Food poisoning at Chef Mickey's dinner?

My entire party of 9 got sick after eating at Chef Mickey in the contemporary resort. we confirmed as we all came from different areas and the only time we gathered for a meal was at this location. every one of us had to cancel remaining plans at Disney parks and return home very ill. luckily none had to go to the hospital but we did get medical advice suggesting we had all contracted norovirus.

I wrote disney at their sites, emailed support and even called. i have seen no response aside from an automated one. what gives? as of now, we have cancelled our Florida residents membership and will not hold family gatherings there again. i cannot invite folks out of town only to have them get sick.
We've eaten at Chef Mickey's a number of times and never gotten sick. I have heard people dub several WDW restaurants as hubs for food poisoning, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's true. It normally requires a number of diners from different groups/families to all get sick as well as medical testing to prove there was some kind of common foodborne toxin in the peoples' systems to officially be classified as food poisoning.

The reality is that common stomach flus have incubation periods as short as 12 hours and are super contaigious. Your family could be standing in an attraction queue and get sick from something left behind on the queue railing or something in the air. It might be tempting to blame Chef Mickey's or any restaurant if you get sick after your meal, but it's far more likely you picked up a bug in the parks.
Thanks for the response but this was the ONLY place where all the members of the group of 9 gathered. we all had to cut our plans short.

Unfortunately i wrote Disney, on their sites and via email but they have not had the decency of even a call to check on us. i am contacting an attorney to send them a letter demanding some sort of action. i do not want other groups to go thru what we had to endure.

Aside from all this, this restaurant is nothing more than a Zizzler type place with characters that pop by every few minutes to wave and take pictures. not worth the over $1k we spent there...
My entire party of 9 got sick after eating at Chef Mickey in the contemporary resort. we confirmed as we all came from different areas and the only time we gathered for a meal was at this location. every one of us had to cancel remaining plans at Disney parks and return home very ill. luckily none had to go to the hospital but we did get medical advice suggesting we had all contracted norovirus.

I wrote disney at their sites, emailed support and even called. i have seen no response aside from an automated one. what gives? as of now, we have cancelled our Florida residents membership and will not hold family gatherings there again. i cannot invite folks out of town only to have them get sick.
That's so awful ~ I'm so sorry your family went through that. Norovirus is incredibly contagious, though, and it lives on everything: railings in queues, turnstiles, seats on monorails and buses, etc. It can even be transmitted via airborne droplets. Unfortunately, I think it would be very difficult to determine that it was caused specifically by the food at Chef Mickey's.
That's so awful ~ I'm so sorry your family went through that. Norovirus is incredibly contagious, though, and it lives on everything: railings in queues, turnstiles, seats on monorails and buses, etc. It can even be transmitted via airborne droplets. Unfortunately, I think it would be very difficult to determine that it was caused specifically by the food at Chef Mickey's.
that would be possible but like i said, we all met there, drove separate cars and left the same way. 3 of us went back to Tampa that evening after dinner. not likely to have all get ill any other way. the only common location was chef mickey
If Chef Mickeys was the only common location, then yes you likely did get it there.

But that does not mean it was due to improper food handling. Norovirus is not actually caused by contaminated or spoiled food. It is more likely that someone in the buffet line in front of you touched a utensil that your party touched after them. It's unfortunate but very difficult for a business to completely control unless they clean and change out trays/utensils after every guest who goes through the line.
Even though I'm replying to a thread started in 2008.

You could have picked up from elevator buttons, chairs , etc.

A few years ago we all at Crystal Palace. 12 hours later, one grand daughter got sick, then another and another, like dominos. I'm sure it was norovirus. But at least we ate there last day there and all got sick at home.

And after a few years of everyone being closed off, it seems everyone is getting sick a lot easier.
We once sailed on the great ship Norovirus. Cruises, I believe, are notorious for passing on that bug. The extent of cleaning procedures we saw was incredible but people were still getting sick. Having people from different areas gathering in one small area is a recipe for disease spread. You just have to weigh the pros and cons of traveling, take reasonable precautions and hope others are being careful, too.
Unfortunately i wrote Disney, on their sites and via email but they have not had the decency of even a call to check on us. i am contacting an attorney to send them a letter demanding some sort of action. i do not want other groups to go thru what we had to endure.

Aside from all this, this restaurant is nothing more than a Zizzler type place with characters that pop by every few minutes to wave and take pictures. not worth the over $1k we spent there...

