Changing mind about AKV


DIS Veteran
Jun 11, 2005
I was going to do an add-on here but that started to realize my son (6) would probably be bored of the animals outside the room after 10 minutes.

And I should probably save the 200 point add-on for CRV (to go with VWL 325).

Anyone else with kids think I could be mistaken -

I like being close to MK and was going to do BCV (for Easter) but given how small it is, it may be a little nuts staying there at Easter which is a crazy time to begin with. Its nice to go back and relax after waiting in lines for 2 hours:scared:
The only reason I think you're mistaken is because I love the AKL theme, and don't care much for the CR.

That said, if you like the CR better than the AKL theme, than that decision is right for you!

That's why they make both vanilla and chocolate. :smokin:

Well, my kids actually got more interested in the animals as our time at AKL was drawing to a close. The thing that kind of made a difference was that we got an animal identification checklist and also, I, er, commented a bit forcefully that there had been no point staying at AKL - we might as well have spent two nights at the Super 8." :lmao:

Once they got looking and started going to the other savannahs to look for other animals, they really didn't want to stop! Still, that's not much data to go on, for answering your question, and my kids aren't your kid, anyhow. It's not really the point, though. I think that MG is right:

If you want CRV and don't need the points to use in the next few years, by all means, hold out for CRV! You'll be able to stay at AKV sometimes at that 7month window anyway, I am guessing.

The usual advice isn't "Buy where you think your kids will want to stay the most." It's "Buy where YOU want to stay the most!" Right? :)
Just the convenience of the monorail especially with younger child
I too have changed my mind but for a different reason. I am currently on a wait list for BCV for 50 pts. I was going to cancel that and buy 100 pts at AKV, but I decided to hold off for a while. Yes its exciting, but I have decided to 'wait and see'. Also - after an initial period, there may be resales.
I too have changed my mind but for a different reason. I am currently on a wait list for BCV for 50 pts. I was going to cancel that and buy 100 pts at AKV, but I decided to hold off for a while. Yes its exciting, but I have decided to 'wait and see'. Also - after an initial period, there may be resales.

If I had all the money in the world I would buy everywhere.. I am looking at now and IMO , AKV will sell out quick . It will be a tough place to get in , unless you go down in sept, oct every yr . The way I look at it , CRV is a rumor and probably will be out of my price range anyway if it ever comes.. That being said , this is what makes disneys 8 resorts great. You can pick what you like and buy your points there, but still hope to use the 7mth window and go to the other resorts.
To be completely honest, I know my kids will like it there, but I did not make the decision to buy based on them. I want AKV. Don't get me wrong, the kids are excited, because they liked it when we ate at Boma and went out to look at the animals.

Am worried they will get bored? NOPE. It is a Disney resort. We will be spending most of our days in the parks. When we are at the resort, the kids are usually swimming in the pool. You don't have to stare at the animals 24/7. There will be more than enough to do between visiting the parks, and other things the resort offers, to worry about your kids being bored after 10 minutes. I am thinking, having the animals there will be good "down time" for the kids before bed after a busy day in the parks. When they have had enough of looking for the animals, off to bed. :)

I would rethink your rethink. I agree you may end up regretting it.
The usual advice isn't "Buy where you think your kids will want to stay the most." It's "Buy where YOU want to stay the most!" Right? :)

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Who cares about the kids, right? j/k!;)

When my kids start to complain that I got something they don't like, or didn't want, I just look at them and say "who paid for it?";)
I waffled, and decided to "Go for it!" DH was thrilled to learn there's a concierge level...and we intend to use it! We bought 100 points. If our extended family wants to come, I checked that there will be dedicated 2 bedrooms in the new building. So, that gives us VWL and AKV with those for our extended family trips, and BWV when we want that great location. I really feel that we have absolutely the best mix for us!!!! (We also have VB for when we want a great beach vacation!)


PS. Up until this, I spent hours and hours agonizing if we should buy into BCV. For us, this is a better place to own.
I was going to do an add-on here but that started to realize my son (6) would probably be bored of the animals outside the room after 10 minutes.

And I should probably save the 200 point add-on for CRV (to go with VWL 325).

Anyone else with kids think I could be mistaken -

I like being close to MK and was going to do BCV (for Easter) but given how small it is, it may be a little nuts staying there at Easter which is a crazy time to begin with. Its nice to go back and relax after waiting in lines for 2 hours:scared:

As others have said, we really can't tell you what you feel. But it doesn't sound like AKV "speaks to your soul" and that you have a particular affinity for the resort.

After all, what other resort do you want to consider based on how long the kids will be amused on the balcony? :confused3

It sounds like to me that you really aren't crazy about AKV.

On the other hand, there's no guarantee that CRV will even happen. And if it does, it will certainly be higher cost than AKV.

