Fall Advantage 08 Box!

so last time i checked my count down clock...it said one month 6 days...NOW LOOK AT IT!! OMG! lol its nearing the one month...eeek lol
So the other night I was up because I couldn't sleep because of my strep throat, so I sat and watched Disney vids on YouTube. Wishes ALWAYS make me cry, right when the "Go the Distance" music comes on. I hope they don't replace Wishes for a long long time. I can't believe how soon we're going to be there!!!!
wooooo!!!1 month!!! the last day were going to see the 1 month thing on our posts!!!kinda sad,,,i need a moment,...hahah not!!!so freakin excited!!!
hey! i was just wondering if my name was added to the list. i sent my address to pendragon so hopefully its not too late to be on it.
oki so almost one the last time for you .lol. im so excited to see days on my count down!!lol. hey tyler do you have the box yet??
oki so almost one the last time for you .lol. im so excited to see days on my count down!!lol. hey tyler do you have the box yet??

HOWDY YALL....lol i am so rapped up in the last week of school as well i will be rapped up in finals week.... IE i will probley not be on here :( ....school comes first! lol My finals are april 28th through may 1st....then after that....i am just waiting for disney to arrive! lol Hey katelyn....since you just asked to be on the box adventure...i will add you right after me....so you can get at least one chance to experience the fun and magic! :) and no sadly i haven't gotten the box yet :( but that doesn't mean that it will not come today! i can always hope lol. i am super excited for the cp to begin....but at the same time...idk if i am ready! and i think all of you can relate! idk....i just know i will be happy! anyways enough of me rambling! i think it will go so fast after school ends this semester! it ends the 1st of may for me....sooo eek! lol from that point it will be what?......18 days? lol it is crazy
I don't know what happened with the box and why you haven't gotten it yet Tyler... after me, there were only two other people, but it has been about 20-25 days sent I sent out the box and I know the person right after me got it pretty quick. So I don't know what's up but we need to speed it up if people are going to get again. :) :) :) I know I personally want to see what's in it now and to get it and everything but we only have like 15 days... so it might have to be a one time dealio (or people only keep it for a day).

Does anyone know what's up with the Box?

Tyler, how is it going to go after you get it? Katelyn, then who, then Joanna, then me?? :)
HOWDY YALL....lol i am so rapped up in the last week of school as well i will be rapped up in finals week.... IE i will probley not be on here :( ....school comes first! lol My finals are april 28th through may 1st....then after that....i am just waiting for disney to arrive! lol Hey katelyn....since you just asked to be on the box adventure...i will add you right after me....so you can get at least one chance to experience the fun and magic! :) and no sadly i haven't gotten the box yet :( but that doesn't mean that it will not come today! i can always hope lol. i am super excited for the cp to begin....but at the same time...idk if i am ready! and i think all of you can relate! idk....i just know i will be happy! anyways enough of me rambling! i think it will go so fast after school ends this semester! it ends the 1st of may for me....sooo eek! lol from that point it will be what?......18 days? lol it is crazy

I hope I don't sound mean, I really don't mean to be so pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase don't take this the wrong way, but I am not sure if we should add someone else to the box since we only have about 20 days and it has taken us way longer than that to even do the first cycle. I think it's kind of only fair that the people who got it the first tour get a chance to see it again... please don't take this the wrong way!! But it's so close to our deadline and I think we may have a chance to squeeze everyone in... but adding someone else may not be the best idea at this point. Sorry if this was mean!
Booooooo missing box. When I talked to Sarah last she said she was mailing it out the next day! We may have to bring the box to our meet-up when we get down there so everybody can see it! Not quite as exciting as getting it in the mail, but oh well. Boo, and I did cool stuff with the box too, missing box makes me grumpy.
I understand how you feel but I want to experience the magic too! I've been waiting so long for my letter and have been looking forward to possibly receive the box. I just ask that yall will share it with me. Whatever ya'll decide will be cool.
Hey no it goes tyler, then r we adding katelyn ??if we ar ethen her then me then joanna then you. lol. were getting down to the wire here. yeah what happened to the box its feels like its been missing!! i think all we can do is keep it for 1 day. even if we have to send it out the day after we get it. ill do that, and not keep it for a while so we can hopefully get it to everyone a second time. lol. ugh i want it, i miss the box, its been forever!!!!! cant wait to see it.
hahah wow im freakin out!!! tyler ur done with school???im not done till may14th, and im leaving may 15th!!lol. i hope we can add u kate!!
hahah wow im freakin out!!! tyler ur done with school???im not done till may14th, and im leaving may 15th!!lol. i hope we can add u kate!!

hey! i have MIA due to massive school stuff! this is the FINAL week of school then comes EXAM week! urgh so basically i will be done with school may 1st! :) so i will have plenty of time until the cp. but in regards to the order....if it is fine with everyone....we can just add katelyn to the end of the mailing list.
I'm done with EVERYTHING on Monday. Everything, as in done with college. It's the scariest thing ever ever ever!!!!:scared1: My graduation ceremony is May 4th, then it's 2 weeks to readjust life and I'm off to Disney. It's insane! If the box EVER surfaces again, I have no problem adding Katelyn. I will even forgo my spot for the next round because I saw pretty much everybody's stuff, so I want to make sure people who haven't seen it, see it. I also think the box should be brought to the meet-up just so everyone can see, and take stuff if they want. Welcome Katelyn!
I'm done with EVERYTHING on Monday. Everything, as in done with college. It's the scariest thing ever ever ever!!!!:scared1: My graduation ceremony is May 4th, then it's 2 weeks to readjust life and I'm off to Disney. It's insane! If the box EVER surfaces again, I have no problem adding Katelyn. I will even forgo my spot for the next round because I saw pretty much everybody's stuff, so I want to make sure people who haven't seen it, see it. I also think the box should be brought to the meet-up just so everyone can see, and take stuff if they want. Welcome Katelyn!

So no BOX today...it wasn't in my mail box


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