DIS Ladies Only Trip 2007 WISH!

Last supper of tacos here as well with a big old bowl of ice cream before I pass out.
I had a big bowl of ice cream too!! Unfortunately it wasn't big enough and there is still some left so I have to fight the temptation to go and eat some later.

Any advice on how to curve my sweet tooth I would appreciate it.
I wouldn't try to go cold turkey. If you have a craving for some chocolate then indulge it with one piece of bite size candy. If need be ask your DH to help you with this by hiding the candy and only bringing out one piece a day for you.
Maybe that will help satisfy the craving without going over board.

Sorry to babble, I am bored :rolleyes:
First of all, you weren't babbling and second no need to apologize. We are all here to support each other. :hug:
Good Morning everyone! I was pleasantly surprised when I got on the scales this morning. I had already lost 2 lbs from my small efforts made last week (probably water loss or whatever they call it but still motivating!).

Kendra, you are not babbling - I think its great that you are bringing up all these challenges. It helps you by talking about it and it helps us by motivating us :thumbsup2

My goals this week are to maintain what I started last week (which was to drink the 8 cups of water per day or more and do a couple walks) and also the following:

1. Create a meal plan for the week and coinciding grocery list and stick to it when I go shopping.

2. Stock my drawer at work with healthy snacks so I don't give in and hit the unhealthy cafeteria.

I like that we are all taking the approach of baby steps - consistentcy will get us to our goal :thumbsup2
I am not a big soup eater but I think its time to change that. I'm sure there is a low cal soup I could make that I really like.

I am going to give the one you posted a try Debbie! Thanks :thumbsup2
Kendra, one thing that might help is taking your measurements. Since you will be adding muscle, if you don't see the scale go down, it might help to keep you motivated if you see the inches melting away.

Debbie, I would have to take out the cabbage, but otherwise that soup looks good.

Kelly, way to go, on losing weight already!:yay:

Kat, I am putting the check in the mail this afternoon.:thumbsup2
Okay I went looking for some pics of myself that I could use as a "before" photo. It wasn't easy since I hate having my pic taken but I think I found some I could use.

And I will post my current weight since I don't care who knows, and anyways most of you have seen me in person so it's not a big deal.
You might want to make sure you sit down before you read it though. It's 284.

This is me on the last ladies only trip and the head shot is from a few weeks ago, so they are both as recent as I could find.



I don't mind posting those or my weight because I am hoping those will be a thing of the past and it will only get better from here on out.

Even if it's slow going and I only lose a pound a week, that's fine. I just refuse to gain anymore.

So that's my goal, just a steady loss.
It took me several years and four kids to gain this weight, and I know it's going to take alot of work to get it off, but I am ready to try. :thumbsup2
Slow and steady wins the race. If you feel deprived, you'll give in to temptation and go overboard.

This sounds very wise!

Hey all! Looks like everyone is psyched up and ready to go today!

SO, I need to have a plan for the week? Are you telling me if I fail to plan, I really plan to fail???

After weighing myself and having my coffee (1% milk, and luckily I don't care for sweetener in my coffee, I made a smoothie for breakfast. That was yummy and I think very good for me.

4 oz pomegranate/blueberry juice (no added sugar)
8 oz cold water
4-6 oz nonfat plain yogurt
1 banana
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
8 frozen strawberries

I put all this in a blender, then poured in some Splenda and Fiber Sure. It is quite good. I like it better this way then eating the fruit and yogurt and drinking the juice. I know pomegranates and blueberries are supposed to have magical properties so that is why I use those. I used to use a frozen banana too, but it was too thick to drink. So, now I defrost the banana before I make the smoothie. Yeah, I freeze bananas when they get to the "perfect ripeness". If you do this, be sure to peel them before freezing! I am not sure how they would be for other stuff, but they are fine in smoothies. I think the fiber help me feel full for awhile, and I know that I don't get enough fiber in my diet, so that is why I add Fiber Sure.

I better go PM Kat with my weight. See you later, losers!
Chicken tacos! I love chicken tacos.

Or you could try eating an elephant one bite at a time like Tammy. :confused3

I am going to have a cup of chicken chili and some green tea later. There will be a little sugar in the tea. I've had a lot of Diet Coke today.

Hey! There's a definite strategy there, do you know how hard it is to find fresh elephant ;)

I've been only half good today so far...