I think a "wait and see" attitude might work best for you. See how AKV sells (I don't think it will sell out quite as quickly as others might think). See how people like it, or even book a trip there yourself. And in another year, the CRV rumors might firm up one way or another.
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Who cares about the kids, right? j/k!;)

When my kids start to complain that I got something they don't like, or didn't want, I just look at them and say "who paid for it?";)

Sadly my DD-14 (Second teenage year), will just roll her eyes and respond, "My Inheritance Did!"


I do have to say I disagree with this..My kids are 20,12,and 6 year old twins. All 4 of them love the AKL.
It is our most requested resort. I own Boardwalk Villas. and always end out the week with AKL. ( No weekend points for me)

It is not really looking at the animals it's the actual atmosphere of the place. From the music and the incense in the lobby. I can go there for the weekend and never leave the property and be very happy. I also feel the main lodge there has the best playground on the property.

I have to say with the addition of the new water playground at the Villas. It will be perfect for us. My DD 20 spends almost all her day at the pool. But the boys get bored quickly of that. Last summer we stayed at Horizon's with a very similar playground water feature and the 2 little ones wanted to saty there and forgo the parks. So it enabled ds 12 to go off with Nana and be a park commando and the rest of us to play at the pool. This is a good thing for me more quiet time. Less sibling fighting.

Lets just hope the new section has the smoothies AKL does. ( Non alchol ones)
We called my dd at schooll when we were there in December from AKL. and said Hi just called to tell you were are at AKL drinking a paw paw smoothie. and she said I hate you!! Theres no place I would rather be right now!!:wizard:

Wait can I add on more points yet??? LOL:teacher:
Of course, it depends. You know your kids better than just about anyone so.....

MY kids, I think, will be fascinated for a good long while...because they're fascinated with animals (on TV, in books, etc) CONSTANTLY when we're at home. Given that, I think they'll get a kick out of being able to see them outside the room.

And I KNOW my wife and I will be fascinated. I can't wait to have that first morning cup of coffee at "home", out on the balcony.

Here's a question I"ve not seen asked or answered (and maybe this is the wrong thread/place): Anyone know if, in a 1BR, BOTH rooms (the BR and the living area) will have their own balconies? I know there are no models, but...I'm thinking maybe someone asked their guide or has some inside info...
I would have minimal interest in CRV. (Sure, I look forward to using my SSR points to help gum up the ressie system for those CRV owners but that's another story!:rotfl: ) I'm one of those freaky DVC owners who is happy that SSR and AKV are away from the rush of the theme parks.

We just don't find the CR very appealling as a hotel (other than for Chef Mickey's.) The monorail is less enchanting to us than the animals on the savannah.

Glad there are so many DVC choices!:yay:
I am a newbie. What and where is CRV going to be?


It's the possibility of a DVC at the Contemporary resort. A lot of people love the resort and the dream of buying a DVC right beside the MK with monorail access.

To the OP:

Do you love AKL? I'm trying really hard to bite my tongue and be open minded but when did we become so child focused in this world? Monorail access so that you have a more relaxing commute is one thing. But whether a child will be happy at any WDW resort triggers the crap out of me. Not just your post but there are so many on the DIS "Will my kids like _______?". I usually sigh and think who cares. But then again it's not about me, is it? :rolleyes:. Ie. none of my business, my issue and not your question. But I'm still am posting! Oh boy. I don't why it gets me so much!!!!

Well I went off topic. But I think kids would be happy at any DVC. They all usually talk about the pool anyway after days at the parks. But if you think transportation might be the aspect to push you one way I would wait for CRV.

All the best in your decision,


Do you love AKL? I'm trying really hard to bite my tongue and be open minded but when did we become so child focused in this world? Monorail access so that you have a more relaxing commute is one thing. But whether a child will be happy at any WDW resort triggers the crap out of me. Not just your post but there are so many on the DIS "Will my kids like _______?". I usually sigh and think who cares. But then again it's not about me, is it? :rolleyes:. Oh boy. I don't why it gets me so much!!!!

Someone finally expressed my feelings! I'm fortunate because I have been so sucessful at totally brainwashing my family. :rolleyes1 Whatever I like is OK by them because I make all DVC decisions. I want the kids to be happy because then they don't whine so much on MY vacation.
When AKV was announced I was disappointed. DH and I have been waiting for the Contemporary. Yet when I received the mailing from DVC we gave it more thought. Our kids loved AKL. The view changes from resort to resort. Unless it's a castle view, the balcony isn't a source of entertainment for the kids. That makes an animal view a plus for us. If they get bored they can look over the animals to the trees or buildings like they would at WL.

So we decided to buy 150 points at AKV and plan on 150 if DVC@Contemporary opens. It will give us enough for a week every other year at each.


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