Do you ever feel looked down upon when staying at FW?

We took our first trip ever to WDW last fall in a Minnie Winnie at FW! We loved it! Our DD(3) had the best time, Chip&Dale everynight and a movie!!! She was in heaven! We loved the cooking out and the ability to get away from the crowds! And MK was a short boat ride away!
We only ran in to one couple at MGM who were rude and pompass! But, we actually chalked it up to them being "Yankees" (no offense to anyone from up there) but we are southern-thru-and-thru...polite, friendly, and laid back. But other than that, nope.
I would stay at FW again if we could afford the GAS prices! We probably paid $500 in gas last fall. Plus the full hook-up site for 10 nights! So I think it is comparable to staying in a moderate on site hotel.
P.S. Don't tell everyone how great it is at'll be too hard to get a site!

Happy Camping!
marygraycesmom said:
......P.S. Don't tell everyone how great it is at'll be too hard to get a site!..

EXACTLY!!! Let's keep it to ourselves.

Staying at FW is not for everyone, thank goodness. If someone feels that FW is below their resort, so be it.

It is better to think to yourself, "If they only knew how great it is" and let their words pass like the blowing wind.
I would LOVE to camp at FW. I think it would be so much fun, and so "community". My dh, OTOH, feels very strongly if he is gonna spend that much money, he wants a bathroom in his room, and fresh mints on his pillow! ;) I wouldn't look down my nose at you...but rather, I would feel just a wee bit envious! Happy Camping!!
Just proves to me again that it's the CAMPERS who are the good old fashioned down-to-earth people!! (not that nice people don't stay in hotels...but you get my point!).

We recently changed our trip this fall from camping at FW to flying and staying at POR and doing the free dining thing. Main reason for us, we're heck and gone from Florida (3-day drive) and while I'd love to bring our new pop-up down there, our car and van just aren't dependable enough right now for that long of a trip and towing a camper. I'm truly bummed we won't get the Fort experience!!

When our moving plans finally come together next year, we should be much much closer to FL and I plan to camp on our trips to WDW from there on out!!! :thumbsup2

FW is a gem, but sshhhhh.....let's not let the word get out too fast! ;)
I grew up camping with my parents and have such fond memories of camping that even if it is just for a couple of nights (since we are local), I want to take DD9 camping - and what better place then WDW!

I know when I was camping with my family - I met so many people, from so many places, that we never would have met if we were staying in a hotel or resort.

I think it offers so many unique experiences that can't be had if you are staying in a hotel!!!

My father didn't particulary like the "confinement" of a hotel room, so if it weren't for camping, I doubt I would have seen as much of NA as I did growing up! (Except FL - we never camped here!!!!)

Have some of those folks that "look down on RVers" seen prices of some of the motor homes and RVs????
We leave tomorrow... and thanks you for the warning!! Now I will NOT be a quiet person if I hear a negative comment! We originally planned on flying and doing the "hotel room" thing, but Dan said why waste money on airfare, I said then we take the trailer! I am so much more comfortable in "my little mobile hotel room". Let them make a comment to me, I will politely put them in tehir place, for ALL OF US. WE LEAVE TOMORROW!!!
Man I would love to stay at FW sometime. In fact, that sounds super fun. I love camping. The thing is I would totally have to camp. Tent and all which is fine with me, but I don't know what I would do about food and all that. I really want a fridge or something so that we can buy the majority of our food and save some money that way. So we'll see. haha. Plus I'd have to convince three other girls to camp with me. haha. But it does sound fun indeed.
I will say that those people were very rude in their comment to you. I consider that to be "low class". We all put our pants on one leg at a time.

I am not a camper. We go with my son on Cub Scout trips and my DW loves them. I have come to enjoy the peaceful 1 or 2 day trips, for sure. But fighting the elements is not my cup of tea. I dont fault anyone else for it though. I love to fish and love being outdoors but when its time to lay my head down, I like it indoors. I think it comes from me having to work outside all my life in the elements. And I do mean all my life, literally, growing up in a construction family. Summertime meant work time. Snow, ice, rain, mud, humidity, hot sun, you name it, I have been in it. So I approach from a little different direction than the snobs.

DW has mentioned several times staying at FW. I would definitely have to have one of those nice RVs. Cant sleep in the heat!

But I love FW! It is a great place! We love eating at Trails End. We enjoy the horseback rides. Still looking forward to a Campfire singalong and movie. It is a wonderful relaxing place. The most wonderful campground I have seen. We are DVC owners at VWL. I consider FW to be like an extension of the 2 wonderful resorts combined.

