christmas elves anyone?

Oh, I love Stella. Can't you just see yourself yelling "Stella!!!" ala Rocky?
Today we woke up to donuts in the shape of sn*wmen!!!! :)

Well, I found an elf last night... I had to pull her off the swing and had to do some minor surgery but she is recovering well...
Currently, she is downstairs on my washing machine awaiting DS9 to go find mommy's elf as she has cleared customs!!!

DH thought of the name:
Wynter Storm GiggleDimples!

I'll post a photo of Wynter after while and our donuts this morning!
OH and the reindeer were playing hide & seek last night...they were scattered around the house..

Now, DH is having a fit because this "elephants"... oh he means "reindeers" are all over his house and if he finds any droppings than there are going to be issues!!!!!

DS9 is trying to cover for them and say he will clean up after them but .... he doesn't know how it happened....
Nan - thanks for the letter!! And love the new elf's name!

AWM - HILARIOUS!! I hope I can get this creative!!

Anyone order their elves from the creative santa website?? They are cute! But kinda pricey!
Thanks. Last night was boring because the boys stayed up later than me. I had a few minutes before they woke up to quick eat the graham cracker and put Gamma on top of the box with the games.

She will more creative tonight.
back from dallas... elves still on strike... :)
Gamma decided she wanted her own Husky.

The puppy even came with its own igloo house. :thumbsup2

They delivered game tablets for the boys and chew bones for the other huskies.
Ok found some maybe passable elves at Michaels and one Jolees passport and some stockings - DDs were with me however so will have to go back another time....SOON!:rotfl:
He looks all cute and whatnot, but oh boy is he mischievous.


And this what Sirius did.


Gamma felt so bad about her puppy being a puppy that she did this

She put herself in the dog house. She also had these really cute Lego packets of Star Wars space ships for the boys to build.

I've just realized that you all now know what my house looks like on the inside.

Last night I found fresh chocolate cookies on the porch when DS13 & I returned from his basketball game last night... ;)
They are quietly resting as events will be happening today....and especially tonight!
For the making brownies night. How will you keep your children from waking up when they smell the brownies? Are you just going to wake up extra early, make them and hope the kids don't notice you are up and about?
No, I can make them as soon as they go to bed... the way our house is set up, the bedrooms are completely opposite of the they usually don't smell them.. :)
The biggest issue will be keeping DH out of them!!!


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