DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 2

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Wow, this thread has been busy this afternoon! I almost forgot tomorrow was a weigh in day - I remembered after I had 3 pieces of pizza! Yikes!

Aimee - I do WW flex. I can't bring myself to try core. At least with flex it makes it easier to cook for the entire family. Or maybe it's just what I am used to.

You would be surprised how easy the core plan is. I cook core for my family with no complaints! I do not even tell DH this is WW. He never complains. The best thing about joining WW is . . . I learned how to cook and I am pretty good now!

Pizza- the leftovers won. I cannot wait to get that crap out of my house! Out of sight out of mind!
hi peepies how are my favorite skinny minnies!

I am like 9 pages behind- got slammed this week with extra curricular activities...so I am just scanning to catch up

:hug: to those who need it:wizard: to those who need it!

I am gonna have a sucky weighin tomorrow!
I get a major giggle (and those of you who take group fitness classes can probably relate) over how territorial people get about THEIR spot in the gym. If somebody new comes in and stands there, watch out!!! :rotfl:

OMG! Any time school is out and all of us teachers go to the morning classes, the "regulars" get all :scared: . They'll probably have a party when school starts back :woohoo: . I personally don't care where I am... as long as I'm on the front row. If I get behind somebody, I end up watching THEM instead of the instructor and messing up. :laughing:

reality for me sometimes is just sitting staring at this big fat belly and crying...

I hear ya sista! Losing a lot of weight is FABULOUS... but the loose skin sux! Plus, I've got this stupid hernia that just makes my tummy look weird. I look pretty decent in my clothes... but out of them :scared:. And the thought of being intimate :rolleyes1 totally freaks me.

have you ever looked at your butt from that angle.........NOT FLATTERING!!!! especially when you're doing back exercises and having to squeeze with your butt to raise your chest up. it's really discouraging! :laughing:

I hardly look at the mirror AT ALL during class... I look at the floor, my step, the reflection of the instructor... ANYTHING except myself. And being on the front row and having the whole front wall be mirrors I have to look elsewhere all the time. Guess that's why I always get one of the ends of the front row... if I'm at that extreme angle and looking at the instructor, I can't accidently catch a glimpse of myself.

I was bad at lunch and went out with coworkers instead of the gym as usual. We went to Pei Wei Asian diner and I printed out all the nutritional info beforehand. I got the Mongolian Scallops (380 cals) with rice noodles (260) and ate half and put the other half in the box. When I get home tonight, I am going to stir fry some onions, broccoli, and water chestnuts with the boxed half to beef it up.

I know you're used to exercising during lunch, but the lunch itself doesn't sound too bad... especially since you brought half home.
I am gonna have a sucky weighin tomorrow!

I took a pass on my normal Monday weigh-in this week. Just couldn't stand the thought of climbing on that scale yet again.

Okay, I had a personal Wooo Hoooty moment today. I ran 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) today without stopping!:woohoo: It was on the treadmill, in the air conditioning, but I did it! :yay:

Come run with me in the half marathon!!! *grin!

Honestly - I love your goals, all those things you are doing for you!! Go to Peru!! (for me, I want a/c!! But, if dd wants to do Boy Scouts, I'll climb a mountain with her!)

and I do know what you mean about... intimacy, and nekkidness!! :scared1:
You would be surprised how easy the core plan is. I cook core for my family with no complaints! I do not even tell DH this is WW. He never complains. The best thing about joining WW is . . . I learned how to cook and I am pretty good now!

Pizza- the leftovers won. I cannot wait to get that crap out of my house! Out of sight out of mind!

Maybe I should look at it again. You can have things off the list as long as you count them, right?

BB - Wow, great episode. Looks like alot of drama this week! I walked in place throughout the episode. I was stuck at my mother's house and didn't have access to the treadmill so figured I would at least keeping moving! That, and work off some of the pizza!
dene - way to go on the running. i admire all our runners here.....i wish i could join in. it's such a good workout for you! i injured my knee playing soccer when i was 14 and ever since then i can't run very long before it starts hurting. today i did .8 mile and it was killing me.