I too have experienced that upper nose syndrom at WDW and many other places under Gods green earth. But you know, at the end of the day we all take those pants off pretty much the same way as they went on earlier.
I think people who don't camp or have an RV have no clue as to what a Disney campground..or any campground is really like. I think they picture a wigwam in a muddy forest or something. We have stayed at the Poly, Beach Club, Carribean Beach and our favorite Wilderness Lodge. We stayed at the campground back in 93 when they were called the trailers. We always bike over to the campground when we've stayed at the WL. I am hoping to be able to take our travel trailer to FW in October. This is what I've wanted to do since we first bought the thing. I can't wait. :banana: Camping is a isn't something most of us do to save money. I've heard about people at the WL complaining they had to share a water launch with the folks from FW :rolleyes2 ...personally when I've stayed there I didn't find that to be the case. If these fools who were so rude knew what some of us have spent on our rigs..tow vehicles..motor homes..and for that matter..those cabins in FW go for over $300.00 a night! The cabins are more than a room at WL. They are ignorant. We have been back and forth with decision about towing to FW in October because of the gas..but like my husband said to me yesterday.."we aren't doing this to save money..we're doing it because we've always wanted to do it". It wasn't a cost saving decision to begin with. I have heard similiar comments. If I mention it to someone that isn't familiar with FW I get the same thing. "Is that really worth it?". I think we should probably keep the secret of the Fort to ourselves. ;)
Boy thats nasty I do have a problem with Rude people. Camping is not for everybody but if you don't have anything nice to say Don't! I am a HAPPY CAMPER anywhere :) I guess there are people with opinions and everyone has one just like :rolleyes1 .... I enjoy camping having my entire family including dogs sometime my horses. (can't take them to FW) It's more of adventure not the same ole thing. Having all the family and sleeping on my bed being outside relaxing after a great day at the parks. I think if I ever run into a rude selfish opiniated none Fort Wilderness person I will have pity on them for not knowing better.. Or I will Laugh Out Loud very Loudly..
Thanks I will be better prepared!
That is just SOOOOOO RUDE! I am not a camper at all but if I owned a trailer heck I would stay there, like what was said it is your own... your own dirt your own germs ect It is like being home still but away at Disney because it is yours! About comments about staying at Pop or values Heck for my trip coming up on monday I had the choice of a mod or Pop and I picked Pop hands down... first because we have 2 kids and they loved it there last year! second because everyone there was friendly and third why on earth would I fork out more money for a mod when I am not even going to be in the room at all except to shower and sleep! Makes no sense to me to spend hundreds more because it has water slides in the pools and its a few hundred more sq feet of sleeping room! Heck I am no dummy that extra money we save by staying at Pop goes to me shopping! What can I say I am a girlie girl and think ahead hehehe!
:teeth: I clearly remember a time when the boat launch did not stop and WL to pick up any guest, simply because the campground was there first, but maybe I am wrong? I think it is we, not they, that are sharing our boat with them and it has never bothered me one bit.

I have also read on other threads how proud they are to be staying in a fancy WDW resort, concierge level, with dining and only spending $3,500.00 for the week! Helloooo.... I am spending the same amount, staying in my own germs, for the same amount at the campground..but wait, there's more.... I am staying for 8 full weeks!!!! There are some days that I just love being considered "trailer park trash". :rotfl2:
I wish I could afford an RV to stay at FW! No I have to stay in a cabin on our 1 week long trip per year.(not 8 weeks!) We do stay in deluxes on our other trips because they are only for a couple days at a time and I don't want to waste travel time when I'm only there for three days. Believe me, the money we spend on Disney hotels every year is not as much as an RV would cost to buy and maintain. I know 'cause I've been trying to talk Dh into an RV for a couple years now. I just can't "spin" those numbers to look good. ;) I'll keep trying though!
people are ghastly, one of my cherished dreams is to ship our eurocamper over to florida and tour, finishing at f.w. i love my little campervan we go all ove europe in it, places you would have to book ahead always have room at their campsites. they don't know what they are missing. i will do it one day save a space for me :cheer2:
Me and my family will be staying at FW for the first time this summer and we are taking a plane to get there--Which for some reason people find incredulous--Like we are the only DIS people who have ever done this==And the comments I have heard and read about camping with 5 kids have been horrendous--About all of us being squashed in a tent in the heat and rain with the bugs and how we should have just stayed in a hotel---Well for us staying at FW was the best choice because we would have needed 2 hotel rooms and w/5 kids it would have been hard to keep track but in the tent which we bought previousely from the outdoor advantage store on ebay we got a 3 bedroom tent and it has a big center room for all the luggage plus another DISer was kind enough to tell me about a product called the ACBOOT which you hook up to your tent to run a window ac thru and it sits on this little table and plug it to the electric post at your campsite and 3 queen size aerobeds we are good to go---We will be doing the dining plan so we don't have to worry about meals at the campsite so as of right now we only have 7 items to check at the airport===I just can't wait to see their faces when they realize one of those items is an air conditioner :rotfl:

