Get in Shape & Lose Weight for August 2014 Group

I hate tracking. I'm so bad at it. I know it works- I don't get why I don't just do it!!!!

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Me, too! I start out great, but then other things progressively get in the way until I realize I'm not doing it anymore. I can't journal either. I think I have 3 in my house with 5-10 pages done from various times in my life...
So I finally have time to sit down and introduce myself. There's so much I could write, but I'll keep it brief. (-ish) I'd like to lose somewhere around 20-40 pounds (OK, upper number is eventually) and go down 2-3 dress sizes. But really I want to feel better. I've had some health issues over the past few years, and I really think getting some weight off will help me with those alot. I usually go "all out" when I start and try to do everything right. And I keep it up for a while too. But then life and stress etc comes into the picture and things slowly go back to where I started habit-wise, which a little while later gets me back to where I was body-wise. So I'm going to approach this a little different this time. (You know what they say: the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.) I'm going to make weekly goals and add on to my previous ones. I'm a control freak and will probably try to do more than just my 1-2 goals, but I hoping as my motivation slacks off, just focusing on a few things will get me over the hump. I'm also going to be kind to myself. I haven't felt well for about a year or so. I think if I start like I'm battling myself into submission, it's just not going to work. I'm 45 and I really need to work with myself instead of against it. So this week my main goal is to get my morning down. I'm lucky enough to have a chunk of time between when my kids go to school and I leave for work. So I'll be doing an old walk fit video I have (about 30 minutes) and when it gets warm enough (will this winter ever be over?) transfer that over to a walk with the dog. I also need to figure out what I'm going to eat for breakfast. In the summer/fall I was making smoothies and that worked out really well. I used coconut milk, chia seeds, rice protein powder, and a variety of fruits, berries and even spinach depending on what I was in the mood for. And I felt really good with that. But I just can't drink a cold drink in the morning until it gets a little warmer. So I gotta figure out an alternative until it warms up a little. Hmmm...

I'm the same- all out, model dieter in the beginning and lose a ton of weight. Then sabotage myself. I have been working out in the morning. It's not fun getting up at 5am but I like that it isn't crowded and by the end if the day I'm just too tired.

I've been mixing yogurt and plain instant oatmeal for breakfast.

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I love doing Zumba! Take care of that knee! My goals this week- walk 2 miles on the days I am not doing Zumba. Add more veggies to meals and snacks!
For the fitbit users I have a question for y' you have to pay a monthly fee for it? I have seen something like fitbit that was less expensive but you paid eAch month. Trying to figure out which way to go. Also do you find that knowing where your at throughout the day with your fitness goal keeps you motivated to achieve it? I am so competitive and easily addicted to games that I feel like it would be good for me to see oh I have two more lights to light up and I have done it. Does that make sense?
I hate tracking. I'm so bad at it. I know it works- I don't get why I don't just do it!!!!

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I was so excited to see that when I started WW last week you don't have to track anymore if you don't want to. They have you start now on what's called simple start. And if you want to stay on the same type of thing and not track and no points you can. They give you a list of power foods and you eat from that list then you get so many "points" worth of indulgences. The indulgence points when you start are 7 a day so I just remember them and know where I am at so I don't have to write them down. Also the new app they have mAkes it so I can just scan a barcode and it adds that food and gives me the points for it if I were wanting to track. I think the power foods list is a great idea even if your not doing weight watchers.
I was so excited to see that when I started WW last week you don't have to track anymore if you don't want to. They have you start now on what's called simple start. And if you want to stay on the same type of thing and not track and no points you can. They give you a list of power foods and you eat from that list then you get so many "points" worth of indulgences. The indulgence points when you start are 7 a day so I just remember them and know where I am at so I don't have to write them down. Also the new app they have mAkes it so I can just scan a barcode and it adds that food and gives me the points for it if I were wanting to track. I think the power foods list is a great idea even if your not doing weight watchers.

That actually sounds good! I am horrible at tracking/calorie counting! Im going to look into it, thank you!

I also want to work more on how my body FEELS and how I FEEL about my body, more than shedding the pounds. I tend to beat myself up quite a bit because Im also an "all in" type of girl. I do really well and feel great and then life gets in the way and Easy becomes the best way. and more than anything thats what I want to change! It will only be beneficial to the rest of my family because Mama Bear usually leads the pack ;)

Anyways, my goals this week are to drink much more water. I am not a sugary drinks person, only soda I can tolerate is ginger ale, but I can go hours without drinking anything at all. I am setting reminders to my phone every hour to drink water! Hopefully it will help! Lol my second goal is to start taking the stairs at work, school, etc. Sometimes its hard for me because I like to wear makeup and its the worst getting all oily in the face but it will have to do!

