COVID-19 travel contingency plan for Canadian

I feel really bad for my friend who was planning her first Disney trip for later in April :( She was going for 10 days, I hope she'll be able to reschedule for a time when things get back to "normal".

I am glad to see they will be paying staff for awhile. I know that's hard for companies when no money is coming in, obviously Disney makes a lot of money, but they probably have a lot of staff as well.

I've told kiddo if worst case we have to cancel our cruise in December we will plan a different trip to perhaps an all inclusive instead. I worry about the recovery rate in the US.
I wonder how all this will affect our travel insurance down the road. Even if Disney opens and the border opens, I wouldn't be surprised if there will be so many restrictions to medical coverage over the border that many won't be able to travel, or won't pay the higher costs. We've rebooked for October, and until there's a vaccinne I can't see us being able to be covered if we travel and get COVID-19.

I just hope our provincial parks open up this summer. I wonder what they will do about sports camps, overnight camps, etc for kids this summer if we're still supposed to practice social distancing.

Both dh and I are still working. DD is doing online college courses, ds who is in grade 10 hasn't received anything from the schools either. He's perfecting his gaming skills though. 🙄 I need to make more to do lists to keep them busy while we are working.
Already paid close to 3K in summer camps (all specialized camps like circus, cheer, canoe-kayak and tennis). I hope we will be allowed to cancel and get refunded if we are still in social-distancing then.
I would think refunds would happen.

Registration for ours are bumped to end of April and I fully intend to do so just in case. People will be scrambling if they wait until the all clear.
Summer camps are a worry for me as well. I had planned to sign him up for most of them over March Break... but held off once the situation became a little more clear. I'm now spending more on groceries than normal, and not sure I'll be able to afford all the camps I had planned. Plus I don't know if they will be open. They are all through the City at this point and normally they give a credit instead of a refund. If they refund they hold a fee for that. Normally the "basic" camp fill up and I'd be able to book a week or two before it happens, so I am hoping that will still be the case but thinking probably not. I don't want to tie up money in those camps that I may need to supplement my grocery budget if things don't normalize soon, which doesn't look like it's going to happen.

I am thankful I am still working and getting paid. The money doesn't seem to go as far as it did before all this though. Normally I'd shop sales and be strategic, now I simply want one store to get in and out as quick as possible and only go once a week.
Summer camps are a worry for me as well. I had planned to sign him up for most of them over March Break... but held off once the situation became a little more clear. I'm now spending more on groceries than normal, and not sure I'll be able to afford all the camps I had planned. Plus I don't know if they will be open. They are all through the City at this point and normally they give a credit instead of a refund. If they refund they hold a fee for that. Normally the "basic" camp fill up and I'd be able to book a week or two before it happens, so I am hoping that will still be the case but thinking probably not. I don't want to tie up money in those camps that I may need to supplement my grocery budget if things don't normalize soon, which doesn't look like it's going to happen.

I am thankful I am still working and getting paid. The money doesn't seem to go as far as it did before all this though. Normally I'd shop sales and be strategic, now I simply want one store to get in and out as quick as possible and only go once a week.
I'm spending more on groceries, too, but I'm spending much less on lunches and dinners out, so it's working out in my favor. Also, I'm not buying those impulse items as I walk through a mall or down a busy street. Or, like you said, grocery stores are 'get in-get out', not browse the aisles for extra things I might like.
Summer camps are a worry for me as well. I had planned to sign him up for most of them over March Break... but held off once the situation became a little more clear. I'm now spending more on groceries than normal, and not sure I'll be able to afford all the camps I had planned. Plus I don't know if they will be open. They are all through the City at this point and normally they give a credit instead of a refund. If they refund they hold a fee for that. Normally the "basic" camp fill up and I'd be able to book a week or two before it happens, so I am hoping that will still be the case but thinking probably not. I don't want to tie up money in those camps that I may need to supplement my grocery budget if things don't normalize soon, which doesn't look like it's going to happen.

I am thankful I am still working and getting paid. The money doesn't seem to go as far as it did before all this though. Normally I'd shop sales and be strategic, now I simply want one store to get in and out as quick as possible and only go once a week.

