Disney Magic Kingdoms

Questions - looking for help/advice. Thanks to all!

- How many stars does it take to level you up to the next level? I don't like that it's a guess
- Are the incredibles coming back? I came in late to this game (during that quest on day 4), and I would kind of like them all?
- Is there going to be another way to gather Prince Charming? I have ZERO extra money to buy gems to buy chests to POTENTIALLY gain gloves. Very frustrating
- Why is it so difficult to GAIN gems. We need mini bonus games because I now need 60 to get Pluto's house. I'd rather a RIDICULOUS amount of magic than gems. It'll still take a long time, but not nearly as long as waiting to gather Gems. I mean Rex is 295 gems, NOT FAIR!

- theory on the chests - if you WAIT for the little thing to say 3 chests waiting, you'll find a gold one perhaps? My game said 2 were waiting for me and it said I had a bronze and a gold, so perhaps we have to wait till it says 3 to access more gold.

Thanks for your time!
I did use 400 pink gems and bought the 11 platinum chests...I've been hoarding for a while.

I got
2 flag lamp posts
1 brown bench
1 antler topiary
1 music fountain
2 $9,250 potions
1 gloves
1 gem stone pick axe statue
1 splash mountain
1 something else small
I finally got something other than Bronze chests. I am waiting to see what is in my gold chest. Was a slow day for chests compared to yesterday.

I finally got the last Donald Ears hat to complete him and welcome him. Took long enough.
I didn't get anything in my gold chest. I finally gave in and spent 200 gems to get Splash Mountain and the gloves. I was getting very annoyed.
Questions - looking for help/advice. Thanks to all!

- How many stars does it take to level you up to the next level? I don't like that it's a guess
- Are the incredibles coming back? I came in late to this game (during that quest on day 4), and I would kind of like them all?
- Is there going to be another way to gather Prince Charming? I have ZERO extra money to buy gems to buy chests to POTENTIALLY gain gloves. Very frustrating
- Why is it so difficult to GAIN gems. We need mini bonus games because I now need 60 to goet Pluto's house. I'd rather a RIDICULOUS amount of magic than gems. It'll still take a long time, but not nearly as long as waiting to gather Gems. I mean Rex is 295 gems, NOT FAIR!

1. I don't think anyone knows in terms of experience
2. They said the Incredibles will eventually be back, but they'll be harder to get than they originally were
3. As of right now, it appears the only way to get gloves is through gold/premium chests. There are characters that can earn them, but only after you get the first one from a chest.
4. It's so difficult to get gems because it's the premium currency. They're not supposed to be easy to get, because you're supposed to spend money to get more of them. It's how these type of games work. They're not actually terribly hard to get though. I currently have over four hundred, having just spent fifty to get Splash Mountain, all earned from completing character collections/leveling up characters/parades.
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Second gold chest gave me the same as the first - Fish Fountain. Totally useless. I refuse to be forced to spend gems and I am not happy that Charming is so difficult.
Second gold chest gave me the same as the first - Fish Fountain. Totally useless. I refuse to be forced to spend gems and I am not happy that Charming is so difficult.
I'm just a newbie here, and I really do understand the frustration from another game I play. But I'm reading posts here about it taking anything up to 4 weeks to welcome Donald because his hats are so hard to get, so personally I'm thinking how different is this than that? You only need one item, but it might take you as long to get that one item as it does to get several items for a different character.

It sucks, especially for those wanting to move on in the game, but it's just a different way of waiting on welcoming and relies on luck just like with other tokens
I am not enjoying these treasure chests either. Since the update was published I have gotten 2 gold ones (magic and pluto topiary), about 5 silver ones (2 funny fire hydrants, magic and an incredible bench) and a bunch of bronze ones. I suppose eventually I'll get the gloves, that is if I don't get bored first. I don't really like that some of the rewards on the gold one can be received from silver or bronze chests. It is really frustrating to wait 12 hours for more magic. I already have a lot, and there's nothing I can do with it.
I'm just a newbie here, and I really do understand the frustration from another game I play. But I'm reading posts here about it taking anything up to 4 weeks to welcome Donald because his hats are so hard to get, so personally I'm thinking how different is this than that? You only need one item, but it might take you as long to get that one item as it does to get several items for a different character.

