Columbus 2006-04-01-Chicago 2006-08-13 Half Marathon Training/Waddling on

Thanks LIZDOTCOM99 for posting the Penguin Medal picture!!!! It's totally kewl looking! I just started reading his Courage to Start which is a quick read. Figure reading about running will be comforting as I heal from the Half (either my foot has a stress fracture or a bad strained something).

I understand the Flying Pig is a fun one to do too. Anyone do it? I would love to do the Flying Pig this year but have commited to only focusing on DL in September then WDW in January as I want to do better on my 2nd and 3rd (finishes that is) and don't want to risk another injury that will eat into my training this year.
DisneyGirl said:
Well, I'm officially signed up for this race!! I can't pass up a penguin medal!!!

I'm right on track with the MFM walk/run plan. This is a few months earlier than I had planned to run my next (September), so I'm verrry sloooow, but I'll finish it!!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
You will have a GREAT Time! Will you be planning to walk with us then or do you figure you will be going your pace? We will be having some fun at the end of the line for sure!
DianeL said:
Thanks LIZDOTCOM99 for posting the Penguin Medal picture!!!! It's totally kewl looking! I just started reading his Courage to Start which is a quick read. Figure reading about running will be comforting as I heal from the Half (either my foot has a stress fracture or a bad strained something).

I understand the Flying Pig is a fun one to do too. Anyone do it? I would love to do the Flying Pig this year but have commited to only focusing on DL in September then WDW in January as I want to do better on my 2nd and 3rd (finishes that is) and don't want to risk another injury that will eat into my training this year.
Sorry about your foot. Have you figured out what it is yet?

I have also heard that the Flying Pig is a well run marathon.

The course will close on a continuous pace of 20:00 minutes per mile. Anyone who cannot maintain the 20:00 minute per mile pace must move to the sidewalk as the course closes to allow regular traffic through. Runner services cannot be guaranteed for participants beyond the 20:00 minute per mile pace."

Come play with us! It will give your foot some extra time to heal if you walk with us!
WDWFAN9 said:
sounds DS is a freshman at OSU, and I could combine a visit with him and the half. I am definitely going to consider this!!
Have you considered long enough? It would be such fun! Come walk with us.
I think I will try to keep up with you guys! I'm wondering if I actually will be able to-- it will all depend on how training goes between now and then :-) (so far, so goo, though!!)
lizdotcom99 said:
I won't be running the Valpo race. I have some very BAD feelings about one of the sponsors of that race. Last year I had a really horrible experiance with the owner of a shoe store. I am Pooh sized and basically he told me there was NO WAY I should be considering a 1/2 marathon and was very unkind to me because of my size when lookng for shoes. Sad thing is, I told all of my friends here about that, as well as some friends close to home...and as easy as it would be to buy shoes from him, I drive to Chicago to get my shoes, socks, body glide and blister shield. Too bad he has NO CLUE how hard I am on shoes.

I did get my "revenge" though....I saw him at the Expo and told him he was a real jerk but I was here and I was going to run (ok walk) my race and get my medal...and I did! I made sure he saw it too....and I let him know again he was a real jerk and should NEVER estimate anything based on somebody's weight, cause you just never know who you are dealing with. But do remind me, I will be sure to be there to cheer you guys on. I hear that is a fun race.


I can't stand stupid people! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Thanks for the offer of your support though; you're so sweet. :flower2: I think DH and I have decided to run the Chicago distance classic (must get that penquin medal!), but will not do Columbus due to travel plans. Thanks again for the info! :sunny:
I was 99.99% convinced after my wonderful chat with Liz last night that I wanted to make it to Chicago in August. After seeing that medal, I don't know how I'd ever resist. I am in negotiations with DH (KeenHo) and will keep you guys posted. Now, if only SW would do some $49 airfares from PHL to Chicago I'd be reallly :banana:
Looks like we will be ready to sign up a good group for August! This will be such fun for sure!

Since I started the thread to spark interest in after marathon goal setting, I figured to change up the thread title again to reflect that the training has begun!

Looking for people to join in for sure!
DisneyGirl said:
I think I will try to keep up with you guys! I'm wondering if I actually will be able to-- it will all depend on how training goes between now and then :-) (so far, so goo, though!!)
Marissa, Yay!! Just keep putting the steps in. (but no ice slipping)
keenercam said:
I was 99.99% convinced after my wonderful chat with Liz last night that I wanted to make it to Chicago in August. After seeing that medal, I don't know how I'd ever resist. I am in negotiations with DH (KeenHo) and will keep you guys posted. Now, if only SW would do some $49 airfares from PHL to Chicago I'd be reallly :banana:
DavidandDenise said:
I think DH and I have decided to run the Chicago distance classic (must get that penquin medal!), :sunny:
Whooo boy! It will be such fun! Keep up the good work with your training. There is a good time to be had ahead.
As long as my clinical rotations start Aug 14th like I expect, I'm pretty sure that we(NYcpa-mom/kathy, Stitch_lover_Sith-sis/erin) will be coming to Chicago. I probably have to catch a flight that afternoon/evening so I can be back in time to start Monday morning but... I actually looked up airfare to Columbus and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but I really need to show some self control with race entries at some point so I think we will do Chicago but I'll be skipping Columbus. :sad1:

