Denise's Happy, Healthy,Healing Journal-Posts welcome

We had dinner at the Silver Diner tonight. Of course the menu is loaded with typical diner and comfort foods. I searched their website before we went to try and find something that was a healthy choice. I decided to order the summer fruit and spinach salad with salmon on the side. It was an odd combination, but pretty good. I find I need to try some different items so that I don't get stuck in a food choice rut. I also had a little chocolate fix at work today...the new Hershey's Kisses with coconut. Those darn co-workers, and me with little will power!

To make matters even worse (or better depending how you look at it), we'll be going to Hershey this weekend. I have that Chocolate World jingle playing in my head already! The picnic buffet includes burgers, hot dogs, chicken, salads and ICE CREAM!!!! I find myself having cravings for that recently...maybe I need the calcium. Yeah right! WISH me luck!
DisDee said:
To make matters even worse (or better depending how you look at it), we'll be going to Hershey this weekend. I have that Chocolate World jingle playing in my head already! The picnic buffet includes burgers, hot dogs, chicken, salads and ICE CREAM!!!! I find myself having cravings for that recently...maybe I need the calcium. Yeah right! WISH me luck!

Denise, hope the weekend was wonderful, and that you enjoyed your chocolate as a spa treatment to help subdue those cravings! I heard they do a great hot chocolate bath! And I am sure calcium needs are the reasons for my ice cream cravings!



I am happy to report that my knees survived all the walking, waiting and hills at Hersheypark. My hubby and I set a nice leisurely pace for ourselves, so that I didn't over-stress my knees. I also took Aleve in advance and during our trip to ward off any inflammation. I did wear my elastic brace on Sunday, just as a precautionary measure. Funny thing calf muscles are what ended up sore from all the hills. We had a great time, and can't wait till next summer's trip. By then I should be quite a bit lighter and all that walking will be a piece of cake! (chocolate of course!)

My DH had a dr. appt. today in preparation for cataract surgery next week. His blood sugar level is at the high end of normal, so the dr. suggested that he cut back on carbs. We've decided to tackle the problem together, so any suggestions on low-carb eating and books would be much appreciated. I have a check-up next month also, and I'm a little worried that my levels will be up too. I just love pretzels and breads and crackers and bagels and all that high carb stuff. I do think that making the dietary changes will be easier if we have each other's support.

I did some grocey shopping and made some healthier choices and also bought a wider variety of things to eat at work. I don't eat breakfast at home, so I stocked up on yogurt, cottage cheese, lo-fat puddings, multi-grain crackers and some other things that are easy to grab and also count the calories. It will be nice when all of the changes in my lifestyle come together and become second nature. Right now I still have to think and plan and change so many of my old bad habits. I know changes like this can't happen overnite, but sometimes its difficult to be patient for the weight to drop and to have more energy, etc. It helps to know that those of you who making these same changes are here for support!

Thanks for reading my journal and all your support! We can do this together!!!
I'm back on the "walking to Disney challenge". I'll be updating my mileage every few days. It's time to add some movement to my "healthy me" program. Hopefully that will help me to boost my weight loss.
Hello Denise!

Sounds like you had a great weekend!

I eat pretty much low carb. Fresh above the ground veggies, and good cuts of beef, fish and other fresh meats. My DH follows something similar to South Beach. Their cook book has some good ideas in it. It takes a while to get the hang of shopping tho. We just tour the outer isles of the grocery store, rather than go down all the isles. Keeps lots of those bad carbs out of view. It was REALLY hard to lose pasta, but go into the glueten free section if there is one, and you can get pasta made from corn (a bit different, but helps with the urges) and other lower carb foods. The eating changes we have made were a big help with my weight loss.

Good luck on shopping and with surgery for DH!

I've been having a problem with fluid retention for the last couple of days, which is strange because I don't normally have issues with that. The weather has been very hot and humid so I'm sure that might be contributing to the problem. So...I've cut back on salt and propped up my feet for awhile.

We're going to take my Mom to Bahama Breeze on Sat. for her BD. I've been looking at the menu on-line trying to find a healthy choice. Unfortunatley their website doesn't give calorie counts and nutritional info.

