Carsland here we come - Update 23/10

August was a hot August night!

So we all woke up around 5ish and I and I am sure the crew were feeling as flat as a pancake in terms of energy levels. In our new found , let's plan as we go and through the schedule out the door , we decided to order up some room service and let the kids rest. So hot dogs and burgers all round and some sprite were ordered whilst I got changed , took a deep breath and thought I will not fall asleep,I will not fall asleep.

So two things happened in quick succession. The first knock on the door was unexpected , as I thought the room service could not be that quick. It was however one of the waitstaff with a huge welcome basket of fresh fruit, chocolates, nuts, water bottles etc....the kids thought it was dinner. I did grin and thought how good is the service at this place!

Time was ticking away , and apart from asking at the front desk how long it would take to get to the Greek theatre when we arrived ,hadn't given it any more thought. So it was just before 6 and I thought to myself, time to go, meaning dinner for me would have to be at the concert.

I gave my good buys as the kids were munching on the hamper , despite being told not to, however they were on holidays. DS2 was really crook though with the flu. He is such a good boy and rarely has any time off school , played every game of footy this year through winter etc and I could tell he was not well. So lots of cold and flu tablets and sleep for him in the next day or so. First time he has ever had them ( and glad we had them on hand in our little tablet box).

I headed downstairs to find not taxis waiting. Now through the day I noticed up to 5 waiting at any time. Not good. I could see a couple of people in from all dressed up and looking concert like. I asked if they were waiting and they said yes they were off to the concert and had been waiting 30m!!!!!

Oh I asked could I catch their cab too, which they agreed and within 10m a cab arrived to drop off some people and we piled in. The two ladies were a hoot. Both from LA ( costa Mesa down in OC) hence they booked a hotel stay for the night with all the traffic issues. They were big Neil diamond fans, had seen him at least 8 times and knew all the songs. They loved my accent, asked all about Australia and actually knew where Melbourne was ( rare)! The traffic was atrocious and one of the ladies, a very outspoken one, was providing very stern and direct feedback to our poor taxi driver....he just kept saying 'of course you are right, you are the customer, but this isn't a helicoptor so I can't fly you there.... It was so funny listening to this pair go on and on and on for 30m it provided great entertainment.

We snaked through some very exclusive and mansion like areas to get to Griffith park. The park has the Hollywood sign on one side and an observatory on the other. Some where in between is the Greek theatre a 5000 seat outdoor concert venue. You basically drive up out of the mansions into national park . It feels like its in the middle of nowhere, and it's not far wrong.

The theatre is stunning, all outdoor, very intimate, and nestled up into the hills surrounded by pine cone trees. It was stunning and the atmosphere was electric. I had brought a ticket for me for this concert only a week or so prior to the concert ( DW would be going in 2 nights time, my turn then to look after the kids) and still managed for $100 to get in the middle. I don't think there would be a bad seat in the house.

I grabbed a very big corona ( 1 liter ) for a big $10 and didnt see any food so just left that bit. Seated about 10 m before the show they had twitter up on the big screens with everyone writing in about the concerts....only in the USA!

Well at about 820pm on came the man himself, Neil diamond....he had his usual band plus a brass section and also for about half the show a 30 piece!

He just seemed to thrive in the surroundings, it was his 40th anniversary show - of recording the album hot august night at the same theatre- after all, and he really had the audience on their toes the whole time. I have seen him 4 times and was left in awe at this concert. He sang all the oldies and only sang 2 I didn't know. His big ones were sweet Caroline which he had the crowd singing along with and did his thank you to the band with. He then stopped and announced that a mate of his , none other than the actor jack black was in the audience and would he come up and join him. Well turns out jack black was about 20m away from where I was sitting, he leaped up, ran down to the stage , and jumped up in a flash. He was the scruffiest bloke in the theatre, tshirt, trackie dacks and tennis shoes and I honestly don't think it was a setup. He was asked to sing a chorus of sweet Caroline and he grabbed the microphone and belted it out ( I had no idea he is actually a singer as well) .
Anyhow the crowd went nuts, absolutely nuts and I reckon he sang sweet Caroline 8 times that night during that session !!

He finished up with his signature songs America , crunch granola suite, and brother loves traveling salvation word!

The best part of the concert was actually being so excited I forgot about being tired and I thoroughly recommend it to cure jetlag....

