DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 4

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Well my first day back on plan and I did ok! I am doing ww points. I only went over by a few points (if only I could have resisted a small rum and coke last evening!). I didn't bring myself to exercise but hopefully can start to incorporate that as well.

This thread is so fun and I am enjoying reading everyone's post. I am also a BB fan and love that some of you have been watching that as well. My husband hates reality TV so he doesn't understand.

My girls are 4, 9, 9, 10 and just turned 14 this weekend. Before you ask - no twins. Three of my girls are adopted so we just happen to have a couple the same age. In fact, the three middle girls are all born within a year (to the day) period of time.

Does anyone have any experience renting DVC points? I am taking my 14 y/o to WDW for a surprise trip the end of Sept. and just rented points from a member this morning. I'm a bit nervous but I have a pretty good feeling about the transaction. We were able to go from ASMov to OKW studio for just $60 more. I think I'll really enjoy having more space and the fridge/micro.

I am a member and have rented points out many times--if you have any questions please ask.

I see there are 2 peeps already on this thread but maybe we if its easier for anyone who wanted to go to PI we can all GLOW!! I THINK WE HAVE OFFICIALLY OVER RUN THE POP FOR THE LAST WEEK OF SEPT.
Okay....so, I have FINALLY decided to join this board and get serious about losing weight. A little back story, if anyone is interested..... back in Feb. '06 I was asked to be in one of my best friends' wedding. She's a size 2 and ALL the other bridesmaids are from size 00 to 4.....SSSOOOOO, I was Big Fat Bridesmaid! AAAAHHH!! Anyway, I lost 30 pounds from Feb to June and had my dress taken in from a 16 to a 10 for the July wedding. I finally felt normal! Anyway, I kept it up for a few months by exercising pretty regularly (running and weight training 5 times a week) and then in November '06, I got a new job and got thrown completely out of my routine and LONG story short have gained about 40 pounds since November! I know, it's shocking and it hurts to admit it, but that's the truth! Anyway, I just got back from the horrible, horrible doctor's appointment and found out that I have a bone spur on my spine and my extra weight is aggravating it and causing me SO much pain. So, now I am bound and determined to lose this weight again! Weight Watchers worked for me before, but I haven't been able to get back on board with it so I think I'm going to try the 5 Factor Diet and start a walking routine (since running is OUT of the question for now!) Anyway, sorry to be long-winded but I just wanted everyone to know my yo-yo habits I guess! W.I.S.H. me luck!
Okay....so, I have FINALLY decided to join this board and get serious about losing weight. A little back story, if anyone is interested..... back in Feb. '06 I was asked to be in one of my best friends' wedding. She's a size 2 and ALL the other bridesmaids are from size 00 to 4.....SSSOOOOO, I was Big Fat Bridesmaid! AAAAHHH!! Anyway, I lost 30 pounds from Feb to June and had my dress taken in from a 16 to a 10 for the July wedding. I finally felt normal! Anyway, I kept it up for a few months by exercising pretty regularly (running and weight training 5 times a week) and then in November '06, I got a new job and got thrown completely out of my routine and LONG story short have gained about 40 pounds since November! I know, it's shocking and it hurts to admit it, but that's the truth! Anyway, I just got back from the horrible, horrible doctor's appointment and found out that I have a bone spur on my spine and my extra weight is aggravating it and causing me SO much pain. So, now I am bound and determined to lose this weight again! Weight Watchers worked for me before, but I haven't been able to get back on board with it so I think I'm going to try the 5 Factor Diet and start a walking routine (since running is OUT of the question for now!) Anyway, sorry to be long-winded but I just wanted everyone to know my yo-yo habits I guess! W.I.S.H. me luck!
Welcome!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Spent the day watching The Bourne Identity and Sleepy Hollow. Nothing better then a dose of Matt Damon and Johnny Depp!! :cloud9:
Okay....so, I have FINALLY decided to join this board and get serious about losing weight. A little back story, if anyone is interested..... back in Feb. '06 I was asked to be in one of my best friends' wedding. She's a size 2 and ALL the other bridesmaids are from size 00 to 4.....SSSOOOOO, I was Big Fat Bridesmaid! AAAAHHH!! Anyway, I lost 30 pounds from Feb to June and had my dress taken in from a 16 to a 10 for the July wedding. I finally felt normal! Anyway, I kept it up for a few months by exercising pretty regularly (running and weight training 5 times a week) and then in November '06, I got a new job and got thrown completely out of my routine and LONG story short have gained about 40 pounds since November! I know, it's shocking and it hurts to admit it, but that's the truth! Anyway, I just got back from the horrible, horrible doctor's appointment and found out that I have a bone spur on my spine and my extra weight is aggravating it and causing me SO much pain. So, now I am bound and determined to lose this weight again! Weight Watchers worked for me before, but I haven't been able to get back on board with it so I think I'm going to try the 5 Factor Diet and start a walking routine (since running is OUT of the question for now!) Anyway, sorry to be long-winded but I just wanted everyone to know my yo-yo habits I guess! W.I.S.H. me luck!

