DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN!

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UtahMama said:
I love the after one meals worth of dieting, "I fell of the wagon!" is stated! I love you Twinkie! GET BACK ON!

Hey now! It was 3 meals worth!!!! I only ate 900 calories all day (I KNOW!!!!) and I babysat 2 extra children (one of which drives me crazy) and cooked dinner for all the kids and a friends family.... all to say I was tired and grouchy and hungry so I sat and ate peanut m&ms until I felt happier :blush: (about 900 calories worth.... )

I am back on the Wagon! :moped: well the moped ....

CarblessinSaltLake said:
I just had a bite of cereal. It was Norah's and I FORGOT I was not eating carbs (duh!) She was done with her cheerios, and I just took a zombie bite! Of soggy 'used" cereal! I'll write that in my food journal. "One bite of gross, soggy, cheerios" 50 lashings with a wet noodle! Wait! noodles are carbs!

I am SUCH a clean-plate club girl....and my kids plates! (cant waste food!!)

Amen sister!!! I love that term... 'zombie bites'..... really why do I waste myself on other peoples bread crusts and broken chips?

Part of it is frugalness (say it with me "I am not a human trash compacter") and part of it is denial (chips from kids' plates don't count) but I am hopeful that the food journal will make me more intentional/aware of the choices I *am* making....
If ya want to post a ribbon here you go:http://disboards.com/showthread.php?t=454614

Notice the weight loss ribbons....I want those so bad I can taste it (pun intended) The 30 pound ribbon and a sweet bikini will be mine!

there's a link to more cool clip art in this thread too.
Ok just read all of this thread and maybe this would be good for me to have a support system, since i dont have one at home at all!!! Ok need I say we are ITALIAN- I dont think we no the meaning of non fat or fat free. Oh yeah and number 2- I AM A PASTRY CHEF! So those being the two biggest problems.

Ok so heres the deal I NEED WANT DREAM ANY OTHER ADJECTIVE THAT FITS HERE.... to lose minium of 30 lbs would love to make that 45- 50lbs and fit back in those senior year jeans from 10 years ago that are in my closet.

My problems:
~"human disposal" as read prior finishing what the baby doesnt eat BAD!!!!

~ I am never really hungry so I can positively say I eat one meal a day again
I know, VERY BAD, I'm killing my metabolism.

~ Exercise is Not the Devil, its you friend. So yeah since senior year cheerleading and marching Band (FYI or Band LEader was a hardcore health guy and very built, punishment for a missed note was push ups or sit ups 5 of them for every mistake, so yeah...) and then dancing school was over my senior year too after a long 16 years of it. Yeah not so active anymore after the senior year and a baby!!!

~ Lastly, Hubby can eat and eat and eat ANYTHING! And not gain anything, so eating with him and what he eats not helping.

So now for my goals:

1. Not eat leftovers of the baby's
2. Eat 5 to 6 smal meals ( :sick: and try to :teeth: through it)
3. I will start out slow with the exercising again. I will walk a mile a day for this first week!
4. Drink water or at least flavored water
5. I will not let anyone even hubby influence me on eating!!

I hope this works I got a pile of like 13 pairs of jeans from highschool!!!!

Im really going to lean on you ladies, thanks!!! :grouphug:
This thread seems like FUN!!!!

I am Denise, graduated from Nursing School in May and gained A LOT of weight going thru it :guilty: I weiged myself last Thurs and this Thurs I am down 3.8, I'll take the water loss :) I have worked out for 6 days in a row and have been eating more fruits and veggies. I HOPE to lose 40 lbs by June and talk DH into a Disney trip BEFORE January 2008 :cheer2: :cheer2: We do have a cruise booked but we think we are going to wait until DS gets a bit older.

I look forward to "meeting" my New weight loss buddies!!!
Utahmama!! Sorry I'm so late checking into your new thread. Nice Digs, girl!

I want to lose weight too. I currently do not exercise at all, and I need to drink a LOT more water.

Wendy, I expect you to be in that bikini by the time I arrive there in April/May for Women's Conference!! :teeth:
Hi aries1980!!!

Hi Denise!!!

I think this place is going to be great for sooo many of us!!!

So....UM....what days should we do our weigh-in/measurement stuff?
Ok ladies Im going to make me some Lunch. That will be the first thing I out in my mouth all day.. so lets see Im going to have a banana and a sandwhich. Then ill plan dinner. God the thought of all that food... It's ok to eat more than one meal its ok to eat more than one meal
aries1980 said:
Ok ladies Im going to make me some Lunch. That will be the first thing I out in my mouth all day.. so lets see Im going to have a banana and a sandwhich. Then ill plan dinner. God the thought of all that food... It's ok to eat more than one meal its ok to eat more than one meal

You MUST MUST MUST eat more often, girfriend!!!! Trust us!!!
I'm so glad I found this tread. I need all the support I can get. I would like to lose about 30 lbs. They sneak up on you so fast. One morning I woke up and none of my clothes fit :confused3 How did that happen? We have a WDW trip planned for January and I refuse to buy clothes in a bigger size so either I must lose the weight or ..... well, thats the only option.

