Disboutiquers Part 8 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Stephres ~ I don't use my ruffler either. I don't really like the way mine ends up looking more like little pleats than hand gathered ruffles. I am sure that there is an expert creative mind out there that coule adjust it and make the ruffles look perfect, but that's not me!

I have actually just started marking off sections on the ruffle and the garment, so I know how much of the ruffle each section should get, and then just scrunching it up as I sew. This has given me the bestest, fastest results!
First question and I already know the answer...

If you were told on Friday that you were going to the zoo on Sunday with your kids what would you do? Would you really go ahead with your yard sale and decide they needed outfits made by you? why yes you would!!!! So I did!

I worked all day Friday setting up for the YS then sold all day Satuday. Then sewed until 1am!!!

Really it should have not taken so long...but I really didn't have any fabric to make the boys any shorts and no time to go shopping. I had a few fat quarters from several years back that looked like different animal furs...so I decided to make patch work shorts for the boys.

While dropping off the leftover yardsale items at Goodwill...I found these great yellow shirts that would match Katie's yellow in the outfit I had made back in the spring.

So...here are too many pics!

It was raining when we got up yesterday and when we first got to the park.

but we were covered thanks to Disney!


Patrick was our guide for the day.

There are some wonderful sculptures all over our zoo...

Katie over one of the fans in the aviary.


My babies!


One with the elephant in the back...no that is me in the green shirt...the elephant in the brown one in the back..:lmao:

See here it is!

What a great day!!!!
Also if every one can please say a little prayer for one of my very good friends little boys. He has been having some bladder issues then they found out he was legally blind then next thing you know it his eyes are getting worse. He has been tested for so many thing and on so many meds to try to help him. Well some one suggested testing him for diabetes and their ped was a butt and didn't want to. So my girlfriend found a fried with one of those home testing machines and his numbers where crazy high! They tested his twin brother too since they pretty much eat the same thing. So today they are going to another ped begging again now with some proof to test him more seriously! I pray if this is it that they can get him leveled out and he can gain some of his site back he is only 5 and the sweetest kid.

Will be praying for the little guy. Sometimes it just takes persistance with the doctor. Tell your friend to be firm with the ped.:grouphug: You will be in my prayers.
Okay, I wanted to catch up on everything before I posted my big news. No, I'm not pregnant. ;) But, I am about ready to burst with excitement!!

We had a family reunion at a park yesterday and I was chatting with my cousin. She was a hot-shot in the sewing industry and even wrote a few books (her name was Tracy Helmer, she has since gotten a divorce and remarried and stopped sewing). I am ashamed to say that I had never read her books and didn't even know what they were about. Apparently, they were about machine embroidery! Wow, I just did a search for her on amazon and there are 3 books on there written by her. I'm so ashamed. Anyway, we were chatting and I told her that Teresa sewed Tessa's shirt (the ice cream cone one) and that I did the applique. She said "You're not ready for a $5,000 embroidery machine yet, are you?" I laughed and said "I would love one and I was looking at them on the internet yesterday." She said "Well, I've got the Husqvarna Designer 1 just sitting in my basement. Do you want to use it?" Her husband chimed in with "I'll even carry it out to your car for you."


This is the EXACT same machine I had been drooling over online, thinking that I would NEVER be able to afford it!!!

It is the most fantastic looking machine ever!!! It does EVERYTHING!!!!! It has a HUGE embroidery hoop, you can customize your own designs, I have no idea what else it does!!!!!! Here's a link to all the info on the sewing machine:


She's going to be gone this week (taking her son to college), but she said I could come over and pick it up next Tuesday. She'll even show me how to use it. As I understand it, I can borrow it as long as I want. I still need to discuss with her how much she will hate me if I break her machine and things like that.

