DDA Chapter 10

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So i am starting to look for childrens books..i should have thought of this earlier in the summer for yard sales and stuff ,but it just hit me that i want to have books for a library when i eventually hvae a classroom...does anyone know of any good sites to get books that arent tooo expensive?

Funny you should mention this! I'm going through our kids books. If you want, I'll send you the duplicates and things we're done with, if you want. They will be used, but not destroyed. Let me know if you want them.
Speaking of non-sleepers, please say a prayer the next day or two if you wouldn't mind that something works for my girls. I'm not really in the market for pixie dust for myself, because I know it will pass one way or another - and I haven't slept much since the 9th grade :rolleyes:.

The pediatrician is really leaning towards milk protein allergy though, and I REALLY don't want to deal with that. It's nothing to do with lactose, in that a gentle formula or soy formula would work. Instead, it would require an elemental/hypoallergenic formula like Nutramigen. This would be at least 2 times more expensive per can, with no bulk sizes or generics. :guilty:

Of course I would do it in a heartbeat if it would make them in less pain, but I'm hoping it just isn't necessary! We have tried just about everything, day and night, but they get horrific belly pain, poop issues (can I talk about that here? ;)), etc with almost every feed -- and it's magnified at night during the colicky "witching hours". They get about 4-8 hours of truly restful sleep in a 24 hour period, which isn't good for their development I know! Furthermore, it's just heart-breaking. That part I don't like at all!

For the past 3 weeks or so, we have been trying various routines without success -- different bottles, nipples, formula, sleeping arrangements/locations, medications, etc.

Last night I pulled out all the stops -- special bottle+nipple combination, baths, warm compresses, loose swaddling (for security but not restriction), white noise, massage, timing their feed early to avoid belly pain right at "bedtime" but then supplementing with pedialyte and meds to avoid an empty belly, etc. (And by myself no less :crazy: :rotfl: ) During the "rough hours", things were better than normal at least. They had fitful wake-doze cycles and no sleep, but less screaming.

This could be because we were outside all day, or maybe something helped soothe the colic - and that that's all it is. I'm obviously praying for the latter. It's a heck of a cumbersome routine to try and keep up, but it's better than the alternatives (both poor diagnosis and/or hurting baby girls!). Of course, I still can't ignore the other feeds with the same result. :headache:

Anyway, they go to the pediatrician tomorrow for their 2-month well-child check. We'll chat about this I'm sure, and I was just hoping (praying!) that I would have "figured out something else" by then. I'm running out of time! :blush: :laughing:

You definitely have my prayers! It's bad enough when one child goes through this, but when you have 2 it's really heart wrenching!
Glynis, I noticed your post about Leslie's friend. I feel the same way about Leighanna's friend. I guess we all don't raise out kids the way I think we should! Wish you all lived closer, I am sure Leighanna would become fast friends with her, and she would obey your rules.... or else!:laughing:

Oh, I know that Leslie and Leighanna would be best friends! Leslie loves to play Disney Princesses. That was part of the problem, yesterday. Leslie wanted to play Ariel, and Ember just wanted to raid Leslie's toys. Grrr. Finally, though, Leslie told her to go home because Ember wasn't playing nice. I was glad that she could see the behavior wasn't appropriate. It gave us a chance to talk about how she should behave at a friend's house.
Ugh. DS needs shoes. This week. :rolleyes:

I tried to explain to Diva about cocky boys. They are so enamored with themselves that they don't care about anything else. And the cuter they are, the worse they behave. The unattractive boys are the genuinely nice ones most of the time. And which ones do the girls want? :sad2: Girls tend to think that getting a cocky boy to notice them means they have some sort of validity. Problem is, the cocky boys aren't that discriminating. They "collect" girls, and they don't care who the girls are or what they look like or anything else. The boys just want to be adored by as many girls as they can amass! :rotfl2: Diva had a crush on some boy who was going off to boot camp. He was being a jerk to her right before he left, and she was going on about how he was going to be sorry he let her slip through his fingers. Um, no, he won't. Boys don't operate that way. But teen girls don't see that. :rolleyes:

I am sorry the job market is still giving you such a fit. I hope something good happens soon! (And I hope you continue to stay out of jail!)

Well put, Elizabeth!

Theresa - tell Cassidy not to settle. She is worth so much more than the heartbreak that most of the "cute" guys will give her. The right guy is out there, but in the meantime, she should just settle for some group dates with friends of both genders. She'll have a better time, and gain a better sense of self esteem as she sees how she is treated by the boys in her group.
Well, I'm all caught up. Lunch is eaten. Now it's time to change the laundry, and get some brownies made for after school snacks. I'll be back in a bit. Have great days, DDA!!!
Elizabeth-hope you get settled back in to a routine soon. I agree clean clothes and money means you should have stayed in Disney World!!

no, no, no... it means she should take fewer suitcases!
I am, yes! I'm really enjoying it, although I don't get to do it as much as I'd like. I'm lucky if I get a body test in every day, but my goal is 10-30 minutes of at least something else... that probably happens only every couple of days :blush: It's really enjoyable though! I'm not doing it enough to see results, but I'm maintaining my weight so I suppose that's ok. I'm glad you're seeing results... and what a great fit age!

I have been consistently 12-20 years under my age. My favorite morning was when my age was less than Kristin's! Too bad she did the wrong test and didn't realize she was standing incorrectly on the board until AFTER the test had started. :rotfl: Otherwise she is always 20-21 so I doubt I will ever be younger than her again! :rotfl2:
We just got the afternoon paper and there is a spoiler from the Olympics. If anyone is interested, PM me.

All I can say is HURRAY
I'm off to work. Hopefully it will be a good evening. The kids are headed to my parent's house for a swim. TTYL
We just got the afternoon paper and there is a spoiler from the Olympics. If anyone is interested, PM me.

All I can say is HURRAY

does the paper do a morning and afternoon edition?? I've only seen the afternoon edition in the movies....too cool!!
does the paper do a morning and afternoon edition?? I've only seen the afternoon edition in the movies....too cool!!

Here we get a morning and afternoon paper. Soooooo I was so excited and ran to Stephanie's office to tell her.
It is weird cause the two papers compete with each other it seems. I can always find errors in the afternoon paper like they are sleeping over there!!!!
So I wandered over to the Theme Park/Attractions board (yes I have admitted before that I cheat on the DDA ;))
and came across the pick a pearl thread. I decided to take pictures and post the pearls and settings that I got.
So I thought I share with ya all too.

Necklace, plain setting. Dec. 2006

Ring, double leaf. Jan 2008
no, no, no... it means she should take fewer suitcases!

How on earth could you possibly extrapolate THAT conclusion from having clean clothes left over? :confused3
I had clean clothes left over because it rained so much. On the days that we were only out for a few hours in the morning we didn't get all sweaty and gross like we did on the sunny days. My pin lanyard was all grimy with sunscreen, but I am pleased that it came out of the wash looking like new! :thumbsup2

Besides, I was already there, on airfare we already paid for! Might as well stay there! :rotfl2:

DH looked a bit pale when I told him airfare is $1100 per person for March. WITHOUT luggage! :scared1:
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