Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I's so stressful. The issue we want to waste 5 day park hoppers, if we can't even park hop...and have reduced experiences/hours? On top of that, some of the people in our party may only go one or two days, so we planned on playing that by ear, and maybe just going ahead and buying a 2-3 day ticket for them, and then saving the 5 day hoppers for down the road.

And now, here we are, stuck with these tickets that are losing value by the second and not sure what to do with them.
Tickets never lose their value.
I think a lot of people are angry right now because we don’t have answers.

Answer will come. Patience.
I think what many have been calling for all along is some perspective. The entitled, desperate, even aggressive posts I’ve seen over the past two months have really made me question a lot of things about Disney fans. If you’re lucky enough to have time off this summer, health to travel somewhere, and money to afford a trip anywhere, you’re lucky enough. Step away from the MDE and see some other places, it really is okay.
I get that. Ap holders out of state who are spending a lot of money. I'd say hold off as well

I really wish we could hold off, but, through a sitcom-worthy set of circumstances the past couple years since we purchased DVC, I have a bazillion points to use by 8/31. So Disney guinea pigs we will be, masks on, rolling with whatever hours and mechanism lets us into park (still hoping AP voucher will allow park reservation, maybe that is newbie entitlement, lol) and definitely being kind to CMs. Thanks for the info and perspective you are providing, it has been very helpful!
So here is what I'm expecting at this moment if the plans that seem to be the most supported come to fruition.
A. Current guests with ressies through July 10th get the opportunity to reserve new dates
B. Anyone july 11th through August 11th will be able to begin reserving Park days if they have a resort booked and valid tickets.
C. Ap holders will be allowed to book park days. I'm guessing 3 day blocks. Can't book another till the first is passed.
D. Determination of how much capacity there is available remaining after the first 3 steps by day and open up resort reservations to New guests
E. Once that window closes day guests may purchase tickets
The window rolls nightly to stay on a 30 day schedule.
Fps will be revised to be more like das or maxpass and will be required for all erides. Lower level attractions will be stand by provided lines are outdoors. No preshows, no parades, no festivals, no fireworks. All restrictions in place
Capacity increases every 2- 3 weeks starting at 20-25%. No relaxing of restrictions or consideration of parades or fireworks for at least 6 weeks.

Could look something like that. Aps will be active but the clock won't be ticking. Its a different world for a while.
So, guess safe to cancel my 7/20 desert party ADR :((
I really wish we could hold off, but, through a sitcom-worthy set of circumstances the past couple years since we purchased DVC, I have a bazillion points to use by 8/31. So Disney guinea pigs we will be, masks on, rolling with whatever hours and mechanism lets us into park (still hoping AP voucher will allow park reservation, maybe that is newbie entitlement, lol) and definitely being kind to CMs. Thanks for the info and perspective you are providing, it has been very helpful!
We will be around. We are in state ap and go a ton. So we will be guinea pigs right there with you making the most of the experience. We are doing universal the second weekend they are open. SeaWorld and hopefully bg here in Tampa so we can ride Iron gwazy. And we will be at Disney once it opens as well. Getting our beach days in now.
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I am in the same boat. We have tickets (non date based) for some of our party but not all and didn't want to link any until we knew they would be opening. I always just assumed if they had reservations they would open it to Resort and DVC guest first.

I feel your pain. Yeah, I foolishly thought that having a reservation, especially at a monorail resort (not that it matters other than I know many of the rumors talked about monorail resorts) would put us at the top of the list for those allowed into the park. So, now, I'm sort of scrambling, since I really didn't know what to do.

Tickets never lose their value.

I didn't really mean monetarily, more tangentially.

These tickets allowed us 5 days of 100% park hopping for x number of hours....we'll say 72 hours. Now, through no fault of Disney, maybe it's 75% of a park. Well, with the reduced hours, that has gone down to 55 hours, we'll say. These are completely made up numbers. I'm just making an example. Tomorrow or the next day or whenever, we may find out that park hopping won't be allowed. That's what I meant by losing value by the second.
Just caught up on the 10 pages Ive dropped behind in the last 4 hours. Oof. That was a stressful 20 minutes of catching up. A lot of entitlement claims. More “m” word debates. The great pool chair debate of 2020 has begun. Disney isnt opening up with enough stuff. 😰

Ill say this. The “new” Disney we’ll see at park opening and see it last for (at least) 2 months isnt going to be for everyone. Much of what was announced today has been widely rumored, suggested, and even seen in the form of shopping district guidelines. I get it that a lot of the (non) offerings sucks. I love the fireworks. HEA gives me chills every time I watch it, even when I watch it at home.

The “m” word isnt wanted to be worn by a single person not trying to sell it as a fashion trend. Its just something they need to do, and are 100% in the right to require it. Wearing masks at the pool...whatever. I doubt thats highly restricted. If the resorts arent jammed packed, and people are in the parks all day due to the reservations, there could be enough distancing at the pool deck that after a week or two they may lax the masks while lounging. Thats a guess, could very well be wrong.

