Get in Shape & Lose Weight for August 2014 Group

ETA: Maybe we should pick a check in day. You know where we share progress (and non progress) and encourage and celebrate with one another!

Yes to the check-in idea! I will probably stay more on track if I have to confess to all of you. ;)
I am here! And I'd love to join in on the fun!

I am already well on my way, as I have been on this journey for almost a year, but I have so much I'd like to accomplish yet.

I do not have any weight goals, but I do have size goals I'd like to reach...

Here's my story - if anyone is interested in reading it so far, I also have progress pictures posted. :)

Have a great healthy day everyone! :)


Your thread is very interesting! I am not an eater of processed foods (big Michael Pollan fan, here) though I do still eat gluten and sugar on occasion. It definitely has an impact on my overall feeling of wellbeing. I notice feeling sluggish/bloated when I eat something processed. You are doing fantastic and taking such a sane approach to things!

Also? I LOVE the sundress you have on in the September picture. :)
I'm in. Would like to lose 20lbs.

I have been working out for over 2weeks and will continue to do so. Now just need to get my eating under control.
Your thread is very interesting! I am not an eater of processed foods (big Michael Pollan fan, here) though I do still eat gluten and sugar on occasion. It definitely has an impact on my overall feeling of wellbeing. I notice feeling sluggish/bloated when I eat something processed. You are doing fantastic and taking such a sane approach to things!

Also? I LOVE the sundress you have on in the September picture. :)

Thanks - I don't always feel sane about my "healthiness" :laughing: But I try hard to make small changes here and there - which has led to HUGE changes in the long run.

And thanks about the dress - I made it. :thumbsup2 I loved the fabric so much that I purchased more of it, so I can make myself a new dress when I get down to my final size. :woohoo:

I'm jumping on board. My DH and I are going for the first time without our kids this summer. The last time we did this we were on our honeymoon. I will never see the honeymoon size again, but I'd sure like to see about 30 lbs. or so gone! I'm a large girl and am a substitute teacher so my lifestyle is very up and down, some days I move a lot, and some days I don't at all. Starting with food changes first, then moving into the exercise portion of this. But so happy to be here!!!
I'm here!!

5 years ago I weighed 122 lbs and was a size 3/5 and now I'm close to 170 and a 10/12ish depending on the day, lol. I struggle everyday with the way my body is now. Lots of crying. My poor husband. :lmao:

I'm not so much concerned with my weight as I am about trying to get back in shape. I really just need to get moving again. Once the kids started having activities all the time, I stopped being active myself b/c I was exhausted by running around and cramming in volunteer hours.

I have made a goal - Princess half in 2015. I might not make that actual goal, but I need it on the horizon. If it's not the Princess half, if I can't get to Florida at that time, then it will be a local race. But I'm shooting for the Princess b/c...well...come on, you know why. Disney.

My overall, ultimate goal is very simple. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again. Weight doesn't matter. I'm just tired of feeling bad about myself.

So here's to August, and to not feeling like I'm going to die on the pavement half an hour into the trip.

Although, in the meantime, I'm sure I'll feel like dying on whatever pavement I'm on when I finish my first training run after several years away from the sport, lol.

I look forward to offering support and encouragement. We can all achieve our goals!! And Lord knows I need the accountability!!
Good morning everyone! I started eating less and moving more about 6 weeks ago. I dug out all my old Weight Watcher materials from 2003 and have been logging my points each day. I have also been walking 5 times a week on the treadmill for about 30 minutes each time and 3 weeks ago I started using a 5K app that is getting me ready for a 5K in May. Today I ran for 10 minutes! (that was out of a 30 minute workout) My goal (and my husband's goal) is to get down to Disney for the Tower of Terror 10miler in 2015. I would be honored to make this healthy journey with all of you. :goodvibes

Edited to add....I've lost 5lbs so far.
We are already over 20 people strong. WooHoo!

I'm in. Need to lose 15 pounds before my August trip. Great thread!!!
I'm in too I need to lose at least 15 but am shooting for 20!
I'm in!! I need to lose 15lbs. My girlfriend lost 25lbs on isagenix. Has anyone heard of this?
Yes! This is me too! I would love to lose 20 pounds, but would be happy losing 15. ::yes::
I'm another, "would love to loose 20 but will settle for 15!"

Welcome! I have more to lose but I know the closer you are to goal the harder it can be, so wish you success! I have not heard about isagenix, but I avoid stuff like that in general because I have HBP and that stuff always seems to have stuff in it that makes it worse.

