Dancing With the Stars - Fall 2017

Did not notice it at all. I’m not saying you’re wrong but I thought it was great.

He was so off time that he was back on time. It looked like he missed a whole measure. It was right at the start of the first set of side by side movement after the intro.
Jordan: I love that he’s a geek. I sear Lindsay was channeling Mark. What a creative Charleston! I loved it!
I'm assuming they did that to keep it from running over since they started it late to do an update on the shooting.

Tom mentioned it early in the show. You could be right. They wouldn't have needed to do a double elimination last week if they knew there wasn't going to be one this week. :upsidedow
Tom said he had to step away for a personal reason. I hope it's not because he knows someone in Las Vegas who was hit. :(

I don't think that was it because they showed her practicing with Alan.
Hey guys! I missed out on the commentary during the show. Just watched it. The highlight for me was seeing John Cena! I have no idea why I like that guy so much. I don't watch wrestling and I'm not particularly fond of Nikki.

Oh, and gooooooo Drew! He looked great tonight.
Coming out of lurkdom...Maks rumor:



I've seen partnerships before where it was sort of obvious they didn't get along (Hope Solo/Maks comes to mind) but 1.) I thought Maks & Vanessa WERE getting along, and 2.) Would it really be so bad that he'd just leave the show in week 3?

EDIT: Seems like a super bogus rumor, disregard! :)
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Coming out of lurkdom...Maks rumor:



I've seen partnerships before where it was sort of obvious they didn't get along (Hope Solo/Maks comes to mind) but 1.) I thought Maks & Vanessa WERE getting along, and 2.) Would it really be so bad that he'd just leave the show in week 3?

I read that too - I'm hoping it's false. I'd think if that were the case that they'd be able to get it together for the sake of the show. If not they're being petty. Hopefully Vanessa realizes that Maks is the teacher and she the student. She should be there to learn, not control. (Total supposition on my part, I know. But it's what comes to mind when reading that they are butting heads.)
Coming out of lurkdom...Maks rumor:



I've seen partnerships before where it was sort of obvious they didn't get along (Hope Solo/Maks comes to mind) but 1.) I thought Maks & Vanessa WERE getting along, and 2.) Would it really be so bad that he'd just leave the show in week 3?
I saw this too. I hope it is false also. I would think Maks is more professional than that. I also thought they seemed to get along?????
I read that too - I'm hoping it's false. I'd think if that were the case that they'd be able to get it together for the sake of the show. If not they're being petty. Hopefully Vanessa realizes that Maks is the teacher and she the student. She should be there to learn, not control. (Total supposition on my part, I know. But it's what comes to mind when reading that they are butting heads.)
I saw this too. I hope it is false also. I would think Maks is more professional than that. I also thought they seemed to get along?????
Just looked at Vanessa's Instagram and her post from last night says: "I can't WAIT to get started tomorrow with @maksimc on week 4! We're cookin up something special for you!" Sooooo seems like a pretty bogus rumor from People!
If Maks is stepping away because the partnership is not working then I think it says a lot about him. The show is about the star and not the pro. How many times have we watched seasons where it is painfully obvious that the pro and star are butting heads and the whole thing goes down the drain? But first, we get to see the partnership circle the drain for a couple of weeks while the show sensationalizes it. Maks and Hope, Tony and Kate. Ugh.

As many of you know, I love love love M-M-Maks. But I would rather have him step back and give Vanessa someone she can push around rather than coming off as Meanie Maks just because he demands so much from his stars.
If Maks is stepping away because the partnership is not working then I think it says a lot about him. The show is about the star and not the pro. How many times have we watched seasons where it is painfully obvious that the pro and star are butting heads and the whole thing goes down the drain? But first, we get to see the partnership circle the drain for a couple of weeks while the show sensationalizes it. Maks and Hope, Tony and Kate. Ugh.

As many of you know, I love love love M-M-Maks. But I would rather have him step back and give Vanessa someone she can push around rather than coming off as Meanie Maks just because he demands so much from his stars.

In my scenario he's not being mean - lol! (I love Maks too!)
If Maks is stepping away because the partnership is not working then I think it says a lot about him. The show is about the star and not the pro. How many times have we watched seasons where it is painfully obvious that the pro and star are butting heads and the whole thing goes down the drain? But first, we get to see the partnership circle the drain for a couple of weeks while the show sensationalizes it. Maks and Hope, Tony and Kate. Ugh.

As many of you know, I love love love M-M-Maks. But I would rather have him step back and give Vanessa someone she can push around rather than coming off as Meanie Maks just because he demands so much from his stars.
Maks IS a pro and I don't believe the rumor.
In my scenario he's not being mean - lol! (I love Maks too!)
But M-M-Maks has been spun as the "bad boy" more than once by DWTS. It works for them whether it is true or false.

Now that we see Vanessa's Instagram post, I agree it was probably just a rumor. I'm glad because I think Vanessa will make the final 3 and that leaves me with more time with M-M-Maks.
But I would rather have him step back and give Vanessa someone she can push around rather than coming off as Meanie Maks just because he demands so much from his stars.

In my scenario he's not being mean - lol! (I love Maks too!)

Back in the Stone Age, I used to crush over ballet extraordinaire, Mikhail Baryshnikov. :lovestruc He and fellow Russian dancer, Rudolf Nureyev, had both defected from Russia because of the oppression against Western art & culture and they couldn't dance all the stuff they wanted to. It was well known how strict & precise Russian training is, since that country has produce many of the best ballet dancers of all time.

So whenever I see Maks being so precise & demanding :furious: I think of it more as his Russian training.


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