Welcome!!! No, the weight gain is not shocking... unless you mean shockingly familiar!! So sorry about the bone spur. What is the 5 factor diet? I do plain calorie counting (1200), w/ sparkpeople, and tons of exercise. Have you looking into that Walking Away the Pounds (I think that's it) thing? I think some other WISHers have tried it with much success.

My day has gone well, avoided the beer that DH brought home and did my 30 min on the arc trainer and weight circuit at lunch.

Went to the eye dr and my prescription hasn't changed, so I used my insurance allowance to get new glasses! I usually wear contacts and don't wear glasses much (at night and on weekends), so I hadn't had a new pair since 2000 or so. I wear gas permeable (hard) contacts so they only need to be replaced every 3 yrs or so, so I had the extra on my insurance to allow for glasses. They will still be ugly of course, but at least now I have a backup for weekends. I *heart* vision insurance... saved almost $500 today!
hey, peeps! just a flyby to say hello.....don't have time to catch up right now.

by the way, my favorite line from tonight on BB was dustin to danielle: this is your HOH reign. danielle: i know. dustin: so why is your dad running it? :laughing:
Tink25 - I am working off some rebound pounds as well. Old habits die hard, don't they?

Today was my second day back on ww - only one point over! Still no exercise but baby steps . . .

I misposted earlier - I am actually staying at SS with my daughter. OKW was not available. I think we will enjoy it. I am a bit apprehensive about renting points and making sure when I arrive in Disney I have a room! My husband was confused and thought I was changing our reservation for Sept to SS. Had to disappoint him and tell him we were stuck at Pop because of free dining. Actually I am looking forward to checking out Pop esp. after the favorable reviews I have been reading.

Enjoyed the BB episode this evening.

Hope everyone is having a great evening!
Where is everyone tonight?

Did everyone know that tonight was National Night Out Against Crime? Basically local law enforcement agencies hold community events tonight to "unite" against the criminals. Hard to explain. Anyway, since my mom works at our police dept., she helped plan some of it so she had to attend. They had lots of military personnel and police officers and I just LOVE a man in uniform. ;) I only go to see the Bagpipers and the K-9 demonstrations.

So that was my evening. Now onto a couple small vents...

1) I called my internship site to set up a meeting for next week. They want me to shadow a clinician for the day before I start. No biggie. Then the secretary tells me that on my 1st day I have to administer an evaluation at 4 and a client at 5-5:30. Well, aside from me panicking that I have to dive right in on my 1st day...there is another even bigger problem. I have class at 5:30. And my internship is a good 45-55 minutes from school, especially at that hour. :confused3 So I nicely remind her that I have class at 5:30 on Mondays. "Oh..." She seemed really annoyed, but it is not my fault that they didn't listen when I told them I was taking a class on Monday nights. She said we'll discuss it next week. I don't understand what's to discuss. I have class. Nuff said. You either reschedule or have another clinician do it. :confused3 Oh and I made this call at 8:30 in the morning right before class which made for a great start to the morning. :rolleyes: Luckily it got much better.