Funny story about this- Mom sent me an email with just one line in the message body "What are you doing August 13th?" Nothing else provided as to what she was talking about except a little tiny clue in the subject line- just one word "race." So I Googled Aug 13 race and the second hit listed was purple- the Chicago Distance Classic, that I had already looked at info on. So I shot back an email to Mom accusing her of having Penguin medal envy. She hadn't seen Liz's pictures yet because she heard about the Chicago race in the weekly thread and hadn't been in this one. We are booked at SOG resort Aug 6-12th but I will probably cancel that and we'll go west instead. We'll go to WDW in Dec and then maybe(okay, almost definitely) again in Jan :rolleyes1 so I think we can skip the Aug trip.

BTW Liz- mom and I both like the T-shirt designs.
xterratri said:
As long as my clinical rotations start Aug 14th like I expect, I'm pretty sure that we(NYcpa-mom/kathy, Stitch_lover_Sith-sis/erin) will be coming to Chicago. I probably have to catch a flight that afternoon/evening so I can be back in time to start Monday morning but... I actually looked up airfare to Columbus and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but I really need to show some self control with race entries at some point so I think we will do Chicago but I'll be skipping Columbus. :sad1:

Funny story about this- Mom sent me an email with just one line in the message body "What are you doing August 13th?" Nothing else provided as to what she was talking about except a little tiny clue in the subject line- just one word "race." So I Googled Aug 13 race and the second hit listed was purple- the Chicago Distance Classic, that I had already looked at info on. So I shot back an email to Mom accusing her of having Penguin medal envy. She hadn't seen Liz's pictures yet because she heard about the Chicago race in the weekly thread and hadn't been in this one. We are booked at SOG resort Aug 6-12th but I will probably cancel that and we'll go west instead. We'll go to WDW in Dec and then maybe(okay, almost definitely) again in Jan :rolleyes1 so I think we can skip the Aug trip.

BTW Liz- mom and I both like the T-shirt designs.

Pictures...did you say pictures? Well here is a little inspiration for all of the Chicago crew...Chicago Distance Classic Pictures We had such a great time....and I am totally serious about whoever wants to stay at my house. Bring your air mattress, sleeping bag or whatever and plan to have a lot of fun and a great weekend. We can have a nice pasta party, do some Chicago site seeing on packet pickup day...which I think is Saturday, and a million other things. I am so stoked....I can hardly wait. And to make things even sweeter..I ordered my Garmin today....Amazon has them for $99.99 with FREE shipping...and that is for the 201.....Cam made me do it...That is my story anyway, and I am sticking to it! :rotfl2:
Okay, guys, I am getting so excited about doing the Chicago event! I had looked at Liz's pix a while back and just enjoyed them all over again. It sounds like we are going to have such an awesome WISH group.

BTW, when Liz decides she doesn't know how she ever lived without her Garmin I will be glad to confess to twisting her arm! ;)
You guys are killing me.....I live an hour SW of Chicago, how can I not go too?? Rookie question though....the Chicago date is a few weeks before the DL do you adjust your training? I followed MFM for the WDW Half.

My house is open too, but I have to warn you all that I am directionally dsylexic and unable to drive into Chicago, so I will be probably depending on DH for transportation.
Pat- I would follow the MFM program leading up to Chicago, recover for a week and then do the last 3 week of the MFM program again leading up to the DL 1/2. Once you reach the level, you basically just will keep it there. Not a rookie question at all, BTW. A rookie wouldn't need to ask it, would they:)

The theory behind my answer is detailed in Hal Higdon's explanations about running multiple marathons in a year. I realize that we are talking halves here but the prinicples should be the same. In addition, for those making the jump to the full next year but doing the DL 1/2, train for the DL 1/2 recover and then jump into the marathon program at whatever week it is before the marathon. The mileage doesn't ramp up that quickly so you'll actually be ahead of that game. I did this with running a half marathon Oct 2 last year, did 1 week of recovery, and then started the MFM program at week 6. My LR distances dipped shorter than the half for the next 3 weeks so it certainly didn't hurt to come into the program mid-stream.
xterratri said:
Pat- I would follow the MFM program leading up to Chicago, recover for a week and then do the last 3 week of the MFM program again leading up to the DL 1/2. Once you reach the level, you basically just will keep it there. Not a rookie question at all, BTW. A rookie wouldn't need to ask it, would they:)

The theory behind my answer is detailed in Hal Higdon's explanations about running multiple marathons in a year. I realize that we are talking halves here but the prinicples should be the same. In addition, for those making the jump to the full next year but doing the DL 1/2, train for the DL 1/2 recover and then jump into the marathon program at whatever week it is before the marathon. The mileage doesn't ramp up that quickly so you'll actually be ahead of that game. I did this with running a half marathon Oct 2 last year, did 1 week of recovery, and then started the MFM program at week 6. My LR distances dipped shorter than the half for the next 3 weeks so it certainly didn't hurt to come into the program mid-stream.
Lynne, I love your answer. It makes total sense.