I'm in too. I have been walking 10,000 steps a day for 3 weeks in a workplace challenge - so I'm pretty much done with dropping pounds. I need to do calistetics, sit-ups, leg lifts, and exercise stuff that will tighten up any flab. Once the challenge is over in 3 more weeks - I'll need support to stay on top of it and very much appreciate a Disney group to keep me focused.

Wow, that's awesome!

I'm in! I hate having my picture taken so adding in the heat, humidity, AND shorts with a photograph that will stand the test of time.....

Ugh. :sick:

This made me laugh.. so true!

I'm in, ideally I'd love to loose 30-50 but realistically I am shooting for 15-20 and will be happy with that. I've been increasing water intake and reducing portion sizes. It's very easy to take an extra portion sometimes but I have to remember it's not needed nutrition wise :-)

I have a treadmill here at home and keep saying yeah I'll do that but then when we finish our activities for the day after work there's very little motivation left! Can anyone else relate???

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This is where I'm at. 40 lbs would be amazing, but my realistic goal is about 20 by August. I have an elliptical and a bowflex, plus about 9 million workout videos..

I am in! My mom and i just started weight watchers last week, I stepped on the scale today for my first time since starting last Thursday! To my surprise i lost 3.6lbs. Excited to hear what others are doing to help them lose weight. Cant wait for our August Vacation!!

That is great! How nice to have your mom doing this with you.

Hi I am in. I look at photos of me now and :scared1:.

I am in for 15lbs. but I will settle for 10.

I have been trying to do wii fit and just dance and watch my sugar intake.

Good luck everyone and happy weight loss!:goodvibes

I have wii fit and some xbox 360 games too. I got them for my daughter (she has special needs and it's hard to keep her active.) Maybe I should try them out myself.

Count me in! I need to lose a lot more than 25 but that is my goal for August.
I am joining back up with my weight watchers at work group. I am too busy usually for the meetings at work but at least I can weigh in and have a little more accountability.:blush:

ETA: Maybe we should pick a check in day. You know where we share progress (and non progress) and encourage and celebrate with one another!

Welcome and great idea!

I am in! I have started going to Zumba! I am doing weight watchers. I need to walk way more than I do right now. I would love to lose 20-25 pounds, but will take any! 1 pound at a time 1 step at a time! My main goal is to keep up with my kids at Disney.

Good goal! How do you like Zumba? I hurt my knee about a year ago and it still isn't right. I need to do some more low impact stuff before I work up to that, but it looks like fun.


Im in! I would absolutely LOVE to lose 20lbs for our August trip! Looking at pictures from last years August trip and I cringe! I always need that extra motivation so hopefully this thread does the trick! :) Good luck to us all!

Yes, I'm the one with the camera on the trip, LOL. Keeps me out of most of the pictures. Hoping to change that for this trip.

I love this thread! Thank you for starting it! I am a classic lose weight fast but then put it all back on fast kind of girl. I also love eating and moderation does not work with my brain.

I do have a friend who lost over 100 lbs over the last 6 years and while I dont have that much to lose (more like 50 if want to be extreme healthy bmi person but would be satisfied with thirty overall) I find her so inspiring! No program, pills, surger- just dedication and hard work! If she can do this- what is my excuse (of course I have many anyway lol). She used Dance dance revolution a lot in the beginning by the way!

I've started couch to 5k (again- never completed last time) and I'm averaging 3 gym runs a week (this is w 2 day 1). My day is great and the next I'm binging on sweets that I don't buy but somehow come across.

I've started couch to 5k (again- never completed last time) and I'm averaging 3 gym runs a week (this is w 2 day 1). My day is great and the next I'm binging on sweets that I don't buy but somehow come across.

Let's support and motivate each other!!!

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Thanks for sharing. I need to lose a bit and want to do it the "old fashioned way" too. Eat real food, avoid sugar, get active. sounds easy, right? Sure.. Couch to 5k sounds cool, but again, my knee, can't run at the moment.. I love to walk, though and can't wait until the weather gets better and I can start up again.

I'll join you. I'm already on a Facebook page, and I find it is helping me with accountability. This can only help more, right?!

I only want to lose about 4 more pounds. I've been working out a bit since Christmas, and have already lost 9, so I just want to keep up the momentum and maintain after that. My main goal is improved health and fitness, but I admit the thought of being in a bathing suit at Stormalong Bay in August does play in. ;) We are also going to Scotland in August, and I want to be able to hike those moors without being out of breath.

