Disney Picture of the day Part 4

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Alacrity said:

Very nice! Oh - and I just wanted you to know, thanks to you, I can't stop thinking about turkey legs. MMM I wish I could have one right now...
DizzKneeGeek said:
Guess who?? It's me...well, it's us. I started reading through the pages of this thread that I missed and saw that people were actually asking about us. And them I got an email asking the same thing. It's pretty sweet of yawl to actually care enuff.

We're still here. After our trip, finding out that we think PF is pregnant, getting caught up at work, me getting sick, me getting better, me getting sick again, christmas, the stress of actually getting into the doctor to give the official word that PF is, in fact pregnant; we have just been swamped and havent really had the time to be posting. I know I owe you all lots of pictures and still owe you at least some facsimile of a trip report. I now feel like I let you all down. I really didn't think many people were that interested. Give us till the day after christmas, thats the day we finally snagged a doctors appointment. after that and x-mas being done we should be back in the full swing of things.

We love you all!!

Thanks for checking in! We're like one big family here and I myself was concerned for you and PF! Sorry to see you were sick, hope you're on the mend now! Sending "positive" vibes for you two--hopefully soon to be three!!

Enjoy the holiday and we'll see you when you get a free moment! :goodvibes
DizzKneeGeek said:
Guess who?? It's me...well, it's us. I started reading through the pages of this thread that I missed and saw that people were actually asking about us. And them I got an email asking the same thing. It's pretty sweet of yawl to actually care enuff.

We're still here. After our trip, finding out that we think PF is pregnant, getting caught up at work, me getting sick, me getting better, me getting sick again, christmas, the stress of actually getting into the doctor to give the official word that PF is, in fact pregnant; we have just been swamped and havent really had the time to be posting. I know I owe you all lots of pictures and still owe you at least some facsimile of a trip report. I now feel like I let you all down. I really didn't think many people were that interested. Give us till the day after christmas, thats the day we finally snagged a doctors appointment. after that and x-mas being done we should be back in the full swing of things.

We love you all!!

Take your time Bro... there are more important things in life than posting pictures on the DIS... or... at least that's what my wife keeps telling me :teeth: Hope all is well with the baby news and all, and have a Happy Holidays!

Alacrity said:

I can't believe that I missed these things on our last/first trip! They're awesome! The Chip and Dale one is by far the cutest!!!!
OMGosh! Congrats on the pregnancy! Is this a 'disney made' baby?!!

Safe pregnancy wishes!

DizzKneeGeek said:
Guess who?? It's me...well, it's us. I started reading through the pages of this thread that I missed and saw that people were actually asking about us. And them I got an email asking the same thing. It's pretty sweet of yawl to actually care enuff.

We're still here. After our trip, finding out that we think PF is pregnant, getting caught up at work, me getting sick, me getting better, me getting sick again, christmas, the stress of actually getting into the doctor to give the official word that PF is, in fact pregnant; we have just been swamped and havent really had the time to be posting. I know I owe you all lots of pictures and still owe you at least some facsimile of a trip report. I now feel like I let you all down. I really didn't think many people were that interested. Give us till the day after christmas, thats the day we finally snagged a doctors appointment. after that and x-mas being done we should be back in the full swing of things.

We love you all!!
had I a tripod with me, my attempt at an artsy fartsy photo would have come out. :confused3 :blush:

taken from the liberty belle (i believe is the name)

Glad you two are ok...sorry you have been sick. I will be looking forward to more pictures and a trip report when things calm down :) And CONGRATULATIONS again on the good news :)

DizzKneeGeek said:
Guess who?? It's me...well, it's us. I started reading through the pages of this thread that I missed and saw that people were actually asking about us. And them I got an email asking the same thing. It's pretty sweet of yawl to actually care enuff.

We're still here. After our trip, finding out that we think PF is pregnant, getting caught up at work, me getting sick, me getting better, me getting sick again, christmas, the stress of actually getting into the doctor to give the official word that PF is, in fact pregnant; we have just been swamped and havent really had the time to be posting. I know I owe you all lots of pictures and still owe you at least some facsimile of a trip report. I now feel like I let you all down. I really didn't think many people were that interested. Give us till the day after christmas, thats the day we finally snagged a doctors appointment. after that and x-mas being done we should be back in the full swing of things.

We love you all!!
DizzKneeGeek said:
Guess who?? It's me...well, it's us. I started reading through the pages of this thread that I missed and saw that people were actually asking about us. And them I got an email asking the same thing. It's pretty sweet of yawl to actually care enuff.

We're still here. After our trip, finding out that we think PF is pregnant, getting caught up at work, me getting sick, me getting better, me getting sick again, christmas, the stress of actually getting into the doctor to give the official word that PF is, in fact pregnant; we have just been swamped and havent really had the time to be posting. I know I owe you all lots of pictures and still owe you at least some facsimile of a trip report. I now feel like I let you all down. I really didn't think many people were that interested. Give us till the day after christmas, thats the day we finally snagged a doctors appointment. after that and x-mas being done we should be back in the full swing of things.

Glad to hear everything is ok. I think we were all starting to wonder what happened. Anyway, hope you feel better and we look forward to more pics from you both!! :goodvibes

We love you all!!

Glad to hear everything is ok. I think we were all starting to wonder what happened. Anyway, hope you feel better and we look forward to more pics from you both!! :goodvibes
I wonder if any of you can help me--so many here are so good at altering photos! I love this shot of my DS, but wish the crane were not in the pic. Any takers?

Awesome pics everyone! Wish I was there! Thank god I'm going to Disneyland next summer! W/my best friends too! :)

Happy holidays y'all!!!
mydogisbo said:
Here you go wrldpossibility:


Great job! Can't even tell it's there! Can you do one for me? I have a great picture with my daughter sitting with the Roy Disney and Minnie Mouse statue, and of course, the castle has got this big ol' ugly crane behind it... Ruins an otherwise perfect photo... My image editing software is very basic and doesn't have the capabilities...

It's amazing the things you can do with digital photos!
Here's my last picture-post before the DIS is taken down to switch over to the new version of VBulletin!

See you all on the other side & Merry Christmas everyone!!

°O°Joe said:
Cal, that is a beautiful shot! I hope you don't mind but I "tweaked" your picture a little and put it in my slideshow screensaver on my computer... I love the colors! Was this picture taken at dusk?


Thank you, and no, I don't mind you using the picture. The shot was taken at dusk. Happy Holidays
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