Do you find yourself apologizing or have you quit telling people?


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2001
Now that we are just 8 days away from our fourth consecutive summer trip to WDW, we continue to get raised eyebrows when people discover we are going back YET AGAIN.

First I am quick to emphasize what a deal we got (which is true this year--5 FREE AIRFARES FROM GETTING BUMPED LAST YEAR)...

But more and more when people ask about our vacation plans, we are inclined to say "we're getting out of town for a few days." It's alot easier than trying to apologize or explain why we never go anywhere else.

Anyone else experience the same phenomena?
We've been going multiple times a year since 1992 - people generally don't even ASK where we're going anymore! :p

It helps when we explain that we truly do slow down and relax while there - we don't do the parks commando style anymore. Then people start to realize how much more fun Disney World would be if they'd just slow down. :sunny:
Usually I don't really get into telling too many people - if they don't get it, they don't get it. But if they do, that's a great conversation waiting to happen.

I've never had to apologize, though. That's too bad that anybody would feel like they have to justify a vacation, which is nobody's business but the vacationers'. But yes, I've been there, too and I understand.
Hah, we havent even told my parents, or my mil (or sils!!)

No they wont get it,and you know, I am apologizing that I'm spending our last money form our refund check, there are lots of other places this could go... but we havent had a vacation in ten years... if i"m going to rot, I'm going to rot with a happy heart!
it's worse for DVC members :teeth:

you bought a timeshare where? disney? you're going every year? :rolleyes:
Try having to explain to an ex-wife where you are taking your son for vacation.

"What again? I don't get it"

Now we know why she is the ex.

Obviously not the only reason...
Maybe because I work with young people (I teach at a college) I get the opposite reaction - they don't want to hear about my trip because they wish they were going!

Yep.....don't even tell relatives until last minute so we don't have to listen to it. Quit telling friends too, they just smile knowingly when we say we are going on vacation.
I refuse to apologize to anyone for how we decide to spend our vacations, but I do get tired of trying to explain why we are going to Disney AGAIN. I can't see dragging a 3-year-old (or even a 6-year-old for that matter), to sightseeing destinations (which DH doesn't care for anyway) and I don't care for the beach, camping, snowskiing or other outdoorsy-type things. The girls and I all LOVE WDW, so nothing fits the bill for us right now better than WDW. Besides, we do go to the beach for shorter weekend trips so it's not like we never do anything else.
Nope... we don't apologize. We are about 100 days away from our 6th trip in 3 years (for my big birthday)...

The last time someone said "What?!?! You're going THERE...AGAIN?" I just smiled and said "Don't worry... we're not asking you to come along or pay for it." :p Rude comment gets an equally rude response. I know... I'm bad.:eek:
We don't tell family anymore either, especially my sister. To her it would be "You can go there more than once, but you can't come visit us or go visit mom???"

I find it is just easier not to tell them we have gone 2 or 3 times in a year than to hear what they would say if we did tell them. Especially this year - we are finally going home to CA to visit with my family & inlaws and my mom helped with the tickets. But that was her choice. We did a last minute trip in May to WDW and have planned a trip in Oct. But are we going to tell them?!? :rolleyes: NNOOOOOOO!!!!

When my mom told in MIL that we were planning a trip to DL, it came as a surprise to her, "Oh they are??" OF COURSE - we are Disneyphiles, we go every chance we get. ::yes:: :hyper:

Again if they don't get it, they don't get it. Those of us that do are lucky they don't because that's that many that aren't at WDW or DL.;)
I vented about this on another board and I will post it again so you guys know that you are not alone on this issue!

Here is my vent on "GOING THERE AGAIN?" issue....

People look at me with funny faces when I say I go every year but if you think about it - what are other vacation choices. Here is how I look at it.

Beach Go'ers - Might go to different beaches - but they lay on the beach all day - on sand in front of water - SAME THING NO MATTER WHAT STATE!

Sight See'rs - How many museums and churches can you see?

Cruise go'ers - Once you have seen one ship you have seen them all!!!!

So is going to Disney all that much different! Actually you can enjoy all of the above with Disney

Beach - certain resorts have beaches!

Sights - WORLD SHOWCASE and all the parks!

Cruise - There is a Disney Cruise but you can always try renting a paddle boat Boat on water - Its the same effect - just no golf course!!!!

That was just a vent - I dont like people who say "YOUR GOING TO DISNEY AGAIN!" .........YES I AM BUDDY!

They just dont get it! They never can - Its magic that place!
We get the same responce from everyone we know. Why do they even care where we go for vacation? Some people go to Myrtle beach every year, some the Jersey Shore.........we like WDW.:jumping1: :grouphug:
HA! I love this thread! My DH and I just had this conversation yesterday. We booked our 2nd Disney trip for this Oct (we were there in Feb this year) and he said, "I'm just going to tell people we are going to Florida, and be vague about it".

We live in the midwest, so it's a hike to get just about anywhere from here, and I don't understand why people thing going back to Disney again and again is such a big deal! :D

Whatever, it's our "happy place" so I guess they'll just have to think we are crazy! :rolleyes:
I get the looks too but I have never apologized for going, it's my money to spend. But the best reason of all for going back every year is - it makes my whole family happy.

Where else can I go that everybody enjoys. From the wife and I to my young sons to a pre school girl? Disney is a great value for my family and we look forward to going back as soon as we get home.

:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
Now that we are DVC members Im having a hard time not wanting to go all the time, lol. We went last Oct, boys and I went back in Dec, we went 2 weeks the beginning of June and now Im trying to talk dh into going back this Oct.
We, too, know how many of you feel - like KimR, we feel that our DD5 will be bored sightseeing (although we like to do it, but we can wait until she gets older), and we'd go crazy sitting on the beach every day for a week, so WDW is the best bet - and we love it there, too! We relax and forget all our cares for 1 week and have so much fun together, so why go anywhere else? You never know when she'll decide that she's too old or too cool for WDW, so we'll go every year while we can. The look on DD's face when we are in the center of it all is priceless to us, and we're glad we can do this, for her and for us! It's an amazing place that I wish all kids could get the chance to see...
We get the same thing from some people. We don't explain or apologise. They can't believe that we're going THERE again. We usually turn ir around and ask if they are going to the beach AGAIN!!

Another comment we get is, "Are you dragging Brad there with you? Don't force him to go, he'll be miserable.".....Excuse me....drag miserable...He begs to go.

What I would like to say is "You just don't get it, or you're just to cheap to get it." But you can'y say that to inlaws.
Originally posted by crazywig
it's worse for DVC members :teeth:

you bought a timeshare where? disney? you're going every year? :rolleyes:

I don't own DVC but I go twice a year. Most of my friends know what a fanatic I am and usually ask for advice. It is my son and husband who say" Again? LOL!
Add the extra horror of not having children...

"Why do you go to WDW every year... you don't even have kids?"

No, we have each other! And Mickey!


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