BB discussion......SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!! ( so don't quote the below text either!)

i'm soooooooooooo glad kail is gone! and i can't wait to see what happens this week. if danielle's smart, she'll stay distanced from her dad. he's a jerk and i can't wait to see him leave. he's SO confrontational.....it just gets old. i can't imagine living with him. did you see him confront dustin as soon as the HOH comp was over? it's ridiculous. oh, speaking of dustin, after kail left i heard him say to dick that he voted eric out. so at first i'm thinking he flat out lied. but then ray said that maybe they all agreed not to tell dick and danielle who voted for kail and that way they'd be guessing....and outnumbered. i hate that everyone has to know everyone's vote anyway. it seems so invasive and unfair. i mean, the fact that danielle voted nick out last week and keeps complaining that he's gone.......YOU VOTED HIM OUT! i know she didn't want to go against the house, but c'mon.....have some guts and vote the way you want to!

has anyone else noticed that every time jen does a "goodbye" message for the evicted houseguest that she always starts with, "hey so-and-so, it's jen." DUH! i can see you. you're being videotaped. it's not a phone message. she's so goofy. and did you guys see her with her bunny ears over her eyes when amber was yelling at eric? it reminded me of a 5-year-old plugging their ears and saying, "i don't hear you!"
to all the pregnant peeps, you'll get a kick out of this. last year my best friend was due on september 10th and when she hadn't had any signs of labor they decided to induce her on september 12th. well, her 6-year-old, who was VERY anxious to meet her little brother and was VERY into the whole pregnancy thing, had heard all this conversation about inducing and being induced, etc. so she asks her mom, "mommy, what's going to happen when you get to the hospital? are they just going to say, "here's melanie" or how does that work?" at first my friend was really confused about what she was asking her, but then she figured out that she had the terms mixed up. she thought "induced" was the same as "introduced"! :rotfl:

When I was pregnant with my second child and almost ready to deliver, my oldest looked and me and said...."How is the baby gonna get out?" :laughing:

When I was pregnant with Joshua DD was only 8 and had been watching show on TLC that I did not know she was watching until I saw her. At that point we talked about it and that was it. Well the day before I had Joshua she walked up to me and saod, "Momma, I know how the baby gets out, but how does it get in?":headache: I said God puts it in and she was fine with that.

Went to the Dr. today and all is well. Everything is going better than planned except that I have now gained a total of 20 pounds. Rebekah should make her appearance on Sept. 30th. My Dr. gave the ok today. I was very excited when he said ok. As of now it is still heat index around 100.

Thanks again for all the BIRTHDAY wishes---DH did take us all out to eat tonight and I wasn't expecting it at all.
Quick post........

DH came home today. The meds weren't working and the hosp was too busy for him to rest anyway. They kept putting really sick people in his room so there were Drs and nurses in and out at all hours. Of course, they needed to see so they'd flip on the lights; hello.....he is being treated for migraines people!!! Since the meds didn't work, he's in a really foul mood and was yellng and even slammed the door a little while ago. I was looking forward to having him home as it's been really exhaustng to take care of the house and school and critters plus visit him every day but now I think it would've been better to leave him there.

I'm so tired and I know weigh in isn't going to be pretty tomorrow, I had pizza for dinner and no fruits or veggies at all today...........

Sandy~ no stinkin' thinkin' now!! You don't let us get down on ourselves so you can't do it to yorself.

Kat~ WTG on the goal.

Heather~ Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a good day.

Monica~ The weekend is going to fly by and Mon will be here befor you know it! I hope everything goes well.
You are most certainly NOT ugly and worthless!! I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I truly have had so many weeks of feeling that way about myself and its so hard to snap out of, i truly sympathize. But know we are all here for you...you are not alone and NOT worthless...ever. :grouphug:

Sandy -- I've never "seen" you in real life, but I have gotten to know the internet "you." And I say that you are a wonderfully beautiful person!
Amen to what these and everyone else said! Glad you're feeling better but I wanted to add my $.02. You're a great encourager!

Happy Birthday, Heather!

Welcome to Aimee and the other newbies I missed welcoming!
DH came home today. The meds weren't working and the hosp was too busy for him to rest anyway. They kept putting really sick people in his room so there were Drs and nurses in and out at all hours. Of course, they needed to see so they'd flip on the lights; hello.....he is being treated for migraines people!!! Since the meds didn't work, he's in a really foul mood and was yellng and even slammed the door a little while ago. I was looking forward to having him home as it's been really exhaustng to take care of the house and school and critters plus visit him every day but now I think it would've been better to leave him there.