It sucks, especially for those wanting to move on in the game, but it's just a different way of waiting on welcoming and relies on luck just like with other tokens

I get what your saying but I think one big difference is that with characters you can send more then one out to get that hat. You have control of when you wanna send those character a out. It still depends on luck when you go to collect but if you don't get it you can just send that character back out.

With the chests you have to hope you find a gold or platinum chest, or spend gems which some people don't want to do. If you do by chance find a chest it could be days inbetween of finding the right chest. And once that chest is open if you don't get the gloves then you just have to wait to find another gold or platinum chest, you can't just restart the timer.

So at least for me that's what's frustrating. Characters I can control and send out multiple times, gold and platinum chests are few and far between and you only get once chance.
Second gold chest gave me the same as the first - Fish Fountain. Totally useless. I refuse to be forced to spend gems and I am not happy that Charming is so difficult.

I feel your pain and also refuse to be forced to spend money just to move the game along. I can find another game to play. I'll hang around for a while longer, since I can work on leveling up my current characters, but if I'm left with nothing to do I'm out.

Well my gold chest gave me 3,400 in magic. Awesome..

Sorry. Same thing happened to me last night. :(
Yes, My second free chest had the hands in it, so i got Prince Charming. He is up to level 5 and i'm working on cinderella. I have not paid for any chests yet. I really want Splash Mountain, so i may have to breakdown and buy a platinum chest. :(
Is there anyone here who has welcomed Prince Charming without paying for chests???
I haven't received a single chest of any kind this morning and the only pending quest I have is to welcome Prince Charming. Not having much fun right now.
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I'm just a newbie here, and I really do understand the frustration from another game I play. But I'm reading posts here about it taking anything up to 4 weeks to welcome Donald because his hats are so hard to get, so personally I'm thinking how different is this than that? You only need one item, but it might take you as long to get that one item as it does to get several items for a different character.

It sucks, especially for those wanting to move on in the game, but it's just a different way of waiting on welcoming and relies on luck just like with other tokens

Well I haven't gotten to Donald yet, so the longest I've had to wait for a character so far is about 3-4 days. Looking like it may be slightly longer for Flynn Rider as I'm about halfway through in 3 days, but that's still not 4 weeks. So when I get to that point, you could be right. But as of now, it's much different from my perspective.

Aside from that, my main frustration is from the fact that there is literally nothing I can do to improve my odds without spending real money. When characters give tokens, you can choose which activity to send them on based on what reward it has the chance to provide. Then the only toss up is whether or not that activity will actually give a token. If you keep your happiness level up, the game gives you another chance to increase your odds by adding the 10%. If you repeatedly make that character do their activity, you'll get everything you need. You'll get it quicker if you set a timer to make sure you restart that activity as soon as it's finished. To my knowledge, you can't make a Gold chest appear by getting on at the exact time a chest comes up. I don't even know if there is a standard time that they appear or if that's random as well.

With the chests, there's not a thing you can do to help yourself. The odds of finding a Gold chest seem to be the equivalent of finding a rare token. If that's not enough, I then have to be lucky enough to beat the (at best) 1/12 odds of getting gloves from that chest. It's an added factor that makes a big difference. To me, it's the equivalent of sending Mickey to do a random activity and hoping that the game chooses an activity that will allow Mickey to get tokens. Then hoping the token activity has the chance of getting the correct token that you need for a specific character. Then hoping that the activity actually produces a token. It's nothing but chance.
Another day, another 4 bronze chests... I sometimes get silver, but not a single gold or platinum one. At what point will they just give me some gloves?! what are the statistical odds that there are players who don't get gloves within three weeks of the update? I want answers lol
I haven't received a single chest of any kind this morning and the only pending quest I have is to welcome Prince Charming. Not having much fun right now.

Same. At least with Donald I could make tiny bits of progress on most days. This is a roadblock and it's not fun. I hope enough people complain and they get the message (as opposed to everyone paying to get through it).


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