Chatterbox Thread-Cmon in and Jabber! Everyone is Welcome!


Thanks for all the compliments on my kleenex pouch :goodvibes I made a slightly bigger one last night. I still have other fabric prints that I want to try, such as a cute robot print. :) I think robots and dinosaurs are cute! :cutie:

This morning I woke up with a horrible stomach pain on the top right side of my stomach. It felt like a really bad cramp that wouldn't stop. I wasn't sure if it was gas or pressure but it hurt and caused me to vomit 3 times. :scared: I did take some antacids and tried to lay down but whenever I did, the pain would just cause me to throw up. I also have a red rash on my face, which is due to the capillaries bursting because of the vomitting.

I went to the doctor because the pain wouldn't stop. I was told that it looks like I don't have gallstones or anything but if I experience this type of pain again, to schedule an ultrasound to check. The doctor told me that I probably have a small stomach bug or food poisoning. :sick: I was given a prescription for the vomitting, which I was told to take in case it starts up again. She told me what I could and could not eat in the mean time.

I ate some unsalted crackers with a little PB & J and that was fine. I ended up sleeping for a few hours because I felt exhausted. I just woke up awhile ago and grabbed some Jamba Juice. I am hesitant to eat anything else right now. :guilty: At least the pain has gone away.

I had to use white out on my calanders. Tomorrow is my X's birthday. Ughhh. :headache::sad1: I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter anymore, I don't have to worry about spending money on him. It also reminded me how last year I had ordered a custom birthday cake for him and he didn't appreciate it. He kept telling me: "Why don't you just eat it with your family?" and I said: "I got the cake for you!" I had got the cake because his cousin said she wanted to celebrate his b-day with her daughter's b-day together and was throwing a little dinner party. He didn't even want to go to that. I just remembe being pissed because he was so unappreciative. Oh and part of his selfish behavior......he went to the party because he wanted presents or money from his mom and family. :mad: Good riddens!
Morning and Happy Saturday all!!

Staley I am sure you are prob on your way already but have a GREAT time! I didn't realize this was your first trip! How exciting. You guys will LOVE it! May was the same time of year I went on our first time back in 02. So pretty this time of year but warm! ENJOY!!!

Mel and Bernice I am like you guys. I plan on saving some stuff from the girls too. For me it is books. I had a BUNCH of all Dr. Seuss books when I was a kid and wanted to get the same ones for the girls to read as I really cherished those as a kid (LOVED to read when I was little). Well I found a lot of them but there were some older ones that are out of print so I bought those on Ebay or Amazon and those "old" ones I have in MY bookshelf and I will read those to the girls but not let them keep them with THEIR books. I plan to keep ALL the doctor Seuss books and some other classics like my little house on the prairies and nancy drews. Some of those were mine when I was a kid and I plan to keep them for the grandkids some day! We have gotten rid of a toys over the years but some I will keep as well like their tea set and they have a really cool talking map and some other classics.

Rochelle I am sorry you got sick and I hope you are right and it is just a stomach bug and nothing more serious. I HATE having stomach issues. Hope you feel better today!!

We had a GREAT time on the field trip yesterday. The two little girls that rode with Katy and I were nice and we had a great drive. It was SO beautiful and clear from having rained so much and you could see the Sierras with LOTS of snow on them. Lots of blue sky and green mountains. The foothills get brown pretty quick once it gets hot but they are SO pretty when they are green like now!

It was a great drive and Coloma was really pretty and the weather was perfect. We went to Sutter's mill and to the museum and then walked around the park and then they had this trail that led to Marshall's monument that about killed me LOL. It was super steep and between my bad knees and that fact that I have gotten WAY out of shape from not being able to work out in months I thought I was going to die!! It was a nice walk but would have been nicer had it not been so steep!

We had lunch and eventually headed back to school.

Then last night we went to girl scouts and made little bags for the girl in our troop that has Leukemia. We are going to fill them with puzzles, coloring books and other crafts she can do while in the hospital getting her chemo etc.

Now today is Shelby's big party so that should be fun and not sure about tomorrow. Our church has finally moved to the new building and depending on how much we have to do round here and if we are tired or not we may try to go tomorrow.

Anyway that's bout it for me. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far!
Happy Sunday everyone!

