Getting Out of the Cold: A January 2024 Visit To Fort Wilderness

Before we leave the TE space let's poke our heads into the HDDR theatre.

Let's move up towards the Settlement Bus Depot. Hey, what's on the other side of that scrim?

Something new.

It appears there is some curb work and turn ins for a parking lot.

Moving up toward the Pioneer Hall end where the concierge ticket windows are and HDDR guests gather, let's look at the new curb area at the far end.

The new Tri Circle D Ranch building was still buttoned up since it was not opening time yet.

Rollin' rollin' rollin' .....

Bama Ed
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This previously reported new building is next to the Pioneer Hall Concierge/Ticket windows on the Settlement Bus Depot side. Supposedly a changing room and/or lounge/break facility for FW CM's and bus drivers.

Down in front of the TE porch, by the way, the carriage sign has some new info (for me anyway - "same day reservations").

Similarly, the Wagon Ride sign across from the HDDR entrance has useful info.

With the Settlement Bus Depot on my butt side, I look up toward the intersection with 100/400/700.

Love the Spanish Moss on the oak tree on the right side.

Let's ride up to the Campfire Theater, ride the trail out of loop 600, and look toward the Meadow Trading Post.

Cast Members were cleaning the area this morning.

I smell the chlorine from the pool. Let's head that way next.

Bama Ed
Life guards and Recreation CM's were putting out games and sports around the Bike Barn and Pool area.

Between the movie theatre and Bike Barn were some cornhole targets.

Meanwhile at the Bike Barn ....

My friend Frank from Tennessee would be glad to know that the Fort continues to encourage people to fish.

In this beautiful view of the back of the Meadow TP, what are these people doing on the dock?

Remember, it's called "fishing" and not "catching". :rolleyes:

The Mining Activity Station was drawing kids' attention.

The chlorine smell is hard to ignore. Next.

Bama Ed
Let's leave the Meadow TP pool and head around to the front (900 loop side) of the Trading Post itself.

My task is to buy a bag of frozen ice like you get at 7-11 etc. instead of the Comfort Station vending machines.

@StormyCA , I got a snap of the rest of the beer lineup at the Meadow TP. Some prices are for singles (12 or 16 oz) or 6-packs. For your DH's inspection and opinion.

We're rounding Turn 4 and I can see the home stretch.


Bama Ed
There are ACTUAL groceries at the Meadow TP (fewer at the Settlement TP) but you can usually find a small size common camping food item for a premium price here. I took pics of the aisle on both sides from both directions the better to see what's on the shelves.

And a small freezer section.

Even refrigerated section with cheese and hot dogs.

The bag of ice you can buy at the Meadow TP is a 16# bag for a little over $4.

Hey, at least the TP still has wooden rocking chairs.

The wrap-up for today is next.

Bama Ed
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We had our DISMeet at my site this afternoon and I would like to thank @TheRustyScupper , @Stratman50th , and @Boomer1 and spouses for coming by this afternoon. The fellowship was wonderful.

@Stratman50th 's DW did some work on my puzzle (thank you!) and I worked on it a little further till it got dark and I had to cook dinner. Here is the puzzle status.

Lots of action across Big Pine Trail as the sun set. Canoes were out on the canal and the organized volleyball recreation game had a good turnout.

Some rain expected tomorrow morning and then cooler temps come in starting on Monday. I hope to have some stories to tell in tomorrow night's update.

Good night from the Fort. :wave2:

Bama Ed
With respect, @proudmomof4 , I am guessing that make the drive 2-4 hours up from Tampa or back home.

I'll trade him my 11 hour tow from Alabama for his 2-4 hour slow tow from Tampa. And others come from further away than I do.

I know it's not smooth and a-mile-a-minute trip as it could be. But he's still in a fortunate position overall compared to the rest of us. Just IMO.

I agree with you, but I can’t get him to see it that way.
With respect, @proudmomof4 , I am guessing that make the drive 2-4 hours up from Tampa or back home.

I'll trade him my 11 hour tow from Alabama for his 2-4 hour slow tow from Tampa. And others come from further away than I do.

I know it's not smooth and a-mile-a-minute trip as it could be. But he's still in a fortunate position overall compared to the rest of us. Just IMO.


I'll see your 11 hours and raise you our 7 day (approx 65-ish hours all told) tow from California lol. But it's worth it.

