Disney surprise swap: Heading Home to You

Check for the return postage will go into the mail today. Sorry for the delay, with everyone being sick, thanksgiving and then black friday, the time just got away from me.
I got 5 mailed off today and will get the rest mailed off tomorrow. I could not believe how busy my po is already.

Here are the one's that I mailed today:
Lawanna Yeager

Let me know they get to you safely. If not I got dc so we can find out where they are at!
Check for the return postage will go into the mail today. Sorry for the delay, with everyone being sick, thanksgiving and then black friday, the time just got away from me.

Hey I can completely understand. Last week was a zoo for me and it does not look like it will be getting anybetter. Seems like I cross one thing off the list and two more are added.

Also forgot to mention I did take pictures of all the groups except for the last three(not counting the pass it forward groups). My camera failed the last ones and I can not find my cord to charge up my battery. UGHHHH. Do you want me to wait till you get your stuff before I post the pics?
You post when you have time. I know this a surprise, but things never look as good in the photos as they do in person.

Thank you so much for hostessing.

Off to stalk the postman.
The remainder of the boxes/envelopes went out today (except for one) those are:

Disney Barlans
Michi Belle
Pirate Tink

Thanks everyone for being a part of my first swap that involved mailing back to you. I have no idea how you veterans do more than one at a time,but hats off to you. Now off to look towards next year's swaps.

OT: When I came home today I saw something was not right because only 2 of my 3 dogs were at the window greeting me. So when I entered the house my youngest (my grieving dog I call her) she still was not at the door. Finally she limped her way into the room. My poor baby girl (her name is Zoe) did something to her front leg. I rushed her to the vet. He x-rayed her, but before hand felt her over and heard a pop when he was examining her shoulder. The x-rays were fine, so he thinks he pooped her shoulder back into place, but the area between her paw and leg (where it bends) probably got torn, so she needs to be carefuly. My poor babygirl. I wonder what she did. Whatever it was it cost me $200. Why or why.... will it ever get better.

Here she is... she is soooo beautiful.

Poor baby dog. I feel your pain. It was $75 to make sure Kiena's eye was okay.

Glad is wasn't anything serious. :hug:
My box is here!!!!! What great swap pieces there are in that box!!! Thank you everyone for making such wonderful pieces.

Shawn, thank you for hostessing! You did an awesome job!:thumbsup2
It's here! And I havnt had time to look at everything yet! But what I have seen is AWESOME!! and Banana has already claimed the Sponge Bob pieces to give her friend for Christmas, so who ever made those, thank you!

NM, Im so sorry about Zoe! I hope she feels better soon!
Thanks guys for letting me know they are arriving. Crap, my power just went off. Good thing for battery..lol. We have tornado winds going on tonight.

AZ I made one of the Sponge Bob pieces and I think Pirate Tink did the other, but I could be wrong.

Update on my girl.... she was her usual self today. You would never know anything was wrong yesterday. I guess it was her shoulder dislocated and that's all... that had to be painful.
Tyniknate, I got the postage money today in the mail. Not sure if I am going out tomorrow, but if I do I will mail it off then, but diffently on Saturday. It is already boxed up and ready to go.


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