Fat Girls Walking Club

I wear capris that I bought at Sam's club. It's what I wore for the 1/2. Get some GLIDE to avoid chub rub, in those areas that may have friction.

I bought a thin pair of capris at JC Penny's last week. Very comfortable for this hot time of year.

Watch your socks, I use Rocawear, addias, asics. Bought my bra at Target and another at Gap Body. I like body hugging shirts the tees seem to chafe my underarms.

All those clothes are important so you don't chafe after many miles. I had one spot that I was not aware of during the race till I hit the shower. YIKES that was an eyeopener!:scared1:

Try it all!

Thanks for all the great ideas. I think we have a Hanes/Champion/JMS outlet about 30 min from our house. Might try there tomorrow after work.

I gotta tell- today my legs were killing me at work. They aren't used to all this moving.

What type of strenght exercises do you ladies like and find effective?

You all realize I am now using you as my personal trainers?

Thanks again
Annette :)
I havent checkedin in a few days. Heres how i've been doing
Friday 40 mins hot and sticky
Sat Day of rest and shopping.
Sun 35.40 did better than friday.
Hey Lynnda! Still thinking about the Rock 'n 'Roll Half (San Antonio?) :teeth:

Susie - Unfortunately I won't be doing San Antonio... :sad1: Bill will be flying out by himself - it's just too expensive to fly all 4 of us out for just a weekend. Billy starts Kindergarten in the fall, and I have discovered this whole school thing gets in the way of vacations!!!! ;) We would probably all go to TX if we could stay for a few days and sight-see. San Antonio is so beautiful, and there is so much I want the boys to see! I'll be thinking of you all, though. Keep Bill in line for me! :thumbsup2

Need to ask a weird question- what do you like to wear when walking? We live in MI so right now the temps are in the high 70's low 80's. I am wearing an oversized tee and yoga pants. I want shorts but can't seem to find any that are long enough not to ride up in my size (26). Any advice?

Annette :)

Annette - I wear compression shorts from Danskin. The Danskin website has a plus section, and their clothes go up to 4X. They are super comfy, don't ride up, and they are extremely durable! They've gotten me through a bunch of training and several races. You do need to watch for sales, though, as they can be a bit pricey. I got mine during a 40% off sale. I also have 2 Cool-max loose fitting sleeveless shirts from Danskin - definitely a must in the heat! And I second the Body Glide - I have had waaaaaay too many chafing spots. I even have a hidden Mickey scar on my back from my first marathon, thanks to chafing from the back of my waistband. :lmao:

Can-do-mom - Congrats on joining WW! It really is a great program. If you can, try several different times/leaders. When I did WW, I "shopped" the various meetings until I found the perfect one! She was awesome, and incredibly motivating! Since gaining so much of the weight back, I think I've tried everything else out there, and have finally decided I just need to get back to journaling and counting my points. I have a ton of weight to lose, as well, but don't let that stop you from setting smaller training/racing goals before the 2010 half. When I finally got the courage to do my first race, I was surprised at how many other Pooh-sized people there were, and how encouraging everyone was, regardless of size or ability. I was sad I didn't sign up sooner! ;)

Training-wise, I did a mile swim at the pool yesterday, and my legs are paying for it today, so no big walking (just a little shopping :thumbsup2). I am hoping to get out on the bike tomorrow - we'll see if the weather cooperates.

Everyone is doing awesome! Keep up the great work ladies!!! :goodvibes

We went to the Adidas outlet store on Sat. I found a pair of shorts and a tank that should do for a while. What excited me was the shorts are a 2x and the tank is xl. Yippee!

I got the MfM book and have started reading that. I'm only to chapter 6, but it seems like a good start. I want to jump ahead and look at the training plans, but that seems to be like finding out who did it before you get to the end.

Have a great day everyone

Annette :)
Back from NYC on Saturday. That one day of shopping was a killer on the body. My legs were fine, we did about 8 miles in the city but I was just plain old tired, or just plain old!

Here's a picture of me on the other thread in front of the Yankee's Store. Me a Red Sox fan! But I'm wearing my Wish hat!


So, we're back at it at 5am tomorrow so I'm about ready to hit the hay, 4:45 seems to come very early!

Keep walking all, and measure your goals in inches and miles not pounds! All will catch up eventually.

Back from NYC on Saturday. That one day of shopping was a killer on the body. My legs were fine, we did about 8 miles in the city but I was just plain old tired, or just plain old!

Here's a picture of me on the other thread in front of the Yankee's Store. Me a Red Sox fan! But I'm wearing my Wish hat!


So, we're back at it at 5am tomorrow so I'm about ready to hit the hay, 4:45 seems to come very early!

Keep walking all, and measure your goals in inches and miles not pounds! All will catch up eventually.


Glad to hear you had a great time in NY. I used to follow the Yankees closely, but then lost interst. I do that a lot. Short attention span I guess. That is why is so important to me to continue to train. I bore easily.

Time to go for a run.

Annette :)
Just wanting to join. We have a December trip planned. Both DH and I are Pooh sized. We have a goal as a family. In the next 4 months, we must "Walk to WDW". That is 1240 miles. We have a large map on the wall and DD (12) marks how far we are every few days. Just started last week, but are having fun. DD and I walk each morning while it is cool, and DH, DD and I walk in the evening.

The marathons sound like a blast! Maybe that will need to be a goal of mine after this trip.
Welcome Jenn!!

