DVCSince02 Baby Watch

Thanks everyone. I'm totally in love with him.

His days and nights are totally backwards, so I'm a night owl with him. My MIL is in from Florida and has been a huge help with everything from laundry to baths, and meals.

We were looking at pictures last night and it's amazing how much Evan looks like is big sister when she was born. Her baby picture looks just like mine, but now I think she looks like her daddy.

Can you believe he is a week old already?!?
Thanks everyone. I'm totally in love with him.

His days and nights are totally backwards, so I'm a night owl with him. My MIL is in from Florida and has been a huge help with everything from laundry to baths, and meals.

We were looking at pictures last night and it's amazing how much Evan looks like is big sister when she was born. Her baby picture looks just like mine, but now I think she looks like her daddy.

Can you believe he is a week old already?!?

AWW a week already! man time flies!!!!

I bet you have the whole week caught on film!I know I would;)
Well Evan went to his first doctors appointment today. He has gained almost 1/2 pound in a week and everything checks out great.

Doc was very happy with his weight and said we don't have to come back for 2 months. Unfortunately at that appointment he's due for 3 shots. YUCK!

Here's some other exciting news..... tonight is my night to get some sleep. Hubby gets the night shift tonight!:dance3:
I hope you got some sleep. That is nice of hubby. How is our little angel doing??
Congrats, Jen!

Can't wait to see Evan's first pic with (the real) Mickey! That'll be cool!
Congratulations Jen --- I was thinking about you while we were down at the World and wondering if Evan had made his appearance!

Woo-hoo! He's beautiful!
Congratulations Jen --- I was thinking about you while we were down at the World and wondering if Evan had made his appearance!

Woo-hoo! He's beautiful!

Thank you!

Well I promised a play by play of the big days events and here it goes....

I woke up at 4am and couldn't fall back asleep. I just kept thinking I wouldn't get the call to come in and by 5am I made my way downstairs to watch some TV and not bother Chris. I barely had the TV on for 5 minutes and the phone started ringing. I jumped from the couch (a feat in itself) and answered the phone. It was the charge nurse at the hospital! I said "If you are going to tell me there is a bed I'm gonna cry", she asked why and I said "I've been bumped a few times" and she said to come on in! I hung up the phone and let out a small Woo Hoo (I didn't want to wake the kids). By the time I made it back upstairs, Chris was already shaving and getting ready for his shower. I called my Mom and Dad to come and take care of the kids and started getting ready. My parents were here in about 20 minutes and after going over a few things with them we were off to the hopsital.

We arrived at the hospital around 6am and by the time my IV was hooked up and turned on it was about 6:30. Man the IV part hurts, I just hate that thing, you feel like you can't move your hand at all.

Shift change at 7am and my nurse Dana came into the room and introduced herself and gave me the rundown of the planned events of the day. She started the pitocen and it kept increasing by 3 every 30 minutes. The physicians assistant came and checked me around 8:30am and I was about 4cm dialated and she broke my water. After the initial gush, every time I shifted in the bed I felt a dribble dribble. YUCK! She also placed an internal monitor next to the baby's head to monitor the contractions better. It was nice to take the one off my belly so the only monitor left on my belly was the one tracking the heartbeat.

After my water was broken the contractions started getting intense. dribble dribble. I was able to breath through them until about 9:15 when I told the nurse they were getting intense. She asked if I was ready for my epidural and I wanted to wait until I couldn't take it anymore but when she mentioned it may take up to 30 minutes for the doctor to come place it, I was ready for her to page the doc. dribble dribble. About 20 minutes later the anesthesiologist showed up and she ran down her list of questions and I got ready.

First I swung my legs over the side of the bed, dribble dribble. Then I had to huntch my back as much as I could curling around my stomach. dribble dribble. Don't ya know as soon as she started, I got a BIG contraction and she didn't stop. dribble dribble. When she was done I had tears in my eyes from both the needle and the contraction but was happy that in about 10 minutes the contractions would be so much better and I wouldn't feel the dribble dribble anymore. With the epidural your legs feel heavy and warm, so I asked Chris to take off my socks. I knew if I kept them on they would get dirty.

I was able to rest for about an hour just watching TV and resting my eyes. After all I have been awake since 4am.

Around 11:30am I started getting "the labor shakes". Basically your body starts shaking like you have the chills. You can't stop it you just start shaking. This is a big indicator that you are getting ready to deliver. The nurse paged the doctor and he was there within 2 minutes. He introduced himself and as it turns out his sister-in-law was our former pediatrician. He was very nice and I immediately felt comfortable with him. He checked me and asked me to give one push on my next contraction. I did and was fully dialated. The big 10cm!!!! It's time to P-U-S-H!

The doctor and nurse set everything up they would need and other than the shaking I felt pretty good. Nervous, but ready!

At about 11:40 I started pushing with the contractions. Chris held one leg (the one that was more "dead") and the nurse Dana held the other. After about 6 or so contractions the head was out. Whew, that was a big head! On the next contraction we were going to have a baby! The contraction started and boy did I push... and whoosh.... out he came!:woohoo: Chris cut the cord and he was free.

