Dieting for Disney

I would love to lose 15 lbs before our May trip. At my current size I won't be able to fit into half of my summer wardrobe. I'd like to go on vacation and leave my fat shorts at home.
I started about 7 weeks ago and have only lost about 14 lbs, well that is better than gaining I guess. I would like to loose around 10 lbs a month but I do not feel that will happen but I am going to keep on trying for our up coming trip in August with a little pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: .
Count me in gang!!! Went back to WW last week and lost 4 1/2 :cool1:
My goal is 20 by May 22!!! It's a never ending battle with me... I'm short so a few pounds feels like a ton!!!! Healthy eating and exercise works for me, and all that water :sad: I am NOT a water person....give me diet Dr Pepper any time!!!!
I am so proud of all of you that have posted responses. I have been an advocate for fitness and healthy living for several years now and I love to hear about successes and the trials. My thought is if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. I just want to go on record as saying I think everyone of you are winners. (Yes, I am stilling that phrases right now with the Olympics going on.) If any of you ever need any support, or a word of encouragement, or even suggestions on how to go to the next level, I am here for you. I am not by any means saying that I have all the answers when it comes to health & fitness, but I have done a lot of study and research and I have learned a lot of things that have worked for not only myself but several other people. (I have had several people that I work with and people that I workout with at my gym that have had ask me how to accomplish their goals.

As far as one of the posters reply to my goal, I am only interested in loosing 15 pounds. If I lost 30+ pounds, I would be loosing way to much muscle for my taste. I am really just trying to get a little leaner and tighter. If I am going to be wearing a tank top or shorts while on vacation, I don't want to look scary to anyone. I have also had kind of a "funny" little saying about that though. "From the neck down, we all have a little something to say about the way we look. From the neck on me proves that God has got a sense of humor." Hey, we all can't be a Brad Pitt or Jennifer Lopez! We just should be the very best that we can be. Ask yourself if you are happy or just content. I am trying to be HAPPY!!!! :rotfl:
Ok...ok...I am inspired by all of you! I would like to lose 30lb by our trip in in December! Are we starting a new support thread here or how does this work? I've done WW & has success after my DD was born, but I was diagnosed shortly after with OCD & went through a mild depression & the weight just came right back on. :( So now I want to try again, not just for WDW but to be at a healthier wt. for another possible pregnancy next year. I really didn't enjoy the wt. watchers meetings & didn't fit in with the group (they were mostly older ladies) but I think that without someone watching over me I have not been motivated enough to stick to the program at home. (I am even enrolled online, but there's no penalty for not weighing in & even when you do, who cares?? It's just your computer!) So...perhaps we could do a kind of e-weigh-in weekly? What do you guys think?
OK, I will start. Below are my stats. I am a little worried about this weekend it is my sons 3rd birthday and my whole family is coming here for the weekend. They are so used to me cooking big meals, they are in for a shock. Also we are going to Chuck E. Cheese and the Midevil Fair. If is going to be a real test for me. Wish me luck!

Beginning Weight: 197

Current Weight: 175

Total Loss to date: 22 lbs

Goal Weight: 135

PLan: Do more cardio! Continue sticking to 1190 calories and boflex for 20 minutes.
You guys are all doing great. Keep up the good work. I am a certified personal trainer/fitness instuctor an just wanted to let you know that even though this is hard work, it is very attainable.

Just a few words of advice:

1. Keep a food journal. Right down everything you consume, including it's calorie content. It really does help.

2. Get in your cardio. Join a gym if it is too cold outside. I know it is expensive, but your health (physical and mental) shouldn't have a price tag.

3. Find a workout buddy. You are more apt to go if you know that someone is there waiting for you.

4. Push yourself. Excercise should't be comfortable. If you can hold a conversation while doing cardio, you need to be working harder.

5. Please oh, please do not skip the strength training. The more muscle fiber you have, the higher your metabloic rate becomes.

