CDC Notifies States, Large Cities To Prepare For Vaccine Distribution As Soon As Late October

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The full interview has not aired yet - it will be aired just after 4:00 pm today. The tweets are just the reporter's write up of what he told her.

To be clear, I do see in your original post she put all three of those things together, but I don't think he's specifically referring to safety in his answer. Not to nitpick.

Also, even the optimists agree that this first wave of available vaccine will likely be for people who are at the highest risk and first responders. I still believe for those groups, we are talking this year.
Was there a tweet that said that then?
Yes. The twitter thread I posted says right in it that she interviewed him today and the interview airs at 4:06? It is right in the first tweet in the thread - I can see it in my post?
Again: just because these studies are moving quickly does not mean they are being rushed. I can assure you first hand that the study I am in is being followed to the letter of the law. They are getting quicker results because of the extraordinary amount of time and money and personpower being pumped into them, not because they are "rushing".

As to the auto makers, the big four lost ground because they spent a couple decades making crappier cars than Japan, not because of something Ford did.

Some side effects take time to appear. No matter how many extra people they have working on it, and no matter how many extra subjects they have for study, that is the one element they can't get around by doing so.

As for the auto makers, Building crappy cars is in fact doing something that will damage a reputation. That in fact proves the point I was making. Further, if you can't even admit that Fords blowing up damaged their reputation, there is absolutely no basis for a rational discussion on the matter. Good day.
I picked up a prescription a few days ago, and the pharmacist -- a guy I've known and respected for years -- suggested that my family come in mid-September for the flu vaccine. He said that's a nice "halfway point" between giving the vaccine time to "start working" (that takes about two weeks) and the danger of it weakening by the end of flu season. I wrote it on my calendar and will follow his directions.
I won't argue with you on a 2 week difference but am curious on when your Pharmacist says the end of flu season is??
Some side effects take time to appear. No matter how many extra people they have working on it, and no matter how many extra subjects they have for study, that is the one element they can't get around by doing so.

As for the auto makers, Building crappy cars is in fact doing something that will damage a reputation. That in fact proves the point I was making. Further, if you can't even admit that Fords blowing up damaged their reputation, there is absolutely no basis for a rational discussion on the matter. Good day.

My advice to you is to not get the vaccine. Good day to you as well.
I'm assuming the Warp Speed doctor is stating the vaccine will be safe AND effective AND widely available 2021. I'd have to assume that if not widely available (and early released to high risk folks), that is is indeed safe AND effective.

Thank you! That's how i interpreted to it as well.
My whole thing is always "what is the worst that can happen?" In extreme cases, a vaccine might cause death. Well, we already KNOW that Covid causes death. Lots of it (compared to vaccine death numbers).

I'll take my chances with the vaccine. If the vaccine study enrolls 30,000 people and none die, that's good enough for me. In a random sampling of 30,000 people who contract Covid-19, around 1000 will die.

Check out the first polio vaccine. And if you want to scare yourself, check out the smallpox vaccines.

I’m all for getting it. But this seems really rushed to me. My understanding is that this is the first RNA vaccine. I’d wait to until after flu season. The last thing I want to do is have a reaction and go to an ER filled with COVID and flu patients.
Check out the first polio vaccine. And if you want to scare yourself, check out the smallpox vaccines.

I’m all for getting it. But this seems really rushed to me. My understanding is that this is the first RNA vaccine. I’d wait to until after flu season. The last thing I want to do is have a reaction and go to an ER filled with COVID and flu patients.

This is 2020.

And there are multiple vaccine candidates out there- only one is RNA based.
I'd like to hear from the healthcare workers who will probably be mandated to take the vaccine as soon as it rolls out. Do you feel this vaccine is safe and effective enough to make you comfortable taking it?
RN here... our hospital just rolled out mandatory flu vaccine (religious and medical exemption only) and our union is going to battle. If this sticks we are almost sure it will set a precedent for a mandatory Covid vaccine. Our hospital is saying if you refuse the flu vaccine you are not able to work the entirety of flu season. I personally get the flu vaccine but I do feel it should be a personal choice. MA schools just mandated it as well and it’s not going over well at all... and I don’t blame people. The Covid vaccine and the speed of it makes me nervous.
Check out the first polio vaccine. And if you want to scare yourself, check out the smallpox vaccines.

