saw the evening parade which I thought was brilliant, loved the haunted mansion float and the grave diggers, and the headless horseman was really cool too, we collected candy from the trick or treat lines, even though we were told numerous times that we'd be given tons on the way out, (we weren't - so be aware!) We got a spot on the bridge to watch Hallowishes. The fireworks were, of course, fantastic, when Disney wants to do something, they always do it better than any one else, and I love the villains so it was right up my street.
We rode everything in fantasyland, frontierland and tomorrowland, it was so lovely not having to queue at all and I'd recommend this evening even just for this privilege.
We left the park around quarter to midnight and it was just cooling down a little then, not enough for a cardi, mind you! My mum had spent every day religiously carrying around a cardigan for the evenings because 'you never know' and didn't wear it once.
Last full day tomorrow and I'll be sad to go, its supposed to be my last trip, and certainly with Callum not being able to be out of school any more it seems like it will be, I couldn't stand the heat of August and Easter is so crowded and expensive. ah, well, back to the Baileys.
Last full day, the morning was spent packing everything that could be packed and we ended up eating breakfast quite late, we were unplanned for today so everyone got to vote on their favourite ride to do again. Callum and I both wanted to experience Everest again so we hotfooted over to AK, we fastpassed with a return time of 3pm so whiled away the time watching Its Tough To Be a Bug and rode the Kilimanjaro Safaris, surprisingly we saw loads of animals, even the cheetahs. Then it was time to return to Everest, mum wasn't riding again as she really didn't enjoy the first time so Callum and I went on, the fastpass queue moved really quickly and we were seated in the middle of the train, I enjoyed this ride even more the second time, and Callum actually kept his eyes open enough to see the yeti!. Its a great ride, even for a wuss like me!
We left AK after a lunch in the flame tree barbecue (great onion rings) and went back to MK - we felt we had to end our holiday here as this is the very essence of Disney. Buzz lightyear evened up the score again so Callum and I remain on 2-2! which means of course, that we will have to go back at some point.
I insisted on riding the Carousel of Progress just so we could spend the rest of the evening singing 'there's a great big, beautiful tomorrow'. MK was packed tonight as it was general admission until midnight, but although we didn't get to ride much we did see Wishes again and it wa lovely to spend our last evening soaking up the wonderful atmosphere.

An 'action' shot at MTMRR

We left just before closing and returned to our room to finish the packing (and the Baileys).
Yes we love to spend our last evening at Magic Kingdom
and we are nearly always the last leaving , it is really nice walking down main street at night when it is empty

Thanks for the great report
We slept in late as we didn't have to vacate until 11am, so there was no point in rushing. The packing was finished and we trundled over to the food court to get breakfast. This was the third morning in a row that someone else paid for our breakfast! people who had the free dining and hadn't used their credits were offereing to get ours - how lovely, I wonder if they are DISsers? if they are - a great big thank you! much appreciated.
We checked out and waitied for our 12 o clock transfer back to Sanford, when it didn't turn up by quarter to one, I called the office to find that TCD hadn't told them we'd be travelling into Pop and out of POFQ. Never mind, no hassle, they sent a bus out and we were off at quarter to two. This may sound like a huge problem, but really POFQ was so lovely and relaxing it was no problem to just sit in the shade there and watch the world go by, even Callum was happy, if we'd have been at Pop it would have been a different matter, there weren't any seating areas apart from the food court and that was so noisy and busy, it wouldn't have been nice.
We arrived at Sanford in plenty of time to take advantage of the lounge, it was nice to sit away from the general hubbub of the airport and have a smoke before boarding. Again I'm waiting tentatively for the TCD delay announcements but they never came, probably because there were no delays. yay! again the seating was great, the premium boarding and disembarking was fine, the food was well up to scratch and we made it into LGW on time the next morning, no problems at all.
We then have a 3 hour train journey back to Exeter and an hours drive, Dads there waiting to pick us up and its all gone smoothly.
well, generally the holiday was fantastic - isn't it always when you're in Disney? I hate to think its my last trip and will be looking into DLRP soon to get my 'fix'.

