Coming from NY. This is horrible

LMAO. It's obvious the virus has mutated and not nearly as deadly as it was in March. That, and the FL governor didn't send the old people to die in nursing homes. I'd visit FL over NY any day of the week. And as far as general safety goes, waiting for them to call Snake Plissken to come in and rescue de Blasio.

New York total deaths: 32,388
Florida total deaths: 4.197

NY total cases: 426,798
FL total cases: 254,511

NY pop 19.45 million
FL pop 21.48 million

This is anti-science and not true.
Cases are supposed to rise with more testing. But test positive rate should not rise. Florida’s test positive rate keeps moving up.

Exactly. Scientific data is helpful in understanding pandemics.

If Florida had their outbreak under control, increased testing would show a drop in positivity rate. They are testing more than they ever have, and finding more cases. Therefore, they have an outbreak that is in no way contained. In fact, it's just the opposite of that. They have a population of 20,271,000 and are doing 60,000 tests a day and have a rising positivity rate...currently running right around 20%. The governor of Florida said that cases are going up, in part because they're testing as much as any other state in the U.S.

Unfortunately, that's not true either...that's a lie. Another state, New York State, with a population that is slightly smaller than Florida, at 19,450,000 is testing more than the state of Florida. They are routinely testing in the 60-80K a day range since Memorial Day. So if you look at that chart, you'll see that their 7 day moving average positivity rate around Memorial Day in New York State was around 4.0%. They continued testing at a higher rate than Florida, and have seen their positivity rate fall all the way down to 1%.

That's how you flatten, and then crush the curve. This is what they did in most of Europe. This is what we did in the Northeast. That's not what is happening across the sun belt. Florida in particular, with the exception of a few cities, isn't even trying to mitigate this outbreak. And so, common sense tells us that the situation in Florida is going to get worse.
I believe numbers and data. Not fear mongering.

Just you have any facts or data that show the virus has mutated to a less deadly version? I've read that it has mutated to be more contagious due to the "spikes" on the outside of the virus. Fortunately, this mutation didn't cause it to be more or less deadly--it's just the same. I read that about 2 weeks ago. Has there been another reported mutation that shows less lethality?
Just you have any facts or data that show the virus has mutated to a less deadly version? I've read that it has mutated to be more contagious due to the "spikes" on the outside of the virus. Fortunately, this mutation didn't cause it to be more or less deadly--it's just the same. I read that about 2 weeks ago. Has there been another reported mutation that shows less lethality?

There is no evidence of mutation or it being less deadly.

Florida’s coronavirus death rate is trending up again after rising hospitalizations
Just you have any facts or data that show the virus has mutated to a less deadly version? I've read that it has mutated to be more contagious due to the "spikes" on the outside of the virus. Fortunately, this mutation didn't cause it to be more or less deadly--it's just the same. I read that about 2 weeks ago. Has there been another reported mutation that shows less lethality?

Yes, I heard that on GMA and on ABC News again today, who cite their info is from the CDC.

Maybe it depends on which state one lives in, as to what the "science" is. :rolleyes1

While it's obvious I listen to our NY Gov. for info, (who always cites his sources.) I also listen to what the CDC, the World Health Organization, Dr. Fauci who is with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and several reputable, neutral news sources. These sources all tend to corroborate each other, or give better nuances, or explain differences and each cite where they got their info from.
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Florida *is* the Hottest of Hot Spots right now. And so Florida restricting any other state is laughable and ridiculous. Personally, as a resident of NJ, I am glad that they are supposedly still requiring a quarantine on their end. As for enforcing it, that's another thing. As a nation, we seem to be seem to be operating on some kind of honor system. And what we're all learning is that we have a lot of citizens who have little honor.
I'm in NY and I am totally fine with FL requiring us to quarantine if we go down there.
I hope it discourages people living here from traveling there.
@Hikergirl said it first, but I agree. I would think residents of NY/NJ would be happy by FL extending their travel ban because it’s an extra level of protection to stop people from your states traveling to FL.
Incorrect. There was a study that came out about two weeks ago that shows the virus has mutated and is now more easily transmissible, but no more deadly (unfortunately no less deadly either). I posted the study in one of these threads when it came out.

OK. (That's completely fake, but OK)
OK. (That's completely fake, but OK)
And how do you know that? I’ll take the knowledge of health experts, but thanks.

DisneyJamieCA is correct. This virus is mutating all the time. The WHO has been researching this.

That is also how we know the COVID-19 in NY came from Italy & Europe, while we were expecting it to spread more slowly across the states from the west coast. The strain of COVID changed slightly when it went through Italy & Europe and was predominately found in infected people in NY. Dr Fauci concurs:
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I believe numbers and data. Not fear mongering.
Numbers and data mean absolutely nothing on their own. It is the analysis that counts. Yours is woefully inadequate as I shall demonstrate below.
(edited) It's obvious the virus has mutated and not nearly as deadly as it was in March. That, and the FL governor didn't send the old people to die in nursing homes. I'd visit FL over NY any day of the week. And as far as general safety goes, waiting for them to call Snake Plissken to come in and rescue de Blasio.