I am still in my after the BIG event taper here, and will begin the training for April soon. With 10 more weeks until the April event, I don't want to get too tapered!

Cam, picture this...{{Lily===>>.009%===>>Cam}} (that's me nudging you) I only need to nudge a bit since you are 99.99% sure!

It does look like we will be having a great weekend in August for sure.

Oh Boy! I can't wait to hear the Garmin stories Liz.
Tiger Lily 03 said:
Have you considered long enough? It would be such fun! Come walk with us.

Hey Lily! I am not going to be able to make it to Columbus. DH doesn't want to commit to using anymore of his vacation this early in the year (we are already using two weeks when we go out west, combining visiting national parks with the DL half). Fortunately I have more PTO than he does, but I think I have mentioned previously that I am directionally challenged, and driving to Columbus from IL is just not a good thing for me. Bummer, because it sounds like it is going to be a blast, and I know my son would figure out a way to come and cheer me on. I am however, going to find some way to make it to the Chicago Classic, even if I have to hire a limo to take me.

Lynne - thanks for the advice on transitioning from the Chicago half to the DL half. I am really excited.

Now, a T shirt suggestion.....I loved the penguin shirt! Do you think there is any way to make a "generic" shirt? Maybe with the WISH 2006 (like the WDW shirt) on the front and the penguin on the back. I'll bet there are some WISHers who won't be able to come to Columbus or Chicago, but would like a shirt as they train during the year. And even WISHers who are looking ahead to DL and beyond, who might like a shirt or two now. It's just a thought. I know I smile every time I see the shirt we had at WDW.

This is going to be a great year!
hey -- did you change the title of this thread??

liz -- did you post the t-shirt design?? i emailed to Mom and my cousin, Nikki. Mom definately wants one, still watiting on nik's reply. i'll be sure and get with her by friday, ok?

my training has been vice-versa'ed a bit this week, but i'm getting the minimum of MFM training in, the 30 mins a day is light for my normal so i'm just sticking with the rotation but yet my normal time-frame. make sense? the 5 miler this weekend will be my first over 4 miles in quite a L O N G time
I live about 90 minutes north of Chicago so I think I should be able to swing this! I am so glad this is on Sun. not Sat. because I have to work Fri the 11th but I had one more vacation day to pick for the summer and I had to pick it by last week and I took off Mon. Aug. 14 so I'll even have a day off to "recover" before going back to work. I must of know in the back of my mind there was a good reason to pick that day off :) I ordered my MFM book from Amazon a few days ago and it shipped today and I just ordered my Garmin 201 tonight! I am getting to be an Amazon "frequent buyer" with all this marathon training and DH thinks I'm nuts.

WDWFAN9 said:
Hey Lily! I am not going to be able to make it to Columbus. DH doesn't want to commit to using anymore of his vacation this early in the year (we are already using two weeks when we go out west, combining visiting national parks with the DL half). Fortunately I have more PTO than he does, but I think I have mentioned previously that I am directionally challenged, and driving to Columbus from IL is just not a good thing for me. Bummer, because it sounds like it is going to be a blast, and I know my son would figure out a way to come and cheer me on. I am however, going to find some way to make it to the Chicago Classic, even if I have to hire a limo to take me.

Now, a T shirt suggestion.....I loved the penguin shirt! Do you think there is any way to make a "generic" shirt? Maybe with the WISH 2006 (like the WDW shirt) on the front and the penguin on the back. I'll bet there are some WISHers who won't be able to come to Columbus or Chicago, but would like a shirt as they train during the year. And even WISHers who are looking ahead to DL and beyond, who might like a shirt or two now. It's just a thought. I know I smile every time I see the shirt we had at WDW.

This is going to be a great year!

Pat, you are more than welcome to ride with me to Lily's. It would make it so much easier to drive if I had someone to come along for the consider it!! And you are more than welcome to stay with me the weekend of the Chicago Distance Classic.....I do beleive there is going to be a big party at my house that weekend! Whoo hoo!

Good idea on the "generic shirt". I will have to call and get some pricing....maybe we could do Sunny's WISH logo on the front...and a penguin theme on the back...of course we should decide which shirt we like best and take a vote.....

liz -- did you post the t-shirt design?? i emailed to Mom and my cousin, Nikki. Mom definately wants one, still watiting on nik's reply. i'll be sure and get with her by friday, ok?

Opps, sorry Molli, I thought I emailed you the link.....check here for the design choices we have so far....TSHIRT DESIGNS HERE They are both awesome! love, love, LOVE them!! Let me know what you think?

Cheryl, come join us! This will be a GREAT time had by all!

Lynne and crew....actually anybody that wants...please know that I have LOTS of room in our new house....should anybody want/need a place to stay, I will have LOTS of floor room and I am quite sure I can score some air mattresses as well...I will just need an idea of how many to plan for closer to the date. So if you are looking for a place to stay and have a good time...please let me know. I am so excited about all of this I can hardly stand it!

I know I have not addressed everybody, but I am one pooped :dog: and am going to call it a night. I am so excited to be a part of such a great group if people...can't wait to meet all of you!!!

Night night...sleep well and safe training one and all!! :cool1:


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