Fun with Dick and Kaz - A Cruisin' Trip Report... COMPLETED

C'mon Karen this is soooo not fair!!! (stamps foot)
we want pics of the original AND the new one
Tell you what, if you behave yourselves, I'll have a look for the cursed photo! Not 100% sure where it is tho' so you'll have to be patient... ;)

I've got to apologize for the delay in posting the 2nd part of the vow renewal - I'm having major problems uploading the photos into photobucket! :headache: I don't know what I'm doing wrong and it's driving me totally insane!!!! :crazy:
I cautiously made my way down the steep stairs that led to the 'secret' area on Deck 7 Aft. The shoes were high and I felt somewhat precarious at such an altitude. Despite my mounting nerves, I chatted with Jonathan about the cruise and our vacation until we arrived at the entrance. And the sign left me in no doubt - yes, we were in the right place!


Nicole, the wedding co-ordinator greeted me and whispered a few last minute instructions. I could hear the soft strains of Canon in D by Pachabel coming through the half open door as I waited for my cue. The pianist and Captain Thord were given the nod and suddenly we were off! I entered the prettily decorated deck to Trumpet Tune in D Major by Purcell and walked slowly along the red carpet to meet Richard, my husband-to-be for the next twenty five years and beyond...


The music faded and the Captain opened the ceremony with a few words of welcome. He then proceeded to congratulate us on our fantastic anniversary achievement.


I wish I could remember his words in more detail - all I know for certain is that Richard and I both agreed they were beautiful, apt and reflected a true celebration of our marriage. At one point, I felt tears welling up but managed to disperse them with some judicious blinking. Also I was still wearing my sunglasses and they helped disguise any lachrymal leaking! Actually, I'd intended to remove my sunnies before entering but the sun was so dazzling, I decided to keep them on. I'm glad I did - DH couldn't stop squinting and his eyes were really watering! But I digress... Next we moved onto the vows - we'd opted not to personalise them as I knew I'd be struggling to hold it together and the prospect of Richard reading heartfelt words was just too much! So we took turns to repeat after Captain Thord the standard lines. Actually it didn't matter that we hadn't written them - the sentiments were wonderful and, looking into my husband's eyes, they felt exclusive to us...



Finally we exchanged the matching wedding bands I'd had made a mere two weeks before. These were a surprise for DH and I wanted him to like them as much as I'd adored the gorgeous engagement ring he'd presented to me back in the spring. Fortunately he loved the beaten platinum design...


...and the Captain concluded the ceremony inviting us to kiss each other. We duly obliged...

The pianist started playing Rondeau (Masterpiece Theater) by Mouret and we turned away, all smiles. Nicole handed us each a flute of much needed chilled Dom Perignon and I guess that's when we really relaxed! We stood around chatting with the Captain, Nicole and Jonathan and sipping our delicious champagne. Eventually Captain Thord made his excuses and Nicole invited us to cut the cake which had surreptitiously arrived and sat on the decorated table looking absolutely wonderful!


We were given a large decorative knife and instructed to cut through the lower tier of the two tier cake. The knife slid through the delicious-looking confection with ease and I looked forward to trying my slightly unusual choice of chocolate cake with a strawberry mousse filling!


Oh my! What inspiration! It really worked well and I discovered the cake was as yummy as it looked as we shared a slice for the camera...


All too soon, it was time for our first dance and the pianist switched to our final choice - "What a Wonderful World"... Now this song always makes me a little emotional and I was so very grateful that DH kept me smiling with his own particular brand of humour (?) as we slow-danced around the deck.


Finally Nicole presented us with a Vow Renewal certificate as a memento of the event.


We'd received so much from the Fairytale Wedding team that this was yet another surprise and we expressed our appreciation for her arranging such a magical vow renewal. She was all smiles and said it had been a pleasure. She then promised that the delicious cake and remaining champagne would be transferred to the stateroom for our later pleasure and we thanked her once again for our amazing day. But of course it wasn't over yet and, as the pianist began to tinkle his way through a medley of Disney classics, we posed around the decorated deck for Sasha, the photographer, who had been snapping away throughout the ceremony. By now the deck was a rather blowy place to be and I needed to retreat to our stateroom to repair my hair before we continued around the ship for more photo opportunities...