If all the things Disney is asking of guests upon opening are too much for you, or even if you’re worried about being able to handle it a little bit, I dont think its the right time for those of you to go yet. From what ive gathered, most, if not all of the members here seem to have made numerous trips to Disney and planned to go in the future. So if you cancel and wait until things are back to normal(is), no one is going to judge you, and its ok to be mad, or upset. If you werent mad or upset about having to skip a trip you had planned going to a place you love, I’d question your fandom.

To me, vacations and Disney in general, I’ll always make the best of a bad situation if one arises. At the end of the day the special moments are special because of who you’re with. Whether its family, friends, spouses, children, or even yourself. I’m going down there in August. I’d go opening week if I could, but DVC availability booked up quick where I wanted to stay.
I feel your pain. Yeah, I foolishly thought that having a reservation, especially at a monorail resort (not that it matters other than I know many of the rumors talked about monorail resorts) would put us at the top of the list for those allowed into the park. So, now, I'm sort of scrambling, since I really didn't know what to do.

I didn't really mean monetarily, more tangentially.

These tickets allowed us 5 days of 100% park hopping for x number of hours....we'll say 72 hours. Now, through no fault of Disney, maybe it's 75% of a park. Well, with the reduced hours, that has gone down to 55 hours, we'll say. These are completely made up numbers. I'm just making an example. Tomorrow or the next day or whenever, we may find out that park hopping won't be allowed. That's what I meant by losing value by the second.
Yep. And that sucks. I feel for people but noone could've planned for this mess and disney is trying to do things right. I could see them doing something for those people under the circumstances.
So here is what I'm expecting at this moment if the plans that seem to be the most supported come to fruition.
A. Current guests with ressies through July 10th get the opportunity to reserve new dates
B. Anyone july 11th through August 11th will be able to begin reserving Park days if they have a resort booked and valid tickets.
C. Ap holders will be allowed to book park days. I'm guessing 3 day blocks. Can't book another till the first is passed.
D. Determination of how much capacity there is available remaining after the first 3 steps by day and open up resort reservations to New guests
E. Once that window closes day guests may purchase tickets
The window rolls nightly to stay on a 30 day schedule.
Fps will be revised to be more like das or maxpass and will be required for all erides. Lower level attractions will be stand by provided lines are outdoors. No preshows, no parades, no festivals, no fireworks. All restrictions in place
Capacity increases every 2- 3 weeks starting at 20-25%. No relaxing of restrictions or consideration of parades or fireworks for at least 6 weeks.

Could look something like that. Aps will be active but the clock won't be ticking. Its a different world for a while.

Apologies if I’ve missed it. I know I’m assuming that resort guests will get to book park reservations for the length of their stay. Is that what we’re all thinking?

Do we think APs with resort stays would be able to book for the length of their hotel stay (maybe even length of stay, only up to a certain number of days) or does the 3 day booking for APs (assuming that’s right, I know you said it was a guess) apply to the ones with resort stays, too?
When I was an Attractions CM, there were a number of instances when a Passholder would come up to me at the Attraction Entrance and say (not ask) that they should be let through FastPass because of their Annual Pass. I wish I could say they were joking, but that was rarely the case it seems. I even once had a DVC Member tell me she owned part of Disney World and therefore she owned part of me so I should do what she says! :rotfl: I would never say the majority of those folks are that way (I think it's actually a quite small percentage), but it has become something of a joke amongst CMs. Over time, I met a number of absolutely lovely Passholders and DVC members, and now, as a Passholder myself, I do understand just how hefty a cost it really is (still not an excuse) and am definitely the butt of many jokes amongst my CM friends.

So how does this relate to the topic of this thread? Everyone, please try to be extra kind and considerate to the CMs when you return to WDW. Today was wonderful news for most of us, and while I'm sure CMs are thrilled to have an end date in sight, they're also being asked to stick it out for another month. Many of them have still not seen an unemployment check and some learned today they may not see another check for another month and a half. Whatever they ask you to do or whatever potentially upsetting news they may have to deliver, just remember it's not their fault; they're just the messenger and are adapting to this new normal as well.

I know everyone is worried about their FP+ plans and ADRs and the good news is that Disney has a whole team of CMs right now dedicated to assessing everyone's plans and working hard to try to fit everyone they can in within these new parameters. They could've just cancelled everything, but they've hit the pause button to try to take care of our FastPasses, ADRs, resort stays, and passes. As frustrating as this all is (and trust me, I feel that), the CMs are the folks that are going to get us through these changes.

