Crown_Princess and Angrypenguin DFTW 03/30/2009-7/24 Update, MGM studios!

Aww you guys I love your pictures. They are so beautiful, and soo much fun. I love them.
So Crown_princess left off with us at the altar. Our minister (and friend) Steve began the ceremony. I’d articulate on the specifics of the ceremony, but I honestly have no idea what happened. There was some speaking, we held hands, we lit a candle, and bam, we were done.

Me waiting for my bride:


Walking down the aisle


Us doing...something


We did it!


One thing I do want to mention; we bought a high def camcorder and had a friend video tape the ceremony for us. He set up at the front toward the left on a tripod, and captured a lot of the great moments. However, one thing he didn’t think of; looking back toward the entrance of the pavilion, he didn’t take into account that when the bride enters, everyone stands up and blocks out your view. So a tip for anyone who has a friend video taping the ceremony, be ready when people stand at the bride entrance :)

We walked down the aisle together as husband and wife, and swung a left to do pictures with the arch:



After the pictures, we walked from the pavilion to the bridge to get our awesome staged exit. One thing they don’t tell you is how long the walk is from the pavilion, over the bridge and to the exit point. It’s a little funny how you can see everyone getting ready for the exit, and that they can see you coming for the staged exit, but it takes five minutes to get to the exit point, ruining any feeling of spontaneity that might exist. Still, it made for a great photo opportunity, and we walked (briskly!) through our receiving line and got into the limo. But not without getting a few more photos:



In the limo, we took a deep breath, went down the street, sat for a few minutes, then turned back around. Carol and her assistants kept the family held back for some pictures in the pavilion. We took our required pictures with the family, then shooed them away to the reception so we could get to the fun pictures!

We posed for fun pictures in the pavilion, and as we really made pictures the priority, we went down to the beach area and snapped a bunch of pictures as well. We got some great ones with Julie throwing her veil around in the wind, and at one point while posing, we got visited by a couple of ducks! They walked up right next to us ;)

In the pavilion:


Where'd I come from??!?

Playin' it cool

The "opening the door" shot

Gotta remember to eat!


We be cool.

On the beach!





We took pictures for about an hour, before it was decided that it was time for us to make an appearance at the reception. We made our way to the Contemporary, where one of Carol’s assistants was sitting out front to meet us. We took the private elevator to the California Grill.
Everyone was waiting inside the Napa room, while we took a moment to ourselves outside in the main restaurant, taking a drink of water and having a quick potty break. Coincidentally, we met a California Grill CM that was working our wedding who was from my home town in Michigan! What are the chances of that?

Steve, our minister and friend began the announcements, and we got to see our reception event for the first time. The room was beautiful! This is Julie’s reaction to seeing our cake:


Here's the cake:


Additionally, they did a beautiful job in decorating our sweetheart table (Julie made those little vase/flower pieces herself):


Our streamer:

And our “guest book” (or rather, guest vase) table:

The Napa room was a perfect size for thirty people. *Side note: while I was typing this, we just had an earthquake!

Rings and other little details:



Our menu cards:

Our guests nibbled on the cheese platter while we took pictures, and after we sat, we were finally able to get some food. First on the docket, goat cheese ravioli!


We got great feedback on this; people loved the ravioli. It was very flavorful, the tomato wasn’t overpowering, but I personally found the goat cheese a little strong.

Next up, the fillet:

More than a few of our guests came up to us and raved about how tender and delicious the steak was. I have to agree, it was cooked beautifully :thumbsup2. I'm a foodie too, so I was very happy with the way the fillet turned out. When I was able to eat it, that is. Everyone kept coming up to talk to us, it took us forever to finish off the food!

And, of course, Cinderella's slipper :)



We fought for awhile on whether to include the slipper or not, but I definitely wanted it because it just screamed "Disney", and I knew everyone would get a huge kick out of it. Needless to say, it didn't disappoint, as we gleefully watched people's reactions when the slipper was served. Lots of gasping, oohs and ahhhs, and camera flashes starting appearing! :thumbsup2

Coming up next: finishing up the reception, and are we really going to ride the monorail in our wedding attire?
Beautiful pics wow I love the vase idea and the rings in the rose. :cloud9:
Your cake is to die for!!! I love the colors, and you guys seem like such a fun couple! Congratulations. I've had a lot of fun looking at your pictures.
Your wedding was absolutely gorgeous!! You guys are such a cute couple!