2) I've mentioned a girlfriend I have at school. We're not super close but we do talk outside of school and we have a few classes together. Anyway, she was the only one who knew about A. and I. That I liked him and then that we went out on a date. A couple days after our 1st date, I decided that she was just way too annoying to talk to about A. and I couldn't take her constant nitpicking of everything we did. So I told her I just didn't want to talk about it to anyone. But she kept asking me how he and I were doing. So I told a fib and said that I was over it and not dating him anymore at all, and that I was getting over him, didn't like him anymore. Well, for a week, she called me twice to ask me how I was doing, how am I handling things, that she understands if I'm upset, etc. :confused3 Ummm, I'm sorry I was under the impression that we had only gone out on one date. Yes I like him and I have gotten upset over him but seriously? So I told her that I'm totally fine, A-OK, no hard feelings, everyone is great. Then tonight she just called me and is asking me if there were any developments and how I was doing. :confused3 Didn't I just do that last week? So I told a small fib and said that we decided to just be friends and that everything is great, we talk and everything is fine between us. And she just keeps asking me if I'm ok with that, blah, blah. And I just keep telling her that I'm great. And she is not getting it.

As far as she is concerned, we went out on one (really great) date! It's not like we were engaged going out for months. What is the deal. We weren't ever (and still aren't) even a real couple. I mean, this has gone above and beyond just being nice and seeing how I'm doing. What do I have to tell her to get her to realize that A. and I are fine. I even spun it so that she wouldn't think he was a jerk to me. I don't want to make him look bad for something he didn't do. This girl is so frustrating. :sad2:

Speaking of A., we had some nice moments today. He seemed to be in a much better mood. Caught him starting at me too during our lunch break ;) Funny story that you might not get but I want to share it. I'm feeling "chatty" :laughing: . This morning our prof took attendance and asked us all a question about yesterday's material to "test" us. Well, she gets to A. and says how serious he always is in class, especially when speaking. So then I follow him alphabetically by about 2 people. So then it is my turn and she says good morning and I tell her the same and she says that I'm "another serious one". "A. and Shannon are my 2 serious ones". Anyway, I was just holding my breath, praying that she didn't make a joke about how we should go out with each other or something because I would have lost it. It sounded like she was going to move in that direction.

So anyway, that was my day...another long day of cleft palate and craniofacial anomalies tomorrow! Have a good night everyone! :flower3:
So anyway, that was my day...another long day of cleft palate and craniofacial anomalies tomorrow! Have a good night everyone! :flower3:

Boys are so weird. Even after growing up with four brothers and being married 2 years, I still don't get them! My DH always says "Don't read into things." He says I need to take things he says for face value. I am always trying to find the hidden meaning in things, when really, there is none!

Are you in school for speech therapy? If so, that's awesome! You will be in such high demand!
Since subscribing to the Peeps thread last week, I got a great start on exercising and eating right. You guys are awesome for motivation and support!

Then, Friday, I came down with a horrible cold. (The dangers of working closely with kiddos!) So that derailed my exercise plans!

On the positive side, I have not had an appetite since I got the cold, so I haven't been eating much. I am feeling better now and I think I will return to the gym tomorrow.

Thanks so much, everyone, for the motivation I needed to get myself started. This thread is exactly what I needed!
Glad you are starting to feel better.:hug:

Well my first day back on plan and I did ok! I am doing ww points. I only went over by a few points (if only I could have resisted a small rum and coke last evening!). I didn't bring myself to exercise but hopefully can start to incorporate that as well.

This thread is so fun and I am enjoying reading everyone's post. I am also a BB fan and love that some of you have been watching that as well. My husband hates reality TV so he doesn't understand.

My girls are 4, 9, 9, 10 and just turned 14 this weekend. Before you ask - no twins. Three of my girls are adopted so we just happen to have a couple the same age. In fact, the three middle girls are all born within a year (to the day) period of time.

Does anyone have any experience renting DVC points? I am taking my 14 y/o to WDW for a surprise trip the end of Sept. and just rented points from a member this morning. I'm a bit nervous but I have a pretty good feeling about the transaction. We were able to go from ASMov to OKW studio for just $60 more. I think I'll really enjoy having more space and the fridge/micro.