I can't tell you how proud and in awe I am of so many CMs right now. In a situation like this (i.e. a furlough), they'd have every right to be so angry, jaded, and upset, but I've not seen anything but appreciative and positive posts from them: eager to get back to work and make magic for their guests. These are people who truly love what they do and truly love making people like us happy. I wish I could share with you all the posts online I've seen over the last few months from CMs; they'd bring a smile to everyone's faces. I don't mean to sound preachy.
Preach on
So here is what I'm expecting at this moment if the plans that seem to be the most supported come to fruition.
A. Current guests with ressies through July 10th get the opportunity to reserve new dates
B. Anyone july 11th through August 11th will be able to begin reserving Park days if they have a resort booked and valid tickets.
C. Ap holders will be allowed to book park days. I'm guessing 3 day blocks. Can't book another till the first is passed.
D. Determination of how much capacity there is available remaining after the first 3 steps by day and open up resort reservations to New guests
E. Once that window closes day guests may purchase tickets
The window rolls nightly to stay on a 30 day schedule.
Fps will be revised to be more like das or maxpass and will be required for all erides. Lower level attractions will be stand by provided lines are outdoors. No preshows, no parades, no festivals, no fireworks. All restrictions in place
Capacity increases every 2- 3 weeks starting at 20-25%. No relaxing of restrictions or consideration of parades or fireworks for at least 6 weeks.

Could look something like that. Aps will be active but the clock won't be ticking. Its a different world for a while.
What does this mean for the non e-rides (I'm thinking 3 Caballeros, Livin' with the Land, Seas, Pavilion, Little Mermaid)? While not HUGE draws, they are very enjoyable for my family. Also, what of non live-performer "shows"? Hall of Presidents, CoP, Country Bears come to mind. Just trying to wrap my head around keeping early August or moving to Thanksgiving week. Anything you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Oh of course; that would make the most sense. But, in my mind, I was thinking that only DVC properties would be open initially, which is where my suggestion came from.

But, perhaps non-DVC properties will be open by the time the parks open...not sure. If the whole point is to keep crowds down, I just assumed they were limiting resorts to DVC rooms. I could be completely off base.
I agree if I’m following correctly. Perhaps resorts with non-DVC and DVC rooms will be where people are moved to if necessary. That’s a good amount of resorts and since DVC has to be open anyway, it makes sense to have these resorts the main resorts for now. Plus many of them have alternate transport which will be very important.
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Just caught up on the 10 pages Ive dropped behind in the last 4 hours. Oof. That was a stressful 20 minutes of catching up. A lot of entitlement claims. More “m” word debates. The great pool chair debate of 2020 has begun. Disney isnt opening up with enough stuff. 😰

Ill say this. The “new” Disney we’ll see at park opening and see it last for (at least) 2 months isnt going to be for everyone. Much of what was announced today has been widely rumored, suggested, and even seen in the form of shopping district guidelines. I get it that a lot of the (non) offerings sucks. I love the fireworks. HEA gives me chills every time I watch it, even when I watch it at home.

The “m” word isnt wanted to be worn by a single person not trying to sell it as a fashion trend. Its just something they need to do, and are 100% in the right to require it. Wearing masks at the pool...whatever. I doubt thats highly restricted. If the resorts arent jammed packed, and people are in the parks all day due to the reservations, there could be enough distancing at the pool deck that after a week or two they may lax the masks while lounging. Thats a guess, could very well be wrong.

If all the things Disney is asking of guests upon opening are too much for you, or even if you’re worried about being able to handle it a little bit, I dont think its the right time for those of you to go yet. From what ive gathered, most, if not all of the members here seem to have made numerous trips to Disney and planned to go in the future. So if you cancel and wait until things are back to normal(is), no one is going to judge you, and its ok to be mad, or upset. If you werent mad or upset about having to skip a trip you had planned going to a place you love, I’d question your fandom.

To me, vacations and Disney in general, I’ll always make the best of a bad situation if one arises. At the end of the day the special moments are special because of who you’re with. Whether its family, friends, spouses, children, or even yourself. I’m going down there in August. I’d go opening week if I could, but DVC availability booked up quick where I wanted to stay.
Can I like this 200 times? Lol
Apologies if I’ve missed it. I know I’m assuming that resort guests will get to book park reservations for the length of their stay. Is that what we’re all thinking?

Do we think APs with resort stays would be able to book for the length of their hotel stay (maybe even length of stay, only up to a certain number of days) or does the 3 day booking for APs (assuming that’s right, I know you said it was a guess) apply to the ones with resort stays, too?
Length of stay. I was referring to local like us or off site ap holders. Should've clarified that
What does this mean for the non e-rides (I'm thinking 3 Caballeros, Livin' with the Land, Seas, Pavilion, Little Mermaid)? While not HUGE draws, they are very enjoyable for my family. Also, what of non live-performer "shows"? Hall of Presidents, CoP, Country Bears come to mind. Just trying to wrap my head around keeping early August or moving to Thanksgiving week. Anything you can provide is greatly appreciated.
all of those lower tier indoor attractions could be dropped into fp easily. If any of the indoor shows are opened it will be with very limited capacity and honestly I wouldn't expect them to open for at least 6-8 weeks. Indoor close groups are not something anyone wants right now.
yes that is ridiculous which is why i don't think that it will be required.

I think the CDC guidelines ask that people just pop it back on if they need to run to the restroom or go to a food service area outside of their pool area. I haven't read one article, item, bulletin, or guideline that suggests you have to wear a mask inside a body of water.

Yup! That is called water boarding. I hear it’s not pleasant.
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