Concert done it was time to get out of there and that was easier said than done. Now in LA they just love their cars and I was amazed at the lack of public transport, no taxi rank, no buses.....absolutely zip. I figured out after looking around for 15m there was no easy answer so hopped on to the road and walked down the hill and was luck enough to grab a cab coming up the hill towards the theatre about 10m later. The taxi driver asked what was on. I said a concert ....he said who....I told him....he had no idea ....sad......he must have been 50 ........anyhow quick ride back to hotel (25m) and into bed just after midnight.......

What a cracker of a day and a once In a lifetime experience too!

I wonder what tomorrow will bring...stay tuned.....,
Sounds fabulous. My dad and brother are huge Neil Diamond fans, they'd be so jealous! Did the cab driver really not know who he was?
Love the writeup on the concert. Sounds like you had a few stressful moments about taxis but so worth it in the end.
Wow! The thought of sitting in Griffith Park listening to Neil Diamond sing Crunchy Granola Suite gives me chills! :)

Looking forward to the rest .


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Wow. What an exciting and busy first dat. Neil Diamond sounds amazing. The lack of public transport has me worried for your wife's night but she obviously got home ok. Can't wait to hear more. Sorry your son got sick. Poor thing
5ofus said:
Sounds fabulous. My dad and brother are huge Neil Diamond fans, they'd be so jealous! Did the cab driver really not know who he was?

No idea , but his command of English was not fantastic either.
PrincessInOz said:
Love the writeup on the concert. Sounds like you had a few stressful moments about taxis but so worth it in the end.

My advice for anyone going to the Greek would be book a limo service to/from and blow the cost to guarantee a ride!
Andona said:
Wow! The thought of sitting in Griffith Park listening to Neil Diamond sing Crunchy Granola Suite gives me chills! :)

Looking forward to the rest .


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It was magic. One of those once in a lifetime events. As a kid my mum would play his album over and over and whilst she isn't with us anymore I could feel her watching and enjoying the show too.. In fact I did get her to one I his Australian concerts in the late nineties before she passed and it brought a bi smile to her face!
Ms. Shuttergirl said:
Wow. What an exciting and busy first dat. Neil Diamond sounds amazing. The lack of public transport has me worried for your wife's night but she obviously got home ok. Can't wait to hear more. Sorry your son got sick. Poor thing

My wife did have a few dramas but you will just have to wait for that in the TR !!! Good story though to tell .
August 24 ....finally

August 23 rd seemed to go for so long... I guess it did as it lasted 48 hrs.

We all awoke around 8 am and very happy with our choice to shell out the extra dough and have the interconnecting rooms and everyone gets a bed. We enjoyed the view of all the locals making their way to work on the freeway and our kids took more than a passing interest in the pool of our hotel below...

So we all filed downstairs to the massive lobby which spills out into the bar, restaraunts and cafe. When I read about the big breakfast Buffett they were not wrong. We were served promptly and had a great server. We had vouchers for a continental breakfast for us all as a Hilton honors diamond member but form$10 we upgraded to the full Buffet. Now we were there for3 breakfasts over the stay and should have been charged $40 each time ( kids u9 free). They charged us $28,$21 & $21......I didn't argue .....great value and we mostly didn't need lunch.

The buffet had the usual array but highlights were fresh squeezed OJ machine, fresh made pancakes and omeletes, Mexican scrambled eggs ( with capsicum,chillinand chorizo) - serious heartburn stuff, Asian tasties like prawn dumplings, pork and chicken buns and last but not least chocolate milk. Bless them all but they have no idea how to make a cup of tea so i had my first americano sludge coffee of the trip and loved it!

We rolled out of the Hilton , waited a few minutes for the shuttle and tried to cheer up ds2 who was very crook with the flu ( he was dosed up on cold and flu tabs) . Shuttle is free and comes about every 10 m or so and is a blessing as the walk is all up hill. ( we did however walk back most times)

Park was just opening so enjoyed some long lines to get in but once in the crowds thinned out a lot. It wasn't going to be a busy day for crowds. We popped over and rode the Simpsons ride first of all. It's a great ride and is a a capsule / virtual reality ride on a rollercoaster. Its funny, has all the simpsons in it and the ride , if you look closely, is a parody of all the rides in the theme parks ( Disney , sea world etc) kids live it, mum and dad a bit dizzy. Rating 4/5

Hot day and no clouds , time to refill the transformer cup ( I think a liter ) with lemonade for 99c ( we did this about 6 times during the day. Best value in town.

