Dec 28, '04 - ONE WEEK from today we'll be "fill in the blank"

Well we called Debbie today (see post on main board re: all the Debbies!) and had no problem getting our requests.

She has Costa Maya down right now, but they don't have the "official" paperwork for the cruise yet. She asked we call back in 2 weeks to confirm the brunch (since she was filling in for the real Debbie she took notes, but want us to check with the original Debbie on rotation request and brunch times)

I am going with the Travelex insurance (lite version) and will pay the cruise off next Wed (leaving one day as a buffer, just in case anything goes haywire on the card).

Anyone else making final plans?
Well, I don't really have anything of worth to add here, except that I am VERY excited about this trip.... on the downside, I recently broke up with my girlfriend, so I may be going single on this one... ANY SINGLE/DIVORCED LADIES OUT THERE WANT A TOUR OF THE "ROY O." SUITE? LOL.... You know, that line would have virtually no effect anywhere else, but, these are the DIS boards, so ya never know! Wish me luck... LOL... (I need to get out more....)

Hey is anyone going to volunteer to organize the little get-together I suggested for all the DIS'ers in my Suite? I'll take care of Hors d'ouvres and beverages, but I hate the whole figuring out who is going, etc. part of it...

On a different note, I fianlly visited Disney's Wide World of Sports complex last weekend as part of a Karate Tournament I was in (the ATA Fall Nationals, I took 2nd in Weapons. Go me...! lol) and I never imagined that place was so massive! It reminds me of a mini-Meadowlands (in NJ), it is such a large area... Vey neat place to check out if you all get a chance...

Thats it for my rantings of the day... Happy DIS'ing all...
LegalBriefs ( by the way love the DIS name.. either you are a lawyer or there is a really good story behind that one :p ) I offically volunteer to organize the DIS'er get-together in your suite. I am going to wait until we get closer to the date or at least until I get through my up coming trip overseas. I have spent two nights fighting with the portable laptop they gave me at work so I will hopefully have internet access. I hate to carry that thing all that way and not be able to use it!

Sorry to hear of your love life woes. I have a great single sister but she is not joining us for the trip.

We are tee'ing up our plans. I would love to know if we will be going to Grand Cayman as that will effect our choices. I am thinking we will take the very laid back approach on this cruise and not plan much. Of course that may be because I am in travel h.... so planning anything does not sound like fun to me. I hope I will get to do some looking during my down time on my trip.:)
Well, after my husband and I going back and forth about a million times about whether to go or cancell, we finally decided we are going. We just had too much fun on last year's NYE cruise and we feel like we are really going to need the time away and after looking at the prices and dates for 2006 nye cruise this may be our last for awhile or we might try a different line. We decided not to tell our kids. We are also going to surprise them on Christmas morning! Now I feel like I am behind in planning because I hadn't been sure we were going to go. LAst year, I had everything set months ahead of time. WE aren't going to do any excursions this time, just enjoy our time on the ship. Has anyone heard about their REAS reservations yet? I have to double check when we scheduled them. Also, when we went last year, NYE was formal. I'm sure that they will move the rotations to make it formal again.
Final payment in and processed - CHECK

Insurance purchased - CHECK

Kid's surprise puzzle received in mail - CHECK

I guess I need to start packing! LOL
We are back from our annual Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show trip. I need to get moving on our DIS list!!! This cruise is sneaking up on us. Everybody, please, email me at to send me whatever info you want added to the list. I will send you a conformation email after I get your info.
Hello Everyone! We are also booked for the NewYear's Cruise and I am glad that I just found this web-site. Thank you to everyone who writes in with info.

We are first time "Cruisers" and know little to nothing about what to expect. Our family consists of myself (38), my husband (36) and our daughter (8). We have been booked since the summer and it sure did seem like a long time away -- now it is only weeks away.

I look forward to hearing about anything that people want to say (within reason of course).
YOU GOT DOCS? OMG OMG OMG - I am so excited!

Welcome Jestyx3 - we are excited to have you with us! Ask any questions - I think this is a pretty experienced group.

My kids are 7 (DS) and 5 (DD) and know NOTHING thus far! I bought Mickey stickers tonight to make our door sign and told DS they were for our friend as a joke for a Christmas present.

They really are a present (I'm mailing them to him for Christmas but instructing him to bring them with them to the hotel the night before so we can do our signs together; just like we did for the last cruise). DS didn't bat an eye (love this age, LOVE it!)
False Alarm! I didn't open it up right away, so when I went back downstairs, I opened it and it was shore excursions and stateroom gifts! ARRRRGH! I already booked my excursions! I don't want that! I WANT MY DOCS! Actually, they SHOULD be here by now. Better call my agent!
I imagine they're getting out the 10 day docs now or next and then we should be right after that! Can't wait

I have officially started packing (OMG). In the spirit of putting summer clothes up, I dragged down 5 dresses for DD and 7 shirts for DS to our office closet. If they see them in there (unlikely, but just in case) I can use the "these are your nice summer clothes and I'm storing them for next summer" excuse. I also ordered new luggage using the mousesavers link. We'll use that over Thanksgiving and I told the kids it's for our trip to Calgary over Spring Break so they won't suspect anything.

I also asked Verandah Man to send me a postcard (to my office) so I can use it in my treasure hunt at the end when they open the last gift (after the puzzle) to find out the date. He's going to put something on it about "travel safe when you leave TOMORROW" from Mickey. Soooo exciting!

