DIS Ladies Only Trip 2007 WISH!

I just wanted to check in and say good luck to all of you.

Giving up sodas was hard for me but now I'm use to the water. I do drink diet when I go out to eat, but it's water or 2% milk all the rest of the time.

I started out in January very doing very well, but by valentines day I felt like I had blown it.

So tonight I'm going back to Curves, I've been twice in 2 weeks :sad2:

I'm going to approach this the same way one would eat an elephant, one bite at a time. Little small goals that at the end of a week will make me feel like I've accomplished something.

This week's goals: 1) Get my booty to Curves 3x
2) Eat out only once for lunch

Good Luck Everyone You Can Do It!!!!!!!:cheer2: :cheer2:
So what's everyone having for the "last supper" tonight?

We're having tacos tonight. My family LOVES tacos. I am going to have to find a bit of an alternative in the future... maybe load mine with more veggie filling than meat and fat free sour cream instead of a bunch of cheese. That doesn't sound half bad...maybe I'll try it tonight :thumbsup2

I was going to start last Tuesday but when it was decided not to start this until tomorrow... I just tried a couple small things like drinking more water and going for a couple walks. Been going good so far :thumbsup2
So what's everyone having for the "last supper" tonight?

We're having tacos tonight. My family LOVES tacos. I am going to have to find a bit of an alternative in the future... maybe load mine with more veggie filling than meat and fat free sour cream instead of a bunch of cheese. That doesn't sound half bad...maybe I'll try it tonight :thumbsup2

I was going to start last Tuesday but when it was decided not to start this until tomorrow... I just tried a couple small things like drinking more water and going for a couple walks. Been going good so far :thumbsup2

We love tacos and burritos too. :thumbsup2

You can really make those alot less fattening by changing simple things. Use fat free sour cream, light cheese, Morningstar veggie meat crumbles or lean turkey instead of ground beef, and lots of lettuce, and tomatoes. Also fresh salsa is good too, gives it some flavor without adding alot of fat or calories.

See, I know how to do these things. I just don't do them. :sad2:

And for those who like Taco Bell like me, you can order certain things from their menu al fresco and it saves alot of calories and fat.
Click on Nutrition Guide and then on Fresco style to see what you can order that way.
Nah, I'm kidding. For me it's not going to be about deprivation as much as control. If I want pizza, I'll have pizza. But a normal human amount like one slice or maybe two, NOT 5 or 6!!! :scared1:

I think for me that's just more realistic than trying to go cold turkey on everything. I've tried that before and while it starts out great, and I lose alot in the beginning, it doesn't work long term and I always end up feeling deprived, cheating, and then blowing the whole thing. :rolleyes:

Hopefully this time will take longer, but be more long term and permanent weight loss. :)

That makes a lot of sense. The attitude is the first step.

I am eating cheese and crackers and will probably make a smoothie before I go to a meeting tonight. Food issues are interesting at my house lately. My husband has had good success on Adkins in the past, so he is back on that. My son, who is a huge carnivore, has given up meat for lent. My son and I have both had good success with South Beach. I really like the plan, and other then Phase 1, I don't feel like it is a unbearable. However, the prep time for the foods--like a lot of other plans--is just not practical on a long term basis.

So, I am thinking I will just go with the "eat less, move more" strategy. And, try to make wiser food choices. I can't wait for the warmer weather--I will get back to walking.

Good luck everyone!
So what's everyone having for the "last supper" tonight?

We're having tacos tonight. My family LOVES tacos. I am going to have to find a bit of an alternative in the future... maybe load mine with more veggie filling than meat and fat free sour cream instead of a bunch of cheese. That doesn't sound half bad...maybe I'll try it tonight :thumbsup2

I was going to start last Tuesday but when it was decided not to start this until tomorrow... I just tried a couple small things like drinking more water and going for a couple walks. Been going good so far :thumbsup2

Chicken tacos! I love chicken tacos.

Or you could try eating an elephant one bite at a time like Tammy. :confused3

I am going to have a cup of chicken chili and some green tea later. There will be a little sugar in the tea. I've had a lot of Diet Coke today.
We love tacos and burritos too. :thumbsup2

You can really make those alot less fattening by changing simple things. Use fat free sour cream, light cheese, Morningstar veggie meat crumbles or lean turkey instead of ground beef, and lots of lettuce, and tomatoes. Also fresh salsa is good too, gives it some flavor without adding alot of fat or calories.