Headed for the studio tour. It had changed a bit since 2009 trip and the king kong section is a standout. They were filming a few tv shows and there were lots of big big trailers but no stars. I have no idea which shows as we don't watch most American dramas ( except for the outstanding boardwalk empire) . They had added a twist to the bates motel scene ( look out for norman) which was good and overall it's a fun way to look at the real working studio.

Next up was the shrek 4d movie show. It's very good with moving seats and sneezing donkeys. Very good for the young ones.outside shrek was doing photos so got some pics and there is a talking donkey caravan where you can talk to donkey and he answers and rips you off. ( a but like turtle talk with crush but low key). Kept the kids amused a little while.

Off then down the long long bank of escalators the biggest ones I think in the world ( although there are some in hong kong similar) . Time for some mummy action on the mummy ride, wet on the Jurassic park ride with those terrifying dinosaurs and then some transformers on the newest of them all. They are all terrific rides in there own right and enjoyed by all. If you go do not miss the new transformer ride.

The transformers were on display ( bumblebee and the blue one) and moving around so got some great pics and video. In amongst all that a few churros and a couple of ice cream pies and some lemonade to wash it all down.

We had lasted until 330pm and having had some time in the park the day before we decided to head back. I was disappointed we had missed the live show 'water world ', again this trip, but gives me a good reason to go back to watch one day. We did however make a detour and go on the terminator 3d ride..l.well I thought it was a ride, it's sort of part ride,show, video. Seriously dated and not worth the wait. Kids agreed it was a bit lame.

We walked back down the hill and ds2 headed off to bed . The rest of us hit the pool and enjoyed some drinks and snacks. Given no lunch for all it was time to head off for an early dinner. Tonight it would be the hard rock cafe in the universal city walk . The city walk doesn't offer as much choice as the Orlando version but there are no shortage of places to eat, drink and play . The hard rock was up to its usual hip standards. Burgers all around and some great sundae desserts. Poor old ds2 was tucked up in bed and didn't join us as he wanted to sleep so we grabbed some food back at the hotel fully expecting him to be up. Well what a waste that was as he was sound asleep and slept right through the next morning. He did get better after this and had a great time for the rest of the holiday with just some sniffles . My wife however was starting to get a bit sniffly though.....

So all settled in it was time to contemplate the agenda for the next day. A trip to the Hollywood walk of fame and the farmers markets!
Your poor son, he really sounds like such a trooper. Sounds like another great day in Paradise :lmao:. Those escalators are amazing aren't they. Talking Donkey was a huge hit with our kids when we were there in 2009, very funny. We also ate at the Hard Rock cafe there and had a wonderful fun meal.

Glad you enjoyed your day
Poor DS2. Glad to see that he got better after a good night's sleep.

Sounds like you had a great day at Universal.

Thanks for the update.
Good update again. So sorry to hear that your son was sick, but pleased he got better after a good sleep!
August 25

Another fantastic Buffett breakfast at the Hilton and no need for lunch again required. A quick check that we had all the gear in our daypack and it was out the front for a quick trip down to the Hollywood walk of fame. A friendly taxi driver and $20 later we hopped out for a good look around. A few years back on a day trip from Anaheim we were given 30m and didn't see too much. This time we took a relaxing walk up and down the strip and saw lots of stars ( the Simpsons, walt Disney , muppets and Beatles were popular but to name a few.) we wanted to go to the Disney soda shop attached to the el capital theatre but there was a 30m wait minimum so starbucks ( very grungy one at that it was) for some drinks. We walked through the big shopping complex that incorporates the Kodak theatre ( which is now the Dolby theatre) where they do the academy awards and was impressed at the range and prices of the shops. Got some great hollywood sign pics standing on one of the 3 big walkways in the centre and got a few tacky ( the only kind) postcards to send home.

Grabbed another cab down to the farmers markets and grove shopping centre and took a bit longer than what i remembered. It was a really hot day so once we arrived we headed straight into the markets for a fresh lemonade, pizza ( Deanos) and donuts ( Bobs donuts)all round. Cheap and tasty food. Brought some fruit ( peaches and strawberries ) to eat walking around and found a great tshirt shop with good quality stuff pretty cheap. Kids happy as they got perry, south park fix sorted.