Congrats on your first successful day!:banana:
Today school offically started. Was going to post before going to work, but oldest DS set his alarm for the loudest setting ang then could not turn it off :headache: so he woke up Joshua--our day began with everyone awake at 5:30. I was hoping for a least 30 min. of no one bothering me after my shower, but nope didn't happen. DH took DD to school--she usually would ride a shuttle bus between my school and hers, but she is now at a new school and there is not one yet. ANyway he has never done the early morning thing--he left he house at 6:50 and with the way traffic was he did not get her there until 7:25--it should have only taken 10 minutes max. THen he had to take youngest DS to daycare and had to fight all the traffic leacivng the school--his roundtrip should have only taken 30 minutes b/c it is basically like a 5 mile circle and it took him one hour to get where he needed to go. Hopefully this will all get better--Our school starts at 8:15 and the last bus did not show up until after 9:00. I just pray they are here when school lets out at 3:20

I go back to the Dr. on Thurs. and hopefully we can decide when to have this baby. I know that he is working the weekend that we want to induce so that is a good thing.

Hope all is going well with everyone. Have a great day---Oh, yeah the heat index here has been around 105 for the past week and will continue--nothing like the humidity Drink all your water.
:hug: Hope it gets better soon.

Very hot here today, too (I believe we're hitting close to 100 in Bal'mer today).

My husband started exercising a few weeks ago -- but he only did it because his pants were getting too tight! He really is not a fan of the healthy eating. Would rather eat whatever he wants (wouldn't we all) and has noticed it starting to catch up with him. So he's started walking in the evenings -- he's usually waiting on the porch, ready to go, when I get home from aerobics.

We're still doing good this week with the food -- I ended up with about 1480 cals yesterday. Had really yummy spaghetti last night, made with turkey meatballs. Last ditch effort before we leave on vacation next Friday -- it would be good to leave a few lbs lighter to make up for the upcoming dining plan!

Hope you're all feeling good today!!! :flower3:
Sounds good!1480 calories sounds great!!:yay:

hey peepers

Weather here in Buffalo is rainy and warm. Of course i don't have an umbrella or jacket, sio I guess I'll be getting wet when I leave. Oh well!

I have gone back to doing Turbo Jam and it is killing me! I am sore and run out of energy quicker than I'd like. However, I always feel good afterwards! :banana: So, I'll keep it up! Yes, I know exercise is worth it in the end!
Way to go on the ecercise!!:cool1:

Okay....so, I have FINALLY decided to join this board and get serious about losing weight. A little back story, if anyone is interested..... back in Feb. '06 I was asked to be in one of my best friends' wedding. She's a size 2 and ALL the other bridesmaids are from size 00 to 4.....SSSOOOOO, I was Big Fat Bridesmaid! AAAAHHH!! Anyway, I lost 30 pounds from Feb to June and had my dress taken in from a 16 to a 10 for the July wedding. I finally felt normal! Anyway, I kept it up for a few months by exercising pretty regularly (running and weight training 5 times a week) and then in November '06, I got a new job and got thrown completely out of my routine and LONG story short have gained about 40 pounds since November! I know, it's shocking and it hurts to admit it, but that's the truth! Anyway, I just got back from the horrible, horrible doctor's appointment and found out that I have a bone spur on my spine and my extra weight is aggravating it and causing me SO much pain. So, now I am bound and determined to lose this weight again! Weight Watchers worked for me before, but I haven't been able to get back on board with it so I think I'm going to try the 5 Factor Diet and start a walking routine (since running is OUT of the question for now!) Anyway, sorry to be long-winded but I just wanted everyone to know my yo-yo habits I guess! W.I.S.H. me luck!
WELCOME!!What is the 5 Factor diet?

The buses left my school at 4:30:headache:

Welcome!!! No, the weight gain is not shocking... unless you mean shockingly familiar!! So sorry about the bone spur. What is the 5 factor diet? I do plain calorie counting (1200), w/ sparkpeople, and tons of exercise. Have you looking into that Walking Away the Pounds (I think that's it) thing? I think some other WISHers have tried it with much success.

