Flowers, gardens, Monkees, food, wine, MNSSHP and tae kwon do

Here is the newest member of our family, Stitch (DFB) our French Bulldog puppy. He's 5 months old now, so bigger than in this pic, but still darned cute!

When we rode Kali River Rapids, Charlie didn't want to wear a poncho because he wanted to get wet. Of course he got the "Soakin' Seat," as we like to call it, and got drenched! Getting wet was fun, but it turns out that STAYING wet was not so much! I hadn't brought a change of clothes and so we hopped into one of the stores in Asia and they had these adorable Chinese outfits. Since I was getting one for Charlie, I of course had to get one for Annika:

Doesn't he look like he'll be a wonderful daddy one day:

And a wonderful mamma:

Like this totem pole?

More later...

Annika's curls are just too cute~~~!!!!!!

Thanks! And they are always at their best at WDW because of the humidity! Up here, in the winter, with the heat on, her hair is just a frizzy mess, but as soon as it hits humidity, those boingy ringlets magically appear! Just one more reason to love WDW!
You will LOVE Kidani! AKL&V is an amazing resort! Our only 2 complaints is that is kind of out of the way (not a really big deal, except that going to DTD feels like a cross country journey!) and The resort itself is sprawling! You might want to request a room near the lobby with the baby. We were in the second to furthest room and it was a LONG hike! The good part is that we were at the end near Jambo House and it was not a dreadful walk to get over there to The Mara, so we didnn't have to bus there, but it was a LONG walk anywhere!

The most notable difference between the rides at the two resorts is definitely between the two Pirates rides. Yours is MUCH better than ours! The themeing in the queue for our Toy Story Mania is way better, and since you stand in line A LOT for that ride, that's pretty important! I like our Splash and Peter Pan better, your Buzz is better and you Small World is a lot better with the new additions! The kids weren't big enough to ride Grizzely River Run, but it looks better than Kali River Rapids.

Have you done Disney with a baby before? I logged many "baby at Disney" days when the kids were young and if this is new to you (them) I can offer some tips.

Thanks for the tip! Are you able to call and put in a request or is it something we should do when we're checking in?

I do agree on the themeing for the Toy Story queue! Especially with the fact that the one at DL doesn't have fastpass, which bums me out. Luckily Bill was one of the AP holders to be selected for an early preview so we managed to go over and ride it 8 or so times in a row before it was open to the general public. We figured we had to get our fix since we'd probably not be able to get on for a while once it officially opened! :laughing: I DO like that you sit side by side on Splash at WDW! The rest I didn't get a chance to go on in WDW so I will have to see if we make it this year and compare! :thumbsup2

And the baby at Disney is DEFINITELY a new concept for us all (and I know my sis is probably nervous as a new mommy) so any and all tips you could offer would be much appreciated!

You have a beautiful family! And what a cute puppy too!
Here are some more pics from November:

Charlie has ridden Test Track 3 times. Last March he rode and didn't like it. In June he rode with Miss White (Annika's kindergarten teacher that we took with us.) He wasn't going to, but at the last minute, he got brave and rode. That time he said he liked it, so in November he wanted to ride again. Now, as a kid I used to get really motion sick and then I kind of grew out of it, but as I get older, it is coming back in force. I always wear a scopolamine patch at WDW and even still, some rides still really get to me. Test Track doesn't knock me out for the count like R&R Coaster did, but I get off feeling worse than I did when I got on, and I just really don't enjoy it. But, for my kids I will do almost anything. Annika likes TT, so we rode. Judge for yourself what Charlie thought:

We always like the "magic" Photopass pictures, so we had fun with these:



This next one was a great time. We were walking between Africa and Asia and we saw a Photopass photographer, so we asked to have a photo with the Tree of Life. He obliged and told us that Flick would be out in a moment, would we like to wait? Of course we did, and in the mean time we had our own little photo shoot. It was great!

He took these too:


Tose are the best of our photos from the November trip. Next I'll post some from October. That trip was just me, but because it was Halloween and because the crowds were low, I got a TON of character pics! I can't wait to go back that same week with the kids this year!!

Thanks for the tip! Are you able to call and put in a request or is it something we should do when we're checking in?

The best way to put in a request is to fax it in four days before your arrival. Apparently, that is when they do room assignments. There is no guarantee, but they do try to meet requests. I am going to request a room near the concierge lounge when we go in October.

I do agree on the theming for the Toy Story queue! Especially with the fact that the one at DL doesn't have fastpass, which bums me out. Luckily Bill was one of the AP holders to be selected for an early preview so we managed to go over and ride it 8 or so times in a row before it was open to the general public. We figured we had to get our fix since we'd probably not be able to get on for a while once it officially opened! :laughing: I DO like that you sit side by side on Splash at WDW! The rest I didn't get a chance to go on in WDW so I will have to see if we make it this year and compare! :thumbsup2

Yeah! What were they thinking with the no Fastpass at TSM in DCA? Craziness! We rode once after a 45 minute wait and then not again.

And the baby at Disney is DEFINITELY a new concept for us all (and I know my sis is probably nervous as a new mommy) so any and all tips you could offer would be much appreciated!

How old will the baby be? My number one tip is to use the baby care centers! Sometimes you just need to get out of the heat with a little one and they are a very comfortable place to do that. Over the first several years of my kids lives, I spent hours there. I often substituted and hour long break at the BCC's for the afternoon break at the hotel. Sometimes dealing with strollers and diaper bags and babies on the bus was just harder than having baby nap in the stroller and then cool down in the BCC's. Every baby is different though. Mine napped perfectly well in the stroller and were not on a rigid schedule, so we kind of rolled with it.