I also just signed up to run the Jingle Jungle 5K in Disney during the Wine and Dine half marathon weekend. And I'm toying with running the Princess half in 2015. Is this something a person just *starts* to do at 45?! But here I am trying it. I must be crazy. ;)

Right now I'm on myfitnesspal for food tracking and I have a fitbit. They are good tools for me. I also am doing the Couch to 5K program. I am in week 8 (there are 9), so it's going well. This is a big turnaround for me since I've always hated exercise, and I've taken my health choices rather for granted. I'm feeling good and strong, though. Help me keep it up!

Welcome! You sound like you're going strong! That's awesome.

I am here! And I'd love to join in on the fun!

I am already well on my way, as I have been on this journey for almost a year, but I have so much I'd like to accomplish yet.

I do not have any weight goals, but I do have size goals I'd like to reach...

Here's my story - if anyone is interested in reading it so far, I also have progress pictures posted. :)

Have a great healthy day everyone! :)


A year.. congrats to you. I'll take a look at your post when I get a chance. I also have a journal on these boards, but it was a while ago and I haven't kept it up.. I haven't decided if I want to keep it up. I think I'll just stick to here for now.

I'm here as well!
I'm in. Would like to lose 20lbs.

I have been working out for over 2weeks and will continue to do so. Now just need to get my eating under control.


I'm jumping on board. My DH and I are going for the first time without our kids this summer. The last time we did this we were on our honeymoon. I will never see the honeymoon size again, but I'd sure like to see about 30 lbs. or so gone! I'm a large girl and am a substitute teacher so my lifestyle is very up and down, some days I move a lot, and some days I don't at all. Starting with food changes first, then moving into the exercise portion of this. But so happy to be here!!!

I was at disney for my honeymoon too! That was aver 20 years ago. I'd have to lose 45 lbs to get there, but like you trying to be more realistic. But it's kind of like that bowling split (I'm on a once-a-month couples league, yes I'm a geek :) ) The one you know you can't get but think for just a second that maybe you can.

I'm here!!

5 years ago I weighed 122 lbs and was a size 3/5 and now I'm close to 170 and a 10/12ish depending on the day, lol. I struggle everyday with the way my body is now. Lots of crying. My poor husband. :lmao:

I'm not so much concerned with my weight as I am about trying to get back in shape. I really just need to get moving again. Once the kids started having activities all the time, I stopped being active myself b/c I was exhausted by running around and cramming in volunteer hours.

I have made a goal - Princess half in 2015. I might not make that actual goal, but I need it on the horizon. If it's not the Princess half, if I can't get to Florida at that time, then it will be a local race. But I'm shooting for the Princess b/c...well...come on, you know why. Disney.

My overall, ultimate goal is very simple. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again. Weight doesn't matter. I'm just tired of feeling bad about myself.

So here's to August, and to not feeling like I'm going to die on the pavement half an hour into the trip.

Although, in the meantime, I'm sure I'll feel like dying on whatever pavement I'm on when I finish my first training run after several years away from the sport, lol.

I look forward to offering support and encouragement. We can all achieve our goals!! And Lord knows I need the accountability!!

Great post. Welcome!


Well that took me longer that I thought. I'm going to get in a quick workout before I go to work. I'll share a little bit about myself later today.

In the meantime, I made Saturday our check in day with Sunday as an alternative. Posted that to the second thread post. Hope that works for everyone; let me know if it doesn't. Maybe a weekday would be better ??? Also, if anyone has any other thoughts on guidelines for us let's discuss

Have a great day.
I also have a fitbit! I love it. I use myfitnesspal to log all of my food, good or bad. myfitnesspal has a bar code scanner and so many grocery and restaurant items in a database with easy search functions. It links automatically to fitbit. It has really helped me with calories in and calories out. If anyone has a fitbit and would like to link with me as a friend, please private message me!
I'm in! I would love to lose 15 pounds, but mostly I just want my shorts from last year to fit and look decent! I started back to spin class this week, Mon/Wed/Fri at 5:30 am and I am feeling it! Now to get the Dr. Pepper under control and I will be on track. :rotfl2:

Good luck to everyone on their goals!
Thanks - I don't always feel sane about my "healthiness" :laughing: But I try hard to make small changes here and there - which has led to HUGE changes in the long run.

