Columbus 2006-04-01-Chicago 2006-08-13 Half Marathon Training/Waddling on

Tiger Lily 03

Moderator W.I.S.H.
Feb 7, 2003
Time to get ready--Waddling on in Columbus

Sign up for the -- The Capital City Half Marathon,
held in Columbus, Ohio, on April 1, 2006.


Time to get ready--Waddling on in Chicago
Sign up for the -- The Chicago Distance Classic,
held in Chicago, Illinois, on August 13, 2006.

It’s all about the jewelry!

I have been talked into participating by Liz and we figured maybe someone else might be in the mood to try this event with us. :teeth:

This is a 4 hour half marathon event which translates into an 18-minute mile. Walkers, joggers, woggers, runners. Everyone can do this!

Join us!

I figured it is time to change up to a "trainig for" thread.
Still looking for participants to join up with us!
Great idea, Lilly!

I'd love to join you but I am already signed up for the "Run to Remember" half in Boston on March 11. Plus, I can't afford to travel again for a long time!!!!! We definitely need to keep the running/walking club going to get us through the post-race blues!
I'm signed up for the Minnie Marathon in May...and sometime in the next 18 months we're planning on baby #3. But these darn races--I just can't stop! ;).
Lily made me do it!!!
:teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

I will be there with bells on....OK, maybe not bells....but a little cool max, sausage pants, some well worn running shoes and my thorlo sox! Guess I need to get some new shoes and start putting those steps in!!

And Lily, I will let you when I am all signed up and new shoed!! :rotfl:

Who else will join us?
Ohhh, I am so disappointed. I was actually trying to figure out if there was anyway I could do this (good almost half-way point between WDW 1/2 and DL 1/2), when I realized that is the weekend DD17's marching band is performing at WDW. HAVE to see that dream come true!
I'm with Sunny. I too will be doing the Boston Run to Remember half in March. There is a 10 miler here in ME Feb 5th called the MidWinter Classic that I'm planning on also in addition to the Women Run the World 15 K. Can you tell that I was worried about keeping up with the running between the marathon and triathlon season? I really need races as a focus to keep at it.

After the marathon, my training will switch to be triathlon oriented but since my 2 big goal races this year are a half ironman at the World and a Sept ironman I figure my run mileage and overall endurance will be adequate to finish a half/15 K/10 mi without the swim/bike warmup.

If I could spring the airfare, I'd go do the 50K trail run that MelR keeps dropping hints about but alas... too expensive

there are WISHers coming to Columbus!!!

i'm there ---- i'm there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i did this last year in the rain and snow and it was awful -- it can only be better!!!!!!
Yay! Molli is going to play! It will be better for sure. We'll be there walking together.
I would love to as well but, unfortunatly my restaurant opens its deck on that day! I may look into boston. went there is past summer and loved it!

Hi Lily
I will be looking for you at the WDW Marathon since you convinced me that I could do it even before my first 10k. This is Angie from Cleveland Fit. The Columbus 1/2 sounds interesting. I'll look into it. See you in the World. Staying at the Poly. :wave:
Oh, this sounds like a pace I could do! I'll have to see how finances are, though. Did you know that a new house just eats up money? No promises, but I will think about it if for no other reason than the great company!
sounds DS is a freshman at OSU, and I could combine a visit with him and the half. I am definitely going to consider this!!
I am reading about you guys having some fun - not ready to commit to this today (my "other" leg is now bothering me) but I will definately consider.

I was thinking I could be your cheering section - then I am thinking mmmmm....not sure I could just be on the sidelines :teeth:

Let's do spread the word for a WISH event with the Penquin!

I do remember so well the weather last year when Molli completed this race in horrific weather and she had been "down" 2 days with the flu. Can't be like that 2 years in a row, can it? Nah - this year, I bet it is a balmy spring-like day with WISHer's smiling and having a good ol' time!

Marking my calendar and seeing if it will work for me, too!
I would love to do another half with everyone, but I'm already planning on doing the Flying Pig in Cincinnati in May. If anyone's interested, it's a half and full marathon on Sunday, May 7 (unfornately the same weekend as the Minnie Marathon). I haven't run it before, but I know people who have and they say it's a great race, running through the streets of downtown Cincinnati, it was also voted one of the top 25 fun marathons by Runner's World. Here's the web page if anyone wants to look into it some more,

Krista princess:
aladdinsgirl -- good luck on the pig! my cousin, Nikki who is evansmom on WISH (hasn't been around for a bit though) is planning on the pig this year too. maybe this will be my year to come watch and cheer!

ok ok ok -- i registered already :teeth:

speaking of shoes -- gotta get me a new pair. if you wear NB their website has quite a few on clearance right now
Krista! Your are doing the flying pig! Wonderful! My GF lives in Middletown and I've thought of participating in that one some day.

Molli! You registered already! I need to do that. (Hanging head in shame b/c I didn't register yet)

AEG, WISHing you will be well enough to come out an play. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
OK, Chimera, I'm thinking about that one. I want to see what happens with my knee first, though. I go back to the DR Jan 10 and if I need any "repairs" that will have to take priority. Even if I do not do the half, there is a 5K and a 1 mile run/walk the day before the half that I could probably do. If I read the pacing requirements correctly, I think it said 6 hrs. I can do that no problem so I'd love to try. Hope it works out.


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