Well the party was a GREAT time! Everyone showed up except the one boy that had actually rsvp'd even. I am actually surprised because he is like shelby's best friend but I do know that his little brother had a party to go to so maybe his mom didn't want to be running all over town. This must be a popular time of year for birthdays. There was like 10 at the skating place yesterday! I had never been there and it was a REALLY nice facility. We had a great hostess and the girls had fun playing games and having their pizza and cake. Then they spent 3 hours skating and they do lots of games and such and Shelby even got to ride on the zamboni so it was a lot of fun for her. We had one minor mishap in that one of the girls that was invited didn't show up till the thing was almost over and I got confused cuz one of the parents that had stayed said she thought this lady wandering around was the mom of one of the girls that was "left" by her dad. I didn't think much of it cuz I figured if the dad dropped her off maybe the mom was picking her up. My dh started talking to her and at the end I was busy trying to hand out the gift bags and make sure the kids that were left without parents had gotten picked up. Well this one little girl was hanging out with two others that had a mom with them and I just assumed that HER mom was the lady dh was talking to. Well then he came up to me and said I needed to give a gift bag to the girl that came late and so when I went to get it I realized that the lady was HER mom and NOT the other little girls. We got to talking and then I was preocupied with getting all the stuff in the car and we had asked our friend who had stayed if they wanted to go have dinner with us and it just got crazy as EVERYONE had to leave all at once and there were people EVERYWHERE. Well we had gotten about half way home and it dawned on me that I never saw a parent actually pick up Emma (the girl who had been left by her dad). I had just assumed that that other lady was her mom and then when I found out it wasn't I had totally spaced it. I was SO worried about it but it was WELL after 5 and we were a long ways home by then so it was too far to go all the way back and I figured someone would call me if there had been a problem and I am HOPING that the dad or mom had picked her up in all the commotion and just didn't tell us that they were leaving. But I was upset the rest of the night and didn't sleep well. I know that if the situation were reversed I would have been furious if someone I left my child in charge of left and left them there alone. But it was truly an accident and I felt HORRIBLE about it. I am sure it worked out but STILL!! I only wished I had their phone so I could call but I don't. I just hope that he had already picked her up and that he didn't show up after we left! UGH! I am usually SO on top of stuff like that and unfortunately I have taken my kids to parties where MUCH worse has happened but I don't like to be THAT parent and I feel SO bad. I guess I will have to wait till tomorrow to make sure everything is ok!

Anyway today I have a TON of laundry to get to since I had to work thur and was gone all day Fri and Sat and then I promised shelby I would take her out to use some of her gift cards.

So that is my agenda for the day.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and take care!!
Morning and happy monday all!!

Cute pix Rochelle! Looks like a good time!!!

Yesterday was a nice day for the girls and I. I took Shelby to walmart to spend her gift certs and she got a few more things she had been wanting and then we ran to the mall because Shane's birthday is the end of the month and he wanted some new jeans so I figured it was a good day to do that. The girls and I did a little more shopping because they are both growing like weeds and needed some stuff and then we came home. Shelby LOVES Michael Jackson and got his movie This is It for her birthday so we watched that and it was actually pretty interesting. Regardless of what you think of him he WAS a very talented man! It is just too bad that he never got to do any of his concerts cuz they looked like they would have been AMAZING!!

Anywho today I am off to work and Shelby has a cold so I may stay home with her while Shane takes Katy to swim or we may all go and shelby may just sit with us. Not sure at this point.

Anyway that's bout it for me. Hope everyone has a good day and had a fun weekend!!

I have been having a bit of tough time. :sad1: I found out that my X downloaded 2 dating apps to his phone. It's on finding singles and "speed dating" is the other one. It makes me angry because I am grieving like a normal human being and he is without one care and is just a douche bag. :headache: It's basically saying that he is over me and could honestly care less. He told me after we broke up that it was better that we weren't together because once he started his 2nd job, he wouldn't have much time to do anything. I feel like I've been lied to and I strongly strongly believe...he is not looking for a partner. He is looking for someone to have sex with. I hope to God that no one in their right mind would want to. :mad: It just feels like a huge slap in the face....I don't know what to think but I feel like crap.

Just a quick post before work.....things have been super hectic around here as sports season has arrived!!! (Granted we had a blizzard yesterday :confused3)

We leave for DL in 6 days!!! Should be super fun as we are taking friends who have never been before!!!

