COMPLETE: Holiday & Seasons Swap MAILED: slideshow post 2 & 3

The Elf on the Shelf is a tradition where your family gets an elf and reads the storybook explaining how it works. The elf gets a name and you write it in the book. My kids named ours Frisbee (because he flys). The elf sits up high and watches the kids all day to see if they're good. At night he flys to the North Pole and reports to santa about how the kids are behaving. The next morning he's back at your house but in a different spot...still watching. My kids love finding him every morning. He comes the day after Thanksgiving and stays until Christmas Eve--when he goes home with santa. No one is allowed to touch him or else he loses his magic. Google'll find a cute website for kids to play elf on the shelf games. All female owned small business started by a mom and her 2 twin daughters.:thumbsup2

Sounds so cute!!!! I wonder where I could buy one? I have a few more Santa years left with Logan!!!
i would love to join. I am a newbie to swaps on here but not to swaps in general. Just so I understand this one correctly we choose a holiday and send the elements to make a page for that or do we make the page? Thanks Sunday
i would love to join. I am a newbie to swaps on here but not to swaps in general. Just so I understand this one correctly we choose a holiday and send the elements to make a page for that or do we make the page? Thanks Sunday


I promise to clean up this thread before I open sign ups! For now, click on the link to last year's thread to see more detailed directions.

There are 3 different type of groups for this swap: 2" letters, full 12x12 pages, and title + element. You join the type of groups you want.

So, let's say you pick group A Christmas, 2" letters and your letter is C. You would make 9 copies of your letter ( quantities will be posted at the closing of the swap), bag them according to directions, send them to me. You will get back a set of letters to spell Christmas

Check out this thead for a current letter swap:

you can look here for last year's holiday letters

If you choice grp 5, Halloween
You would make a title piece and one element for every person in the group, including your self. Look here for definitions of elements and title pieces. Your title doesn't have to be "Halloween", rather something appropriate for Halloween -- i.e. Fright Night, Trick or Treat etc. You will get back your set, plus one set from every other person in the group.

OR if you choose group I Christmas
You would make a complete 12x12 page (or 2 page layout depending on your group) I will provide sketches. See here for a current page swap Last year's pages are also posted here

This kind of group will have a max of 4 in the grp. You send all 4 pages to me and get back your page, plus one from each of the swappers in your grp.

I hope this helps - -please ask more questions if I haven't successfully answered this one.
I have to say santa is "sooo last year" now Kicky has gone to secondary school:sad1: But I'd still like to get an elf;)
cool looks like alot of fun i want in esp now i got my expression lots of patterns to with it.
Do you girls actually make a LO for New Years? I never even take pictures...just wondering.

I think I have once. I don't really celebrate it much, but now that my kids are a bit older, they want to stay up until midnight, so I take a photo or two.
I like to go to bed:rotfl2: so there's no pics to take;) Somehow being told to stay up because its "fun" makes me more tired than anything:confused3
I like to go to bed:rotfl2: so there's no pics to take;) Somehow being told to stay up because its "fun" makes me more tired than anything:confused3

I agree. Plus, if you go anywhere, drunk strangers think it is okay to kiss you...I think I was scarred by this in my 20's and have hated this holiday ever since:rotfl2:
I have been waiting for an exchange like this!! Would LOVE to join in!!

1. Holidays, Seasons, or both? both
2. 2” words? yes
3. 4” letters? yes
4. mini kits and single element grps OR title and one element grps? one element groups
5. pages from sketches? no
I updated the groups pages. It looks like title and one element was the most common response.

A few more questions -- for our page makers -- do you want both one page and two page groups -- should I go with just the two page groups?

And for the holiday groups -- is there are holiday you'd like in place of New Year's? I just don't know what I would put in its place. Any thoughts? Maybe just birthday in its place?
I personally do 2 page layouts. I know that a New Years themed LO wouldn't get put to use here...I just don't take the pictures and we don't go anywhere. Hmmm, I don't know of another holiday...I like your idea to do a general birthday page.
We don't so new year's either.

As far as the pages I usually make double page spreads, so 2 page layouts work for me.
We do the Elf on the Shelf here, as well as the pickle. I'm pretty sure there is a thread somewhere about the mischief that the Elves cause. Some people's elves just sit and watch, some cause mischief. We started with the elves a few years ago with the real Elf, but he's rather ugly and scary. In addition, I bought some cute Disney elves to go along with it (from the Christmas special they had on). The mischief can be quite fun to come up with-snowball fights with cotton balls for the snow balls, or making little messes, etc. The older ones at my house spend a lot of time thinking up elaborate plots for them :rotfl2: Even my sister helped out last year. One year, he went to sit on the shelf in the guest restroom. One of the kids wouldn't go in that room. It was too scary and creepy. The adults thought it was rather weird too having someone watching them in there. Occasionally, the elf moves during the day-it keeps the idea going that the elf is magic since the kids never see it move.

As far as another holiday, how about Memorial Day? Not good for MazdaUK, but it is a popular holiday around here.

We do have Remembrance Day though, so as long as the title was something like "Honouring the Heros" I could make that work:thumbsup2 At least our flags use the same colours :rotfl:

Worst case scenario I just get up at midnight and TAKE photos for NYD - hey, I'm a scrapper, I take photos to fit what I have! :rolleyes: :lmao:
Mazda--I've taken pictures earlier in the evening or just used fireworks photos from the newspaper/internet ;) We usually do a special breakfast so I take pictures of that too.

I love the idea of a general memorial/veterans group :thumbsup2 We have lots of military folks in our family so I could definately use that.
For the New Year's spot -- how about I leave it as a open spot in both the element and page groups and once the group is together, we can work out the spot?

I have added the sketches for the page groups. All of the page groups will be 2 page layouts.

I still have to clean up the first post and add in the directions, dates, bagging info etc.


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