See, I know how to do these things. I just don't do them. :sad2:

And for those who like Taco Bell like me, you can order certain things from their menu al fresco and it saves alot of calories and fat.
Click on Nutrition Guide and then on Fresco style to see what you can order that way.
You can also use black beans in substatution for the meat. MMMmmmm I love :love: Black Beans.. :teeth:

I had a late lunch so havent eaten dinner yet. DS requested I make Tuna fish Sandwiches.. He gobbled it up. I'm glad he is a good eater. Sometimes I have to monitor him though cause he sometimes likes to sneak food.. Or will say he wants a snack almost immediately following breakfast or lunch. He needs to stop growing so fast!!!! I'll prolly have some tuna in a bit. Or I might have some lentil soup... Mmmmm that sounds good! :woohoo:
Hey girls. Popping in for a sec before I sign off for the evening.

Slow and steady wins the race. If you feel deprived, you'll give in to temptation and go overboard.

Last supper of tacos here as well with a big old bowl of ice cream before I pass out.

I'll see you girls in the morning. :goodvibes
Hey girls. Popping in for a sec before I sign off for the evening.

Slow and steady wins the race. If you feel deprived, you'll give in to temptation and go overboard.

Last supper of tacos here as well with a big old bowl of ice cream before I pass out.

I'll see you girls in the morning. :goodvibes
:hug: Nighty Night.
Hey girls. Popping in for a sec before I sign off for the evening.

Slow and steady wins the race. If you feel deprived, you'll give in to temptation and go overboard.

Last supper of tacos here as well with a big old bowl of ice cream before I pass out.

I'll see you girls in the morning. :goodvibes

I followed mine up with ice cream too :thumbsup2 Tomorrow it will have to be frozen yogurt...
My hard thing is gonna be the sweets... I haven't drinken regular soda in over 10 years and I only drink diet when we go out to eat which is about 2 times a month. I do drink a lot of water already... Washes down a candy bar really good..:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Any advice on how to curve my sweet tooth I would appreciate it.

Good Luck everyone!!!!
Chicken tacos! I love chicken tacos.

Or you could try eating an elephant one bite at a time like Tammy. :confused3

I am going to have a cup of chicken chili and some green tea later. There will be a little sugar in the tea. I've had a lot of Diet Coke today.

yummm, chicken tacos are the best! I am drinking green tea too. I have found that it doesn't give me a headache if I drink a lot of it like regular tea does.

I had the grilled chicken tostada salad from Applebees for dinner. I didn't use any dressing so I figure it can't be too bad. I guess I had my last big dinners over the weekend. I went to Cheesecake Factory on Friday (and yes, I had cheesecake) and ate out 2x on Saturday, lunch (Italian) and dinner (Thai), so Sunday I felt sick :lmao: I guess Italian and Thai don't mix so well, even though it was 6 hours in between meals.

I know I can't give up everything good, and really that wouldn't be much fun always having something bland to eat. Amazingly it hasn't been that hard to give up sodas. I did have some ginger ale Sunday to help ease my stomach and I did have a coke one day last week. When I really want one I will have one, but not 2 or 3 everyday like I was. I'd rather not drink them at all than drink diet, just can't stand that stuff.

Chris and I exercised for over an hour this morning, I sure feel it in my arms tonight! It really helped having a partner, it made me do more than I normally would have, hopefully we can keep it up and both look and feel better! We both have about the same amount of weight to lose.

I like seeing instant results, so I know that is going to be my biggest problem. I have a lot of weight to lose and know it is going to take time and effort. I just have to keep repeating that to myself each time I get on the scale and it is not going down as fast as I want it to. Plus, lifting weights I know is going to add muscle weight at first and I might even gain weight before I lose so I need to understand that and not get discouraged.