A few years ago I lost about 45 lbs by limiting carbs and sweets and drinking lots of water. Then I got pregnant for DS2 but I managed to keep most of the weight off until after Hurricane Katrina.. so to make a long story short.. we are now living in a new city with no family or friends.. I went from working full time to being a stay at home mom. A recipie for weight gain.. not to mention that my DH's favorite place to eat in our new city is an all you can eat seafood and desert buffet. (now that I think about it I guess that's where those extra lbs came from )

Ok, so for the past few weeks I began to ween myself from sweets.. I think that the withdrawls have passed .. I am no longer craving cheescake. I also had DH move the handy dandy clothes hanger /dust collector... I mean elliptical machine .. in front of a tv so that I can excercise while watching tv. :thumbsup2 so far lost about 7 lbs. I am remotivated now that we have each other for support.

I didnt mean to be so long winded but I'm so excited.. Now I'm off to figure out that ribbon thing. As you can see by the lack of avitar and siggie that I'm not to computer savvy.

I'm looking foward to Next friday so we can celebrate our success.
rkandmjsmommy said:
This thread seems like FUN!!!!

I am Denise, graduated from Nursing School in May and gained A LOT of weight going thru it :guilty: I weiged myself last Thurs and this Thurs I am down 3.8, I'll take the water loss :) I have worked out for 6 days in a row and have been eating more fruits and veggies. I HOPE to lose 40 lbs by June and talk DH into a Disney trip BEFORE January 2008 :cheer2: :cheer2: We do have a cruise booked but we think we are going to wait until DS gets a bit older.

I look forward to "meeting" my New weight loss buddies!!!
LOL on the "water loss"!!!

ANY number that is lower than it was previously is welcome...even if it's really water weight or lean muscle tissue (NURSEY!) You are a wonderful addition!!!! :grouphug: 3.8!!!!! You look SO skinny already! You'll do it because you're stuck with us now!!!!

6 days in a row is like 4 more than I have ever done!!!!
LBelle said:
Hi aries1980!!!

Hi Denise!!!

I think this place is going to be great for sooo many of us!!!

So....UM....what days should we do our weigh-in/measurement stuff?
What about Fridays? Since this was started yesterday...plus it allows a whole week to undo any weekend damage :teeth: !

I just need to go take measurements and take a BEFORE picture! When you take a before picture and put it on your fridge, you CANT cheat! The picture will seel the deal!!!! You'll think, "Oh no, DONT want to look like THAT!"

ARIES1980!!!!! Soooo glad to see you! (I met her at WDW!) Your husband is very slim.....Is he one of those dudes who can eat as much as anything they want????? GRRRrrrr! I totally clean my kids plates! I just dumped their uneaten sam-ich crusts (and more) in the garbage....with a short tinge of guilt for "wasting" food followed by the triumph of NOT eating it!

KAT!!! I have this WW recipe that is cheesecake-ish...(kinda)

(It's SOOOOO good) only 3 WW pts. by the way

1 reduced fat ready graham cracker crust
1 small pkg. sugar free lime jello
1/4 C. boiling water
2 (6 oz) containers fat free keylime yogurt (yoplait?)
1 (8 oz) thawed tub fat free whipped topping

In a large bowl, dissolve jello in boiling water. Stir in yougurt with a wire whisk. Fold in whip cream and spread into prepared pie crust. Refridgerate at least 2 hours till firm (ish)

*can use other flavors of matching jello/yogurt

**serves 8!!!!
Ok...I am all for disappearing fat...so I am IN! :banana:
thanks UTM for starting this thread!

I set little goals so that the big ones don't overwhelm me.
Im going for 10 lbs to start. :teeth:

I drink almost only water all day so that's not a problem for me.
I really just need to increase my exercise and watch portions and I am usually ok.

I hate exercise.....at least the boring do the video, the glider thingy or workout type stuff. I like the fun kinds....swimming being my favorite.
and please don't make me run anywhere....that's why I have a car! :teeth: :rotfl:

I have been watching for about a week now and have lost 2 lbs so far. (the ten is in addition to these) lol
KatInHat said:
I'm so glad I found this tread. I need all the support I can get. I would like to lose about 30 lbs. They sneak up on you so fast. One morning I woke up and none of my clothes fit :confused3 How did that happen? We have a WDW trip planned for January and I refuse to buy clothes in a bigger size so either I must lose the weight or ..... well, thats the only option.