Pop Century - the resort was clean and tidy but it never really got under our skin, last years stay at ASMo was fantastic, but we were situated in the Toy Story block which has since become 'preferred', I wouldn't stay at Pop in unpreferred again, it was too far to walk to go to the food court and busses, we were taking our refillable mugs with us every day into the parks so we could get drinks when we arrived back to resort. The resort is huge and the pools were always noisy, the icons were nice but we didn't miss them when we moved on.

POFQ - we really felt like our holiday started when we moved here - it was so relaxing, I'd booked it for mum for a surprise and to be honest I did think that Callum wouldn't enjoy it much here as it maybe wasn't 'Disney' enough, but no, he says he preferred it. The Staff in the food court seemed happier and more chatty too. Mousekeeping weren't quite as adventurous on the towel animals, buy, hey, a small price to pay!

The Dining Plan - We hadn't booked for free dining because by the time it was announced, I would have lost £400 on the original booking to re book it, if that makes sense? I'm glad I had a few ADR's though as every table service place was packed and at every counter service there was always that family in front of you saying to the cashier 'can we swap x for x and can we get x on the plan etc?' which just held everyone else up. We probably spent around £400 on food total for the three of us anyway so it was much the same. We really couldn't have eaten enough to justify the plan, very often we were getting a meal of, soup, breadstick, chicken strips and fries, and that would feed all three of us! we only had 2 ice creams and 1 tub of popcorn the whole time. I was very upset though to hear numerous families encouraging their kids to order this and that because 'its free, Hon, just take it' only to see food being thrown away. Honestly the gluttony is appalling and the food thrown away in Disney every day could feed Africa for weeks. rant over :blush:

TCD - no problems at all having flown to Sanford with Thomsons Brittania, I'd choose TCD any day, Having flown to MCO with Virgin I'd have to say that if Virgin Premium was the same price, I'd probably choose them, but, and its a big but - they are more expensive, MCO is slower to get out of and the fact that TCD kept us informed when we were (slightly) delayed travelling out and Virgin who think they are gods gift to aviation couldn't be bothered with info when we were (very) delayed last year, makes us think again

The weather - it was too hot to really enjoy the parks at the height of the day, once we'd got into the routine of spending mornings by the pool and using afternoons and evenings it was a lot more enjoyable.

EMH fabulous! a great use of time, not busy and crowded like it seems to suggest in all the guides, almost everything was a walk on during these times, and the extra hour in the mornings at the water parks was very useful for getting good sun lounger spots.

Overall it was fantastic, I choke up when I think I can't go back for ages, if at all, it really is a magical place. I may not be around on these boards for much longer as I don't think I can bear to hear everyones Disney tales without being able to experience it myself, but I thank all of you for your friendship, advice and laughs these past couple of years. Its been great.
Excellent, thanks Carol ~ I've really enjoyed reading your report :goodvibes
Very interesting report Carol, I hope you will soon be able to return. I always said we would never take the boys out of school for a holiday but we are tagging on a week next October to half term. I'm worried they will be missing something but this week Glen has been to Alton Towers (for lectures on force and gravity which lasted 1/2 hour and 4 hours on the rides). He's had a supply teacher who taught them nothing and talked about his new dog and then he said in Year 10 (next year) they are going skiing for a week at a cost of £600!!! Not in the same year as Disney, can't afford it. We have had to save up 3 years for this holiday and I thought it would be our only time, I'm determined its not going to be even if it takes us 5 years saving up next time. Don't disappear off the boards, you knowledge is invaluable.
Carol hon, loved your reports, sounds as though you had a great time, I have stayed at both the All Stars and The Pop and whilst I loved both of them I know what you mean about the All Stars, we did miss it a lot last year as much as we loved the Pop. Vicki still says she prefers the All Stars. :cheer2:

I know you dont have another trip planned and I know how hard it is to come on here when you dont have a trip to look forward to, but I would be truly sorry to see you not posting at least once in a little while as I love your contributions to this board not only as part of Disney but in general on the UK Community and would miss your friendly and often comic posts a lot, so please stay in touch as much as you can bare to my friend :grouphug:

Thank you for sharing your lovely memories with us all :goodvibes


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