:hug: hope he feels better soon......for his sake and yours!

i'm off to bed. have skinny dreams, everyone, and pretty numbers tomorrow!!!
I know you're used to exercising during lunch, but the lunch itself doesn't sound too bad... especially since you brought half home.

It made an awesome dinner! I added crushed red pepper, a can of bean sprouts, a can of water chestnuts, some frozen brocolli, and some sliced onion to a nonstick pan and stir-fried, then added the leftover mongolian scallops and rice noodles. 420 cals and better than the original!

I took a pass on my normal Monday weigh-in this week. Just couldn't stand the thought of climbing on that scale yet again.

Okay, I had a personal Wooo Hoooty moment today. I ran 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) today without stopping!:woohoo: It was on the treadmill, in the air conditioning, but I did it! :yay:

That is SOOOO awesome!

dene - way to go on the running. i admire all our runners here.....i wish i could join in. it's such a good workout for you! i injured my knee playing soccer when i was 14 and ever since then i can't run very long before it starts hurting. today i did .8 mile and it was killing me.

I wish I could run too... rheumatoid arthritis and the resulting bone damage from my childhood, and my ankles and feet just can't take the impact. Skating, elliptical/arc trainers, sure, but not the constant pounding that running gives.

Quick post........

DH came home today. The meds weren't working and the hosp was too busy for him to rest anyway. They kept putting really sick people in his room so there were Drs and nurses in and out at all hours. Of course, they needed to see so they'd flip on the lights; hello.....he is being treated for migraines people!!! Since the meds didn't work, he's in a really foul mood and was yellng and even slammed the door a little while ago. I was looking forward to having him home as it's been really exhaustng to take care of the house and school and critters plus visit him every day but now I think it would've been better to leave him there.

I'm so tired and I know weigh in isn't going to be pretty tomorrow, I had pizza for dinner and no fruits or veggies at all today...........

Sandy~ no stinkin' thinkin' now!! You don't let us get down on ourselves so you can't do it to yorself.

Kat~ WTG on the goal.

Heather~ Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a good day.

Monica~ The weekend is going to fly by and Mon will be here befor you know it! I hope everything goes well.

Thanks!! And sorry they couldn't do anything for your DH... I know how miserable men can be when they are sick (sorry WI)!

I did make it to the gym after all, and had a great workout. 40 min on the arc trainer and 45 min or so of weight training.

Hope everyone has a skinny night!!
Quick post........

DH came home today. The meds weren't working and the hosp was too busy for him to rest anyway. They kept putting really sick people in his room so there were Drs and nurses in and out at all hours. Of course, they needed to see so they'd flip on the lights; hello.....he is being treated for migraines people!!! Since the meds didn't work, he's in a really foul mood and was yellng and even slammed the door a little while ago. I was looking forward to having him home as it's been really exhaustng to take care of the house and school and critters plus visit him every day but now I think it would've been better to leave him there.

Heather~ Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a good day.

:hug: I get really bad migraines and for a while I was having them last several days on a weekly basis. There were no rhyme or reason to them and that was the frusrating part. I know that he is very frustrated because he was expecting some relief. Hope that they get these under control quick. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
Was sluggish getting out of bed so now I am behind on the morning routine. I hope that everyone has a great weigh in and a great Friday :cool1:

TGIF! And school starts on Monday! :cool1:

Hope everyone is staying cool. It's going to be a pleasant 91 here today! We'll be spending lots of time at the pool this weekend!

....Awesome on the running!

Heather....Glad you got to go out for dinner!

..... :hug:

Have a great day!
It's going to be a pleasant 91 here today!

:laughing: it's funny to see the word "pleasant" describing 91 degrees! it's still hot as hades here.....103 today. i can't wait til this breaks!

i'm gonna wait on weighing in today. i don't like what i see.....it's not horrible but not what i wanted. and i'm thinking i may have luck in the bathroom this morning....i'll be back later to post.

have a good friday, everyone!
loss of 2 lbswas really hoping for better but on the flip side its still a loss right?/

Happy Firday all!
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