We are happy to have you. I like the idea of walking to Disney. That is inspired. We really don't have a structure here. We are just here to help each other out. I am waiting for the temp to drop so that I can go for a walk. It is almost 9pm and still over 80 degrees. It might be midnight before I go at this rate. :rotfl:
Denise - Awesome picture!! :thumbsup2

Jenn - Welcome! The walking to Disney sounds really cool!!! And I love that your DD is involved with it! :goodvibes

Annette - Enjoy your walk! There are many days around here when 80 degrees would sound heavenly! :rotfl: I think we are back in the mid-90's on Saturday... yippee... ;)

I really have very little walking to report. We have had rain, rain, rain, more rain, and even more rain - all day, every day it seems. I don't have a treadmill, so aside from pacing the house, my walking is limited. Here's hoping for some sunshine tomorrow :beach:

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hey! Can I join the club too? I'm glad to finally have found some WISHers I can really relate to. I just started back purposefully exercising last Monday. I put on 70lbs with baby #2. It's killing me, yet every pound was worth it! He's so sweet! But he just turned a year old so I have no more excuses to hang on to the baby weight.

I'm an interval loving girl. It keeps things interesting. I'm currently at walk4min/run1min (6 intervals) and my goal is to eventually make it flip to run4/walk1. I walk or cross train 2 days a week, rest 2 days, and do intervals 3 days.

My Goals:
Princess 5k 2009
Disney 1/2 2010
Princess 1/2 2010 (if they have it)

I would love to meet you ladies at these races!
Welcome Deana :) The more the merrier.

Question: What keeps you going?

For me, it is the support of my family and friends. I think my friends are more excited about the races sometimes than I am.

Sunday (July 27) we are doing another 5k. I want to beat my time of 55:47 that I did in June.

Have a great night everyone.

Annette :)
We dis another 5k this morning. Beat the last time by 5 minutes so definitley a move in the right direction. There were more pooh like people at this race. The Ele's place greiving center for children benefited from this race and there was alot of diferrent people this morning. I know i have to step it up to compete in September. Well off to stretch and relax
Good Morning everyone,

It was a great day (yesterday) for a 5k. I finished in 51:17. That is 4 minutes off my time in June. Next month we are doing another 5k and I want to shave off 4 minutes. I know that I have to kick up my training schedule to do it.

Hope everyone has a great day :)
Hey! Can I join the club too? I'm trying to get on track...current goals:

ToT 2008
Princess 1/2 ( would love to but dont think possible due to finances :confused3 )
WDW 1/2 2010

I walked 1.7 miles on Sunday (37 minutes), 2.3 miles today (42 minutes ) and 4 miles on the ellipitical (1 Hour) tonight.
Welcome Disneyluv :)

We are happy to have on board. There hasn't been a lot of posting going on lately. Sorry. I will work on that.

To be honest. I haven't run all week. I don't know why. I have a 5k that I'm doing in 2.5 weeks. There is always tomorrow.

I would like to do the Princess in March as well. Just got an email of the medal for the EE challange. It is too cool for words.

Have a great night and keep on moving. I will run tomorrow. For tomorrow is another day :)
Hello All,
First I'm mostly a lurker here. But tonight I found this thread woo hoo. I would like to join the wonderful Fat Grils Walking Club. I have been walking 5 days a week since June 3rd. I've been counting steps/aerobic steps/miles & kcals via my very cool Ormiron pedometer.

Last year my sisters and I trained and completed the 2007 DLHM. That about killed me but I finished. I didn't train hard or long enough and wasn't prepared for the southern CA heat. We finished under a black flag due to heat. After I completed the DLHM I quit exercising and gained back the weight I'd lost training. :confused3

Then... at my yearly physical in June. My blood pressure was up, I already take a daily medication for HBP, my bad cholestrol was up, and DR said I needed to start exercising and lose some weight. Heart disease runs in my family both my parents died of heart disease. I decided it was time to listen, lose weight, exercise, eat a more organic heart friendly diet, and get heart strong. :love:

So June 3rd I dug around in the bottom of my closet. EEK found my dusty HM tennis shoes, searched my dresser drawer for my misplaced sports bra, ick found my HM shorts (LOL like I could fit into them), opted for a pair of baggy capri sweat pants instead, dug around found my pedometer, purchased an IPOD shuffle, and started to walk again.

I haven't lost much weight in this process but I am walking faster and stronger then when I started. Like a few others I would like to get in shape first for my heart & health. Then my goal is to train & complete the 2009 DLHM and then the 2010 DWHM. :thumbsup2

WOO HOO let's kick it FG's!:cool2:
First of all- Welcome!

WOW! a half! that is great! I want to do the Princess in March. So rightn now, I'm training to train for that. Is it weird that I have to get in shape to get in shape?

Annette :)
First of all- Welcome!

WOW! a half! that is great! I want to do the Princess in March. So rightn now, I'm training to train for that. Is it weird that I have to get in shape to get in shape?

Annette :)

Thanks Annette,

This cracked me up but I agree you have to get in shape to get in better shape. Speaking from advice train, train, train, and then train some more. I hit the wall at about mile 8. I didn't think I could walk another step but some how I found the strength & a gal I meet while walking in the HM Patti kept me going, at about mile 10 it was my turn to keep her going, at mile 12, I knew I was going to finish or get carried off the course, I was that determined to finish.

I'd love to do the Princess in March... will see... must ponder this. :scared1:
What kind of week is everyone having? My thighs are a bit sore tonight I kicked it up a notch yesterday during my walk. Felt good at the time. Took it easy today. Will kick up a notch again tomorrow.

How is everyones walking?

acourtwdw ? Do you walk your 5K's? I am thinking of walking/lightly jogging intervals a local 5K in September. Could you give me some tips & advice.

disneyluv how are you?

Setting my sites on DLHM 2009 & ...


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