The next hour or so has become something of a blur. All I know is, having put ourselves in Sasha's hands, we sped around the ship striking pose after pose until my feet ached in unfamiliar shoes and DH's face hurt from unfamiliar smiling. Not a future contender for America's Next Top Model then?!

We kissed...


We smiled...


We posed...


I think you get the general idea... Eventually, we called a halt to the modelling as time was ticking and TBH both of us were somewhat tired. We arranged to meet Sasha at 7.30pm to check the proofs and make our snap decisions. However in the meantime, my partner had a Picasso to pay for! We accelerated towards the art auction area and met up with Jackie the auctioneer, who congratulated us on our repeat nuptials. Unfortunately, she didn't thrown in the Picasso as a wedding gift, but DH was so pleased with his purchase, I tried not to hold it against her. He speedily signed all the necessary paperwork and we finally made it back to suite 8602 for a well-earned and desperately needed rest! As Nicole had promised, the champagne and cake were in situ and we toasted one another! I needed a little time in which to freshen up but we were already due to look over the photos so Richard went on ahead. By the time I made it to Shutters, DH was standing to one side with a huge wad of photos so we took them back to the room for a private viewing. There were hundreds and, as we'd opted to go for the cheapest package, we had to whittle them down to a mere 36! We went through the pile of prints ruthlessly and culled them left, right and centre until we had the requisite number. Unfortunately this was an a complete oversight on our part and I really, really wish we had simply sucked it up and paid for the complete set including the CD Rom. There are so many photos I wish we'd kept and for the sake of around £200 it has proved a false economy. But there you are - we're all so much wiser after the event and it's a mistake I won't ever make again...

Still no time for regrets, dear readers, as we need to press onwards and upwards - to Palo!

Part three to follow...
You look stunning Karen :hug: Congratulations to you both and heres' to the next 25 :goodvibes

We havent forgot you promised an original wedding photo too :lmao:
Absolutely wonderful Karen ~ you both look wonderful and your dress is stunning.

Now, could you please post Part 3 really quickly. I have an appointment with a certain mouse and I would love to read your next installment before I go.
Thank you, ladies! You're very kind! :hug:

Jackie: I haven't forgotten about the photo - we're still looking... ;)

Florence: Have a wonderful trip with your Mum. I had a top time with my DD not long ago - we mothers love spending time with our beautiful daughters... :cloud9:

BTW I'm working on Part 3 now. It's not long... :thumbsup2
Our reservation was for eight thirty and we were more than ready to eat! We arrived on time and were quickly seated. After being greeted by our server, Sylvester, we were handed the menus. Throwing caution to the wind, we started the evening in celebratory style with a Kir Royale and pored over the menu in silence for the next few minutes. And what a menu! Delicious sounding descriptions tantalised our tastebuds and we knew we were going to have a tough time choosing! We begged another few minutes and narrowed down our choices whilst munching on the antipasto freddo...

Kaz's Choices: Pizza Ai Funghi, Mozzarella and Plum Tomatoes with Balsamic Dressing, Grilled Sea Scallops with Borlotti Beans and Pancetta, Chocolate Amaretto Indulgence...

Dick's Choices: Pizza Ai Funghi, Tuna Carpaccio and Lemon Oil Dressing, Grilled Monkfish with Braised Radicchio and Prosciutto, Palo's Homemade Tiramisu...

Job done! Dick then asked which red wine the server would recommend for a couple toasting their vow renewal and "Ornellaia, Tenuta Dell'Ornellaia Bolgheri" came the confident reply. Er, what he said, agreed my husband and the flamboyant Italian sommelier decanted the wine with aplomb! So there we were, relaxed and happy, our big day almost behind us and the prospect of Castaway Cay on tomorrow's horizon. I'm not sure life could get better than this. Until I spotted my favourite alcoholic beverage EVER on the Palo menu. Drum roll please and raise your glasses for "Bonny Doon Framboise"!!!! I l-o-v-e this digestif which I first encountered at the California Grill back in 2004. I've tried to buy it here in the UK for my own despicable drinking purposes but no joy. In a way I'm happy - it's a rare pleasure that I'll forever associate with two of my favourite places and that works for me... It was about this time that we had a few photos taken by the roaming photographer. After the day we'd had, we were pros at being papped so pouted and posed with the best of 'em. In a bizarre twist of fate, we forgot all about this late night photo op and didn't retrieve the no doubt hysterical photos from Shutters when we had the chance on the following day. "Idiots!" I hear you cry and you'd be completely right. I'm as mystified as you are and all I can promise is that this will NEVER happen again...