A few years ago I lost about 45 lbs by limiting carbs and sweets and drinking lots of water. Then I got pregnant for DS2 but I managed to keep most of the weight off until after Hurricane Katrina.. so to make a long story short.. we are now living in a new city with no family or friends.. I went from working full time to being a stay at home mom. A recipie for weight gain.. not to mention that my DH's favorite place to eat in our new city is an all you can eat seafood and desert buffet. (now that I think about it I guess that's where those extra lbs came from )

Ok, so for the past few weeks I began to ween myself from sweets.. I think that the withdrawls have passed .. I am no longer craving cheescake. I also had DH move the handy dandy clothes hanger /dust collector... I mean elliptical machine .. in front of a tv so that I can excercise while watching tv. :thumbsup2 so far lost about 7 lbs. I am remotivated now that we have each other for support.

I didnt mean to be so long winded but I'm so excited.. Now I'm off to figure out that ribbon thing. As you can see by the lack of avitar and siggie that I'm not to computer savvy.

I'm looking foward to Next friday so we can celebrate our success.

Too funny!!!!!

UtahMama said:
What about Fridays? Since this was started yesterday...plus it allows a whole week to undo any weekend damage :teeth: !

I just need to go take measurements and take a BEFORE picture! When you take a before picture and put it on your fridge, you CANT cheat! The picture will seel the deal!!!! You'll think, "Oh no, DONT want to look like THAT!"


Okay...Friday sounds like a plan!!!

I forgot to mention the photo thing!!! It was what got me into this 'Body for Life' thing in the first place!!! You have to take a full-body shot (in a bikini!!!) from front, side AND rear!!! Can you say back fat rolls????? That DID IT!!! Never mind the fact that someone else HAS to take the blasted photos!!!! I had a hard time standing in front of DH like that!!! I usually run into bed fully clothed and undress while hiding under the blanket!!! For some reason I assumed he NEVER NOTICED this 'extra me' stuff...aka: wobbly bits!!!
UtahMama said:
HAHAHA! I did start to ((being ALL motivated by Eeyore))but my chair rolled backward a few inches (like 12) while I was getting into position...

So no I DI-int! Instead I just put in my CARS soundtrack and am dancing like no one's watching (which they aren't) I can GROOVE to "Life is a Highway"!!!


OK... try this one- put both arms - behind your back, straight out thumbs / palms up....

now get as high as you can... higher...

VERRRRY slowly back and forth thumb touch, back and forth... slowly

HEY< get those arms UP, dont let them droop...is

This does amazing things to that... wavy flab under the arm...

Start slow, with 50 touches, do this for 2 -3 days, then 75... then 100...

and if you are not a believer - if you dont believe this will work *that* area... I dare you (not double dog dare ya mind you I dont want any peeps hurt!!) to try 100!! (um that would be ME - yep I did 100 -) AND

OOOOUUUCH... the next day, I knew what muscles were being worked on!!

So slow and steady!!


UM - thanks for the link, I found someone posted a link too... last night... a wish thread... hmmm

found it...

My clipart is all here:

WISH art

right click on the image and copy the location from the properties box. Then put the {IMG] and [IMG} tags around the location string.


Link here > > > http://sunnyshopper.com/wishart.htm

I've not seen how easy it seems in this post to add an img to your siggy - I always upload to photobucket, the copy and paste to my sig in the "UserCP" click up at top of this page...

Now here's my failure blog...

I posted on the WISH forum.. seeing sunny's clipart reminded me I *used* to have a challenge, maybe the "walk to Disney" and the May exercise challenge... and I think it may have been in... :blush: '04
UtahMama said:
1 reduced fat ready graham cracker crust
1 small pkg. sugar free lime jello
1/4 C. boiling water
2 (6 oz) containers fat free key-lime yogurt (yoplait?)
1 (8 oz) thawed tub fat free whipped topping

In a large bowl, dissolve jello in boiling water. Stir in yogurt with a wire whisk. Fold in whip cream and spread into prepared pie crust. Refrigerate at least 2 hours till firm (ish)

*can use other flavors of matching jello/yogurt

**serves 8!!!!
OOOOh, sounds delish...

CAN I join, PUh-Leeze!? I need to get out of my fat clothes...back into my real wardrobe!
Ok I had that sandwich i said before with a banana and only licked the paddle from the mixer, which i will consider a snack because I have to learn to snack and eat more than once a day. Well I'm off to make dinner and welcome anyone new. Oh and by tonight I will have this recipe up for you all that is a cake that healthy... thats right one of the HEALTHIEST cakes I've come across.
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