COVID super spreading family we know **Our friend has passed away**

Has anyone here ever thought that if one is scared, one can go hide rather than make the other person go hide?

If one is hiding from the virus, then what's the worry? Why is one around people who may not be masked? Why is it always the other person's responsibility for one's safety?

You can't catch Covid from someone who isn't around you. The way to keep people from being around you is for you to hide, not force all those others to hide from you.
Some of us are expected to work which I can’t do now because I caught covid from someone. After being cautious since March, my whole family is affected. I had to get it from someone.
Ordering takeout and having packages delivered requires people to break their own bubbles.

I’m not going to sit at my home, acting self-righteous like some on here and tell everyone to maintain a bubble when I realize the only way to maintain true bubbles is by having others break their own.

We aren’t having a birthday party for my kid. But we rented a bounce house in the backyard. Safe? Yeah, for us. For the two guys that clearly weren’t related who came and set it up...bubble broken.
You said a mouthful. We are an essential industry and my team of Warranty Technicians are in multiple people's homes every day. Their biggest concern, bar none, is being identified as a direct contact of someone who gets diagnosed with Covid. According to our rules here, Covid positive people have to identify their close contacts. If your name ends up on that list you are mandated to report for testing (at a specified location and time) and regardless of the outcome, the person has to quarantine for 14 days from the date of exposure.

This is somewhat new and the rules are changing daily (or so it feels). As of yet our company has no provision for continuing to pay anybody that's off; they must use PTO. This is becomming such a prevalent issue in our industry (people being prevented from working due to being a "contact") that several unions are putting together a legal challenge to compel Worker's Comp to cover it.
From the sounds of it out of 17 or so people positive including several in high risk groups there was only 1 hospitalization and he’s home recovering now. This is what is causing people to not be concerned. The past month or so it’s been running crazy through people around here with the same results, that the vast majority are just fine. That’s why we’re continuing to get together and not take it so seriously. My mom who’s in her late 60s with several health issues got it from her roommate who’s in her 80s a few weeks ago. The roommate was fine. My mom felt pretty crappy for about a week but is fine now. I know it’s real, I know there’s a very small amount of people whose bodies have horrible reactions to it, but I also know that the vast majority of people will be just fine. I’m not going to stop seeing friends and family on the off chance that we’ll be in the extremely small minority. If this virus had like a 50% death rate then yes I’d be barricaded in my house ordering essential items and food online and not having any contact with anyone outside of my house whatsoever. With a death rate of less than 1% I’m living my life, I’m getting together with friends, I’m having family celebrations.
So basically what you are saying is: I don't care that almost 300,000 Americans have died and countless have long-term effects from getting Covid-19 because it is only a small percentage of the total population. I don't care how many friends and family member I see. I don't care how many of them give the virus to other individuals that can possibly hurt or kill them. You might not see or know these people since they are not in your circle of friends/family, but they are someone's child, mother, father, etc.... That's the main issue with our country. :sad2:
You said a mouthful. We are an essential industry and my team of Warranty Technicians are in multiple people's homes every day. Their biggest concern, bar none, is being identified as a direct contact of someone who gets diagnosed with Covid. According to our rules here, Covid positive people have to identify their close contacts. If your name ends up on that list you are mandated to report for testing (at a specified location and time) and regardless of the outcome, the person has to quarantine for 14 days from the date of exposure.

This is somewhat new and the rules are changing daily (or so it feels). As of yet our company has no provision for continuing to pay anybody that's off; they must use PTO. This is becomming such a prevalent issue in our industry (people being prevented from working due to being a "contact") that several unions are putting together a legal challenge to compel Worker's Comp to cover it.

Yup. Apparently things don’t fix themselves, livestock doesn’t butcher itself, produce doesn’t pick itself, and packages don’t just magically appear at front doors.

It’s only about the end user and then they want to tell you how everyone else is being selfish. How about a little bit of gratitude that there are still enough people willing to do all the stuff that nobody else wants to do?
Yup. Apparently things don’t fix themselves, livestock doesn’t butcher itself, produce doesn’t pick itself, and packages don’t just magically appear at front doors.