We popped over to the uber expensive grove centre and tried to find some famous people. We settled for no famous people but a lot of store owners who wanted our money. My wife tried to close down the GAP store by purchasing all their stock and once again her yearly pilgrimage would seriously stretch our bag and weight allocation on the way home. She picked up some great outfits and I never her see her frenzy shop like this in Oz so it was ok by me. The kids tried to break the lift in the store by going up and down and pressing all the buttons and i was really really pleased for one of them that there was a rest room in the store itself as he just forgot to remember to go ...almost.

A big Haagen daz ice cream later we all piled out of the grove to cab it back to the hotel for a swim and relax.

Pool was great, Hilton provides snack cards for Hilton honors members so we got free sodas plus some mini burgers and calamari as well for an afternoon snack. Kids loved the pool. Not too many people around and the weather very sunny.

My wife left us to go get ready for her trip to see Neil diamond and I brought the kids up just as she finished making herself look more beautiful than she already is. As dad in charge all boys agreed that the swim served as the shower so we all got changed quickly ( and with a look of horror from mum) to escort her to her taxi and for us to go up the hill for a boys own adventure and dinner.

As we walked out of the lobby of course there were 5 cabs waiting ( unlike the night I went) so DW was off and running to the Greek theatre for an evening with ND. We caught the shuttle up to city walk and decided to goto Johnny rockets. 4 thickshakes, 4 cheeseburgers and a plate of bacon and cheese fries later we all rolled out the door. I couldn't believe we had spent less than $60 and felt full to the gills. We walked around a bit took in some of the shops and some wrappy type concert that was starting and stumbled upon a great donut shop called Sparkys......mmmmm goodness with a lemon cinnamon sugar coating. These were delicious walking back down the hill.

We did have an interesting moment on the footbridge that goes over the road that is the entry to universal studios. About half way over I saw a guy in the corner trying to light up a ciggie and not looking at anyone. He looked local if you get my drift and it's probably the most dimly lit area of the whole walk way that's a few hundred meters long. As we walked past I noticed that there was no one in front and the people who passed in the other direction were a long way in other direction. I would have to say in all my traveling overseas and in all sorts of places over the last 20 yrs ( including the Melbourne CBd for that matter) I have never felt more alert and uncomfortable. I had a real sense of danger and to that point as we headed down stairs ( 2 flights) he started to follow us. That area we were in heads to car park and then road and about 75 m away is the start of the hotel driveway. It is however very leafy and dimly lit. Whilst I saw plenty of security around city walk,it's car parks and the hotel it's the one spot over a few days I saw none. I made a decision not to say anything to the kids except 'let's runoff those donuts ok" and with that told them to bolt. They had no idea what I was on about but followed and whilst we run across the road I turned to see ' our mate' stop and head into the bushes. I turned around to see a group of about 30 people walking up the hill just 20m or so in front and felt safe again! I have no idea if we were going to be mugged but have never felt like that ever before . Fortunately the kids really had no idea and I said nothing. I certainly relaxed when I got back to the room. Kids settled it was time for a bit of channel surfing.

I got a few texts during the night from DW about how good the concert was going but got one at 1130 saying she had followed my instructions about getting a cab back but had walked for an hour and was at a petrol station who wouldn't open their doors at night and asking her why was she alone? Oh great I thought, what am I going to do next! A few minutes later to say she had grabbed a cab at last but she thought the taxi driver was a bit Manson like and the taxi ID number was xyz in case something happened. Even better I thought....well about 15m later she was in the door and we both talked about our 'interesting night'.....time for a rest as tomorrow it was time to fly....literally.
Isn't it funny how we take personal safety for granted on home turf? I used to work down the King Street end of town (Melbourne) and there were quite a few "salacious" type looking people at odd and night. Never give them a second's notice and never really think anything about being in a part of town that is known for robberies, recreational drugs and nightclubs.

But move me into a strange town and my "danger, danger, warning, warning" antennae are on full alert.

Glad you and DW had a safe night after all that. It sounds like part of the colour of a vacay in a big city.

And Bob Donuts? All I can say is......yummmmmmmm!!!!


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