They placed him on my chest and I started crying. 10 fingers and 10 toes and slimey. He was crying and I was crying with him. Poor Chris was so nervous and excited he got a bit lightheaded. The nurse told him to sit down and another nurse came in and gave him some juice. He was back up in no time taking pictures.

I couldn't get over how much he looked like Emma when she was born, just with less hair. The nurse took him to the warmer to get him cleaned up and give him a good checking out. His apgar scores were 9 and 9.

After things settled down, Chris brought him over to me leaned down and kissed me and simply said with tears in his eyes, Thank You. We cried some more and thanked God for our blessings.:love:

Life is good.

I'll be back later with the rest of the events.
You made me cry, in a happy way. Congratulations and I'm so happy every went well for you and baby Evan. I just love a story with a happy ending.
Hand me a tissue, would you Don -- I'm getting all sniffly here as well!
Part 2 -

So after finally getting a room at the inn and delivering a beautiful and healthy baby boy we get to sit and relax in the labor and delivery room for 2 hours. This allows the nurse to monitor me and the baby and ensure we are doing well. I'll spare you the details of this (unless Don really wants to know).

After our 2 hours are up, the nurse comes in and says she is still waiting for a room on the post partum floor so we get to stay a little longer. By this time I'm starving... so Dana gets me a turkey sandwich and chips and you'd think she gave me filet. I couldn't eat that sandwich any faster.

Finally after another hour or so, a young girl from transport comes to take us to our room. By now I'm very mobile to her relief was able to walk and get on the bed by myself. SUPER MOM!

After being wheeled into our post partum room I start getting settled in. My nurse comes to take our vitals and I ask her how soon I can get the IV out of my hand. She goes into her speech about how it's supposed to stay in for 8 hours blah blah blah. I tell her how much I really want it out and we strike a deal. If I'm not running a fever and my blood pressure is fine she will take it out. DEAL!

I also explain that I'm very interested in going home a day early and want to know what needs to be done to make that happen. She offers make note of this in my chart and get everything arranged. SWEET!

So with me settled in and make up re-applied, I'm ready for visitors. I send Chris to the cafe for some food for himself and finally my dinner comes. While it wasn't great, it was edible.

My parents bring the kids and I'm so excited to see them. How thoughtful of Evan to bring Emma and Ethan presents.... ;) Emma falls in love with the baby and asks to hold him. Ethan just gives him a look and is more interested in his new Go Diego Go toy. They don't stay very long as the kids are hungry, so they take them back home after stopping at McDonalds for dinner.

My brother stops by on his way home but Evan slept the entire time so not much excitement there.

Chris' Dad wants to come by, but we tell them to stay home (long story short, I can't stand his wife), so we tell them to come to the house instead in a couple days.

By now it's getting late and Chris needs to get the kids from my parents house and get them ready for school the next day. We say goodnight and I threaten him with bodily harm if he is late the next morning. Also, he must bring me a McDonalds sweet tea. Afterall I'm sure I won't get a lick of sleep tonight.

I'll be back later to talk about the longest night of my life and check out day!
ah Jen, i teared up reading it too! What a great delivery, super mom!!! :goodvibes ;) What three little angels you have! i am already thinking about #2 and my son won't even be 1 until the end of the month. But being 35 and having to endure a year of fertility treatments and finally in vitro, just not sure how long i want to wait. I don't know that i could manage 3 though like you! ;) and of course i have to plan all of it around my disney trips! lol

so when will little Evan's first trip be? :rotfl:

and lol at the dribble dribble....that was the strangest and grossest feeling. :confused3
Oh No!!! What happened all night. I had a private room lucky me. I can only imagine. Eeekk. It is a good thing to leave early. That is one thing I love about our practice. They try to do what you ask. I cant wait to hear more.
You know, I've already talked about having a 4th, but I'm going to wait on that decision until our 2 cruises are over next year. I know, I know, I must be crazy. Well I am.... I would love to have another little girl, but there is no guarantee in life. Even with technology being so advanced (i.e. spinning and washing sperm) there is no guarantee. And like you I will be considered high risk by then because of my age.

Really 3 is no different than 2 right now. Evan is an easy baby so far. Now Ethan on the other hand is a bit of a terror right now. He is 2.5 and his favorite word is NO. UGH!

No trips planned until June with the kids. Going to do land and sea.

I thought I'd spare everyone the graphic details but the dribble dribble was harmless enough. ;)
I've been reading all these posts, but haven't contributed anything. So now I will. Congratulations!!!
OK, I finally was able to read about Evan's arrival since I had no food or liquid near me.

Jen and any other Moms out there, you have my full admiration. I don't think I could handle child birth. I would be the, "knock-me-out-and-wake-me-up-when-it's-all-over-and-my-manicure-is-dry" gal.

I can relate to Ethan. I say no most of the day also!


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