Once again, nDH gobsmacked at the beer prices. And for pretty 'run of the mill' brands of pale beers. He drinks a beer so dark and strong I can smell it in the living room when he opens a can in the kitchen. It's called Dragon's Milk, he found it first in Jackson Wy but luckily they sell it here, too. Not sure if they sell it in Fla so we'll be towing his 'supply' with us. Funny how the much dreaded 'extra weight' in the trailer doesn't count if it's beer.

Interesting about the parking lot. Do you think it's CM parking or will they use it for HDDR parking? I can't imagine it'll be 'general parking' or it'd be full 24/7 with people using the launches.
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I love Dragon's Milk. Several places in town have it.

And I admire the cross country drives you make. I have towed all over half the country racing and camping, but if I'm going to Cali, I'll fly.

Here's what I did this morning (the Half).



I was pleased with the result given how little I trained.

Got back to the Fort, cleaned up, ate lunch, and worked on the puzzle.


More about the race later.

Bama Ed

I love Dragon's Milk. Several places in town have it.

And I admire the cross country drives you make. I have towed all over half the country racing and camping, but if I'm going to Cali, I'll fly.

By several places in town, do you mean where you live or near the Fort?

We've driven to WDW and various secondary stops and then home via I-10, I-40, I-70, I-80, and I-90. One of our fav WDW trips was to the Fort, then the Smokies, then to Yellowstone and the Tetons. Our first was to the Fort and then cross country back ending up at Disneyland for the 'Diamond Celebration'.

We consider the drive part of the adventure and have a great ol' time. You should try it at least once.
By several places in town, do you mean where you live or near the Fort?
I meant in town where I live.

We still work M-F, so trips have to burn PTO. I get a lot of vacation time, but if I was driving out to the west coast, I'd want to take at least 3 weeks and see the sights along the way and while I was there. Something like that needs to wait a few years until I'm retired.

I think one of our first post retirement trips will probably be up to New England and into Canada. I've never been to that part of the country/continent. After that will likely be a very long west coast trip. I've been to the major west coast cities, but usually just for conferences and not a lot of time to be a tourist.

But back to Ed's TR.

Loving all the Fort pics and I didn't realize you were doing another run. Congrats on the 1/2. That is 13.09 miles farther than I can run. :blush:

But back to Ed's TR.

Loving all the Fort pics and I didn't realize you were doing another run. Congrats on the 1/2. That is 13.09 miles farther than I can run. :blush:

Well, Jim, to call it a "run" on my part is a stretch. I have used a run-walk method the last 5 years when I did my most recent (and last) Disney Half and Disney Whole Marathons in January.

Kris, I kept it quiet because I was afraid of failure (of course). Celebration has a Half/Whole Marathon the last Sunday of January (very flat) with about 400 Whole folks and 1700 Half folks. It's basically a 13 mile loop - once around for the Half folks and twice around for the Whole folks.

I've had my eye on this run for years. It is the anti-Disney run. Easier to sign up/get into, cheaper, and you don't have to wake up at 2am on race morning (if you ever got to sleep in the first place). This was its 11th year and I've done 2 of those years virtually (run at home, "pinkey swear" you ran 13 miles, pay the fee, and they send you a tshirt (unofficial results). So I always wanted to do this race in person.

I mostly walk but work in a couple intervals of jogging per mile and my finishing time was still WELL within the Disney Half cut-off time of a 16 minute pace. My longest training walk was only 6 miles (lazy me) with no jogs but I know how to work the jog-walk-jog technique from experience.

Conditions were 65F, cloudy, humid, and we got about 10 minutes of misty rain (not bad) at mile 7 (of 13). As I got further into the course, I felt good enough to start including more short jogs.

Because the marathon course is "twice around", they hold the course open for 7 hours. Because they hold the course open for 7 hours, that means us half folks have up to 7 hours to finish the race "once around", get official results, and the bling. I could have walked the entire 13 miles BACKWARDS and still finished within 7 hours. It's a comfort race for us old folks - we know we'll make it.

Not only did I make it, I finished well within rundisney's standards. I hope to make this an annual event for me till I can't finish it in 7 hours, honestly (and I finished in less than half of that.

I'm no Bert Garnes but I still managed to get around the course, get the medal, have humorous stories to tell afterwards, and got a nap in this afternoon after puzzle time (us old folks like our nap time).

Kris, you're still young but you might want to consider this race in the future for next January.

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Today was an event (the Half Marathon) off-campus so no Disney pics.

Tomorrow is another day off-campus but I guarantee you haven't read about anything like this we'll do tomorrow.

The only hint I will give is:


It will be so kewl. :cold: (as in 'unique' "cool").

Bama Ed
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