We had a fantastic evening. Oh what the heck, we'd had an amazing, fantastic, fairytale never to be forgotten day and when you're as mellow as we were there's only one place to go. Suite 8602 was calling so we strolled down to our deck. True to form the concierge had visited but to our surprise another bottle of DP nestled in an ice bucket!


We couldn't believe it - why Mr. Disney, are you trying to get us drunk??? Mousekeeping had kept mouse beautifully and two doves nestled close together on our bed.


Seemed appropriate... Good night!
Wonderful, wonderful , wonderful Karen, you look beautiful and what a fabulous day. Many Congratulations to you both:love:
Florence: Have a wonderful trip with your Mum. I had a top time with my DD not long ago - we mothers love spending time with our beautiful daughters... :cloud9:

Thanks Karen:) I love doing Disney with my mum, we have such a wonderful time. Very different from when I go with DH.

Another wonderful report, the towel animals are so cute.
aww you have made me cry reading about your lovely day :hug: many congratulations to both of you x x x
wonderful, wonderful, Karen you looked stunning, and both of you look sooooo happy, you naughty girl you have had me crying !!
Absolutely wonderful day - thank you so much for such a wonderfully descriptive report of your special day.

Loved the photographs and can't wait to see the original if/when you find it

Karen, on Tam's recommedation, I've just spent a marathon session reading this entire thread. You write beautifully and I've been totally absorbed. You're an extremely good-looking couple and you look fabulous in your "wedding" dress. I can't understand the obsession with eating and drinking, though... :rolleyes1
Oh Karen, what an absolutely fantastic day :thumbsup2 I would definitely love to renew my vows now and you were so informative and answered all the questions I had (especially about the vows - I wouldn't want to make my own up either)

You looked lovely and you both looked so happy

Here's to your next 25 years

Thanks for sharing your big day with us
Just happy to share and your comments are so generous - thank you! :grouphug:

Jules and Nat: Sorry to bring tears to your eyes, girls. TBH I made myself blub quite a bit - I probably will every time I re-read it... :rolleyes:

Tam: We haven't found the specific photo from the Dark Eighties yet but a group one's turned up and OMG we look so much worse than I remembered! I've got one last box to look through... :eek:

Deb: Very glad you enjoyed my musings. I don't know about good-looking, but I was so pleased with how we scrubbed up for our big day. Eating, drinking (OK, especially drinking) and finding any excuse to celebrate have long been our favourite obsessions er, pastimes... Cheers!!! :drinking1

Mandy: I'm really, really pleased you got something out of my trip report! :hug: I tried to make the description of the Vow Renewal ceremony detailed as I knew you'd appreciate the info... ;)
Dick awoke to my plaintiff cries for help. I'd been on the verandah in my bathrobe, taking photos of Castaway Cay and, in an ambitious David Bailey moment, had climbed up onto the railing to get a better angle! Somehow the belt had become snagged in the metalwork and I was stuck, clutching my enormous camera to my chest and desperately hoping no one could see me! Eventually, my darling husband retrieved me and I was escorted to the relative safety of the stateroom. He wasn't best pleased and, reading between the frown-lines, I sensed he was becoming irritated by my extreme camera-wielding antics. After a week of being woken by the blinding flash as I took candid shots of him sleeping, he'd had enough and this was the final straw! Ignoring my request for orange juice from the breakfast buffet (he didn't appear share my desire for an early morning Bucks Fizz) he marched off to procure provisions from Topsiders, leaving me feeling like the honeymoon was already over! Seems Dick's not quite as much fun as the title of this trip report suggests... :rolleyes:

I returned to the veranda not to take photos but to gaze on the wonderful vista that had appeared overnight!