I am beside myself with excitement!!!! I am positively GIDDY!!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Congrats on the new machine! Just a pointer...... get that puppy out and start working on it while you are all fresh with excitement! I don't like to rat myself out usually, but I have a machine that I had to have 2 years ago and bought off of ebay, because I'd just die if I didn't get it, and I have never ever touched it! I was waiting till the just right perfect moment that I would have hours and hours of creative uninterupted time to sew and my house was perfectly clean and my husband was 100% happy with me and my kids were giggling in the background....... Well, that never happened and there it sits, unused and feeling unloved.:sad2:

Don't tell my husband though. I am sure that he has no idea that I never used it and that is the type of thing I would be so mad at him about! By the way, I could buy that thing today for about half of what I paid for it 2 years ago.

Have fun with your machine!
Subbing to the new thread. I hope to keep up with this one better than I did with part 7.

Aleah's 5th birthday is today. Nothing exciting, though. I'm working and then she and Heidi have gymnastics. We'll do a cake later tonight. She's having a party on Saturday for all of the relatives.
Twins+2more - I'll keep your FIL in my prayers

minnie2 - prayers also going out for the little guy. That has to be really scary for him - and everyone else involved. I hope they find an answer really FAST!

Okay, I wanted to catch up on everything before I posted my big news. No, I'm not pregnant. ;) But, I am about ready to burst with excitement!!

We had a family reunion at a park yesterday and I was chatting with my cousin. She was a hot-shot in the sewing industry and even wrote a few books (her name was Tracy Helmer, she has since gotten a divorce and remarried and stopped sewing). I am ashamed to say that I had never read her books and didn't even know what they were about. Apparently, they were about machine embroidery! Wow, I just did a search for her on amazon and there are 3 books on there written by her. I'm so ashamed. Anyway, we were chatting and I told her that Teresa sewed Tessa's shirt (the ice cream cone one) and that I did the applique. She said "You're not ready for a $5,000 embroidery machine yet, are you?" I laughed and said "I would love one and I was looking at them on the internet yesterday." She said "Well, I've got the Husqvarna Designer 1 just sitting in my basement. Do you want to use it?" Her husband chimed in with "I'll even carry it out to your car for you."


This is the EXACT same machine I had been drooling over online, thinking that I would NEVER be able to afford it!!!

It is the most fantastic looking machine ever!!! It does EVERYTHING!!!!! It has a HUGE embroidery hoop, you can customize your own designs, I have no idea what else it does!!!!!! Here's a link to all the info on the sewing machine:


She's going to be gone this week (taking her son to college), but she said I could come over and pick it up next Tuesday. She'll even show me how to use it. As I understand it, I can borrow it as long as I want. I still need to discuss with her how much she will hate me if I break her machine and things like that.

I am beside myself with excitement!!!! I am positively GIDDY!!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

How cool is your family! :cool2: My family is not so cool...:sad2:

Good luck with it!
Twins+2more and minnie2- Prayers being sent your way.

Speaking of..... it just came to my mind.... I wonder if God has a little laugh when we say "Please bless Minnie2 and Twins+2more". Seems kinda funny doesn't it??? :laughing:

Okay, I wanted to catch up on everything before I posted my big news. No, I'm not pregnant. ;) But, I am about ready to burst with excitement!!

We had a family reunion at a park yesterday and I was chatting with my cousin. She was a hot-shot in the sewing industry and even wrote a few books (her name was Tracy Helmer, she has since gotten a divorce and remarried and stopped sewing). I am ashamed to say that I had never read her books and didn't even know what they were about. Apparently, they were about machine embroidery! Wow, I just did a search for her on amazon and there are 3 books on there written by her. I'm so ashamed. Anyway, we were chatting and I told her that Teresa sewed Tessa's shirt (the ice cream cone one) and that I did the applique. She said "You're not ready for a $5,000 embroidery machine yet, are you?" I laughed and said "I would love one and I was looking at them on the internet yesterday." She said "Well, I've got the Husqvarna Designer 1 just sitting in my basement. Do you want to use it?" Her husband chimed in with "I'll even carry it out to your car for you."


This is the EXACT same machine I had been drooling over online, thinking that I would NEVER be able to afford it!!!