You are all strong and determined people. You can do it!!!! :goodvibes
I also was starting on a new healthy eating, trying to lose a few pounds routine before we left for WDW. I started back on January 1 and decided to follow the WW plan, I was quite pleased with myself when I had lost around 7 pounds and could fit in some of my summer clothes, well to make a long story short, we leave on March 7 and are due to fly with NWA and as everyone knows there is a strike looming overhead and due to all the stress of not knowing if we are going to be going now to DW I have gained back everything that I worked so hard to lose plus some. This whole strike business has gotten me so worked up, we live in an area that has very few airline options for flying anywhere and if we don't fly with NWA we may have to try United, and right now the tickets are running around 750.00 a person! Since we have already gave NWA a little over 800.00 for our two tickets spending another 1500.00 just for airline tickets would really put a strain on our budget, so I am looking for some encouragement to try to refocus myself and get back on track for these next two weeks before our trip.
Yes, I'm trying, but have a ways to go. But, I'm also trying to make it a lifestyle. My goal is 18 lbs. and losing 2 lbs a month, until November, when I will have lost all 18! We'll see. But, I refuse to diet at Disney. I enjoy it too much and it's too much of a treat to be there.
I started January 10th did great, then messed up alittle in Feb so I just started my 180 diet. Today is my 180th day before our trip to Disney so instead of focusing on the big picture (no pun intended! :rotfl2: ) I am taking it one day at a time today is 1/180. I have to lose weight for our August trip. I would like to look nice in a bathing suit at SAB. Plus who wants to be fat in the August heat at Disney? Not me!

So here goes 1 day down...179 days to go.
I have about 40lbs to lose! :scared:

Good luck to all the OP!!! :goodvibes
Thanks for starting this thread :thanks: I am glad to see that I am not alone in my quest to be a few sizes smaller for my up comming trip. I am Going to Disney in May :woohoo: and I know that I can not get into my summer clothes, :( heck I am having a hard time getting into my fat winter clothes! :sad: Started 3 weeks ago with I did really good the first couple of weeks and then started slacking off. I HAVE to get back on track today or I am going to Disney in the nude :eek: as I REFUSE to buy bigger size clothes. I hate the cold :cold: and that is just another perfect excuse for me to not excerise. :teeth: I am going to check out a local gym today the only other option that I see is having my lips sewn shut. Good luck to everyone with their goals and thanx for sharing.
I read this THREAD late last night...and you all inspired me to GET BACK TO THE GYM. Have not been since December 9th...that is sooo bad...BUT I am dressed and leaving in 5 minutes to get back there IMMEDIATELY. I used to go EVERY DAY...then holidays and then...nothing...SO I AM TURNING OVER A NEW LEAF!!!

HOPE TO HEAR FROM EVERYONE TODAY AS WHAT THEY DID, either work out or diet...keep this THREAD going...I need it...

I would love to join you all and lose weight. I won't go to the waterparks because I'm afraid that someone will start yelling "Free Willy". :eek: My kids would love for me to go to the waterparks with them, I think I'm just tooo big to go there. The sad thing is, I don't even have a clue about how to get started! I know that sounds unbelievable, but it's true! Any advice on how to start and what else to do would be greatly appreciated!! :confused3
trene said:
I would love to join you all and lose weight. I won't go to the waterparks because I'm afraid that someone will start yelling "Free Willy". :eek: My kids would love for me to go to the waterparks with them, I think I'm just tooo big to go there. The sad thing is, I don't even have a clue about how to get started! I know that sounds unbelievable, but it's true! Any advice on how to start and what else to do would be greatly appreciated!! :confused3

I heard a good saying awhile back....How do you eat an elephant?....1 bite at at time...Thats how you (& I) must approach eating healthy. Start with increasing your water intake. At least 64 oz a day. Then I'd try to concentrate on your eating...adding veggies/fruits, eliminating white foods & replacing them with fiber rich whole wheat products. Buy skim milk instead of whole/2%/1%. Add more calcium,yogurt, low fat cheese. Eat protein with every meal, avoid too mucg sugar which spikes your insulin & then drops making you hungry, eat good fats, PB, olive oil, walnuts, almonds. Last is the excercise..start with whatever you can..walking alittle, buying a tape you like, joining a gym, anything that works for you to add activity to your day.

Its a hard thing to do but its worth it when you start to see success. Easier said than done I know but lets not give up...we can do this. :goodvibes
Trene, one of the first things you can do is research online what kind of diet program that would best suit your lifestyle. I am currently doing WW's on my own since I have all the materials left from when I was going to the meetings, I just found that I couldn't afford the meetings anymore so I quit going, I am hoping that this fall I will be able to go again since it does help to have to weigh in in front of a stranger. What about Dr. Phil's plan? His book is pretty straight forward and it deals with some of the emotional issues we have with our eating, it helped my sister take off 60 pounds and she has kept it off for a couple of years now. What ever you decide to do just remember that the weight will not come off overnight, I think that is such a problem with so many who are trying to lose weight, we want it to come off quickly and want instant results, myself included, and we all know that just does happen.
So take it one day at a time, join a support group on line, WISH is one of the best ones around, so I hope this helps some, good luck on your weight loss journey.
Thanks so much for all your help. :hug: What is Wish? Forgive me for sounding stupid, but I'm fairly new here.
OK I too would like to lose a few sizes before our trip in August. This thread is really going to help me stick to it!!! Have no idea how many pounds as I refuse to go near a scale, but...I've been going to Curves for almost a month now, cut way down on my diet coke and am drinking more water and crystal light, switched to skim milk and cereal for breakfast and my clothes are starting to feel a little looser. :cool1: Part of what is prompting me is like another poster said -- afraid I won't be able to keep up with everyone!
I've lost 31 pounds and maintained that loss for a year and a half. I went from 175 to my current 144, from a size 16 to size 8. Woo-hoo! Husband is happy. And so am I. Fyi I'm 37, work, and have 2 kids.