2 weeks after that we are off to Vegas for Alecia's 9th bday!!! (The girl is obsessed with Carrie Underwood - so it is a suprise concert for her...and she wasn't coming to Phoenix initially)

Other then that - hope all is well with all of you - and I will do my bestest to try to pop on more frequently :3dglasses:goodvibes
Good Morning!

On Friday I started training for the Disneyland Half Marathon. Friday and Saturday I ran/jogged/fast walked 3 miles each day and yesterday I did 3 1/2 miles. My legs are so sore right now. :rotfl: My average pace was a little under 14 miles per minutes so I am already below the 16 minute mile pace. I know over time I will be able to run more and walk less so my time should improve alot. I have 4 months to go.
((hugs)) Rochelle! Hang in there. I know it is tough but you seriously just need to try and forget about what he is doing as hard as it is. I KNOW how hard that is but he is NOT worth your time or trouble thinking about. You are SO much better off and you need to just concentrate on moving forward and put him behind you.

Dizzy have fun at DL!! We are going in June and I can't wait!! Have fun in Vegas too!!

Sara I am in awe of anyone who does those marathons. I can't run as I have bad knees but if I ever DID do a marathon that one sounds like fun! Keep up the good work!! ;)
Wooooot! we've just decided to go on a last minute trip to Disneyland before our AP expire! We are flying out on sunday(may9th) and staying there for 5 days. Pretty excited!
Wooooot! we've just decided to go on a last minute trip to Disneyland before our AP expire! We are flying out on sunday(may9th) and staying there for 5 days. Pretty excited!


I love those last minute trips, no agonizing over hotel choices and all the rest of the planning. Make a reservation and just GO!

Have fun!
Hey pix, the drummer group videos were great. About time they used the plaza for something beyond popcorn or churro carts and occasional character meet and greets. It's a nice wide area that cries out "use me for entertainment!"

As for the dork... I know it's hard but truly just put him out of your mind. The fact that he wants to resort to dating apps to find a potential bed mate should make you laugh and be glad that you are no longer with the swine. Every time you think of him... Make the "L" on your forehead and yell out LOSER. :p
It will make you feel tons better and a little smug knowing you did the right thing cutting him out of your life. :thumbsup2
Hi Dizzy!

Woohoo way to go Sara! I'm impressed with anyone who takes on a marathon. I'm impressed with myself when I walk the 3/4 of a mile to the store with out needing to rest. :lmao:

Hi Kelly, hope your dd is feeling better.

Sis and I went shopping to use up some Kohl's cash. Got almost done and her cell rang, her ds got bored in science class and stuck a rock in his ear, the nurse couldn't get it back out.:eek:


Because... well... it fit I guess. :rotfl2:

The child has NO impulse control.
His ADD tendency causes more problems for him then his autism, thanks to to intensive behavioral therapy as a young child he is able to be in the regular classroom with minimal support. But oh boy, can he be a handful if he's not redirected to keep on task. :sad2:
Morning and happy Tuesday all!!

Disneyfairytale congrats on the last minute trip. Those are ALWAYS so exciting!!! Have a GREAT time! :)

Bernice that is crazy about your nephew and the rock! EEK! I hope they finally got it out! I know when I was 5 I got a button up my nose. My mom swore I stuck it up there but I remember having it really close to my nose and taking a deep breath and it kind of getting "sucked" up there. I ended up having to go to the er to get it out LOL.

Not much on the agenda for today. I have a bunch of laundry to do and had planned to workout again today but my dad is bringing a plumber by to look at our upstairs toilet and I can't exactly workout with them here. I am kind of disgusted because this is what ALWAYS happens. Either I don't feel good or something comes up and I CAN'T workout or whatever. I did a small workout yesterday and it felt good to get back into it and I REALLY want to continue and NEED to! I am hoping he won't be here long and I can do it after he leaves. I like to get my workouts done early so I can shower and get on with my day. So we shall see.

Anyway hope everyon has a good day and talk later!

Warming up into a nice day, not hot yet but has that "feel" to the air of working on the warm. High expected of 78 :cool1:
Have to enjoy this one day as we will be back into the cold again of 50 for a high and 39 low this weekend... brrrr.

Tuesday is usually my coupon sorting, straighten up the place and planning day. Wish I had a balcony or patio, I would organize my coupon file outside to enjoy the warm.

