DDA Chapter 16

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I'm also thinking of going from Dec. 18-24. The kids last day of school is the 18th, so they wouldn't miss any. AKV concierge is sounding good for that too. ;) I think if we go that week, we'll overlap with Elin's trip. Anyone else want to go that week and crash her vacation again? :rotfl:

:yay: :dance3: :yay: Bob says he'd like it if you all bumped into our vacation again!

I just got done running my 6 miles. I was able to do it under the 16 minute pace. I'm so excited. I haven't done that since college. Signing up for the 1/2 marathon is exactly what I needed. I haven't stayed on an exercise plan since high school. I exercised in college but I was never in the best of shape even then. I need to get some better socks and some different shorts. Otherwise, my body seems to be holding up really well.

:woohoo: :yay: :thumbsup2 :yay: :woohoo:
:wave2: Hi, Bernadette!

Debbie - I am sorry you are sick. :(
:wave2: HI, LIZ! Were your ears burning tonight???? I was talking to Tammi about you and your Murder Mystery parties!
Bob and I spent the evening with Tammi and herBob. I will leave the story-telling to her since it is her tale to relate.

I am tired and going to bed. good night, everyone!
Belated Birthday wishes to Tammi & Garret!!!

Tammi-your b-day gift sounds wonderful, glad you got photopass worked out, congrats on BCV, hope you're having a wonderful b-day dinner tonight!
Thanks, Bernadette. You sure do a great recap. If Elin hasn't filled you in yet on my dinner, I will after I catch up.
Well as hard as I've tried to deny it was happening I guess I'm officially sick, it was inevitable with all my sick co workers, we have at least six sick right now and that many more who have already had it.

I'm coughing up gunk, I go from burning up to freezing, so much so that I've been switching from heater to air conditioner all day, no wonder my daughter went out and hasn't come back yet. :rotfl2:

Dinner didn't stay with me long . . . . .

We inventory Thursday and unless I'm actually in the hospital there is no way I can miss, I only have one day off so we'll see how things go.
That sounds awful. Take care of yourself and try to get some rest. I hope you feel better in the morning. :wizard:
Today is Joe's birthday! I got up early to make him Mickey pancakes and then we went to Lowes to do the free kids project they have every 2 weeks. Today we made a time capsule. Then we picked up his Wall*E birthday cake. I asked him if he wanted take out for his birthday dinner and he wanted me to make him something.:scared: We bought ingredients for lasagna. I came home took Emma for a hair cut, tried to catch up here, made the lasagna, wrapped Joe's gift, had dinner, had cake, opened gifts and back here to really catch up.

OH....and Lizzy said the lasagna was better than she expected. Joe said it was better than Grandma's-the only other kind he's had.
Happy birthday to Joe!!!!
Something must have possessed me today. Not only did I do over an hour on the Wii fit, I also did 7 miles on the stationary bike and some stretching. I have had no fast food or soda this week. I have drank my water all week and eaten decently.

I however did not do any cleaning today. But I did some laundry.
Good for you, too, Becky!!! :woohoo:
Bob and I spent the evening with Tammi and herBob. I will leave the story-telling to her since it is her tale to relate.

I am tired and going to bed. good night, everyone!
Evidently, myBob cooked up a birthday surprise, bringing Elin and herBob along as a security blanket, or reinforcements, depending on how you look at it.

So we leave our house and Bob turns onto Elins road. Then he asks me which house is hers. Part one of the evening is revealed. Elin and herBob are going with us. YAY! :cool1: Then we get on I95, heading south, AWAY from any 'nice' restaurants, unless you go all the way to Richmond. Part two of the surprise was that we were going to a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater. This is something that I've always wanted to do. Bob didn't know this though, because we've never even talked about it. Anyway, he was concerned about how I would react to it. I guess everyone thought it was going to be more interactive than it was, and I'm not one for being the center of attention. Hence, why Elin and Bob got dragged along. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, but now that I've gone to one I don't need to do it again. A big thanks to Bob and Elin for going along with us! Oh and I got the best gift from Elin. She passed on her Year of A Million Dreams lanyard to me that she got in December, since no one in her family is a pin trader! Thanks again, Elin!
Now that I'm all caught up I'll say goodnight to everyone. Goodnight, everyone. :)
Well as hard as I've tried to deny it was happening I guess I'm officially sick, it was inevitable with all my sick co workers, we have at least six sick right now and that many more who have already had it.

I'm coughing up gunk, I go from burning up to freezing, so much so that I've been switching from heater to air conditioner all day, no wonder my daughter went out and hasn't come back yet. :rotfl2:

Dinner didn't stay with me long . . . . .

We inventory Thursday and unless I'm actually in the hospital there is no way I can miss, I only have one day off so we'll see how things go.

Debbie, I hope you feel better soon! :wizard:

Hi Bernadette, long time no see.

Hi, Bernadette! I would rather have those vivid dreams than be awake for and hour or two in the middle of the night. Those nights that I wake up when DH leaves are brutal.


Debbie hope you are better soon :wizard:

Riley was up a few times last night praying to the porcelain god. He got sick a couple more times this morning, but seems to be better now.

Janet, I hope Riley is over whatever virus he had! :wizard:

Bob and I spent the evening with Tammi and herBob. I will leave the story-telling to her since it is her tale to relate.

I am tired and going to bed. good night, everyone!

How fun! I can't wait to hear all about it!

What a blast from the past. Hi Liz!

And yes, Tom, that IS gorgeous!

Hi, Liz!

Tom, what an amazing dress! Leighanna is a lucky girl! :goodvibes

Good for you, too, Becky!!! :woohoo:

See, I was all happy that I did 25 minutes of step aerobics on the Fit plus a couple of yoga poses. Then here comes Becky and reports that she did like quintuple the stuff I did. :rolleyes1 I should just go to bed now.
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