And thanks about the dress - I made it. :thumbsup2 I loved the fabric so much that I purchased more of it, so I can make myself a new dress when I get down to my final size. :woohoo:


Now that I know you made it, I'm even more impressed! It's beautiful. :)
I'm in! I would love to lose 15 pounds, but mostly I just want my shorts from las year to fit and look decent! I started back to spin class this week, Mon/Wed/Fri at 5:30 am and I am feeling it! Now to get the Dr. Pepper under control and I will be on track. :rotfl2:

GOod luck to everyone on their goals!

I am not a soda drinker, but of all of them, Dr. Pepper is the one that occasionally calls to me!
I feel like I should join in too. No clue what I weigh at the moment, but could probably do with losing half a stone!
I'm in too! Keep telling my husband that I need to get my butt in gear. Hopefully this will help!
Good morning everyone!

I started eating less and moving more about 6 weeks ago. I dug out all my old Weight Watcher materials from 2003 and have been logging my points each day. I have also been walking 5 times a week on the treadmill for about 30 minutes each time and 3 weeks ago I started using a 5K app that is getting me ready for a 5K in May. Today I ran for 10 minutes! (that was out of a 30 minute workout) My goal (and my husband's goal) is to get down to Disney for the Tower of Terror 10miler in 2015.

I would be honored to make this healthy journey with all of you. :goodvibes

I'm a little jealous you started 6 weeks ago, but also inspired. The 5-6 week mark is usually when I start losing my umph, so hope we help you stay with it!

I'm in! I would love to lose 15 pounds, but mostly I just want my shorts from las year to fit and look decent! I started back to spin class this week, Mon/Wed/Fri at 5:30 am and I am feeling it! Now to get the Dr. Pepper under control and I will be on track. :rotfl2:

GOod luck to everyone on their goals!

Here, here! Except I wear capris at this point because they cover more.. So I want to wear new shorts in a smaller size ;)

I feel like I should join in too. No clue what I weigh at the moment, but could probably do with losing half a stone!

OK, so I had to look that up, LOL. So 1/2 stone is 7 pounds? I think that's right.. Welcome!

I'm in too! Keep telling my husband that I need to get my butt in gear. Hopefully this will help!

.. and my husband keeps telling me that I need to get my gut in gear. Just kidding; he's very supportive. He really wants to be active together: go for walks, swim, use that new Bowflex we have in the basement...
I'm in. Would like to lose 20lbs. I have been working out for over 2weeks and will continue to do so. Now just need to get my eating under control.

I hear you. I have such a hard time consistently using moderation. So frustrating.

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So I finally have time to sit down and introduce myself. There's so much I could write, but I'll keep it brief. (-ish)

I'd like to lose somewhere around 20-40 pounds (OK, upper number is eventually) and go down 2-3 dress sizes. But really I want to feel better. I've had some health issues over the past few years, and I really think getting some weight off will help me with those alot.

I usually go "all out" when I start and try to do everything right. And I keep it up for a while too. But then life and stress etc comes into the picture and things slowly go back to where I started habit-wise, which a little while later gets me back to where I was body-wise. So I'm going to approach this a little different this time. (You know what they say: the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.) I'm going to make weekly goals and add on to my previous ones. I'm a control freak and will probably try to do more than just my 1-2 goals, but I hoping as my motivation slacks off, just focusing on a few things will get me over the hump.

I'm also going to be kind to myself. I haven't felt well for about a year or so. I think if I start like I'm battling myself into submission, it's just not going to work. I'm 45 and I really need to work with myself instead of against it.

So this week my main goal is to get my morning down. I'm lucky enough to have a chunk of time between when my kids go to school and I leave for work. So I'll be doing an old walk fit video I have (about 30 minutes) and when it gets warm enough (will this winter ever be over?) transfer that over to a walk with the dog. I also need to figure out what I'm going to eat for breakfast. In the summer/fall I was making smoothies and that worked out really well. I used coconut milk, chia seeds, rice protein powder, and a variety of fruits, berries and even spinach depending on what I was in the mood for. And I felt really good with that. But I just can't drink a cold drink in the morning until it gets a little warmer. So I gotta figure out an alternative until it warms up a little. Hmmm...
I hate tracking. I'm so bad at it. I know it works- I don't get why I don't just do it!!!!

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Countdown: 22 weeks to Aug 1!

Your task: Set one or two goals for this week

When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implictly and unquestionably.

~ Walt Disney​


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