Everyday Swap - COMPLETE

I am finally finished! Here are all of my groups. I'll work on labeling these tonight and I'll be postal tomorrow morning. I hope you like them... I tried to make new things that I've never done before.

Group A LOVE:
The little triangle flags are on a string. The frame fits a 4x6 photo.


Included an extra crochet flower. The mat and journaling box were stitched on my sewing machine.

Group K. TEENS:
The ipod is a photo mat embellished with a few app icons. The shapes are icons for Facebook, itunes, and Angry Birds. Crossing my fingers that you like this one.

Group L. GIRLS:
This title box has a ton of details. Inked, embossed, stamped, glitter mist...I spent a long time on this. The second picture shows an "X" that I cut and am including, but you can glue it on if you want. It's meant to cover the word slumber--not much slumbering goes on for any of us at my house at these parties.


Group T. ZOO:
Inspired to make the border from a LO I liked in a magazine. It's pop dotted and has a bunch of layers. Looks way better in real life.
Traci, those are awesome!! I love them all. The ipod set will be perfect for my oldest dd. I can use the "X", too. We've had girls stay up all night during the last couple of slumber parties at our house. I can't hang with them anymore. :confused3 Can't wait to see them in person.
Those are amazing:worship: I love the i-pod - perfect for DS(18) - I think its become glued in his ears sometimes:rotfl:
Finished my groups today but probably won't be able to bag and tag until next weekend. Here's my last 3 groups:

Group R - Escape to...

Group K - LOL

Group N - Best Buds

I think they look great.:love:

I have everything designed and one group completed. I finished my letters for the other swap first and will finish these up this week.
I love that suitcase too! My box should be landing any day now.....:rolleyes:
Mail Call! Received two pacakages yesterday -- mycutiepatooties and MazdaUK.

The prices are all wonderful!!! I love seeing them in "real life" after the pictures. You love the pictures but then you see the real thing and all the colors are brighter and it just makes you fall in love again! Thanks again for everything ladies!
Glad it got there OK:banana: Hope the "bits" were what you were looking for;)
I have my last group cut out. I need to assemble and get to the store. Need gallon baggies. Can't believe I ran out. I will be postal on Monday.


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