It is the most fantastic looking machine ever!!! It does EVERYTHING!!!!! It has a HUGE embroidery hoop, you can customize your own designs, I have no idea what else it does!!!!!! Here's a link to all the info on the sewing machine:


She's going to be gone this week (taking her son to college), but she said I could come over and pick it up next Tuesday. She'll even show me how to use it. As I understand it, I can borrow it as long as I want. I still need to discuss with her how much she will hate me if I break her machine and things like that.

I am beside myself with excitement!!!! I am positively GIDDY!!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Lucky Duck!!! I was lookin' at one of those a few months ago. Now you're gonna have to go and show us all your new creations! :cutie:
subbing to the new thread.

Stephres ~ I don't use my ruffler either. I don't really like the way mine ends up looking more like little pleats than hand gathered ruffles. I am sure that there is an expert creative mind out there that coule adjust it and make the ruffles look perfect, but that's not me!

I have actually just started marking off sections on the ruffle and the garment, so I know how much of the ruffle each section should get, and then just scrunching it up as I sew. This has given me the bestest, fastest results!

This is how I have been gathering lately too. Quick and fairly easy.
Im here. I made it all on my own, but made it non the less. Got a lot to do today, but will be checking in throughout the day. Could use your prayers, my Father In Law has been in the hospital for about a month. They cut 2 toes off about a week ago. 6 am this morning they called that family up to the hospital. :confused3 So, thats where husband is now. thanks guys.

Also if every one can please say a little prayer for one of my very good friends little boys. He has been having some bladder issues then they found out he was legally blind then next thing you know it his eyes are getting worse. He has been tested for so many thing and on so many meds to try to help him. Well some one suggested testing him for diabetes and their ped was a butt and didn't want to. So my girlfriend found a fried with one of those home testing machines and his numbers where crazy high! They tested his twin brother too since they pretty much eat the same thing. So today they are going to another ped begging again now with some proof to test him more seriously! I pray if this is it that they can get him leveled out and he can gain some of his site back he is only 5 and the sweetest kid.

Prayers for you both!:grouphug:
Twins+2more and minnie2- Prayers being sent your way.

Speaking of..... it just came to my mind.... I wonder if God has a little laugh when we say "Please bless Minnie2 and Twins+2more". Seems kinda funny doesn't it??? :laughing:

It is funny! I like to think he has a sense of humor. I mean, I am actually kind of counting on it!
OKAY HERE IS MY STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY! Dental floss...are you talking about actual dental floss??? Or do they have some kind of "sewer's" dental floss at Joann's. I warned you that it was a stupid question but I didn't want to be winding regular old dental floss onto my machine and finding out that it was ALL wrong :laughing:

You do use regular old dental floss, but do not put it in the machine. You use regular thread to zig-zag over top of the floss with the largest setting your machine will do. Make sure to pin the floss good or it will pull out from under the stitches. It is realatively easy...I can do it and have only sewn a few things! Good Luck!
OKAY HERE IS MY STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY! Dental floss...are you talking about actual dental floss??? Or do they have some kind of "sewer's" dental floss at Joann's. I warned you that it was a stupid question but I didn't want to be winding regular old dental floss onto my machine and finding out that it was ALL wrong :laughing:

The way that I understand it is that the dental floss (the regular stuff that you get by the toothbrushes) doesn't go in the machine. You zigzag over the dental floss- so you just hold it on your fabric and then machine zigzag over it. Once you are finished, just pull on the dental floss to gather. sounds like a great idea.
Im here. I made it all on my own, but made it non the less. Got a lot to do today, but will be checking in throughout the day. Could use your prayers, my Father In Law has been in the hospital for about a month. They cut 2 toes off about a week ago. 6 am this morning they called that family up to the hospital. :confused3 So, thats where husband is now. thanks guys.


I will be praying for your FIL :hug:

Sorry is late but please give Chianna a big hug from me:grouphug: and tell her that I said Happy Birthday to her:wizard:

Okay ladies, I made it. I haven't posted in a while...I have been so busy both at home and at work. We have also been out of town over the weekends a lot. I was sick last weekend but still managed to sew something. I made a dress for Claire for Coral Reef. Molly's is over half done. When I get home tonight I will have Claire try hers on again so I can get some pics to post.