I had a breakfast burrito for breakfast --my boss brought it in for me, what was I suppose to do?

I had a salad for lunch with fat free ranch and a South Beach bar for a snack (aka cardboard), and I've got 1/2 of my water for the day in so far.
Water Water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. I am sitting at a table on a balcony at a condo in Perdido Key FL looking at the Gulf of Mexico. . . so my diet doesn't start until tomorrow when I get back home . . . but I have an idea to motivate you water drinkers! Go to a camping or outdoor store and buy yourself a fun colored nalgene water bottle (mine is pink) They hold 1 liter at a time. Make yourself a little chart and put a little star down for each bottle you finish. If you have 14 stars at the end of the week get yourself a fun disney sticker to decorate your water bottle with!!
Oh and I think water is boring so I keep a bottle of "Real Lemon" juice in my fridge and I add 1 or 2 squirts to every liter so that it has some kind of flavor . . . the lemon juice won't hurt your diet . . . I promise!
My favorite low carb salad:

Philly Cheese Steak Salad

Grill or saute some peppers and onions. Cut up whatever kind of leftover grilled meat you have in the fridge (steak, chicken etc etc) making sure you remove any excess fat. Dress some lettuce, tomato and whatever else you like in a green salad lightly with red wine vinegar (no oil) and black pepper (no salt). Top with your grilled veggies and meat. Throw some low carb, low fat shredded cheese on top, I usually use part skim cheese--and not alot--just a sprinkling. Nuke it for as long as it takes to melt the cheese and Voila! a philly cheese salad!
I've been only half good today so far...

I did okay.

Breakfast was cereal with blueberries (frozen in honor of FC).

Lunch was a Lean Cuisine Panini with a granola bar for dessert.

Snack was a yogurt.

Dinner was a Lean Cuisine rice/vege bowl.

Now the hardest part of the day will be resisting the urge to do late night snacking!! :eek:

I am trying to not eat after 7 p.m. which will be a real challenge since I am usually up until midnight or later, and once the kids are in bed the snacking begins. :rolleyes:

I am going to try replacing all that snacking with drinking water. Of course then I'll probably be up all night peeing!! :lmao:
Hey! There's a definite strategy there, do you know how hard it is to find fresh elephant ;)


Water Water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. I am sitting at a table on a balcony at a condo in Perdido Key FL looking at the Gulf of Mexico. . . so my diet doesn't start until tomorrow when I get back home . . . but I have an idea to motivate you water drinkers! Go to a camping or outdoor store and buy yourself a fun colored nalgene water bottle (mine is pink) They hold 1 liter at a time. Make yourself a little chart and put a little star down for each bottle you finish. If you have 14 stars at the end of the week get yourself a fun disney sticker to decorate your water bottle with!!
Oh and I think water is boring so I keep a bottle of "Real Lemon" juice in my fridge and I add 1 or 2 squirts to every liter so that it has some kind of flavor . . . the lemon juice won't hurt your diet . . . I promise!

I used to bring a huge bottle of water to work with me in Seattle. I'd get half my water in at work and half at home. I am going to try that again I think. They might get a little snippy at work if I start drinking my way through all the bottled water in the fridge.

I've never heard of Perdido Key. Is that off the Panhandle somewhere? Whereever it is, I hope you're enjoying the beach.

My favorite low carb salad:

Philly Cheese Steak Salad

Grill or saute some peppers and onions. Cut up whatever kind of leftover grilled meat you have in the fridge (steak, chicken etc etc) making sure you remove any excess fat. Dress some lettuce, tomato and whatever else you like in a green salad lightly with red wine vinegar (no oil) and black pepper (no salt). Top with your grilled veggies and meat. Throw some low carb, low fat shredded cheese on top, I usually use part skim cheese--and not alot--just a sprinkling. Nuke it for as long as it takes to melt the cheese and Voila! a philly cheese salad!

This sounds pretty yummy to me. Of course I'd have to take off half the stuff you put on it but I am thinking I may try this one.

I did okay.

Breakfast was cereal with blueberries (frozen in honor of FC).

Lunch was a Lean Cuisine Panini with a granola bar for dessert.

Snack was a yogurt.

Dinner was a Lean Cuisine rice/vege bowl.