Stunning, eh? Anyway, DH returned and what a tease! He'd picked up some orange AND cranberry juice from Deck 9 so we started the day with a cocktail of his own design - a 'Dick's Fizz' if you will! Mmm, OK, so the name needs work but at least the honeymoon was back on! We wolfed down the smoked salmon and scrambled egg, then dressed for the beach before heading down to disembark from the ship. Tandem parasailing was scheduled for 10.15am and TBH I was more than a little nervous. I just wanted to get on with it so without delay we headed for the Marge's Barges. As it turned out, my fears were unfounded - we arrived at the reception to be told there was a mechanical problem with one of the boats so our session had to be cancelled! Oh what a shame!!! Seriously I was a little disappointed but, as DH said, all the more reason to return...

We trekked around the island to Serenity Bay which looked much busier than I'd experienced with Sophie back in May 2005! After hunting down a suitable spot, we dragged a couple of beach chairs down to the shore and relaxed with our feet in the sea. Before long, a waitress approached us so I seized the moment and ordered a couple of Konk Koolers - well, it would've seemed rude not to! Oh my! They were delicious and all too soon it was time for round 2! Sitting there, sipping cocktails, basking in the sun and wiggling our toes in the sea - we felt very close to Paradise! DD and I had raved about Castaway Cay to DH and as the date for our cruise approached, I'd started to wonder (and worry) that we'd oversold the experience. I asked him if that was the case and he said nothing. He couldn't - he was having a little snooze in the sun! I guess I had my answer...

My belly started rumbling way sooner than expected and I suggested a stroll to the Bar-B-Q dining area. Dick needed no persuading! We slowly walked along the shore, hand in hand, to the buffet and selected our lunch. I have to say my Mahi Mahi burger and potato salad were delicious - I don't know what Dick had as he appeared to inhale it! After another leisurely stroll, we continued reading and enjoyed a swim in the wonderful warm water.


Dick enjoying a Man From Atlantis moment...


Before long, it was time to head for the cabana area as there was a final treat in store - the couples massage! We checked in and waited a short time before being escorted into a rustic, airy, cabana with two side by side massage tables. Our two therapists asked us what treatments we wanted and Dick quickly requested the same as we'd experienced earlier in the week in the Spa. Touched by his enthusiasm, I agreed but steeled myself for an hour of mauling massage and repeat ribbing about the state of my skin. The session began with the massage and, to my surprise, I found it really pleasurable this time around! Maybe my left shoulder wasn't quite so knotty as earlier in the week or maybe I knew what to expect second time around? Either way, this therapist definitely didn't feel the need to ensure I nearly passed out from the pain, so I was able to languidly lie there and enjoy the moment! Again the facial felt wonderful and, guess what, the therapist actually complimented me on my lack of wrinkles! What a different a therapist makes! I felt so fantastically relaxed at the end of our 60 minutes or so not even hurrying for the tram to take us back to the Magic could break the mood. We met Bob and Penny as we returned to the ship - they'd enjoyed a couples session in the Cabana too. We were one chilled foursome...

Back in our stateroom, it was time to tackle the packing while sipping champagne and munching wedding cake - very civilised! It quickly became clear we didn't have a hope in Helga of fitting all our acquired goodies into the existing luggage and would have to make a Florida Mall pitstop after disembarking the following morning! And that was before the Art Auction at Sea folk turned up with tubes of lithographs, the framed metal heart and, of course, Dick's Pic! They had securely wrapped everything so it was just (just!?!) a case of making them fit... We pressed on, and by the time we had to get ready for dinner, progress had been made. All cases were lined up and ready to put outside our stateroom door for collection and our extensive, if somewhat eclectic, array of hand luggage hogged one of the easy chairs. Tips were pre-paid via the concierge, room service breakfast ordered and just nightwear and assorted toiletries were left to pack the following morning! Feeling rather satisfied, I strolled out onto the veranda for one last look around. Wow! I was so glad I did as the horizon was ablaze with this spectacular sunset! I stepped back inside to get DH and we shared yet another Magical moment...