I cannot believe how close we're getting! I have confirmations from Captain Marvins for our party of 8 on NYE - I'm going with the thought that we ARE going there! The only other place we're considering anything is on Cozumel going to the beach (can't remember the name, but on the cruisecritic port of call board there is a lot of info) and hanging out. We'll just rest/relax at Castaway.

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Masonpips--- I see you are staying at WL after the cruise. We are going to go there for one night as well. We figure we will hit the Magic Kingdom for one day before heading back to our long New york winter.

HAs anyone gotten there REAS reservations? I emailed Sue Ellen at Dreams today and she said they haven't opened up the bookings yet.

Right now, We are not planning on doing any excursions except maybe something at Castaway Cay. I think we are going to stay on the ship and relax .

I haven't had much time for planning but am starting to get exciting.

Where is everyone staying the night before? I haven't decided yet.

My travel agent told me that REAS ressies will be 30 days prior to the cruise.

We will be staying at the airport Hyatt the night before and taking Happy Limo to the port as soon as we can. I think the port opens at 10 a.m.
We called Debbie direct and supposedly have our REAS stuff scheduled - we are calling today to reconfirm so I'll let you know. When we originally called they didn't have the "paperwork" but she marked everything down so I think we're ok.

We're not sure where we're staying either the night before. We've done the Radisson twice but are still wrestling with the idea of a Priceline airport hotel.

We're under 50 days!!!!!
Hello all, I have been working on the DIS list today. Only 9 groups from the DIS. Hmm. I don't think all board members are posting that are really going. Come on all, if you are going Post and join us.

Past two weeks have been busy, Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show, home, finishing up stowing away boat items for next season and looking at the calendar--WE ARE SO CLOSE!!! A little over six weeks!!! Some of you might be lucky and start receiving your docs. We just found out our air schedule.

List will soon be posted.
Well, I must say that this forum is addictive. I was not thinking much about the trip until I found this site, let's just say that "unlimited internet" is a wonderful thing.

I have a question if someone has the time to answer. Can someone recommend some must dos for the islands? We would love to do the dolphins at Discovery Cove, but it does appear as if there is not alot of time with the dolphins. Maybe this is only a myth. Our daughter (8), my husband and I would love to snorkel as much as possible, plus see the sights above water. We have not booked anything as yet.

As for the documents from Disney, we were told that it would be 10 days before our cruise date that they would be sent to our travel agent. Speaking of agent, she knew nothing about the Disney Line and we have not heard from her since June. Anyway, another story.

Thank you to anyone who can offer ideas/insights to us first timers.

Looking forward to sailing away,
I highly recommend the stingrays at Grand Cayman (we are going there, we are!). We've used Captain Marvins ( but I've also heard good things about nativeway. We book the 3 hour tour which includes 2 snorkeling stops and the NOT-to-be-missed Stingray stop. My DD (at 3.5) LOVED it and cried when we got back in the boat! This time I hope to do a little shopping in Grand Cayman too - I think the turtle farm is a great excursion too.

If you're interested in the stingray thing, you could link up with us - we have two families of 4 and includes 5 & 7 year old girls plus 7 and 3 year old boys so your DD would have some kids close to her age! You can e-mail Ruth and ask for the 10-1 tour; that's the one we're on!

In Key West there are land tours or just walking around and water options. We weren't that impressed with the town (I had been there before, think hot French Quarter) and plan on staying on board this year. If we were to get off, we'd do a water excursion - the sailing ones are supposed to be great.

Cozumel is another place I've btdt so we'll probably just stay on board or wander the market. Cozumel is a BEAUTIFUL island and if you do a tour that takes you the back side, the scenery is fabulous. It's also a huge party town, especially after dark. We'll be there on NYDay so I'm assuming party people might be hungover and taking it easy (LOL), but it is vacation!

There are several good beaches for families (Mr. Sanchos has a lot of info, do a web search) that we considered too and if we do go to Costa Maya we'll probably end up staying on the ship there and doing Cozumel instead.

Last year we did Eastern and got off the ship in St. Thomas/St. Maarten and Castaway. We really liked the extra time on the ship and besides Grand Cayman don't feel like we "have to" get off - the ship is SO nice when everyone else DOES get off. On our first cruise we stayed on board in Cozumel, the kids wanted to do the clubs and dh and I lounged at the adult pool. There were less than 10 people there - fabulous!
Hi all -

Sorry for the absence I have been swampped at work. Imagine work thinking it is more important than my cruise planning!

Kathy- I am one of the bad DIs'er who has not gotten back to you yet. I will send a seperate e-mail to you tonight.:(

We are also looking at Captain Marvin for Grand Cayman. It looks like great tour and I have heard lots of good things.

One place I would suggest for new excursion ideas is Last time we did the Western Cruise we did their swim with the dolphins at Cozumel. We did what they have posted as " the royal swim". It was amazing. You actually swam with the dolphins. They pulled you along as you held on to their fins. They pushed the kids in the water by their feet. You played games with them. It was worth every penny. Particularly when you saw all the other people there who were not doing anything half as exciting. This is the first time my DH has ever bought a video of tour. The kids still pull it out and watch it.

This year we want to do a beach day if anyone has any good ideas for Cozumel let me know.

I think I have my schedule all messed up. What day are we in Cozumel and what day are we at Grand Cayman?



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