Might walk to the store, depends on my level of motivation :rotfl:

Our downtown farmer's market opened for the season last week, woohooo! Not anything for local yet but the vendors usually buy bulk produce from warehouse to sell, cheaper than grocery store. Plus local vendors with meat, eggs, honey, bread, hand made soap... I love spring and summer in MN, it's a short time but we drink up all that warm while we can. Enjoying what the local farmers bring to us. :goodvibes
I'm FINALLY caught up with my work! Sheesh, that only took a full month to catch up with 2 weeks of vacation work. Of course now it's the first of the month and all the accounting starts all over again, but at least I'm not starting out behind!

So, do you think my family would notice if I just disappeared on Saturday and went to the 38 Special concert at a casino on the coast?:rotfl2: Seriously, if I have to spend Mother's Day at a mx race, then shouldn't I be able to do what I want the day before??? I doubt if I'll go, since DH has to work, don't know anybody else that would want to go and I would have to make arrangements for my one child and my one adult child.

Have I mentioned how weird it is to have an adult child? I just took a survey for Universal Studios and when they asked the ages of children at home...well I could only fill in one!:rotfl2:

Well ladies, I need to get back to work...every one have an awesome day!:lmao:

P.S. There is a reason for everything...I went to the 38 Special website and they have a concert at Epcot in October. Now that would be a much better trip (hurricanes and all)!:lmao::woohoo:

P.S.S. Wonder how Megy Poo is surviving the World with the kidlets?
Hey ladies. Just a quick drive by hi. I have a horrible cold and my grandpa just passed away this morning. He has been in the hospital for two weeks, yesterday he seemed fine and was hitting on the nurses and chattering away. This morning he passed away. So sad, I'm crushed that I'm so far away. I can't afford a flight home to the funeral especially since I'm moving home in just a month and I feel so guilty. Anyway, I'll try to catch up with everyone as soon as I'm able.
Take care of yourselves until then! :grouphug:
Hey ladies. Just a quick drive by hi. I have a horrible cold and my grandpa just passed away this morning. He has been in the hospital for two weeks, yesterday he seemed fine and was hitting on the nurses and chattering away. This morning he passed away. So sad, I'm crushed that I'm so far away. I can't afford a flight home to the funeral especially since I'm moving home in just a month and I feel so guilty. Anyway, I'll try to catch up with everyone as soon as I'm able.
Take care of yourselves until then! :grouphug:

Oh Christina, I'm so sorry for your loss. Grandfather's are such special people and I know that you will miss him so much. :hug: Don't ever feel guilty for not being able to attend a funeral. You can remember him in your own way and pay tribute to him that day. He knows that you love him and you know that you loved him and that is all that really matters.:grouphug:
Good morning and happy Wednesday/Cinco de Mayo!

Tina I am sorry about the loss of your grandfather! I know how hard that must be not being able to come to the funeral. Prayers and condolences to you!

Samey I think you should DEF go to the concert. It's mother's day weekend after all and it is all about us mom's so I say go for it!! ;)

Not much on my agenda today but more work round here and I have to go get the oil changed in my car.

The plumber is coming back today to replace our upstairs toilet as it has not been working and constantly overflows and has flooded our upstairs a few times so I have that and then as I said the oil but otherwise just more laundry and junk round here. I also got my paperwork for my surgery and I have to go get another EKG. I called my doc and they do walkin appts for those so I am going to try and do that tomorrow and get it done. I am just hoping I can get it done and get back in time to pick up the girls from school as tomorrow is their early day!

Otherwise not much else going on. We are supposed to be having another GS meeting on Friday but I am not sure if I am going to go or not. Depends on our plans for the weekend.

At this point I know for sure that we are taking my mom downtown to walk around the capital and look at the rose garden and the old governor's mansion and then have a late lunch on the river so I am looking forward to that and hoping that the weather is nice!

That's bout all for me. Hope everyone has a great day and talk soon!
Hey ladies. Just a quick drive by hi. I have a horrible cold and my grandpa just passed away this morning. He has been in the hospital for two weeks, yesterday he seemed fine and was hitting on the nurses and chattering away. This morning he passed away. So sad, I'm crushed that I'm so far away. I can't afford a flight home to the funeral especially since I'm moving home in just a month and I feel so guilty. Anyway, I'll try to catch up with everyone as soon as I'm able.
Take care of yourselves until then! :grouphug:

:hug: I'm so sorry. I agree with Alison, don't feel guilty. You can create your own special moment of remembrance, he will know how much you love him in your heart.


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