It’s only about the end user and then they want to tell you how everyone else is being selfish. How about a little bit of gratitude that there are still enough people willing to do all the stuff that nobody else wants to do?
Me and my guys aren't looking for gratitude; we're grateful enough ourselves to still be working. All we do want is to be able to keep on doing it and right now, every day is a roll-of-the-dice.
So basically what you are saying is: I don't care that almost 300,000 Americans have died and countless have long-term effects from getting Covid-19 because it is only a small percentage of the total population. I don't care how many friends and family member I see. I don't care how many of them give the virus to other individuals that can possibly hurt or kill them. You might not see or know these people since they are not in your circle of friends/family, but they are someone's child, mother, father, etc.... That's the main issue with our country. :sad2:
As long as you all keep that narrative, nothing can be discussed. It's a fight not a discussion. Not once have I heard anyone saying they don't care that almost 300k Americans have died. Not a single person has said this. How do you catch it and die if you don't interact with these people who "don't care"? My suggestion is and always has been, stop interacting with people if you think you are going to die by interacting with people.
We are all grateful to essential workers that keep everything running to provide for the rest of the country. Based on reports, the majority of cases are from small family and friends gatherings. If we reduce those gatherings, the cases will go down, and things will open up faster. The problem is that people want it all, don't wear masks, keep seeing friends/family, want everything open up, and denying that anything is wrong until they get affected by it too. At that time, they show up in the news saying that they should have believed the reports!!!
We are all grateful to essential workers that keep everything running to provide for the rest of the country. Based on reports, the majority of cases are from small family and friends gatherings. If we reduce those gatherings, the cases will go down, and things will open up faster. The problem is that people want it all, don't wear masks, keep seeing friends/family, want everything open up, and denying that anything is wrong until they get affected by it too. At that time, they show up in the news saying that they should have believed the reports!!!

If it’s safe enough for me to go to work then it’s safe enough for me to have a family gathering. I don’t subscribe to the bubble rules only apply if I’m at home. That’s great if you want to, though.
Ordering takeout and having packages delivered requires people to break their own bubbles.

I’m not going to sit at my home, acting self-righteous like some on here and tell everyone to maintain a bubble when I realize the only way to maintain true bubbles is by having others break their own.

We aren’t having a birthday party for my kid. But we rented a bounce house in the backyard. Safe? Yeah, for us. For the two guys that clearly weren’t related who came and set it up...bubble broken.
How is having stuff dropped off on my front porch breaking a bubble? And some things are necessary, like heat, hot water, a way to keep food cold.... If you have a toothache, go to the dentist. I haven’t had a haircut in a year, not worth the risk for me. Buy groceries, but no need to go to home goods.
How is having stuff dropped off on my front porch breaking a bubble? And some things are necessary, like heat, hot water, a way to keep food cold.... If you have a toothache, go to the dentist. I haven’t had a haircut in a year, not worth the risk for me. Buy groceries, but no need to go to home goods.

Because other people have to break their bubbles to help get your non-essential deliveries to your door. There are actual people involved to deliver stuff and they can’t maintain their bubbles even though the daily gospel from the same people keep saying how important it is to do so.

Your bubble is maintained because millions of other people are going to work.
If it’s safe enough for me to go to work then it’s safe enough for me to have a family gathering. I don’t subscribe to the bubble rules only apply if I’m at home. That’s great if you want to, though.
Your not safe enough to go to work, but you need to make a living, right? You don’t need to gather with your family, you are comparing apples and oranges.
Because other people have to break their bubbles to help get your non-essential deliveries to your door. There are actual people involved to deliver stuff and they can’t maintain their bubbles even though the daily gospel from the same people keep telling people how important it is to do so.
Because I have to feed my family, and that person breaking the bubble need to work to feed theirs. It domes down to the difference between needs and wants. You need to work, you want to spend time with family.
Because I have to feed my family, and that person breaking the bubble need to work to feed theirs. It domes down to the difference between needs and wants. You need to work, you want to spend time with family.