DH and I decided to start a committed walking program together, right now its kind of hit or miss. We do wear our pedometers every day, but for me the mileage is adding up very slowly. Time to MOVE!!!!

Thanks for stopping by Wendy. I appreciate your suggestions! Have a super Friday everyone! The weekend is almost here.
DisDee said:
DH and I decided to start a committed walking program together, right now its kind of hit or miss. We do wear our pedometers every day, but for me the mileage is adding up very slowly. Time to MOVE!!!!

Thanks for stopping by Wendy. I appreciate your suggestions! Have a super Friday everyone! The weekend is almost here.

Dona, DH and I walk as often together as we can. He's the picture of health, where I am not, but I enjoy the company and the chats!

Have a great loss this week!

Well, the weekend is almost over, so I'm planning my activities for the upcoming week. The weather forecasts extreme heat and humidity, so I've decided to take my walking indoors. I can go to the local mall on my lunch hour and fit in a good half hour walk, or stop on my way home at another mall near my house and do my walking there. Either way, there are no weather related excuses.

I need to get back to journaling daily. I write most things in my little notebook, but then don't get around to entering it on Calorie King. CK is great, easy to use and I love the progress and nutrition reports.

My fluid retention has gone away...that was a weird few days. Still haven't lost any more weight, but I'm hanging in there. My BD is at the end of the month, so I've set a mini goal for that date.

My son and finance have decided to go to WDW and DCl for their honeymoon in Aug. of 2007. As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. We honeymooned at WDW in 1974, and my DD in 2004. DS has decided on the Poly. Its been fun helping them out with their planning. By the way, he's done extremely well with weight loss in the last few months...40 lbs. He works out regularly which is something that he never did before. What a diiference he's made in his lifestyle. I'm so proud of him!

Have a great week everyone! Make smart choices and enjoy your life!
I accomplished my goal today of entering my foods on Calorie King. I'm pleased to say that I was only a little bit over my suggested calorie goal for the day. I've added more fruits and plan to have more salads with raw veggies. (I AM NOT A VEGGIE EATER) This part is going to be really tough for me. I'm also going to search for recipes for grilled veggies...marinades and such. Does anyone have a favorite? Hubby and I are eliminating the potato,rice, starch portion of our meals. We're also reading labels and just becoming more informed with regards to carbs and calorie counts.

Goals for Tuesday...Walk the mall at lunch and our neighborhood with DH later
Do my physical therapy stretches
Use CK and not go over my calorie count
I took the day off because my hubby-Gary had cataract surgery this morning. Everything went well, and I'll take him for a follow-up tomorrow morning. Its nice to have a few hours in the daytime to do as I please. He's just relaxing and taking it easy. He's wearing a patch over his right eye. I should probably look for his "pirate" accessories from last year's MNSSHP, it would complete the look. He's a real comedian so he would think that is funny. I'm suprised he's not using pirate phrases and going "arrgh". LOL! pirate:

I've been faithfully recording on Calorie King and even stayed under my calorie limit. I just realized that when I log exercise on my daily totals, that I can add more food to the plan. I've decided not to do that but it helps to know that some additonal calories are ther if I "need" them. I do need to do some more exercise today. I walked around the grounds at the surgi-center while I was waiting this morning, but then my book kept saying "read me". And that I did..just finished it a little while ago.

Good luck and good losses to all. Hang in there!
Denise, I have been to calorie king to help my DD, who wants to eat better, but not really get thin? She is a bit chubby, but she is only 10. I really hope to have her start being aware of the foods she eats as it pertains to her overall health, not just her shape. Any other ideas on web sites you have visited that has more info on nutrition for her age? All I find is adult sites. I am not that computer/internet savvy. And I really try not to ask the 17 yr old son! I get teased for days!

Thanks Denise!

Glad to hear the surgery for DH went well. Maybe he really is a pirate? Have you seen the new POTC movie? Maybe he can qoute some of the funnier lines for you? pirate:

Stay healthy!