I’m all for getting it. But this seems really rushed to me. My understanding is that this is the first RNA vaccine. I’d wait to until after flu season. The last thing I want to do is have a reaction and go to an ER filled with COVID and flu patients.

Those were both live vaccines and decades ago. We have improved our knowledge about vaccines probably at least 10 fold since then.

That is like saying "before you take a ride on the Goodyear blimp, check out what happened to the Hindenburg."
While I don’t have a crystal ball, I am confident that if the US is administering a vaccine by November 1 then the US won’t be alone. So the conspiracy theories are really getting out of hand these days unless you think other countries are in on it and are also going to begin taking it early as well.
You kind of proved my point- it took twelve years to find that out- should we wait twelve years here?

What point, that there is enough data for to be approved? Sure there is, I am not disputing that, however being approved doesn't guarantee safety or even effectiveness, which is what I said in a pp.
Feel free to google all medications and vaccines that were once approved that are no longer on the market, or now labled with black boxes. I'm sure at the time they came out there were people like you trying to convince people there was a enough data on the safety. Turns out they were wrong.

You asked why wait, I told you why I will. I don't care what anyone else does, I'm not trying to convince anyone here what to do- their body their choice.
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Nothing guarantees anything. No medication is ever guaranteed. That isn't and cannot be the standard.

Well if you are Ok with it having just enough data to be approved without any guarantee it's long term safe then by all means get the vaccine (if you did have the placebo) and line your children up for it.
I'll wait.
This is 2020.

And there are multiple vaccine candidates out there- only one is RNA based.

The one by Moderna is RNA. It’s one of the two possibilities for this year. Only one other company is far enough along.

This is brand new tech.

Even as a tech guy, I’m not an early adopter. I don’t want to be a part of the beta test. I definitely don’t want to be a part of the alpha test.
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Totally reasonable to be concerned about a political motive- especially now. But I just don't see the pharma companies getting dragged into that.
I watch Dr. Gottlieb who is on the Pfizer board and the Covid expert on CNBC Squawk Box almost daily... His focus is more on the buiness side but answers and give insite on the medical part. He is always asked if we will have a vaccine by Nov. 3. ( hinting on the political pressure) He has said that the earliest they will get final results from the clinicals is end of October. and that any use will be for Emergency use only and most likely only supplied at first to health care workers and Nursing homes.

So no there will be no mass vaccinations available to the voting American public before the election.

One thought I also just had is that fact for clinical trials you need an outbreak to test. something Dr. Gottlieb has mentioned as a challenge. It would have been a great idea to target college kids as a test group. Sure many would have done it... when I see how Covid is spreading like wildfire.... that would be a great test group. Young, low risk to test, and many do not adhere to mask/socially distance.
I am just totally amazed how completely unprepared for covid. Yes at some point we will have a vaccine and will need to give it to millions, why are we not training those people NOW. I totally can see a vaccine ready to go and it is a 3 month wait to get it. Have we learned anything from testing, no we have not
Some side effects take time to appear. No matter how many extra people they have working on it, and no matter how many extra subjects they have for study, that is the one element they can't get around by doing so.

As for the auto makers, Building crappy cars is in fact doing something that will damage a reputation. That in fact proves the point I was making. Further, if you can't even admit that Fords blowing up damaged their reputation, there is absolutely no basis for a rational discussion on the matter. Good day.

Haven't you heard the saying, if 1 woman can give birth to a baby in 9 months, 9 women can give birth to a baby in 1 month. They've put a lot of man-power toward this vaccine.
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