New York total deaths: 32,388
Florida total deaths: 4.197

NY total cases: 426,798
FL total cases: 254,511

NY pop 19.45 million
FL pop 21.48 million

Cherry picking New York's high total case and death counts which includes figures from months ago is not even remotely a clear indicator of what is happening now. Across the south and the southwest, case load started rising, then hospitalizations started rising, then ICU usage started rising, and deaths are in fact rising. Any sensible interpretation recent numbers are that we're losing control of this thing in several states and that it is about as reasonably under wraps in New York for now as it can be. And that you would claim you'd rather go to a place frequently spiking over 10k new cases a day with hospital utilization rates getting to near critical numbers vs a place that is under 1,000 a day, you are clearly NOT going by any reasonable, objective interpretation of the numbers and data.
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And that you would claim you'd rather go to a place frequently spiking over 10k new cases a day with hospital utilization rates getting to near critical numbers vs a place that is under 1,000 a day, you are clearly NOT going by any reasonable, objective interpretation of the numbers and data.

Florida doesn't even have a mask mandate. The 15k cases today might be considered low two weeks from now.
Numbers and data mean absolutely nothing on their own. It is the analysis that counts. Yours is woefully inadequate as I shall demonstrate below.

Cherry picking New York's high total case and death counts which includes figures from months ago is not even remotely a clear indicator of what is happening now. Across the south and the southwest, case load started rising, then hospitalizations started rising, then ICU usage started rising, and deaths are in fact rising. Any sensible interpretation recent numbers are that we're losing control of this thing in several states and that it is about as reasonably under wraps in New York for now as it can be. And that you would claim you'd rather go to a place frequently spiking over 10k new cases a day with hospital utilization rates getting to near critical numbers vs a place that is under 1,000 a day, you are clearly NOT going by any reasonable, objective interpretation of the numbers and data.

Yes. Comparing the current number of deaths is pointles when Florida is months behind.
When the dust clears there may be a different mortality rate between NY and FL but I'd expect the different age groups within to be more similar. If the total number of infected has a smaller ratio of older or compromised people, the mortality would reflect that.

But... the other very important thing to consider is the majority of NY cases happened months ago and most of the deaths related have happened already. The majority of FL cases are happening right now and the related deaths have yet to play out.
Florida doesn't even have a mask mandate. The 15k cases today might be considered low two weeks from now.
Most of the heavily populated counties in Florida DO have mask mandates. Just because we do things locally rather than statewide like a smaller state might doesn't mean we're not doing it.

Here in Miami, you have to wear a mask anywhere in public -- inside or outside.
When the dust clears there may be a different mortality rate between NY and FL but I'd expect the different age groups within to be more similar. If the total number of infected has a smaller ratio of older or compromised people, the mortality would reflect that.
We'll see. In the last two weeks as our cases have surged, the median age of confirmed cases statewide has dropped from 49 to 39. That's a huge drop on this size of a sample, so obviously a lot of the new cases are younger people.

But it remains to be seen whether that trend holds or not.

But... the other very important thing to consider is the majority of NY cases happened months ago and most of the deaths related have happened already. The majority of FL cases are happening right now and the related deaths have yet to play out.
Yep. I remember thinking NY couldn't get any worse...and then it did. And then it did again, and again, and again. We could well do the same, and it's way too early to think we won't.
NY and NJ had many cases for months and unfortunately, now it's Florida's turn. The virus hits more in areas where there is no herd immunity. It's America and people who want to travel and take a risk will do so. If you are worried of catching the virus, you should not visit anywhere and try to stay as safe as possible. Hopefully the virus won't last for too long!!!
We'll see. In the last two weeks as our cases have surged, the median age of confirmed cases statewide has dropped from 49 to 39. That's a huge drop on this size of a sample, so obviously a lot of the new cases are younger people.

But it remains to be seen whether that trend holds or not.

Yep. I remember thinking NY couldn't get any worse...and then it did. And then it did again, and again, and again. We could well do the same, and it's way too early to think we won't.

It's absolutely going to get worse in Florida. When the numbers in NY/NJ/CT got "worse and worse".....we were shut down. All of that sickness and death was already baked into the cake. And we watched the numbers soar, peak, and then slowly come down. And we still stayed home, through all of it.

Florida's numbers may reflect that younger people are affected more now than what happened in the Northeast, but the sheer numbers of the raging outbreak that they have there will lead to a spike in hospitalizations and yes, ultimately a spike in deaths. Because the health professionals know more now than back in March/April, and they have better tools, we can all pray that fewer people will die. But more will die than needed to die, that's for certain. This virus is now beginning to spread into more vulnerable communities in the state.

The real problem for Florida, and other sunbelt states, is that they're still open. There's not even a mask mandate statewide in Florida. I try to wrap my head around what would have happened here if we stayed mostly open while our numbers were skyrocketing, in effect, just baking more illness and death into the cake another 3-4 weeks down the line. It's unfathomable to me. But, stay tuned, because we're all going to be watching this unfold all summer on the news. The healthcare system in the state of Florida is about to go through hell.
Also, the cases in NJ and NY were much higher then reported. With my job, I called COVID patients daily and MANY of them said they had many family members sick that didn't get tested because they knew they had COVID. Many patients diagnosed with COVID had other family members sick who didn't count because they were never tested. My niece who lives in Manhattan had 3 or 4 friends who were definitely sick with COVID but never got tested. Numbers don't always give the whole picture!


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