I love this thread already!!!!! :)
Joining in!!!! I have about 40 lbs I'd like to lose before our August vacation. I have been working on my diet for almost 2 years. I was down about 85lbs. but have gained about 25 back. :sad2: The holidays this year really derailed me and this year's winter weather has me really down. But with spring around the corner and our trip in August, I have rededicated myself. :goodvibes
I started using My Fitness Pal in May of 2012 and have had great success with it. I like logging my meals and it really taught me about portion control. What I considered a serving was just so far off the mark! Has anyone ever measured a 1/2 cup of ice cream??? Not so pretty...:rotfl:
I just got a fitbit to help me re-start and have linked it up to My Fitness Pal and absolutely love it!! I really like the challenge of getting to those 10,000 steps everyday...thank goodness for wii fit and free step to get me to my goal. I'm not a gym person, but I love to walk...when the weather turns around I will get back out there. For now, I try to workout at home.

So glad to have somewhere to turn to for support!! Good luck to everyone..
For the fitbit users I have a question for y' you have to pay a monthly fee for it? I have seen something like fitbit that was less expensive but you paid eAch month. Trying to figure out which way to go. Also do you find that knowing where your at throughout the day with your fitness goal keeps you motivated to achieve it? I am so competitive and easily addicted to games that I feel like it would be good for me to see oh I have two more lights to light up and I have done it. Does that make sense?

Just got my fitbit last week and I love it!! I do not pay any fee for using it. I signed up on the website and can track my fitness and calories. There is an option to upgrade to a "premium" membership which costs $$. But I got the app and also linked it to my fitness pal and it is all free. It is great to check and see how many lights I have lit and know how close I am to my goal. I am also competitive about it and feel so great when I hit 10,000 and it vibrates.:goodvibes I love that I can check my phone at work and see where I am at during the day...Good luck on choosing the right one for you...HTH.;)
For the fitbit users I have a question for y' you have to pay a monthly fee for it? I have seen something like fitbit that was less expensive but you paid eAch month. Trying to figure out which way to go. Also do you find that knowing where your at throughout the day with your fitness goal keeps you motivated to achieve it? I am so competitive and easily addicted to games that I feel like it would be good for me to see oh I have two more lights to light up and I have done it. Does that make sense?

Fitbit app is free, one time price for the band that you wear on your wrist. It is very motivating.
I don't so much care about weight. I just checked for the first time in over 4 months - I have 15lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight - baby's 6 months old now. I really don't care one way or the other about a number, it means nothing to me. However, I do care about how I feel. Right now I feel tired and sluggish much of the time, which may be due to lack of sleep, hormones, or lack of exercise. And my body hurts.

I want to get back into yoga, and will likely start doing some lady spartan again. I own 2 swim suits, neither fits me. I don't know if I'll ever fit either one again - this was baby 4 after all - but I want to feel confident enough to wear them again if by chance my hips shrink a bit. It took 18 months after my 3rd, but this time I feel confident and comfortable with myself, where as last time I was so upset about my body. I've come a long way in 3 years! :goodvibes

I'm currently 3 sizes larger than pre-pregnancy. If I get back to pre pregnancy, then I don't need to spend my money on clothes. BUt if I need clothes, then it's money that is not spent at Disney.

Things I'm already doing are, following a meal plan - mediterranean diet from e-meals, and being happy with where I am now, and knowing that my body shape has nothing to do with who I am.

I'm here!!

5 years ago I weighed 122 lbs and was a size 3/5 and now I'm close to 170 and a 10/12ish depending on the day, lol. I struggle everyday with the way my body is now. Lots of crying. My poor husband. :lmao:

I'm not so much concerned with my weight as I am about trying to get back in shape. I really just need to get moving again. Once the kids started having activities all the time, I stopped being active myself b/c I was exhausted by running around and cramming in volunteer hours.

I have made a goal - Princess half in 2015. I might not make that actual goal, but I need it on the horizon. If it's not the Princess half, if I can't get to Florida at that time, then it will be a local race. But I'm shooting for the Princess b/c...well...come on, you know why. Disney.

My overall, ultimate goal is very simple. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again. Weight doesn't matter. I'm just tired of feeling bad about myself.

So here's to August, and to not feeling like I'm going to die on the pavement half an hour into the trip.

Although, in the meantime, I'm sure I'll feel like dying on whatever pavement I'm on when I finish my first training run after several years away from the sport, lol.

I look forward to offering support and encouragement. We can all achieve our goals!! And Lord knows I need the accountability!!

It sounds like you're on quite the journey, but you have a plan and a goal! Really though, go easy on yourself. Crying about your shape will only eat at you and sabotage your goals. Though it sounds like you've come to thet realization on your own. :goodvibes

If you haven't yet, I suggest reading the secret. For better or worse, it IS very motivational.

Around here we have the running room, they have training clinics that are specifically designed to NOT have someone feeling like they'll die on the pavement, the aim is to succeed. Maybe you have something similar around you?

Either way - good luck!