Thanks! Princess is much cuter than me, so she elevates the overall cuteness factor, I think. :)

Beautiful pics wow I love the vase idea and the rings in the rose. :cloud9:

The vase was all her idea! The rings in the rose pic is great, except for the fact that my ring is upside down. ;) Only Chinese people would probably recognize that though, so...only about a billion people would notice :).

Your cake is to die for!!! I love the colors, and you guys seem like such a fun couple! Congratulations. I've had a lot of fun looking at your pictures.

Thank you! The cake turned out really well. As you can see, Crown_Princess seemed pleased with it.
beautiful pictures! The cake is amazing and I love the decor for the reception, the flowers are so pretty!

Yikes on the earthquake! Hope you are all OK!
Thanks for all your comments. We are very happy on how everything turned out.
Now we're just two bugs in a rug, right sweetie? :lovestruc:cloud9:
Wow, I just read all 32 pages. I can't believe I didn't see this sooner! We are wedding twins- I am having mine at the WP and CG, too! AND I am in the process of getting veneers on my 2 front teeth (well, 1 crown w/ porcelain and a matching porcelain veneer). And my wedding is pink, lol!

I love everything and it is wonderful to hear the groom's perspective as well.

Your wedding pictures are gorgeous and your TR is so much fun to read!

I am SO glad you loved the food at CG. It's hard to figure a menu without a tasting, I hate that about CG.

Did you do a prereception? Do you have any advice regarding the food choices?

Your fireworks pics are amazing, too!

Thanks so much for sharing!
Wow, I just read all 32 pages. I can't believe I didn't see this sooner! We are wedding twins- I am having mine at the WP and CG, too! AND I am in the process of getting veneers on my 2 front teeth (well, 1 crown w/ porcelain and a matching porcelain veneer). And my wedding is pink, lol!

I love everything and it is wonderful to hear the groom's perspective as well.

Your wedding pictures are gorgeous and your TR is so much fun to read!

I am SO glad you loved the food at CG. It's hard to figure a menu without a tasting, I hate that about CG.

Did you do a prereception? Do you have any advice regarding the food choices?

Your fireworks pics are amazing, too!

Thanks so much for sharing!

We are totally wedding twins!
Funny how Dis makes the prereception sound like a separate event. Basically they just have people go to the reception location and eat food and drink from your bar package. Then when you show up you get a little of the pre-reception time to taste leftovers from that, and they start the reception.

The food that they are eating before you get there is basically what a pre-reception is.

We did the cheese platter - which was really a cheese bar since it wasn't served individually. Our guests all liked at least a couple of the cheeses that were served, and I liked them all....because I love cheese!:banana:
Note: you don't really get much time to taste stuff from your pre-reception. We specifically asked when we got to CG for the server to bring us a plate with all the cheeses and pairings, so we could pick at it. But we were so excited the whole day that we didn't eat more than half of anything served. I didn't eat any of the dessert party. But everyone loved it.

AP, do you have a picture you can post of the cheese? MUAH
So our reception continued, and I started getting nervous about our first dance. I, like many of the male species, refuse to dance out of fear of ridicule. However, Crown_Princess was fairly adamant about having a “proper” first dance, and two days prior, my parents came to our hotel room and taught us to properly do the Box Step. We picked our song, (“How You Live”, by Point of Grace), and Julie and I practiced the night before while the best man and MOH watched us and mocked me silently with their eyes. I must say though, after an hour or two, I started to actually look like I knew what I was doing.

Before the dances though, were the speeches. The MOH and Best man gave lovely speeches:



Julie’s father had a few quaint words to say:

Not to be outdone, my father prepared a very long soliloquy. I believe he recited “The Odyssey” in its entirety somewhere in his speech. It was loooooong. We started to squirm at one point. But ah, we love him.


The obligatory slide-show (put together by my friend Alex) was then shown, who did a fantastic slideshow. One of the best ones I’ve seen.


Next, dancing time!

We hooked up the iPod (old school iPod Mini, hurrah!)

And we danced!