Food poisoning or Noro or whatever can cause the symptoms stinks. I'm guessing there's a canned response or a canned refund amount if any proof can be deemed appropriate. I have no dog in this fight at all, but I'm truly interested in what the attorney suggests. As for not wanting other groups to go through that, it's totally noble, but other groups all over the world will be going through it, or something similar almost constantly in a myriad of places. Noro outbreaks at schools are pretty common. I have a few stories myself. Everyone can agree and sympathize, it SUCKS. Good luck. Please post about updates if you can - truly interested.
My entire party of 9 got sick after eating at Chef Mickey in the contemporary resort. we confirmed as we all came from different areas and the only time we gathered for a meal was at this location. every one of us had to cancel remaining plans at Disney parks and return home very ill. luckily none had to go to the hospital but we did get medical advice suggesting we had all contracted norovirus.

I wrote disney at their sites, emailed support and even called. i have seen no response aside from an automated one. what gives? as of now, we have cancelled our Florida residents membership and will not hold family gatherings there again. i cannot invite folks out of town only to have them get sick.
Thanks for the response but this was the ONLY place where all the members of the group of 9 gathered. we all had to cut our plans short.

Unfortunately i wrote Disney, on their sites and via email but they have not had the decency of even a call to check on us. i am contacting an attorney to send them a letter demanding some sort of action. i do not want other groups to go thru what we had to endure.

Aside from all this, this restaurant is nothing more than a Zizzler type place with characters that pop by every few minutes to wave and take pictures. not worth the over $1k we spent there...

Welcome to DIS :welcome:

As others have said the virus could have come from all kinds of surfaces that you all touched, even a person in your party. If on the rare chance it came from the kitchen then Disney would likely need multiple reports from multiple different unassociated parties that sat in different areas, that ate there at the same time, maybe had same server etc. There would have to be detailed reporting to even begin an investigation. It takes a tremendous amount of "coincidences" to even begin to take some responsibility.

"Suggested norovirus" suggests that you all were not tested, so again without any proof I'm not sure you have a case. I suppose a lawyer will bill you for a letter to threaten Disney but not sure what action you are demanding other than money. Disney has probably had this happen before (letters sending blame) because with all the people there from all over the world that are touching all the surfaces constantly, it happens. When folks travel to busy theme parks, cruise ships, schools, dorms etc they know the risk, especially now with COVID. Just like if you got home and you all got COVID and the meal was your common denominator to you, Disney is in no way responsible that you all contracted the virus. Even before COVID I had sanitizer on my bag at Disney because of all the surfaces that you touch and don't even realize it.

My FIL was an Inspector with FDA. He said the greatest danger at restaurants was not food poisoning but contracting Noro or other viruses from surfaces touched. But the source is very difficult to pin point with viruses especially since you could have all gotten sick from someone in your own party. It travels fast and easily, it is the season and it's very common.

Upsetting, I get it. Many of us have lost days at Disney due to illness contracted. Worth legal action, no. You really have no case here. Disney knows that, probably why no response. Though it is a commercial for Travel Insurance for those spending a tremendous amount of money for vacations.
My entire party of 9 got sick after eating at Chef Mickey in the contemporary resort. we confirmed as we all came from different areas and the only time we gathered for a meal was at this location. every one of us had to cancel remaining plans at Disney parks and return home very ill. luckily none had to go to the hospital but we did get medical advice suggesting we had all contracted norovirus.

I wrote disney at their sites, emailed support and even called. i have seen no response aside from an automated one. what gives? as of now, we have cancelled our Florida residents membership and will not hold family gatherings there again. i cannot invite folks out of town only to have them get sick.
My son got what I believe to be food poisoning at Artist Point on the first night of our trip. I say believe because there is no way to be sure and if it was norovirus someone else would probably have gotten sick as well because it spreads so fast. Even the doctors couldn't be sure. He got very ill the next morning. I contacted Disney that day and they arranged to transport us to the local urgent care where my son was given an IV and shot. They also refunded our genie+ for the day because he was too sick to ride anything. They provided us with a wheelchair for him to use (since he was feeling very weak and too big to carry) and continued to check up on us throughout our trip. Maybe if you contacted them sooner you may have gotten a response.
If Chef Mickeys was the only common location, then yes you likely did get it there.

