Disney 12x12 ABC Page Swap/MAW:COMPLETE

NM, I am not going to sign up for the last groups. However I will check with you after we get home and if someone needs help or you need an angel, then I will step up to the plate.
You all are having more fun with this second group and its fun to watch you guys!

:thumbsup2 for the offer to help out if needed. There are a lot of great topics for both groups. Everyone has gotten creative already with just choosing their topic for the album.
While I was out to check my J's (of course notta) I decided to go next door to Ross. I knew they carried some scrapping stuff. Can you imagine my excitement when I found these:

Hopefully we can get that last spot filled! We now have 4 albums for the MAW albums, since we now have 99% of the 2 groups filled. I do have another one of the princess albums I bought in Dec.

I want to personally thank everyone for joining this swap. MAW is something I hold dear to my heart. Can you imagine how wonderful this is going to be to each child when they are handed these albums? As a Mom, who scraps and had a child who received a wish, I would personally be speechless. These albums now will be able to hold their childs memories of their trip to Disney. Eventhough the trip does not last a lifetime, these albums will. And if/when that child does leave this earth and goes to :littleangel: their parents will have these to cherish and always be able to remember the magic their child experienced.

The last time we did this, with the autograph albums, myself, my ds2, and my wish ds with his nurse delivered the albums to MAW on his 13th birthday. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the albums not only did you provide a great gift to a child to be able to remember their wish trip, but you also provide me with the last time my ds:littleangel: went out of the house on a fun day. I would never have that day if it was not for you gals on this board. And truely from my heart it means the world more to me now than it did on the day we did take them to MAW, because at that time I did not know it was our last time together. What better way to have the memory of his last birthday by spending a day out with him and doing something good for other kids.

I plan on delivering these albums on his birth date in January as well. It is a way I can honor him. Plus it will give me time to get them put together and make some title pages. Anyway I just wanted to share that with everyone. This is really a special swap to me for that reason and just to have so many people join to make it possiable to give 4 albums so those kids who receive them will have this to treasure as well as their parents is such a great feeling. It is only coming into play because of everyone joining this swap. Now we just need that one more person.
:hug: That's for you!!

:grouphug: That's for all of us!!

Your story is very touching! I am so glad and honored to be a part of such a caring and generous group!! While I am very sorry about your son, I am so happy that you are honoring him and allowing us to take part in it with you. What a great thing to do! I'm sure he is smiling down on you now!
Ok, Shawn...who are you going to reel in :fish: last to close our our second group?

Happy Holly?
Hope, that little honey?
Lovely LindaBabe?
Marvelous Michellepooh?

Or a secret star....?

Can't wait to see!!! :yay:

I've been working on Holly...was sure I'd come here and find that she had joined. :rolleyes:
:goodvibes. This would not be able to happen for 4 Wish Kids and their family if it was not for everyone here. Just like the autograph albums if it was not for everyone who helped out I would never have had that day, that memory, that very special scrapbook layout. All because of my disfriends:cloud9:
I've been working on Holly...was sure I'd come here and find that she had joined. :rolleyes:

:cheer2:Give me an "H":cheer2:Give me an"O":cheer2:Give me a "L":cheer2:Give me another "L":cheer2:Give me a "Y":cheer2:

Do you think that will work :rotfl:
If anyone can get her :fish:reeled in it will be you!:cheer2:

Hey Holly I know that Susan is willing to trade out N and I can trade out my Q,but the two that are left are U and V and you can use anything you can think of. I would trade out my I, but I just ordered supplies for it.
BIG :grouphug:TO YOU.

No peer pressure or anything.Right?

Would like the V and U or would you like to trade the N or Q out?

Sidenote: Jennifer give her a :hug: for me for joining us. I just love my disfriends. They are always true and blue through and through.
:goodvibes. This would not be able to happen for 4 Wish Kids and their family if it was not for everyone here. Just like the autograph albums if it was not for everyone who helped out I would never have had that day, that memory, that very special scrapbook layout. All because of my disfriends:cloud9:

I'm glad we could help!!

Hey who has "W"? Is anyone doing Wishes do come true???

No "Wishes DO Come True" for W. We have Wild Bunch and Walt Disney(use w/statue pics)


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