The next most important thing to remember is that the baby is the limiting reagent, so to speak. When baby is done, so must be Mommy and/or Daddy. An unhappy baby doesn't make anyone's life happy!

I was able to take my kids on just about all of the non height-restricted rides without much difficulty. At about age 2, they both went through a stage where they were much more fearful, but that passed for both. Again, all kids are different. The key is to know the limits of your own and stay within them!

Any more specific questions? I'll be happy to answer!

You have a beautiful family!

Thanks! I think I'll keep them!!
And what a cute puppy too!

He is cute, but as Annika said..."He is kind of like and evil genetic experiment!
Hi Stacey! I am subscribing now so I don't forget to come back and read from the start. Looks like we're the same age! :)
As promised, here are some photos from Halloween week last year:
First time I've ever seen Tarzan:

Finally, finally finally I got one of these:

Book signing with Travel Channel's Andrew Zimmern...He's the guy that eats scorpions and testicles and stuff:

Doesn't he kind of look like my husband?

I was so excited to meet her! The Aristocats was my FAVORITE movie as a child:

Yee Ha:

This might be my favorite Mickey outfit yet!

Can't forget Donald:


Or Minnie:


Or Daisy!

And some forest friends (and Pluto):




Can't forget Pooh and friends:





And of course my FAVORITE (it was worth the whole trip to see this guy in his mummy costume!! Eeyore!:


Back to the Snowpocolypse! More later!
I hear ya my hair is the kind of like hers. Only it works great out here in the desert and then loses it's mind when it gets near humidity! I need the moisture but it takes too much!

Wow that's the first time I've ever seen Tarzan! That is really cool!!!
Hi Stacey. I'm subscribing! What part of PA are you in?


I live in Hanover. I'm about 45 minutes from York, 25 from Gettysburg and about an hour north of Baltimore. I grew up here, moved to Baltimore for 10 years, and moved back almost 10 years ago. I lnow live in the house my parents bought when I was 12. Long story short, when my mom died, dad didn't want to keep living in the house, but didn't want to sell it either, so we swapped with him! Everyone's happy and he lives about 3 miles from us.
I hear ya my hair is the kind of like hers. Only it works great out here in the desert and then loses it's mind when it gets near humidity! I need the moisture but it takes too much!

Wow that's the first time I've ever seen Tarzan! That is really cool!!!

It was so much fun seeing more rare characters as well as seeing the regulars in their "costumes." Eeyore as a mummy about killed me! I can't wait for next year, but first there's may and Flower and Garden Festival!

I live in Hanover. I'm about 45 minutes from York, 25 from Gettysburg and about an hour north of Baltimore. I grew up here, moved to Baltimore for 10 years, and moved back almost 10 years ago. I lnow live in the house my parents bought when I was 12. Long story short, when my mom died, dad didn't want to keep living in the house, but didn't want to sell it either, so we swapped with him! Everyone's happy and he lives about 3 miles from us.

Is that the Hanover of "Snyder's of Hanover" pretzel fame?
Just found your PTR and am subbing! We will be there from the 2nd-9th of May as well. We have some of the same MK days and our AK day is the same as yours. We may cross paths! Your kids are darling-I love their curls! And oh my your dog does look like Stitch!!! :goodvibes
Just found your PTR and am subbing! We will be there from the 2nd-9th of May as well. We have some of the same MK days and our AK day is the same as yours. We may cross paths! Your kids are darling-I love their curls! And oh my your dog does look like Stitch!!! :goodvibes

WELCOME! Sorry, I'm posting from my iPhone and can't get to the welcome smilie from here. I'm finishing up reading a TR now and then I'll hop over and sub to yours. It'll be fun to see where our paths might cross! You'll have so much fun with your little girl!!
Lilo and Stitch:

My friends Tigger and Pooh:

Who's soarin' over Epcot?:

Grim Grinning Ghosts:

And more:

Me and Tink:

Tomorrow I'll post some from our summer Disney Double Header from WDW and DLR!
I'm all caught up on your planning - We went last year in May and then again in October as well. Both times were not too crowded and the weather was pretty good (in May everytime we would be driving back to the resort the heavens would open up for a couple of hours but we were nicely dry resting in the room).

I assured John that we would take it easy on the cost, so I am going to try using Garden Grocer for the first time. I am going to order some water, caffeine free diet Pepsi, some breakfast foods and some snacks.

We're going to be using Garden Grocer for this trip as well! I've already started putting stuff in my cart!

We always hit the grocery store on the way to the resort, but I think I'm going to have to check out Garden Grocer. It might work better for us to just have the stuff delivered. I'll be interested in hearing how your experiences work out.

Have either of you checked out the owners locker? I was just listening to an old podcast and the idea is interesting, I just don't know if it is feasible for us since we normally only visit every other year (well except for last year and this year).
We always hit the grocery store on the way to the resort, but I think I'm going to have to check out Garden Grocer. It might work better for us to just have the stuff delivered. I'll be interested in hearing how your experiences work out.

Have either of you checked out the owners locker? I was just listening to an old podcast and the idea is interesting, I just don't know if it is feasible for us since we normally only visit every other year (well except for last year and this year).

I've never used Garden Grocer yet either, but because we use DME, a stop at the grocery store is out.

I've looked at owners locker, but for now it seems awfully expensive when we usually stay in a studio. Maybe later when the kids are older and we stay in 1BRs instead, I may want to bring more comforts of home. It sounds like a grea service for those who would utilize it though!


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