We love camping(not sure about my 2 DS's though because I haven't taken them since they were little) and are looking forward to our first camping trip in the WORLD!
Over the years, we've heard all kinds of duragatory things about FW and tend to just laugh them off. Our favorite though is the amount of people that stay at the WL and are offended that they have to share a boat with us. Another poster mentioned the "Wannabes" and we have noticed this, as well ...... only difference is that we call them "The Pretenders". We had an incident on a Disney bus one day (about 8 years ago) when this topic came up. After the offending family left the bus and we were the only ones on the bus with him, the bus driver piped up and said "Those people have obviously never been to FW and seen the near million dollar coaches. Heck, they are probably really staying at the All-Stars which I like to refer to as "the projects"." Now I'm not saying that his comment about the All-Stars being the projects is accurate either, but we did get his point. Perhaps he was just trying to make us feal better! Bottom line is that we are happy with OUR choice.
Are you kidding, most of them couldn't afford to stay at Ft. Wilderness - you gotta include the cost of your rig. Let 'em feel sorry for me - I can take it!
It might be fun to stay in a deluxe resort sometime, instead of our pop up. But for our 8 night stay the difference between FW and WL is $2,171 ($2,453 for WL and $277 for FW) and I am not ashamed to say that is not in our budget. Of course I could chose the Poly for only $5,575.04 for 8 nights but I don't remember if that let me see the trees out of my room window or not. At FW we even get the wooded view, waterview, lodge view (all of them) for no extra charge. I can't help but wonder what those people think of the poor if they look down on those who stay in a Disney campground. There is nothing to be ashamed of in earning a modest or low income.
Wow -- I had no idea this thread would get this much response. I guess I'm glad to know it's not just me -- I don't have an "icky people magnet" on my back -- but I am a bit sad that so many other people have had things like this happen to them, too.

I've also heard the griping about boat sharing and it just makes me wonder what is the big deal? If you stay at the Swan/Dolphin/BC/YC and you ride the boats from Epcot and MGM, you have to share with them. I guess the difference is you're sharing with "your own kind" and not the "trailer trash up the street". :confused3

We don't have a million dollar rig (not even close -- we bought a used 1996 Damon Daybreak -- small, but cute as a button and runs great) but I know that FW isn't the cheapest option by far, even for us because by the time you factor in insurance, maintenance, property taxes, tag fees and on and on I could stay at a value for less money. :rotfl2: But I wouldn't have as much fun. Like someone else said, if the snooty people could just see some of the rigs at FW they'd shut up real fast. I don't lose sleep over it when someone says something nasty, but it does leave a bad taste in my mouth. Mostly I feel sad that someone has to say things like that, whatever their motivation.
Disneefun said:
I've also heard the griping about boat sharing and it just makes me wonder what is the big deal? If you stay at the Swan/Dolphin/BC/YC and you ride the boats from Epcot and MGM, you have to share with them. I guess the difference is you're sharing with "your own kind" and not the "trailer trash up the street". :confused3 .

Well, I thought I would pop over to this board because this looked like an interesting topic. I would never stay at FW. You are either a camper or not. For me camping is a fun weekend activity. I live in the country so being in nature, seeing the animals, etc. is not a big deal to me.

Yes, I might also be one of those people you overhear say that I would rather not go to WDW and stay at FW. However, if you overhear something, does that give you a reason to be mad? Is the person making the comment wrong? I do agree that being rude to a person face to face is uncalled for.

About the boat sharing, I stayed at YC and did not like have to share a boat with Swan/Dolphin. It had nothing to do with them being "my own kind." I just didn't want to share the boat. It takes longer. Perhaps some of the WL people feel the same way.


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