Hi Wendy...I did a quick search on Google for nutrition for children and many sites came up on the search. One that looked good
It has resources for kids, parents and teachers. I also noticed that it has links to a bunch of other sites. Check it out, it might have some good info. I'm a big-time reader, so you could also try your local library.

I know exactly what you mean about asking your son for help. Mine is a techno wiz, and it started a a very early age. Anytime I would ask him for help on the computer, he would just click away and I had no clue as to how he found the things that I needed. He graduated college in 2004 and landed himself a nice job at the university he attended, so I guess I'll forgive him for being impatient with me. He also bought me the laptop that I'm using, and have become very attached to.

Haven't made it to Pirates as of yet, but my DD and niece went at midnight on the night that it opened, and they both really liked it. Our local park had Jaws on a big screen last week, so of course all day long DH was quoting lines from that. I am always amazed at how he can remember all of those lines, and he's really good at impersonations too.

Have a good Thursday! Denise
Thanks Denise!

I will try that out. My DD went on my walk with me tonight and again talked about what she ate and what it is one the healthly meter. This web site sounds just like what we need. Thanks again! Since she is more computer whiz than I am (she's only 10) I will just watch over her shoulder while she cruises thru it all :goodvibes !

My DS also went at midnight on opening night. He is still asking for the monkey because he needs to shoot something! Your DD will know! And Jaws--I remember going to see it the week it came out! Does that age me? I wasn't but 12. Still left a huge imprint on me, because the next week my Dad took us to N. Carolina's ocean parks to camp, and I wouldn't swim! :laughing:

Have a great week end if I am not able to catch up again!

Thanks again Denise.

Great losses to all!

Denise, tried that site, and a few of the links. Very informational.

Thanks again!

Today has been one of those lazy Saturdays. We're taking things easy since Gary is still recuperating from his eye surgery. Its been a stormy day, and we even lost our electricity for a couple of hours. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some pleasant weather so we can get outside and do some yard work.

I decided that I need to get back to Curves next week. My knee is pretty much back to normal (for me anyway), so I should be taking my workout routine to the next level. No more excuses! My Curves is 2 blocks from my house, so talk about being convienient! I can't use that as an excuse. I need to drop a couple more pounds this week to reach my birthday goal.

It was a stressful week at work...lots of changes are happening and I know things will get worse before they get better. I'll have to get inside my head and come up with a calming way to cope with it all. After all, its just a job. I need to focus on family, friends and fun after work!

Have a good Sunday everyone! Make the most of your day!
I did it! I just registered for the American Heart Association Walk on October 7. I haven't done anything like this since Walk America back in the late 80's (when I was fit and trim). I figured this would give me a goal to work toward and support a great cause while I'm at it. My DH said he would walk with me, as long as he doesn't have to ask for sponsors. I feel really good about my decision to do this. Both my father and father-in-law died from heart attacks, so this is personal for me. Now I just need to get in training mode.
Good luck on training Denise! I do the neighborhood pledge thing for AHA. I had a stroke a few years back, and also take it personally!

Have a great time getting there!

Thanks for the good thoughts about my friend. I sure hope he does well. It is very scarey. He wasn't given a very good prognosis. I am sending him pixie dust daily, as well as calling and giving support.

Have a great week!

Hi Denise! Congrats on signing up for the heart walk. We do one in May with DH's office. It's always amazing to see how many people are out there supporting the cause!

Good luck and keep on're doing great!
This is way off topic, but just thought I'd share my excitement. Both my DD and I have birthdays next week, so on the spur of the moment today, I decided to buy tickets to the Lion King in Phila. She'll be staying with us for the weekend, so I thought this would be a fun way to celebrate. I can't wait! This is almost as exciting as going to WDW. When I called her today and told her to bring "decent" clothes, she wanted to know why... of course I couldn't keep it a secret. She was very excited to say the least. She's a Disney nut too.

Hope everyone is having a good week. Its almost Friday!!!!!!
The Lion King! Wonderful! We saw it in Detroit a few years back. It is really cool, and you both will enjoy it! Happy early Birthday!



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