But that does not mean it was due to improper food handling. Norovirus is not actually caused by contaminated or spoiled food. It is more likely that someone in the buffet line in front of you touched a utensil that your party touched after them. It's unfortunate but very difficult for a business to completely control unless they clean and change out trays/utensils after every guest who goes through the line.
perhaps but in this place they serve you. you do not go to a bufet table, they serve you. no matter what this is a case of bad cleanliness in their part and they should take responsability. i have no way of knowing if a crew member was sick or they just did not clean well, fact is we paid a bundle for an OK dinner only to get sick and not be able to enjoy our vacation. they could at least respond...
My son got what I believe to be food poisoning at Artist Point on the first night of our trip. I say believe because there is no way to be sure and if it was norovirus someone else would probably have gotten sick as well because it spreads so fast. Even the doctors couldn't be sure. He got very ill the next morning. I contacted Disney that day and they arranged to transport us to the local urgent care where my son was given an IV and shot. They also refunded our genie+ for the day because he was too sick to ride anything. They provided us with a wheelchair for him to use (since he was feeling very weak and too big to carry) and continued to check up on us throughout our trip. Maybe if you contacted them sooner you may have gotten a response.
Yeah my DS turned instant legit green eating at BOMA. Luckily we were staying there and he hustled back to the room. The knee jerk reaction would have been food poisoning but I think he had a reaction to one of the unusual spices there. We were able to handle all his needs and not involve the hotel.

But our cousin (about 6) got severely sick with constant vomiting for hours and Disney was helpful in getting them fresh supplies for their room and paying for taxi back and forth to the ER when parents became concerned about hydration. They were happy with the response.

Once DS was sick, high fevers and we remained in our room almost 2 days. I had shoes and keys by door ready to roll to ER but stayed up all night with cold clothes etc. Luckily I always pack food. Housekeeping came each day giving me towels etc but I didn't let them in so they didn't catch anything. Our first day back to parks we returned to a card and big stuffed Mickey Mouse.

I think if you are there and sick and make Disney aware they will often help out as much as they can while you are there. But to go home and send letters asking for remediation because you say you got sick and it was their fault ... likely not going to get much of a response.

perhaps but in this place they serve you. you do not go to a bufet table, they serve you. no matter what this is a case of bad cleanliness in their part and they should take responsability. i have no way of knowing if a crew member was sick or they just did not clean well, fact is we paid a bundle for an OK dinner only to get sick and not be able to enjoy our vacation. they could at least respond...
But there is zero proof they are in any way responsible. As you say you have no proof of non-cleanliness, no proof if someone was sick ... there is also no proof one of you wasn't in the early stages of being sick, no proof that you all didn't touch something another guest had just touched.

There is a good chance they are not going to respond. I don't know but it sounds like you said they made everyone sick and you want remediation. That will instantly move your letter to a different place, and responding is not in their best interest.

And whether you found value or not from your meal is irrelevant. Everything at Disney is overpriced. Chef Mickey's is about the characters, not the food, not the service. It's been this way for decades. Disney restaurants are mostly about convenience and rarely does food equal price.

NOTE: Recent research suggest some Norovirus can be airborne caught meaning anyone sitting at table or around you could have spread the virus over the time you were sitting there.
perhaps but in this place they serve you. you do not go to a bufet table, they serve you. no matter what this is a case of bad cleanliness in their part and they should take responsability. i have no way of knowing if a crew member was sick or they just did not clean well, fact is we paid a bundle for an OK dinner only to get sick and not be able to enjoy our vacation. they could at least respond...
Why would you take responsibility for something they may or may not be there fault?
As other people have said it could have been a number of things that caused you all to get sick and not necessarily the food. One of your party could have got sick elsewhere around Disney and passed it on to you all during that meet up, which seems mostly likely in this scenario. Your server may have been coming down with something or just coming back into work after being out with sickness and not fully recovered. Several of you could have touched an infected surface like an escalator handrail on the way to the restaurant. People dining near you could have been sick. There’s no actual guarantee it was the food you were served and Disney would probably need multiple accounts from different groups who all ate at the restaurant during the period of time you were there to investigate further. The most they’ll probably do is give you a canned response and maybe some kind of refund if you’re lucky. I’m not sure what else they can do other than that.
My entire party of 9 got sick after eating at Chef Mickey in the contemporary resort. we confirmed as we all came from different areas and the only time we gathered for a meal was at this location. every one of us had to cancel remaining plans at Disney parks and return home very ill. luckily none had to go to the hospital but we did get medical advice suggesting we had all contracted norovirus.

I wrote disney at their sites, emailed support and even called. i have seen no response aside from an automated one. what gives? as of now, we have cancelled our Florida residents membership and will not hold family gatherings there again. i cannot invite folks out of town only to have them get sick.
Norovirus is not food poisoning. Big difference. Norovirus can be transmitted many ways, but it's not a foodborne illness.


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