Fat Girls Walking Club

What kind of week is everyone having? My thighs are a bit sore tonight I kicked it up a notch yesterday during my walk. Felt good at the time. Took it easy today. Will kick up a notch again tomorrow.

How is everyones walking? I have been working on shaving 3 minutes off my time. I have to be at 16 min miles by 9/27 for the EE

acourtwdw ? Do you walk your 5K's? I walk/jog/run. It's quite a combo. I am thinking of walking/lightly jogging intervals a local 5K in September. Could you give me some tips & advice.Not sure I'm the right person for tips/advice. I just keep plugging along. I read Marathons for Mortals and there is a ton of good advice in there

disneyluv how are you?

Setting my sites on DLHM 2009 & ...
Hi Everyone,

Just thought I would check in to see how everyone is doing. I've been walking at lunch everyday (around 3 miles). Trying to get my time down some (currently walking at around 17 minute mile). Also I have been doing a bootcamp aerobics class 2x a week. Hopefully it will help :cool1:

Hope everyone is doing well
May I join? Just discovered this thread tonight.

I've been somewhat in "training" for a few weeks for DL 5k, walking on a treadmill. The info said you must walk a 15 minute mile so I've been trying to work up to walking 3 miles at 4 mph. So far, I'm at 2 miles at 3.8 mph. I also try to get in a 3-5 mile bike ride on Saturdays, but have only done that twice.

I'm also a WW member (since Oct 2004), lose a little, put a little back on. I follow plan, then I deviate a little, then go back on plan. This is the first time I've added exercise. I hate that sweaty feeling, but this DL 5k has motivated me. Plus, we have this program at work that rewards a healthier lifestyle. And I'm trying to add fruits and vegetables into my daily diet. Oh yeah, I'm on HBP meds, haven't seen a lower BP yet, but we'll see what happens.
Welcome Z,
From one HBP med taking walker to another. Let's get heart strong together GF :love: .

DL 5K, Very cool & good luck , you go girl! I can't wait to hear all about it.

DANG I wish my work offered rewards for healthier life style.

We can DO this together! Man I sound like a cheerleader.:laughing:
Hi Everyone,

Just thought I would check in to see how everyone is doing. I've been walking at lunch everyday (around 3 miles). Trying to get my time down some (currently walking at around 17 minute mile). Also I have been doing a bootcamp aerobics class 2x a week. Hopefully it will help :cool1:

Hope everyone is doing well

Hey Disneyluv,
I walk everyday at lunch as well. I only have a 30 minute lunch break. I am going to add additional walk time after I get home from work. Not sure what I am going to do when the weather turns fowl and I am unable to walk outside...

You ROCK girl walking 3 miles during your lunch. :thumbsup2 How are you feeling?

What is bootcamp aerobics? Do tell.
Sorry to everyone that I have been MIA. I was in Boston for a few days for biz. That is one lovely city. I walked 40 min on the treadmill yesterday and walked from my hotel to Fenway and back (over 2 miles). Tommorrow we are doing a 6k, so wish us luck.

Welcome to Z! The more the merrier :)

Have a great night. I will let everyone know how we did.

Annette :)
So, Annette, how did the 6k go today? Was it your first?

I'm signed up (and DH too) for the Disneyland 5k next Saturday. Tonight I had DH print out the route map so I can hang it on my cubicle wall this week, and I read the press release. I read "Family Fun Run 5k". :eek: I swore before I signed up for it that it was a run/walk. Oh boy, what did I get myself into! I just gotta stay ahead of any moving vehicle that's picking up anyone not keeping up the pace. Right? :confused3 This is my first 5k; might as well jump into the fire on the first one! LOL
So, Annette, how did the 6k go today? Was it your first?

I'm signed up (and DH too) for the Disneyland 5k next Saturday. Tonight I had DH print out the route map so I can hang it on my cubicle wall this week, and I read the press release. I read "Family Fun Run 5k". :eek: I swore before I signed up for it that it was a run/walk. Oh boy, what did I get myself into! I just gotta stay ahead of any moving vehicle that's picking up anyone not keeping up the pace. Right? :confused3 This is my first 5k; might as well jump into the fire on the first one! LOL

We missed it. I was so tired from traveling that I slept through my alarm. I was disappointed but obviously that is what my body needed. I think that it is very important to listen to your body.

You will do fine in the 5k. Just keep swimming! (gotta love Dory)
Completed the 5k today, my very first ever 5k! DH was my pace setter and we finished at a better-than-15-minute-mile pace. Walked the entire course, except for a few jogs to catch up with DH. It was great! I'm thinking about doing it next year.
Congrats Z!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that a great feeling? I knew that you could do it!