Give it up for the “twirl”.


I’d like to take a break here for a second and give a few tips for you all getting married. First of all, try not to pick a five minute song. When everyone’s staring at you, that five minute song transforms into a fifteen minute song and it begins to feel redundant. Second, if you’re in the Napa Room, Disney will pipe in the house music, which is actually very nice. We had our own playlist all ready on the iPod, and while it was nice, I found that the house music seemed perfectly acceptable.

After all the dancing and fun, people mingled and we wandered out to the balcony to take a few photos.

She sees a handsome man.

Oh no, she found me!

The ladies.

I started getting a little loopy. It was probably the 3 sips of champagne that I had:

By this point, things were wrapping up, and Crown_Princess needed to address everyone to make sure everyone knew the bus schedule for the dessert party that evening.


As people were leaving, Randy came over and asked if we wanted to do an extra session at the Grand Floridian, since we ran out of time that morning and didn’t get a chance to do any inside shots. This was really kind of him; technically his time was up with us, but he wanted us to have the best shoot possible. Unfortunately, our limo time had run out, so we didn’t have a quick way of getting there except the monorail, and we were a bit uneasy riding the monorail in our wedding attire. However, a shoot at the GF was too good to pass up, so we sucked it up and dealt with the odd stares from people as we walked through the contemporary, rode the escalator, and got in line for the monorail.

While waiting in line, a nice CM asked if we wanted to ride in front, to which we replied quickly agreed to. Things got even better, because as we pulled into the GF, Randy was waiting at the monorail station to greet us. We waved to him as we were pulling in, and once he saw we were at the front, rushed to the door to try to get a few snaps of us. Turns out, he didn’t need to rush. The monorail driver graciously allowed him to get into the front with us, and actually held up the train for us while we spent a good five to ten minutes getting shots! We stepped out, and they held the train for us even longer to get even more shots in front of the monorail. How cool is that? People continued to stare at us as Randy snapped away; we felt like Jon and Kate Gosselin, only without the infidelity rumors, tabloid press, and gaggle of children following us around.

This is what happens when you let me drive.

More power!

Out front


Still buzzing from the monorail excitement, we followed Randy inside and got some photos in the GF







Us looking out the window

Up next: Dessert Party time! And why are we doing an Irish Jig?
My DH was super nervous about our dance too, so I can definitely sympathize. He has a pained look on his face through most of it in our video since he was concentrating so much. Probably a good plan to stick with the basics like the box step. I made him go through dance lessons and we had the whole thing choreographed which just added to his stress over it :rotfl: I love the pictures from your reception, that is such a wonderful venue. The shots of the monorail are awesome! That is so cool that Randy was willing to take the extra time at the GF plus the monorail shots are so Disney! Out of curiosity if you don't mind sharing, did Disney charge very much for the projector?
I've loved PoG since I saw them in concert when I was a freshman at Texas A&M in 1995!!! I never thought about that song! I'm listening to it now, and the meaning is a great choice...but I see what you mean about the length! It's still beautiful!
Love the monorail pics!!!

Thanks! We had a lot of fun taking them.

My DH was super nervous about our dance too, so I can definitely sympathize. He has a pained look on his face through most of it in our video since he was concentrating so much. Probably a good plan to stick with the basics like the box step. I made him go through dance lessons and we had the whole thing choreographed which just added to his stress over it :rotfl: I love the pictures from your reception, that is such a wonderful venue. The shots of the monorail are awesome! That is so cool that Randy was willing to take the extra time at the GF plus the monorail shots are so Disney! Out of curiosity if you don't mind sharing, did Disney charge very much for the projector?

Yikes, I don't think I could deal with a choreographed dance. I originally just wanted to do the "hold each other and sway" thing, but Crown_Princess kept saying "that's so high school!" :lmao:

I always love reading your updates! They make me smile:goodvibes

Glad we could help make you smile! Thanks for joining us.

I've loved PoG since I saw them in concert when I was a freshman at Texas A&M in 1995!!! I never thought about that song! I'm listening to it now, and the meaning is a great choice...but I see what you mean about the length! It's still beautiful!

It's a great song! The time of the song is perfect for a box step. Which is good, since that's the only thing I know how to do now. :confused3


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