So true about the quick grocery shops. We are trying to only do a major shop every 2 weeks. Picking up bread and milk at Shoppers more frequently, when they have stock. I don’t even bother to price match on Flipp anymore since I want to avoid taking my iPhone out of my purse unless absolutely necessary.
I'm spending more on groceries, too, but I'm spending much less on lunches and dinners out, so it's working out in my favor. Also, I'm not buying those impulse items as I walk through a mall or down a busy street. Or, like you said, grocery stores are 'get in-get out', not browse the aisles for extra things I might like.
Saving money not commuting to work. (DH and I are fortunate in that we can both work from home).
Saving money on
Gas to and from work... (Insurance companies should be giving people rebates or discounts)....just an idea.
Saving money on lunches out,,,,,
Saving money on McDonald's Coffee and Muffin everyday
Saving Money on Hairdresser................................................................................................................................................................
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So we had a couple of positive cases announced in our community within the past couple of days. A couple in 60s (husband positive, wife presumed as she has symptoms) that came back from Florida recently and had been self isolating, and a girl in her 20s that came from the US, got back a couple of weeks ago, also self isolating. But OMG the venom that is being spewed out about them, the assumptions, our public health unit, our government not doing enough and shouldn't have let them travel on a plane, etc., on social media is disgusting. It's not like they left after all this craziness started and were told not to. Sheesh. Even talking about the selfish snowbirds, etc My goodness how could the snowbirds that leave anywhere from Nov to Jan to escape the cold have known this. Anyways, thank goodness for the DIS and the people in the Canadian Board. Most sane place on the internet these days!! (I only access fb because I have to for work, otherwise I wish I could avoid it!)
So we had a couple of positive cases announced in our community within the past couple of days. A couple in 60s (husband positive, wife presumed as she has symptoms) that came back from Florida recently and had been self isolating, and a girl in her 20s that came from the US, got back a couple of weeks ago, also self isolating. But OMG the venom that is being spewed out about them, the assumptions, our public health unit, our government not doing enough and shouldn't have let them travel on a plane, etc., on social media is disgusting. It's not like they left after all this craziness started and were told not to. Sheesh. Even talking about the selfish snowbirds, etc My goodness how could the snowbirds that leave anywhere from Nov to Jan to escape the cold have known this. Anyways, thank goodness for the DIS and the people in the Canadian Board. Most sane place on the internet these days!! (I only access fb because I have to for work, otherwise I wish I could avoid it!)

As good as FB has been for keeping in touch with actual family and friends through this, FB comments on local news articles are continually horrible. There’s a lot of negative and toxic people on there. Some are unwitting and just don’t realize they misread something and that everyone can see their comments. Worse though, there’s people who chime in with tangentially-related rants on every single article like it’s their job to do so. I lose my patience on those.

Like yes, snowbirds should not be going shopping on the way home. They’re still allowed to camp in a Walmart parking lot if they need to safely stop for the night...
DH and I both have tiny bit of a sore throat and glands, and a cough here and there. No other symptoms. He's really making me nervous though. I told him it is likely due to the stress and worry about everything. That sometimes in itself can cause you to feel / get sick. I wasn't on the computer all day yesterday as I just had to get off the news sites. I did a bunch of house cleaning, went for a walk with DD and relaxed.

Between DH and DS24, they drive me crazy with their worry and anxiety.

@momof2gr8kids , We have had a few new cases very close to us now as well and they are not travel related.
DH and I both have tiny bit of a sore throat and glands, and a cough here and there. No other symptoms. He's really making me nervous though. I told him it is likely due to the stress and worry about everything. That sometimes in itself can cause you to feel / get sick. I wasn't on the computer all day yesterday as I just had to get off the news sites. I did a bunch of house cleaning, went for a walk with DD and relaxed.

Between DH and DS24, they drive me crazy with their worry and anxiety.

@momof2gr8kids , We have had a few new cases very close to us now as well and they are not travel related.

Hi Hon
Thinking of you and please remember that stress can weaken on your immune system,,,allergy season is almost upon us and the regular Flu bug is out there.
I know it's easy to say not to stress,,like how are you supposed to do that right. BUT know lots of people care about you and we will get through this.
HUGS to you

I am dealing with my oldest son reading ,,,listening to all the bad news out there and have to keep sending him messages of good and hope,,,he is driving me a tad bit nuts,,,I want to go over to his place and disconnect the internet,,lol.
Yes, I am trying to limit how much this consumes our minds. Ever since DH has been home since Friday I have had a headache. Chalking it up to drinking too much caffeine and not enough water.
Hmmmmm .......eating and drinking ,,,,ok I am chowing down on very salty Bits and Bites with a sandwich right now,,,in normal times,,,never the Bits and Bites....ok time to think about my eating habits this past week,:crazy2:

Totally agree that the social media venom and hysteria has just been downright awful. THAT scares me for our society more than any virus. It seems like the most hateful and ignorant are always the most vocal. It’s so disgusting. I‘ve left most of the local info type groups on Facebook and just kept the people I know to be rational and kind and logical. It’s nutty out there. I too am finding this fourm to be a nice break from the crazy.


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