We are still training for the Yeti. It is 4 weeks away and I'm still trying to beat that 18 minute pace. I know that I can do it, I just need to push it more.

Annette :)
WOO HOO Z!!!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Your ROCK GIRL!!! I am very proud of you. :banana: :banana: :banana:

Annette bummer you slept through your alarm but I agree sometimes we need to do what our bodies need = sleep. In my case I don't want to do what my body/mind is telling me which is to eat an entire pan of freshly baked milk chocolate frosted brownies... more on that later. :confused3 GF you are doing the YETI, LUCKY. Can I so be on your team next year. That sounds like a freakin blast! Please tell me all about it & and I can't wait to hear all the details after you've completed the Yeti.

My sister, brother inlaw & niece all did the half marathon this morning Sunday 08/31. I've been tracking them via the DLHM website! :surfweb: They all finished! :banana: I am so bummed I couldn't go this year. :sad2: I am with them in spirit! princess:

I've had an off week, due to taking my oldest son back to college, and now I'm getting my youngest son ready to go to college. Empty nest after 09/18. I have two sons one is staring his junior year in college and the other is going to be a freshman in college. Hey more time for me to walk & get in better shape. I've got my eye on the WDW Princess HM or the 2009 DLHM.

Off to do laundry then walk, I am inspired by all of you FGWC's! Thanks it's just what I need to get me back on track this week!
WALK ON!!!:cool2: Chris
OK sign me up for the Fat Girls Walking Club!

It hit me about 3 weeks ago that I had to do something to get in shape. I've tried things in the past that haven't worked for the long term. I do the best when I have a goal. This time my goal is the WDWHM in 2010. Disney is my best motivator for anything!

I've been gradually walking/running more. I started out at 20 minutes and am no up to 30-35 minutes. I can do about 2.3 miles during that time.

I'm excited about keeping up with all of you on your routines as well! I love the motivation that is provided here!

Keep on walking!
Hey everyone :)

Tole- I want to do the Princess have in 2009 (my 39th year) and the Marathon in (2010). I have committed to myself that I would do a marathon by my 40th. The Dis Marathon is in Jan and my bday is in Feb. I think that would be awesome.

I shaved 2 minutes off my overall time this morning! I was soooo excited :cool1:

Welcome Nkk :yay: The more the merrier. Where is Vicksburg? We are in Lansing. So howdy neighbor!(?). This is a very informal thread. Just us girls supporting each other. So post whenever you feel like it. We are just here to have fun!

Annette :) Oh, Happy Labor Day (I have to work but it's time and half so I'll have more money to give to the Mouse in less than 3 weeks)

I am just south of Kalamazoo on the west side of the state! We are neighbors!!

I was looking at the Princess 5k today and am thinking about it, however I don't think the finances will allow it this year. It would be fun because it would be the day after our 2 year anniversary.

Happy Labor Day everyone!
Hi all,
I just found you guys. I am also doing the EE, kinda wondering what has gotten into me... I amble more than walk, but I think I can, I think I can! It is going to be a fun trip. My goal is to finish and NOT be last!:rotfl:
Welcome Joy :)

We can amble together. Mine is more of a waddle though. I have the same goal for EE- I just want to finish and not be last. The medal is so cool. I know I can. I know I can. That will be my mantra for that race. I'm not to the pacing requirement yet but will be by Sept 27. We should look for each other at the race.

Hope everyone had a great holiday. Mine started at 630pm when I punched out! At least I Tues and Wed off.

Annette :)

Just keep swimming! (or walking or running)
Hi all,
I just found you guys. I am also doing the EE, kinda wondering what has gotten into me... I amble more than walk, but I think I can, I think I can! It is going to be a fun trip. My goal is to finish and NOT be last!:rotfl:

Welcome JoyMouse!

Wow you and Annette are doing EE, I am so excited for both of you. I can't wait to hear all about it from both of you. What does the medal look like?
I didn't realize this race timing was as strictly enforced as other Disney races. YOU CAN DO IT!!!:yay: :yay: :yay:

Hey girls I finished the DLHM in 2007 under a black flag heat warning because the temperature was over 100 degrees and I didn't come in last! and neither will you. You can do this, train, train, train, keep swimming, keep walking, I KNOW YOU CAN!

Walk On:cool2:
Hey everyone!!

I went out walking last night but my feet hurt! I tried to run a bit but the feet were just not having it. It looks like I have to start cross training a bit.

I just noticed the pic in your siggie. Were you married at WDW? I bet that was wonderful :)

What type of pain did you have in your feet? If it was "lead" foot I have that for the first mile every walk! That is when my mind wants to go and my feet don't.

Just keep walking :)


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