Checking on my peeps

Not a peep as we have never formally met, but thought I would say Hi:wave2: anyway as I like reading your posts. :goodvibes I am planning a Nashville trip for April (work and play) and two Disney trips, Aug & Dec. DH doesn't do cruises (but he is still a manly man:love:) but agreed last night to a cruise to Alaska. So that will be my next planning obsession.
Hope you and yours stay warm. Penny
Happy Valentine's Day, Paul. It was good to meet you, Alicia and Jennie at DAP, and I'll looking forward to being part of the Chicago area contigent on PCC 2.0. :dance3:

Saw Dodie's post about talking with Yvette on Facebook during the Olympics. I thought it was funny because I was on Facebook with a Canadian friend Friday night, "watching" it with him. He was telling me stuff they broadcast on Canadian TV vs. NBC. He was all verklempt with national pride. We don't talk about the malfunction with the Fortress of Solitude olympic torch cauldron ceremony. :laughing:

What have I been up to? Mostly working. And I'm amazed that over the past week and a half, I've suddenly become the model of efficiency, able to get stuff nobody looks at off my desk, papers from up to 3 years ago. :eek: I am not going to question it. I'm hoping it's a trend that continues.

Now where's my chocolate? :rolleyes1
Hey, Paulykins!

I post on FB so much, I'm all talked out by the time I get here. Let's recap:

Had a blast at my New England Grows conference...figure if you can't garden, at least you can meet up with thousands of garden-minded people and talk about it.

So proud of my li'l girl getting her internship with Senator Kerry - continue making off-color Monica jokes for next several months.

Oh, and of course, getting shot at...sorry, you have to be on FB to get the details on that one!

Other than that, pretty uneventful winter. Miss you guys!
Howdy Frank. Still running, or has the winter slowed you down? There's no chance of running outside around here this year. It's much colder than recent years. A little less snowfall, but very cold. :confused3

Yeah, the miles are down but up until last week I managed to get plenty in. First race of the year was yesterday. It was snowy and cold but sometimes you just gotta get out there and make the doughnuts.

You two have a happy Valentine's day.
Glad to see you are on the mend, Anna! I was thinking of you the other day when I was looking at my DAP pics. I can't wait to hear from the ABD crew all about the trip when y'all get back. I don't know if it would work out, but it would be cool if everyone could participate in a "roundtable" so we could hear from you all while you are on the trip!

:wave2: to Paul, Alicia, and Jennie - hope everyone is staying warm. We were in the middle of it here and between the 2 storms ended up with close to 4 feet. There were drifts over 12 feet in the county and several highways were closed for days. All of that makes for busy times when you handle auto accidents. Good times, good times. We are hoping to plan our DL trip this year as soon as we hear back from Pete on the dates and are looking forward to PCC 2.0. Depending on the dates, we hope to join everyone at the Hershey meet in PA but that will depend on DL. Hope all is well with you and your family and Happy early Valentines to everyone :goodvibes Speaking of....any good plans for tomorrow?

Hi Stacy! Hmm I hadn't thought about them doing a taping on the trip. I think it would be great if they talked with the two ABD tour guides too. All together with the ABD guides we have 45 people so I don't think all of us could talk, but they could talk with a few people.

I hope it warms up for you, and I can't wait to hear about your DL trip. Maybe they will have you call-in and talk to you after your trip.
I can't wait to see everyone on PCC 2.0.
Hi Paul!

Hope you and Alicia have a special Valentine Day!

Nothing much going here, like Stacy - :wave2: dealing with several feet of snow and kids who have been out of school for days. This is always the quiet time of the year for me - just work and family stuff.


Nothing much going here, like Stacy - :wave2: dealing with several feet of snow and kids who have been out of school for days.

It seems like the kids have been off school for months, hasn't it? Our phone has been ringing non-stop today. Did you see the news, Anne?
Hi Paul. Do I have to met you in person to be one of your peeps?

I did too much pavement walking in Portland (a two day Friday/Saturday pre-Valentine's Day vacation) that my leg aches (a shin splint, maybe?). So today, it was water aerobics and weights at the gym.

Wish Maine could get some of the snow everyone else is getting. The snowmobilers are not happy!

Just popping in to say hi. NC Beast is cooking dinner. I let him take a long nap as I was watching the Daytona 500. :rolleyes1 I got a bit loud in the last hour or so of the race---the dog ran to him. :rotfl:

I have been trying to plan for our June trip to Texas and a possible leg of that trip to WDW if budget/Dings align right for NC Beast's 40th birthday. We have 2 nephews that are scheduled to graduate from high school on the same day. We were thinking of DL until MSEP was scheduled for Florida. If we don't do WDW in June...then, we may do Hershey.
Hi Paul. How are Alicia and Jen doing? Hows the finger. Just got completely dug out from the 4th largest snow fall we have ever had. My sister came to take Mom grocery shopping and her husband and 2 younger daughters helped me dig out the my car and the rest of the driveway. Then we had my favorite take out for dinner. Now I'm watching the Amazing Race. Love that show.



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