I am so not looking forward to getting on the scale in the morning. No offense ladies but I will not be sharing my weight with anyone but Kat, I am so ashamed of myself :sad1: Chris forced me to tell him the other week what I weighed, that really was hard, not because he was going to judge me but because I feel like such a failure having gained this much weight. I really, truly hate being fat but have not done anything about it for so long. It goes back to the instant results thing, I just had too much to lose and felt like I could never get it all off so what was the point. Time to get a new attitude along with a new body:wizard:

Sorry to babble, I am bored :rolleyes:
I think I just found the motivation to go back to the gym . . . I've been paying for a membership that I haven't used in forever. I like a little healthy competition. I lost a whole bunch of weight two years ago and then we had that "thing" Katrina and I put it almost all back on. My BF is a negative motivator--he wants to eat out all the time--its hard to resist restaurant temptation. Its almost impossible to tell them you don't want fries with that or to order grilled chicken salads all the time. Thanks so much gals! I need all the help I can get.
BTW for those of you who are able--you will burn more calories all day long if you lift weights in the morning!!
My hard thing is gonna be the sweets... I haven't drinken regular soda in over 10 years and I only drink diet when we go out to eat which is about 2 times a month. I do drink a lot of water already... Washes down a candy bar really good..:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Any advice on how to curve my sweet tooth I would appreciate it.

Good Luck everyone!!!!

Teresa, I wish I knew how to do that. That's a good topic to try and look up I think. Good ways to satisfy candy cravings without going overboard.

We have a jar of candy in the front of our office. I hate it because I cannot walk past it without getting a piece. Its usually filled with chocolate and I am weak when it comes to chocolate. A couple of times they have filled it with stuff I don't like and that works well but they keep putting the Dove chocolates in there. :sad2:
Good morning everyone! Today is the first weigh-in day.

I know alot of us are going to get on that scale and not like what we see this morning. I sure didn't. But we have to start somewhere.

Kendra, you do not have to share your weight here. No one does. And I forgot to add that last year, I told anyone who wanted to know my weight to let me know. Its only fair that you're sharing that with me, you have the right to know mine. So if you want to know, I'll tell you. :thumbsup2

I'm going to start with listing my goals for the week:

1. Drink more water during the day

2. Stay away from the candy dish at work (its empty right now - so today that part ought to be easy. ;) )

3. Walk home at least three times this week from the mall

4. Try to take at least one "extra" walk this week.

Feel free to list your goals for the week as well.

These first few weeks of trying to change patterns are going to be the hardest so lets help each other get through that.

Let the weigh-in begin!
I walked into work this morning. Grabbed my Coke Zero out of the fridge... and a bottle of water.

Its a start!
Morning ladies! I hope the first day goes well for everyone.

I don't think I can give up my coke in the morning, but I am giving up all the other cokes during the day!:thumbsup2

Jessica has gymnatics today, so that means I will have 40 minutes on the treadmill at the Y while she is in class!:yay:

Mabybe that is what I need to do, sign the kids up for something at the Y everyday, then I would be forced to go!:scratchin
Morning ladies! I hope the first day goes well for everyone.

I don't think I can give up my coke in the morning, but I am giving up all the other cokes during the day!:thumbsup2

Jessica has gymnatics today, so that means I will have 40 minutes on the treadmill at the Y while she is in class!:yay:

Mabybe that is what I need to do, sign the kids up for something at the Y everyday, then I would be forced to go!:scratchin

That's a really good idea Jenna! I want to put Sage in swim lessons. That could be a plan. :thumbsup2
Goals for the week:

1. Walk for 30 minutes at least 3 times this week
2. Drink a full 64 oz of water every day
3. Make better choices when eating out (no fries, no dessert)
4. Grab a yogurt or jello when sweet cravings hit

I'm also going to make the weight watchers 0 point veggie soup today. It's about 20 calories per serving:

3 cups nonfat beef broth or nonfat vegetable broth or nonfat chicken broth

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tablespoon tomato paste

2 cups chopped cabbage

1/2 yellow onion

1/2 cup chopped carrots

1/2 cup green beans

1/2 cup chopped zucchini

1/2 teaspoon basil

1/2 teaspoon oregano

salt & pepper

1. Spray pot with non stick cooking spray saute onions carrots and garlic for 5 minutes.
2. Add broth, Tomato paste, cabbage, green beans, basil, oregano and Salt & Pepper to taste.
3. Simmer for a about 5-10 minutes until all vegetables are tender then add the zuccini and simmer for another 5 or so minutes.
4. I have tried different variations. Leaving out green beans. Adding chopped green onions in addition to the yellow onion.
5. All very good. You can customise it a bit.
Ok I warned my dh that I was gonna start cooking healthier.. I thought he would be like :scared1: but actually he was like :) . So for dinner tonight I am making a chicken asian salad for me and dh and pizza for the kids..


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