Here's how I did it. I hope this helps someone out there.

1. Ate what I always ate, just smaller portions. A small bowl of pasta, not a big bowl. One veggie hot dog, not two. Three slices of pizza, not six. Etc. I eat pretty healthy anyway (no fast food), so the type of food wasn't a huge change for me. The one exception to my small portion rule was when I'd make something really, really healthy (a salad, or a veggie stir fry). I'd take advantage and eat as much as I wanted on that stuff. I drank what I always drank (water, chocolate milk, OJ). I think the biggest change in my actual eating habits was switching from peanut butter to sugar free jam for a few months, initially (I'm back to peanut butter now, but a thin smear!) Also, fyi, I didn't try to "bulk up" on water like some books recommend. I've never been a big water person.

2. Exercised. On a good week, I'd do a short walk (1/2 hour), a long walk (1 hour), and one step aerobics class :Pinkbounc .

3. "Watched" the snacks. Never eliminated the treats, just kind've kept an eye on them.

4. Weighed every morning, and never let myself lose more than 1 pound a week. If, mid-week, I saw I was already down 2 pounds, I'd increase the portion size/treats a bit. I learned this from a cousin who lost 60 pounds over 60 weeks or so, and has maintained that for three years. It kind of served as a "pressure valve" so I never felt deprived.

5. Read the book "Thin for Life" religiously. Every night. The same paragraphs again and again. It's a book based on a study of people who had lost 30 or more pounds and maintained that loss over at least a three year period. It repeatedly assured me that "Yes, this is doable."

6. Didn't stress too much about the invitable slips and the occasional binge. Decided this was a long haul thing, not a short term thing. Overall, I thought, if I am eating well and exercising, the weight will come off. To this day, I sometimes go nuts and eat something very bad in big quantities. But I just "watch" for the next day or two and make it right. In other words, the status quo is always eating healthy. The binges are the exception to the rule.

7. No tempting food in the house, at all. Yes, that meant throwing out perfectly good "treat" food at times (when I couldn't find anyone to take it)! That was probably the most painful thing during the whole experience.

8. Overall, I tried to make it a low-stress experience and something *I* could really live with. At the very beginning, I said to myself, if this is a high-maintenance thing, or if I'm eating food that tastes like water or straw (broiled fish! steamed broccoli!), I'm not going to be able to do it. I knew I couldn't drag myself to meetings, or be organzied enough to track calories, keep a journal, or go out and shop for pre-packaged diet food. So I just kind've figured out what I COULD do and did that.

9. I ate three meals a day. Sounds like a cliche, but it worked. If I had a definate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I was less likely to graze.

10. The after-dinner munchies were inevitable, so I figured out low-calories things to eat. My favorites: two apples, skinned and sliced up, sprinkled with cinammon, covered in Saran Wrap and microwaved for 2 minutes. Yum! Just like apple pie filling! Sliced up red peppers used to eat salsa. Also, I've probably eaten a thousand Weight Watchers chocolate mousse popsicles (but just one a night!).

Good luck, you can do it - just find your own way!
Hey MyTwotinks, I TOTALLY understand how you feel! I have the same problem! I don't eat that much "regular" food but I seem to have to snack. I have tried fuit, vedgies etc. but nothing seems to satisfy me. I am going to see if I can find some of those Healthy snack bars out there. Also, I would love to lose about 100 lbs but I am going to set a goal of 30 lbs to start with. I have 7 months till we go to BIG problem is exercise...I am such a slug! I can't afford a gym and doing it by myself is boring so what do I do?
I have been going to a physician for a couple of weeks to help me with my weight loss. He said that the best piece of advice for loosing weight that he could give me is to eat food the way God put here for us. Eat fruits and vegetables with out overcooking, deepfrying, dipping in sauce, etc. Don't eat refined products. Grill meats, don't eat country fried steak. Stick to the basics. And portions, portions, portions. Control them.

I am trying to follow this advise. I leave for the world in 35 weeks and I need to loose 35 pounds. Wish me luck.


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