"Change" we can believe in

We need to recognize the immense appeal that Obama has. Regardless whether you like the man or not you have to be impressed by the fact that two million people showed up for his inauguration. About fifty of them even had to take a day off work to be there. :lmao:
The circumstances are actually better now than they were when we fought a revolution and overthrew the government. Not that I am advocating overthrowing the goverrnment, mind you. Just pointing out that we did it once for less.
Not advocating any action other than to exercise my freedom of speech...;)

But isn't the military oath something about "any enemy, foreign OR domestic?"
About fifty of them even had to take a day off work to be there.

Funny, but probably somewhat true.:lmao:

Her's some more Hope and Change:

400 million for STD education. (I was wrong on the figure above)
150 million for Honey Bee Insurance
25 million for ATV Trails (Umm, we can make our own trails, Thank You)
20 million for Fish Barriers

:rolleyes2 :rolleyes2
And a couple of billion for all those people that didn't have to take off work.

Nobama the chosen one. Don't think so
We need to recognize the immense appeal that Obama has. Regardless whether you like the man or not you have to be impressed by the fact that two million people showed up for his inauguration. About fifty of them even had to take a day off work to be there. :lmao:

Funny, but probably somewhat true.:lmao:

Her's some more Hope and Change:

400 million for STD education. (I was wrong on the figure above)
:rolleyes2 :rolleyes2

Since we have started spending millions on STD education, has there been a decline in STD's? Nope. It's on the rise, and from the youth I have been talking to, the education has been a dismal failure. They are as clueless about STD's and their transmission as people were in the 50's. But in typical liberal fashion, if a program is failing, it's because there wasn't enough money spent on it, so spend some more!
Spending is their answer to everything! It never works but it makes them feel good.

Just like the Republicans with tax cuts and less government - it's always the answer no matter what the question just ike spending and bigger government is the answer from the democrats. We need fresh, new ideas to solve this mess and no one is coming up with any - no one at all! Just a lot of rhetoric from all sides. :guilty: :confused3
I'm so happy I found this thread. It helps me realize that I'm not the only one who looks past the words to see the actions. I've already done this, but please email or call your senators and let them know how you feel about the "pork" in this bill. I heard someone today say that the bill was being treated as a pinata. It was being hit around and everytime it was hit some pork fell out. We need our Senators to get the biggest bat they can find an hit and hit and hit.

I also heard Nancy Pelosi say that most Republicans want this stimulus package. I don't think most Americans want this bill as she wrote it or as it was sent to the Senate. Let's let them know what we think!!

Thanks for the time to vent.
Until average Joe's and not lawyers run this country it will never change. I think in order for it to get better, America is going to have to go broke and start all over. I think it's getting there.
We need to recognize the immense appeal that Obama has. Regardless whether you like the man or not you have to be impressed by the fact that two million people showed up for his inauguration. About fifty of them even had to take a day off work to be there. :lmao:

Yea, cause only conservatives work. Almost as lame as the saying that we all view him as the Messiah.

Generalizations are a great argument :thumbsup2
Well I guess he was laughing at people being out of work then (notice the laugh face after what he said). Come on, that's obviously not what he meant. Take it as you will.
Yea, cause only conservatives work. Almost as lame as the saying that we all view him as the Messiah.

Generalizations are a great argument :thumbsup2

I think the saying is "He who walks on water!"

Perhaps you should try something other than "The Kool-Aid".:stir:


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