February 2009 - Walt's Warriors!!

Hey hey,

Got back outside today for 6.4 miles in 54 mins, also 10 mins stretching. I'll update on spreadsheet and then that's me done for the month. Whoo. Tracy, you're def right about this spreadsheet, it should make it much less work for you captain guys.

Fabulous february warriors :goodvibes

edited as just realised i have potentially another 2 days to squeeze in a bit more time! Will try!
Hey kids-

Tracy- I've run 50 miles this month. I'm going to call it 8 hours and 20 minutes. That doesn't include the extra 6 miles for the 10k I just finished (and 58 minutes!) In theory, I'm going to run a bit more before the end of this month...

I still need to do a couple of runs in some clothing options for the Princess so I don't have too many chafy surprises! ;) I'm thinking I should run in my tiara before the race, but I can't face my neighborhood. :laughing:

Jen in GA
I'm thinking I should run in my tiara before the race, but I can't face my neighborhood. :laughing:

Jen in GA

You should definitely do a run in your tiara princess:. Think of us and run with pride. You'll look stunning and it's vital to have a full dress rehearsal :rotfl:
5.1 mile run today followed by a 10.5 mile ride. Times to follow..........
I'm running over in Kailua/Enchanted Lakes area in Kailua after work. I have to pick up race packets for the Swamp Romp.

It's going to be windy!

Hey everyone and seems like everyone is doing great trying to keep up with life and doing your activities. You do not have to give your totals to me now, I know there are a few more days left.
Just when you know you have your miles and times post them here so I can add them to the spreadsheet.
If you are already posting your own times, try to put in your times and miles and/or catch up if needed. Want to have our totals by the END OF THE DAY on March1st!!
Hoping to hear from those that are having LTO issues and family we haven't seen or heard from. I guess if we don't hear from them we'll PM or email them.

Carrie: Glad to see your around. Hang in there and I hope the new shoes help out those legs!

Okay, so I totally didn't get my run in today. This is threefold: one, it's pretty cold out (I mean, for Seattle) and I didn't get home until almost 8:00 and I hate running when it's cold and dark.

Second, I did somehow, in the course of a pretty average workday, end up walking almost 5 miles. I mean, I normally walk a mile to and a mile from work (hmmmm..... I wonder if I can log those for extra mileage padding...), but then I also had to go to the library to pick up some books I needed for a project for work, and that was a couple miles out of my way. And one of those miles can't be counted as a regular mile, because it was up the side of Queen Anne hill, which is so steep that every 2 blocks out of 3 three the road has to end and there's just a staircase going up. Now imagine this for a full mile. So, I'm logging my 4.5 miles of random walking today, and not feeling bad about it.

And three, I have to go to a meeting at a museum tomorrow, to which public transit does not run, and my fiance has to take the car tomorrow (because public transit + German Shepherd can be done, but it's not much fun), so I'm going to be biking a good 16 miles in the course of tomorrow.

And that is the excuse I have made for myself, and I am now going to sit on my bum in front of the computer instead of doing the workout I had planned. Oy, I hate running guilt.
Hey team.

I went to Kailua to pick up our race packets and shirts. Cool design.


In and out of the running store in less than 2 minutes. Now that's how all race packet pickups should be!

Then went for a 8 1/4 mile run, 1:11:36. Flying with my training partner!

Happy Aloha Friday everyone. Pau hana :drinking1

This is what a mongoose looks like.

Sarah, walking as long as it is the raising the heartbeat kinda a thing you can count it!

Jeff, nice shirt!!

Hello Warriors!

Nice Shirt, Jeff! Have a great ROMP!:rotfl:

Yesterday was a rest day for me, but I did 7 miles on Wed night that I haven't had a chance to post yet.

I am disappointed in my Feb numbers only because I didn't at least match my Jan numbers. It was a short month!!! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!:lmao: Right now I'm at 68.55 miles and 14:42:35 for time. (I had 78.1 miles for Jan.:sad2: ) But I will have a great start to March...12 miler on tap for Sunday!!!
I am disappointed in my Feb numbers only because I didn't at least match my Jan numbers. It was a short month!!! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!!:lmao: Right now I'm at 68.55 miles and 14:42:35 for time. (I had 78.1 miles for Jan.:sad2: ) But I will have a great start to March...12 miler on tap for Sunday!!!

I didn't think of that. I know I was sick and missed 4 days, but my numbers are worse then last month. :confused3 At least maybe next month will be way better.
Hello Fellow Active Warriors!!!

Just wanted to give a shout out to Amy, Jim and Jeff on their races tomorrow.
You all will represent the Warriors well I'm sure!! Have great races everyone and don't forget when posting your miles and times to double them!!

I will start a new thread for March, so don't post for March until you see the new thread!

Hey Warriors,

I'm back from my trip! It was great, but I am glad to be home. I took a few days off to rest my shin splints (which are better now! Erika, the stretch helped ALOT!!). I got in a a few quick TM run/walks and 2 core workouts, so I stayed on track pretty well. I have recorded them on the spreadsheet!!

Tomorrow Delena and I have our stroller 5K and Sunday is the 1/2 marathon!! Went to the expo today, which was really nice, lots of free stuff! The most random free thing we got was a stuffed can of collard greens! (for Delena obviously). I'll post some pictures and details once the weekend is over!!

Have a good weekend!
Finally, finally, finally! I got in a real run! 5.7 miles. Looks like I have to start way back and build my mileage up again. But the good news is that the hamstring didn't hurt! :cool1: I took it slow and easy and then did a lot of stretching, for a total of 1:05.

I will get a work out in tomorrow to end the month.
Amy, Jim and Jeff - Have a great race! Be the Warriors we know you are!:cheer2:

Jeff - Have fun in the mud for me! I really want to do a mud race!

Just got back from the gym. 2 miles on the TM, a little bit of weights, 10 minutes in the sauna:cloud9: and then another mile on the cross ramp since DD was not ready to leave the kids area yet.:thumbsup2
Oy, I hate running guilt.
OMG! I don't think you need to worry about that guilt thing. Hearing about the "hills" just has me panicking about the half there in June. I guess I will crawl those parts. I mean, I've got 4 hours and plan to enjoy the view!

Jeff, Amy and Jim, you go!

Jim, I think the time is great. Hope you are pleased with it.

Jeff, nice pic. And, love that race shirt.

Jen, I too vote for the wearing of the tiara dress rehearsal. You've got to make life fun! Enjoy that. The neighbors won't think you any more crazy than they already think. Let them enjoy with you.
Hello Warriors!

Good luck Jeff....Have fun and don't get stuck in the Mud!!! See you in a couple of days.

Amy & Jim - Have fun at your races. May the wind be at your backs.

As for me I got out the door and ran 6 miles in about an hour, going for a bike ride later this afternoon, hopefully 15-20 miles.

Have a good day everyone!

I found out that you can double your miles for any race/event but you do NOT double the time!! So, if you have calculated anything that you have done and doubled your TIME, please go back and recalculate it and if you are using the spreadsheet then please go in and fix it.

As for me I did 4 miles this morning and to add some activity for the last day I washed/waxed and cleaned out the Hybrid!! Yeah more time for me!!

Please post your final times and miles for February tonight or in the morning!! Thanks so much everyone I think our times and miles are going to be awesome!!



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