We were about to leave the room for dinner one last time, when there was a knock at the door and there stood the concierge team. Earlier in the week I had asked them if they could have a cushion cover signed by the characters for me. I'd enclosed suitable pens, a box of Cadbury chocolates and TBH I'd forgotten all about it. Jonathan and Pascal handed over my now signed cushion cover and I was, like so many times this week, completely blown away!



I never expected a memento so perfect and I nearly snogged the two unsuspecting officers there and then! Fortunately I remembered my stiff upper lip in time and so politely shook hands whilst saying in clipped tones (think Helen Mirren in The Queen) "Thanks awfully, chaps!" They also had a couple of extra special pins for our burgeoning collection which were very much appreciated. We thanked them for their great service and told them that we couldn't wait to be on the Magic and staying in 8602 again next summer. But no time to stand and chat - they had a job to do and we had dinner to get to so we said goodbye and hurried off...

Tonight the gang were back in Lumiere's, enjoying the "Till We Meet Again Menu". Throwing caution to the wind, DH and I spent a short time examining our options and made our food and wine choices very quickly...

Kaz's Choices: Seafood Medley, Crawfish and Lobster Bisque, Roasted Mint Pesto Crusted Sirloin of Lamb, Banana Creme Brulee Napoleon...
Dick's Choices: Chilled Tuna Sushi roll garnished with American Black Caviar, Crawfish and Lobster Bisque, Chicken and Mushroom Wellington, Baked Alaska...

What another totally fantastic evening with our fabulous table-mates! Tonight's theme seemed to be Steve's love and fascination, nay obsession, with the Scottish accent! Seems his heroes range from Sean Connery to Groundskeeper Willie! Who knew!?? I'm juvenile enough to admit that his strangled attempts to get his tongue around the complexities of the Highland lilt had me in hysterics (sorry, Steve!) and I just hope no Scots at neighbouring tables took offence - I can promise it was definitely a case of imitation being the sincerest form of flattery. Well, something like that, anyway! I don't think we stopped laughing throughout the evening and the only downside was the fact that we had to say goodbye at the end of it! After dinner, the servers strutted their stuff around the room, waving flags to illustrate how they came from all corners of the globe. Clapping loudly, waving napkins and even standing on our chairs, we cheered raucously for our 'team' as they went by! The diners were dispersing now but still our table remained seated. Suddenly, I heard a voice say, "Now is this the elusive CustardTart?!" and I turned around to see Mike (aka Papa) who had first welcomed me on the cruise thread so very many months ago! I can't tell you how happy this made me. I'd missed Mike and his wife Kathy at the original Meet and we'd been so busy throughout the week, there just hadn't been a moment to catch up. I was on my feet in a moment and almost knocked the poor guy over with my enthusiastic hug! I want to say 'thank you' to this wonderful man for taking the time and trouble to hunt me down - Mike, you made my night! :hug: Anyway, all too soon, it was time to leave Lumiere's and we embraced our new friends, thanking them for a memorable week and expressing our very best wishes... I really hope we are able meet up again in the future, guys!

Before heading off for our last nightcap in the Promenade Lounge, we returned to the suite to put the bulk of our luggage, appropriately labelled with Tinkerbell tags, outside the door ready for collection. It felt very final and our glum expressions said it all, really. Even the expert turndown and delightful kneeling towel angel left by our sensational stateroom host didn't cheer us up. OK, maybe a little...


Only one thing to do then - head back to the bar! Once seated comfortably at our favourite table, we decided to try a couple of flavoured martinis as the free ones on offer at the art auction had been surprisingly delicious! I had a rasberry one - actually I had two, they were that good! With our moods improved, we said goodbye to our favourite bar staff and made our way to bed for one last sleep...
Sitting there, sipping cocktails, basking in the sun and wiggling our toes in the sea - we felt very close to Paradise!

Now that is the life Karen :thumbsup2

What a shame we never got to meet up on that May '05 Cruise, I could've been your bridesmaid :thumbsup2 (Maybe it was lucky for you that we didn't :rotfl2: :rotfl2: )

Another fab day


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