My day has gone well, avoided the beer that DH brought home and did my 30 min on the arc trainer and weight circuit at lunch.

Went to the eye dr and my prescription hasn't changed, so I used my insurance allowance to get new glasses! I usually wear contacts and don't wear glasses much (at night and on weekends), so I hadn't had a new pair since 2000 or so. I wear gas permeable (hard) contacts so they only need to be replaced every 3 yrs or so, so I had the extra on my insurance to allow for glasses. They will still be ugly of course, but at least now I have a backup for weekends. I *heart* vision insurance... saved almost $500 today!
That is great about the savings-more $$ for WDW.:goodvibes

hey, peeps! just a flyby to say hello.....don't have time to catch up right now.

by the way, my favorite line from tonight on BB was dustin to danielle: this is your HOH reign. danielle: i know. dustin: so why is your dad running it? :laughing:

Where is everyone tonight?

Did everyone know that tonight was National Night Out Against Crime? Basically local law enforcement agencies hold community events tonight to "unite" against the criminals. Hard to explain. Anyway, since my mom works at our police dept., she helped plan some of it so she had to attend. They had lots of military personnel and police officers and I just LOVE a man in uniform. ;) I only go to see the Bagpipers and the K-9 demonstrations.

So that was my evening. Now onto a couple small vents...

1) I called my internship site to set up a meeting for next week. They want me to shadow a clinician for the day before I start. No biggie. Then the secretary tells me that on my 1st day I have to administer an evaluation at 4 and a client at 5-5:30. Well, aside from me panicking that I have to dive right in on my 1st day...there is another even bigger problem. I have class at 5:30. And my internship is a good 45-55 minutes from school, especially at that hour. :confused3 So I nicely remind her that I have class at 5:30 on Mondays. "Oh..." She seemed really annoyed, but it is not my fault that they didn't listen when I told them I was taking a class on Monday nights. She said we'll discuss it next week. I don't understand what's to discuss. I have class. Nuff said. You either reschedule or have another clinician do it. :confused3 Oh and I made this call at 8:30 in the morning right before class which made for a great start to the morning. :rolleyes: Luckily it got much better.

2) I've mentioned a girlfriend I have at school. We're not super close but we do talk outside of school and we have a few classes together. Anyway, she was the only one who knew about A. and I. That I liked him and then that we went out on a date. A couple days after our 1st date, I decided that she was just way too annoying to talk to about A. and I couldn't take her constant nitpicking of everything we did. So I told her I just didn't want to talk about it to anyone. But she kept asking me how he and I were doing. So I told a fib and said that I was over it and not dating him anymore at all, and that I was getting over him, didn't like him anymore. Well, for a week, she called me twice to ask me how I was doing, how am I handling things, that she understands if I'm upset, etc. :confused3 Ummm, I'm sorry I was under the impression that we had only gone out on one date. Yes I like him and I have gotten upset over him but seriously? So I told her that I'm totally fine, A-OK, no hard feelings, everyone is great. Then tonight she just called me and is asking me if there were any developments and how I was doing. :confused3 Didn't I just do that last week? So I told a small fib and said that we decided to just be friends and that everything is great, we talk and everything is fine between us. And she just keeps asking me if I'm ok with that, blah, blah. And I just keep telling her that I'm great. And she is not getting it.

As far as she is concerned, we went out on one (really great) date! It's not like we were engaged going out for months. What is the deal. We weren't ever (and still aren't) even a real couple. I mean, this has gone above and beyond just being nice and seeing how I'm doing. What do I have to tell her to get her to realize that A. and I are fine. I even spun it so that she wouldn't think he was a jerk to me. I don't want to make him look bad for something he didn't do. This girl is so frustrating. :sad2:

Speaking of A., we had some nice moments today. He seemed to be in a much better mood. Caught him starting at me too during our lunch break ;) Funny story that you might not get but I want to share it. I'm feeling "chatty" :laughing: . This morning our prof took attendance and asked us all a question about yesterday's material to "test" us. Well, she gets to A. and says how serious he always is in class, especially when speaking. So then I follow him alphabetically by about 2 people. So then it is my turn and she says good morning and I tell her the same and she says that I'm "another serious one". "A. and Shannon are my 2 serious ones". Anyway, I was just holding my breath, praying that she didn't make a joke about how we should go out with each other or something because I would have lost it. It sounded like she was going to move in that direction.