So everything you’ve ordered is essential to your family?
So everything you’ve ordered is essential to your family?
I don't think the issue is about who is an essential worker, who orders something essential or not. Even with essential work (eg, healthcare professionals, grocery workers), most people with those jobs have remained healthy if they practiced the CDC recommendations (eg, masks, wash hands, follow the rules). The main discussion in this thread is spreading Covid-19 to families and friends. As I mentioned above, the majority of cases are from small gatherings and not from working those essential jobs. Vaccine will be available to most Americans in the next 3-6 months. I know people miss being with their families and friends. Please trying to hang in there a bit longer.
We are all grateful to essential workers that keep everything running to provide for the rest of the country. Based on reports, the majority of cases are from small family and friends gatherings. If we reduce those gatherings, the cases will go down, and things will open up faster. The problem is that people want it all, don't wear masks, keep seeing friends/family, want everything open up, and denying that anything is wrong until they get affected by it too. At that time, they show up in the news saying that they should have believed the reports!!!
I think it should be important to specific some people fall into all those things you mentioned at once. To the things will open up faster statement-I wasn't aware that anyone could know that and I also don't think that is fair to state that. There are places that haven't allowed certain places to reopen despite evidence of transmission being low risk and there are rules that don't have science backing it.

Reducing gatherings has the potential to bring cases down but that will always depend on one's area just how much of an impact that has.

Hyperbole and statements that cannot be known are something that can cause issues during this. The more we base our actions and statements on known facts the less someone has reason to rebut that, the less standing they have for going against it.
I am not going to isolate myself from my folks and I’m certainly not going to tell them that they cannot see their grandchildren.

End of story. You guys do you. You can take comfort knowing that COVID or no COVID, I don’t ever want to get within 6 feet of anyone that I don’t know. Anyone that gets within 6 feet of me usually did so on their own.
So everything you’ve ordered is essential to your family?
The majority, yes, most of it groceries. We are hoping a vaccine will allow us to see my husbands 93 year old parents eventually. His sister is a nurse and can only drop stuff off.
I don't think the issue is about who is an essential worker, who orders something essential or not. Even with essential work (eg, healthcare professionals, grocery workers), most people with those jobs have remained healthy if they practiced the CDC recommendations (eg, masks, wash hands, follow the rules). The main discussion in this thread is spreading Covid-19 to families and friends. As I mentioned above, the majority of cases are from small gatherings and not from working those essential jobs. Vaccine will be available to most Americans in the next 3-6 months. I know people miss being with their families and friends. Please trying to hang in there a bit longer.

I feel the same way. If we could all collectively try to do better, especially with respect to family/friend gatherings would make a difference. It's about doing our best to limit trips out in public if we can until we reach herd immunity. And I think we all need to realize that every Covid death is the end of a chain that started way down the line. I try to think of it that way....of the person in that bed who is dying....and that I will do my absolute best to not be a link in that chain.
The majority, yes, most of it groceries. We are hoping a vaccine will allow us to see my husbands 93 year old parents eventually. His sister is a nurse and can only drop stuff off.

Ugh...feel your pain. My husband's parents are 89 and 87. Hoping my parents and in-laws can vaccinated in the next couple of months so we can safely visit inside. In my family, that will make a big, big difference.
I think it should be important to specific some people fall into all those things you mentioned at once. To the things will open up faster statement-I wasn't aware that anyone could know that and I also don't think that is fair to state that. There are places that haven't allowed certain places to reopen despite evidence of transmission being low risk and there are rules that don't have science backing it.

Reducing gatherings has the potential to bring cases down but that will always depend on one's area just how much of an impact that has.

Hyperbole and statements that cannot be known are something that can cause issues during this. The more we base our actions and statements on known facts the less someone has reason to rebut that, the less standing they have for going against it.
Yes, I agree; however, in general, shut downs are mainly based on the number of cases in that area. Of course, certain states (eg, Florida) don't care how many cases are in their states, but overall, if we have less cases, less hospitalizations, and more people follow the recommendations (eg, masks), then there will be more places allowed to go back to normal.


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