I hope to have a bunch of pics this weekend. I am making both the girls an outfit for a photo shoot this weekend. My friend is jumping into the realm of studio photography and she is taking pics of the 4 of us this weekend. She did some maternity shots for me last summer and some shots of Molly when she was about a month old.

I have been skimming through all the pages of beautiful creations. You guys are awesome! I am quickly running out of time before our trip and with MK closing early on 10/4, my schedule is all wonky. I had reservations for CP for that night. Luckliy I was able to change them, but can't get anything for 10/4, so our first night there we have no ADRs. Sorry for whining...I'm just so bummed.:sad1:
The bigger appliques are definitely easier. But, let me just say, your machine work looks fantastic!!! I can't believe you did so well on your first pieced applique!! Did you draw/trace Cinderella's face on the fabric before you hand embroidered? I like to use a pencil to lightly draw it on so I can follow the lines.

Thanks for the advise! I am trying a bigger one today. The other was very small. When I did my hand work (which I reallt don't know how to embroider) it was so small that I had trouble catching the side of the fabric. I love the pencil idea so I will try that. I am going to do as much as possible by machine and then gve the hand work a try.

Okay, I wanted to catch up on everything before I posted my big news. No, I'm not pregnant. ;) But, I am about ready to burst with excitement!!

We had a family reunion at a park yesterday and I was chatting with my cousin. She was a hot-shot in the sewing industry and even wrote a few books (her name was Tracy Helmer, she has since gotten a divorce and remarried and stopped sewing). I am ashamed to say that I had never read her books and didn't even know what they were about. Apparently, they were about machine embroidery! Wow, I just did a search for her on amazon and there are 3 books on there written by her. I'm so ashamed. Anyway, we were chatting and I told her that Teresa sewed Tessa's shirt (the ice cream cone one) and that I did the applique. She said "You're not ready for a $5,000 embroidery machine yet, are you?" I laughed and said "I would love one and I was looking at them on the internet yesterday." She said "Well, I've got the Husqvarna Designer 1 just sitting in my basement. Do you want to use it?" Her husband chimed in with "I'll even carry it out to your car for you."

What an awsome weekend! I can't wait to see what you make with your new toy!
Whew! I made it over! I've been trying to catch up from the last few days! There have been a lot of birthdays! Happy Birthday to everyone who's had a birthday recently!! Way too much to multi-quote, so I'll mention a few things that I can remember! Teresa, that Cinderella dress is just gorgeous! Steph, I love Megan's school outfit! And I forget who it was, but the Pooh applique outfits were too cute! I know there's tons more - forgive me! I had to send my Caleb to kindergarten today, so I'm a little ferklempt.

Pics, of course!



Ella giving her buddy some kisses goodbye.



It's only a half day today, so I think we may go see a movie and out to eat tonight, Caleb's pick, of course! So, I'm sure we'll be seeing Fly Me to the Moon and eating at either Red Robin or Chili's! LOL! I miss him already . . .
I have been skimming through all the pages of beautiful creations. You guys are awesome! I am quickly running out of time before our trip and with MK closing early on 10/4, my schedule is all wonky. I had reservations for CP for that night. Luckliy I was able to change them, but can't get anything for 10/4, so our first night there we have no ADRs. Sorry for whining...I'm just so bummed.:sad1:

Did you get a call from DW? Make sure you call them back and don't just call dining. I tried the dining number first and there was not much available. I returned the call that was left and the CM was able to get me an ADR that was not available through the regular dining number.

Actually PM me. I think I have an extra CP lunch ADR on that day. I can check and maybe was can switch it to you.
I thought I would post some more pics from my April trip. Here are the girls at Epcot in the HSM outfits I made them.

I love these, but Caity (the oldest) is already growing out of the top I made. :sad2: Her, um, girls are developing, which makes me sad. She is growing up and I want her to stay little. I guess you can't stop time from passing, no matter how much you want to.

And one more, here are the pics of them at Ohana's in the shirts I made them.

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