For the fitbit users I have a question for y' you have to pay a monthly fee for it? I have seen something like fitbit that was less expensive but you paid eAch month. Trying to figure out which way to go. Also do you find that knowing where your at throughout the day with your fitness goal keeps you motivated to achieve it? I am so competitive and easily addicted to games that I feel like it would be good for me to see oh I have two more lights to light up and I have done it. Does that make sense?

Just got my fitbit last week and I love it!! I do not pay any fee for using it. I signed up on the website and can track my fitness and calories. There is an option to upgrade to a "premium" membership which costs $$. But I got the app and also linked it to my fitness pal and it is all free. It is great to check and see how many lights I have lit and know how close I am to my goal. I am also competitive about it and feel so great when I hit 10,000 and it vibrates.:goodvibes I love that I can check my phone at work and see where I am at during the day...Good luck on choosing the right one for you...HTH.;)

Has anyone used Up24? I'm interested in picking that up - I like the looks much better than fit bit, but would like real world reviews if possible.

Countdown: 22 weeks to Aug 1!

Your task: Set one or two goals for this week

When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implictly and unquestionably.

~ Walt Disney​

My goal is to create a plan. And actually start doing something. And to shake this cold I've had for the passed 3 months.

I also want to improve my sleep. Lack of sleep makes it very difficult to be healthy and positive. I want both.

That actually sounds good! I am horrible at tracking/calorie counting! Im going to look into it, thank you!

I also want to work more on how my body FEELS and how I FEEL about my body, more than shedding the pounds. I tend to beat myself up quite a bit because Im also an "all in" type of girl. I do really well and feel great and then life gets in the way and Easy becomes the best way. and more than anything thats what I want to change! It will only be beneficial to the rest of my family because Mama Bear usually leads the pack ;)

Anyways, my goals this week are to drink much more water. I am not a sugary drinks person, only soda I can tolerate is ginger ale, but I can go hours without drinking anything at all. I am setting reminders to my phone every hour to drink water! Hopefully it will help! Lol my second goal is to start taking the stairs at work, school, etc. Sometimes its hard for me because I like to wear makeup and its the worst getting all oily in the face but it will have to do!

I love this thread already!!!!! :)

i never drank water at all! i actually hate water! I bought a lemon a lime and a water bottle last week. I sliced the lemon and lime up and stuck the slices in the freezer. Now every morning i fill up my water bottle put in some lemon and lime frozen slices and take the water bottle everywhere i go. Its always near me. I am at least finishing that one bottle a day and not drinking nearly as many other drinks. I am hoping that over time i will drink even more water. I think that its because its always next to me so its convenient i am such a convenience type of person that it helps.
Just a head's up, since several of you mentioned fitbit, I just read that Fitbit Force is being recalled due to causing chemical burns.
I have no plan on how to lose weight.

But a new day has begun, and I haven't eaten anything yet. That's progress right? :)
Feeling lousy. I've been drinking more water which shed those few pounds that were the way over the norm for me pounds. But the last week I've lost nothing even though I've gone from not exercising at all to running three mornings a week. I've had oatmeal/yogurt for breakfast and salad and fruit for lunch. Dinner is the hardest for me- it's hard to track and portion control.

Any suggestions for goals for dinner?

Last week I tried to cut myself of from sweets and it worked for a few days until there was a birthday in my class with amazing cupcakes- had to have one!!!!

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I have no plan on how to lose weight. But a new day has begun, and I haven't eaten anything yet. That's progress right? :)

Start drinking LOTS of water. That will help take off an initial few pounds unless you already drink lots of water lol.

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Feeling lousy. I've been drinking more water which shed those few pounds that were the way over the norm for me pounds. But the last week I've lost nothing even though I've gone from not exercising at all to running three mornings a week. I've had oatmeal/yogurt for breakfast and salad and fruit for lunch. Dinner is the hardest for me- it's hard to track and portion control.

Any suggestions for goals for dinner?

Last week I tried to cut myself of from sweets and it worked for a few days until there was a birthday in my class with amazing cupcakes- had to have one!!!!

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Don't get discouraged. Remember, muscle weighs more then fat and if you've just started exercising again, that may be why you are not seeing results on the scale.
Any suggestions for goals for dinner?

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Cut out breads, pasta and potatoes. Eat lots of veg and one small protein. I like to make huge spinach salads with lots of veg or fruit, low cal dressing and a piece of cut up chicken breast.

Eat before 6pm if possible.

Cook and freeze five or six chicken breasts at a time and freeze them so you always have a protein that's easy to thaw.
Cut out breads, pasta and potatoes. Eat lots of veg and one small protein. I like to make huge spinach salads with lots of veg or fruit, low cal dressing and a piece of cut up chicken breast. Eat before 6pm if possible. Cook and freeze five or six chicken breasts at a time and freeze them so you always have a protein that's easy to thaw.

I don't eat bread but pasta is such a cheap, easy meal. I need a plan for those nights. Love spinach. I think my goal for this week is to take a small plate for dinner to portion control whatever I make and a separate plate to load up on vegetables or salad??

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