So anyway, that was my day...another long day of cleft palate and craniofacial anomalies tomorrow! Have a good night everyone! :flower3:
I am here...Hope thing get easier for you...:hug:
Hi everyone~
Sorry I don't have much time to read through all the posts from today, but I will catch up tomorrow :)

Punkin-just wanted to say thanks for the chicken recipe. I didn't have a chance to cook it yet, I tried another recipe for "Mexican Chicken" from the SouthBeach website, but I will try yours tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a great day! Talk to you soon.
Boys are so weird. Even after growing up with four brothers and being married 2 years, I still don't get them! My DH always says "Don't read into things." He says I need to take things he says for face value. I am always trying to find the hidden meaning in things, when really, there is none!

Are you in school for speech therapy? If so, that's awesome! You will be in such high demand!

I read into EVERYTHING! :rotfl:

And, yes, I will finally have my Master's in April in speech language pathology. :yay:
Hi everyone~
Sorry I don't have much time to read through all the posts from today, but I will catch up tomorrow :)

Punkin-just wanted to say thanks for the chicken recipe. I didn't have a chance to cook it yet, I tried another recipe for "Mexican Chicken" from the SouthBeach website, but I will try yours tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a great day! Talk to you soon.
Good morning all. Trying to set a morning routine. Just looked at the news and we are under a heat advisory until tomorrow night. They expect the heat index to be between 106 and 110 by this afternoon==great!!!!

For the first day of school other than the bus situation all went well. I am very pleased with the students that I have in my class. My long term sub. called me and wants to come check out my students before he commits to doing the job---wonderful---there is a story here but don
t have time to go into it. Must finish getting ready.

HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE! Congrats to all that have paid off their trips:thumbsup2

....Thanks for the recap. It's good to be paid off even if it is 6-months-same-as-cash with the Visa. :wave2:

Tink25....:welcome: Come on in here and make yourself at home.

pamrob & Becky.....Not sure when you are going in Sept. but there is a peep meet planned during the week of Sept. 22-29. Here's the thread.

Heather!?!.....4:30!!! I would be beside myself!

Kat.....Good deal on the glasses!! Our insurance only pays $100/person/year. I'd love to have contacts...I hate my glasses but can't see without them anymore. I really need one close up contact and one far away contact since I wear bifocals. My friends who have them, love them.

Shannon....Silly teacher, silly friend, silly boy! :hug:

Lynda....Just wanted to say :scared: on the toe thing. I think I would've passed out.


Danielle??? Has school started?

Progress to report???

Were you abducted by Date #3 or did it go THAT well. ;)

Moo?? Where are ya?

Celery??? Cuz I said!

StaceyPoppins....I put out an APB.

Wherefore art thou???

I'm here, just reverted back to lurk mode. I'm doing pretty good, no progress on weight loss and I haven't exercised in .......????? I'm still jobless but I have a prospect I need to follow up on today.

DH is in the hospital right now getting some medication IV for his migraines. They have to monitor his blood pressure and heart rate and rhythm while getting the meds so he has to be an inpatient. Of course, that throws everything out of balance and everyone here is trying to see what they can get away with.

We've been having some problems regarding schoolwork lately so I've had to focus on getting everyone back on track and making sure they are getting everything done. DS is really a pain when it comes to doing his work and he's going to be the thorn in my side all year long. It's not surprising that he hates writing but it makes it frustrating when everything has to be written and he digs in his heels about doing it. Right now, he's doing his homework in the living room standing at an ironing board. He gets a stool if he keeps up with his studies, if he starts slacking off, he has to stand.

On a brighter note; this morning we went to see the hot air balloons that kick off our state fair. There were 30 balloons that took off from the infield of the track/grandstand area. I don't know what time they get started getting them set up but lift off begins about 7am. I would've loved to go chase them but our dogs hadn't been walked and DH called looking for company and his laptop. My youngin's now have some ballooning/aviation homework for the day and they were grumbling about how I turn everything into some sort of an assignment. It's teh price you pay for getting to stay home and having the opportunity to do things that other kids might not be doing.