Now the hardest part of the day will be resisting the urge to do late night snacking!! :eek:

I am trying to not eat after 7 p.m. which will be a real challenge since I am usually up until midnight or later, and once the kids are in bed the snacking begins. :rolleyes:

I am going to try replacing all that snacking with drinking water. Of course then I'll probably be up all night peeing!! :lmao:

You did really good today Beth. Its hard not to snack at night. You might try low fat popcorn. Its filling. I usually have that if I want something later in the evening.

I didn't walk home from the mall today as I had to stop at the store. But I will tomorrow.
You did really good today Beth. Its hard not to snack at night. You might try low fat popcorn. Its filling. I usually have that if I want something later in the evening.

Thanks but the day isn't over yet!! :scared1: I can do alot of damage in a short amount of time. :rolleyes:

That's a good idea about the popcorn. I think I am going to get some low cal microwave popcorn when I go to the store next. I have some here but it's the extra theater butter kind. :rolleyes1

Thanks for the tip! :thumbsup2
I'm sure by now most of you have seen this already but I just thought I'd share anyways.

They are called salad spritzers and are made by Wish-bone. I have the Italian one and love it. It's only 1 calorie per spray. :thumbsup2


I have the red wine mist and it is good.

I did okay.

Breakfast was cereal with blueberries (frozen in honor of FC).

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Since I can't get elephant, I'm making this for the weekend.


It'll last me all week for dinner and if I run out I will have leftover chicken breasts.

That sounds awesome, but too much work for me with all the chopping and stuff. Could you double your recipe and I will come by and pick up my half :flower3: :rotfl:

Debbie that soup sounds really good, I will try that soon!

Sounds like everyone is off to a good start. Thanks for all of the good suggestions! I really need to measure myself, but not sure how to do it, must google that.

Does anyone know the answer to this, does (green) tea without flavoring or sugar count towards water intake? I sure hope so :goodvibes

My goals for this week:

1. Exercise at least 4 days for an hour (2 down, 2 to go)

2. Increase time on elliptical by 2 minutes per day

3. Make healthy choices when dining out (or at least not make a hog of myself :laughing: )

4. Drink more water

Good luck everyone :cheer2:

Oh Beth, I think the idea of before and after pictures is a great idea.
Anybody want to take their weight loss public?

I was reading up on Sparkpeople emails and came across this article

Be on a Prime Time TV Series!
A New Series from the Producers of SuperNanny
-- By SparkPeople

The producers of the hit TV series SUPERNANNY have asked the SparkPeople Team to help them find men and women with 50+ pounds to lose who also want to be on a new network weight loss TV series.

Are you ready to make a life change?
Do you want to lose BIG pounds and win BIG money?
Can you inspire millions by acheiving your goals?

The SparkPeople Team is promoting this opportunity because, after talking with the producers, we believe this show fits with the SparkPeople philosophy of healthy lifestyle change. You might even have a chance to Spread the Spark to millions of Americans who need motivation and support to get healthy.

Here is your chance to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

To apply today, visit the Ricochet Website: www.RicochetTelevision.com/SparkPeople.
*IMPORTANT: To help us recognize SparkPeople members, please include "SparkPeople" in the subject line of your email application.

Please feel free to contact Shana Kemp at (323) 904-4680 with any questions.

Good luck!

The SparkPeople Team
Article created on: 2/9/2007
That Spark People website is a great site. If you have time, you should all check it out. www.sparkpeople.com

Interesting about the TV show. I don't think I could do it though.
Does anyone know the answer to this, does (green) tea without flavoring or sugar count towards water intake? I sure hope so :goodvibes

Good luck everyone :cheer2:

Oh Beth, I think the idea of before and after pictures is a great idea.

Green Tea only counts towards your water intake if it is decaf! Anything with caffine counts against your water intake because caffine dehydrates you. Alcohol counts against too!
Green Tea only counts towards your water intake if it is decaf! Anything with caffine counts against your water intake because caffine dehydrates you. Alcohol counts against too!

Good news :cheer2:

The online research I have been doing this morning is indicating that this opinion has changed in the last couple of years, and that caffeinated beverages DO count towards your total water intake. :woohoo: Can't give up caffeine completely. Anyhow, here are some articles for those that are interested:




from the aforementioned sparkpeople:

http://www.fitnesshigh.com/readarti...Youthful Appearance With Healthy & Pure Water


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