My sister adopted another dog on Mon, so that's been keeping us busy too. We've been playing with him and getting him used to being at two new houses. He and her other dog are getting along just fine and he's done fantastic with his grooming and pretty much anything we've done to him.

I've got to run. I have to feed the youngin's and head up to the hospital.
Thanks for the link to the peep meet. It actually does coincide with my surprise trip for my oldest daughter. I PM'd someone for more info on the one activity that might work into our schedule.

I also have a quick trip with my husband earlier in the month. It's our first vacation without children in 9 years. Really looking forward to getting away!
Okay....so, I have FINALLY decided to join this board and get serious about losing weight. A little back story, if anyone is interested..... back in Feb. '06 I was asked to be in one of my best friends' wedding. She's a size 2 and ALL the other bridesmaids are from size 00 to 4.....SSSOOOOO, I was Big Fat Bridesmaid! AAAAHHH!! Anyway, I lost 30 pounds from Feb to June and had my dress taken in from a 16 to a 10 for the July wedding. I finally felt normal! Anyway, I kept it up for a few months by exercising pretty regularly (running and weight training 5 times a week) and then in November '06, I got a new job and got thrown completely out of my routine and LONG story short have gained about 40 pounds since November! I know, it's shocking and it hurts to admit it, but that's the truth! Anyway, I just got back from the horrible, horrible doctor's appointment and found out that I have a bone spur on my spine and my extra weight is aggravating it and causing me SO much pain. So, now I am bound and determined to lose this weight again! Weight Watchers worked for me before, but I haven't been able to get back on board with it so I think I'm going to try the 5 Factor Diet and start a walking routine (since running is OUT of the question for now!) Anyway, sorry to be long-winded but I just wanted everyone to know my yo-yo habits I guess! W.I.S.H. me luck!

I have bone spurs all up and down my spin. Since I was 30. Major arthritis in my future. Anyways, walking is great exercise. I did the physical therapy and it did wonders for me. If you can't do weight training at least keep up the walking. My goal is to run again after the baby. I will do a 5K in this lifetime. I will.

I'm here, just reverted back to lurk mode. I'm doing pretty good, no progress on weight loss and I haven't exercised in .......????? I'm still jobless but I have a prospect I need to follow up on today.

DH is in the hospital right now getting some medication IV for his migraines. They have to monitor his blood pressure and heart rate and rhythm while getting the meds so he has to be an inpatient. Of course, that throws everything out of balance and everyone here is trying to see what they can get away with.

We've been having some problems regarding schoolwork lately so I've had to focus on getting everyone back on track and making sure they are getting everything done. DS is really a pain when it comes to doing his work and he's going to be the thorn in my side all year long. It's not surprising that he hates writing but it makes it frustrating when everything has to be written and he digs in his heels about doing it. Right now, he's doing his homework in the living room standing at an ironing board. He gets a stool if he keeps up with his studies, if he starts slacking off, he has to stand.

On a brighter note; this morning we went to see the hot air balloons that kick off our state fair. There were 30 balloons that took off from the infield of the track/grandstand area. I don't know what time they get started getting them set up but lift off begins about 7am. I would've loved to go chase them but our dogs hadn't been walked and DH called looking for company and his laptop. My youngin's now have some ballooning/aviation homework for the day and they were grumbling about how I turn everything into some sort of an assignment. It's teh price you pay for getting to stay home and having the opportunity to do things that other kids might not be doing.

My sister adopted another dog on Mon, so that's been keeping us busy too. We've been playing with him and getting him used to being at two new houses. He and her other dog are getting along just fine and he's done fantastic with his grooming and pretty much anything we've done to him.

I've got to run. I have to feed the youngin's and head up to the hospital.

I'm glad just to hear from you. You have a lot on your plate. I hope your husband gets things figured out. Migraines stink.

Don't you just love it when the kids see the opportunity to test you. Pray for strength. But you already know you have it.:goodvibes
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